Spiritual Health – Purifying the Cells and Atoms

Spiritual Health and Healing

To purify the cells and atoms of your body, a spiritual health technique is to visualize a stream of yellow light passing through and washing every cell of your heart. All toxic accumulations are removed as each cell receives the currents of healing light from the Heart of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun that you call forth.

One of the greatest gifts of identity, which the conscious mind little dreams of, is our latent ability to realize the image of the eye. This science of the immaculate concept is practiced by every angel in heaven.

Healing Visualization And Invocation

Purifying the cells and atoms
Purifying the cells and atoms

By God's desire from on high,
Accepted now as I draw nigh,
Like falling snow with star-fire glow,
Thy blessed Purity does bestow
Its gift of Love to me.

I AM pure, pure, pure
By God's own word.
I AM pure, pure, pure,
O fiery sword.
I AM pure, pure, pure,
Truth is adored.

Descend and make me Whole,
Blessed Eucharist, fill my soul.
I AM thy Law, I AM thy Light,
O mold me in thy form so bright!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!
Beloved I AM!

Visualizing Water Purification

Water molecule in its tetrahedral configuration
Water molecule in its tetrahedral configuration

Apply your visualization to the water molecule.

Water is the carrier for all the elements of the bloodstream and comprises over two-thirds of your body weight.

The water molecule is shown in its tetrahedral configuration formed by the chemical bonding of two hydrogen atoms and a central oxygen atom.

(There is a slight distortion in the tetrahedral shape of the molecule because of the presence of the hydrogen nuclei in only two of the four electron clouds of the oxygen atom.)

Spiritual Healing Light And Energy

Hydrogen atom bathed in purifying light
Hydrogen atom bathed in purifying light

Now visualize the hydrogen atom bathed in the healing energy of the purifying light.

The single proton of the nucleus is surrounded by a spherical energy shell, or “probability cloud,” where the electron is found. you can give the following healing invocation while visualizing the healing light in every atom of your being.

Unfailing Light of God I AM calling Your Perfection into action in me now!

Unfailing Light of God I AM calling Your Perfection into action in me now!

Unfailing Light of God I AM calling Your Perfection into action in me now!

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