Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 55 No. 4 - Beloved Lanello - February 15, 2012

Your True Identity in the Christ

Ascension Day Address

My beloved, I bring a touch of heaven into your midst. I come wearing the robe of the ascension that you might behold the glory which the Father has bestowed upon me, that you might understand that he desires also to bestow this glory upon you, one and all.

The path of the ascension is well marked but not so well trod. There are footprints, but the masses have not overrun the Path and therefore the lilies along the way are not trampled upon.

The Path is narrow and straight, as you have been told. But some who have taken the Path have found themselves meandering on byways, and now and again they have returned to that path for a brief spell as it suited their temperament and their way. And in this way they have skipped some of the rocks, some of the difficult parts, that are so necessary.

Just as each identity is an individualization of the God flame so unique, so rare, as a blossom cupped, so the path of the ascension is a standard path. There are initiations which every individualization of the God flame must pass through. Like the frames of hoops in successive shapes, hoops along the way see that the flame conforms to a certain pattern, a certain geometric configuration, marking a level of attainment in the Christ consciousness. Thus the steps of initiation cannot be skipped, cannot be taken out of order, but must be passed by all. And the uniqueness of each son and daughter of God is in the beauty and the glory of the causal body, of the energy of devotion and service and light—that design, exclusive to the individual, which has been refined and perfected by the way which ye know.

Yet the lesser man and the lesser self knows not the way and therefore must ask of the teacher, “Lord, whither shall we go?” And always the answer is of the heart of the Christ within, “I AM the way, the truth and the life.”1

So then, you who believe in the Christ within yourself will find no difficulty in believing in the Christ in me. But if you still question your identity, then it is no small wonder that you reject, in part or in total, the allness of myself, which I have surrendered unto the allness of him and therefore I AM the Great God Self in manifestation before you.

The False Identity

And so, precious hearts, if the mountain of the lesser self and adversity looms before you, know that I have overcome. I have overcome this world. I have overcome every aspect of the ego, the carnal mind, which now besets you. In fact, it is yours which I have overcome as well as my own.

For you know, that sense of uniqueness which mankind have about the ego and the personality—this is the element of the human consciousness which is the lowest common denominator of the entire human race. And therefore, there is really nothing special about the ego on earth, just as they have said in jest, “An angel in heaven is no one in particular.”

And so you see, that element of selfhood that mankind have sought to preserve as a safety valve of identity is in reality not the identity of the soul. It is not that which can make mankind whole, but it is the stumbling block. It is that element of a false identity. It is not the bedrock of reality but the shifting sands of consciousness. And mankind have built an identity upon those sands, and so [as it is written] when the winds and the floods came, that house was no more.2

Do you understand, then, that the fallen ones who have exalted the false sense of selfhood have attempted to convince mankind that the reality of the risen Christ is not their identity, for these fallen ones have pursued the ego to the point of self-annihilation. And you have heard of many chelas of whom it has been said that they were a thousandth or a millionth of an inch from the point of victory, of mastery, of reunion with God.

Well, I tell you, the fallen ones who have identified with the not-self, the shadowed self, these are one thousandth, one hundred thousandth of an inch from self-annihilation. It is they who are the cliff-hangers. They are on the verge of stepping over the edge of consciousness. Their destiny hangs in the balance of their own nihilism. And to perpetuate that existence, they must continually draw mankind into the camp of ego-centeredness and human will and the rebellion and the pride of the Luciferians.

Love Your Neighbor
as the Essence of the Lord Christ

So I come. So I come in the spirit of the Way. And I come with the tenderness of Jesus, my Lord and Master, whom I have served, to define, to delineate the outline and the profile of the Master’s face and character. I come in the consciousness of the Christ, the Shepherd, with a crook in my hand, symbolizing your attainment and the sacredness of the rising of the energies of the Mother. So is the symbol of the crook the energy pattern over which the lambs return to the heart of God.

Our Lord and Master said, “Feed my sheep.... Simon Peter, lovest thou me?”

“Yea, Lord, thou knowest that I love thee.” “Feed my lambs.”3

Your hearts respond in love to the plea, to the face, to the tender eyes of the Master. I am here to tell you that if you truly love, then you will listen to his words, “If ye love me, keep my commandments.”4 And what are the commandments of Jesus? To love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and thy neighbor as thyself.5

Look unto your neighbor. Love him as your own God Self. Love him as an extension of the Lord Christ, as his body. Love him as the essence of him who gave his life on the cross, who walked the earth, in whose garments the breezes flowed. And remember that the same air that flowed when he walked the earth now flows through you, and you partake of molecules that have impressed upon them the image of the Master.

Think, then, how you can also walk and leave behind an imprint of your soul identity upon the air you breathe, upon the life that you love, upon the nature that your soul caresses. Think, then, O hearts of living fire, that if you would truly be at the diamond point of action in the now, then to feed the lambs of God you must have utter love, utter selflessness.

There must not be those specks of the carnal mind upon the glass, the windowpane of identity, blocking the course of the Sun and creating those forms and shapes as shadows that cast themselves upon the newborn life becoming life. See, then, that the response of your heart that comes forth now in love, in my presence and in the presence of Jesus, is not aborted by the cycles of your own rebellion, your attention to the self, when your attention ought to be upon the Great God Presence and the flowing, gentle flowing, of that energy of the Presence that comes to you at any hour responding to the call of power.

So let your call be the call of the power that God has placed within your heart to transform a planet and a people and a universe if necessary. Let your call be a call of love—the love that he has placed within your heart, the love that framed the cosmos, that brought forth the creation. All this, O children, he has placed within your heart, there as living fire! O precious ones, let your call be the call of the wisdom of the Law—that law, that life secured within your heart.

The Mystery of the Leaven

When you can declare, “Thy perfect creation is within me,” then you have identified your God-reality as the Divine Whole. It is this definition of wholeness that is the key to your ascension, as the God and Goddess Meru have told you so recently.6 You must include all of God within yourself and then allow yourself to be completely shattered by the mystery of containing God. And so the finite mind cannot contain a concept of containing God. And therefore in order to contain God, the finite mind must be no more, must be replaced by the infinite mind of God. And that is in reality what you are, and so you must affirm it.

You must not allow your consciousness to be trampled upon, to be reshaped, kneaded as dough. For only God can knead the dough of your being. Allow no man to do the kneading that belongs to the Lord, but place yourself now as dough for the Lord’s bread, for the Holy Communion of life. So come before the altar as I stand here in your soul awareness. Present yourself a living sacrifice for the hands of God. Reach out to take the dough of identity, to knead the soul, to place that leaven of the Cosmic Christ within the dough and to form the perfect loaf of the creation.

And thus, the Lord takes that loaf that you are and, breaking the bread, takes each morsel for the children of God, who must partake of the Body and the Blood of one who has sacrificed himself totally upon the altar: “This is my Body, which was broken for you. This is my Blood of the New Testament. Take this, eat. Drink, drink ye all of it.”7

So understand that as I said unto those who understood it not, “Except ye eat the flesh and drink the Blood of the Son of man, ye have no part with me”8—so as I said that, so as Jesus said that, so I stand before you to repeat his immortal words. For you must understand that there are those who did not understand the saying of the Christ which was given then and is given in this hour by the Christ Self of all who are one at that plane of consciousness.

So you must understand that you yourselves are coming to that point of initiation where you give of your life totally as the Alpha, the essence of sacred fire that flows, and the Omega, the body. So that, in totality, must be offered that mankind might partake of energies consecrated, purified, charged with the Christ light. And then you yourself become the leaven that the woman took and hid in three measures of meal and it leavened the whole lump.9

So it is a mystery, that leaven. And I reveal to you the mystery that you are the leaven which the Divine Mother takes and places within the entire loaf of mankind’s consciousness. And so you see, for that leaven to be a spiral of the resurrection flame, to rise and to raise that consciousness, it must be consecrated upon the altar.

I Extend a Cup of Liquid Light

And so, as David spoke [of the LORD in] the Twenty-third Psalm, I too prepare a table before you in the presence of mine enemies. I anoint your heads with oil and your cup runs over with the essence of my being.10 Now I place the white linen cloth on the table before this altar, and I stand before the messenger, my arms raised to receive you. And I shall observe a moment of silent meditation with you as you, in your soul consciousness, come one by one within the soul and place your soul upon the altar to give yourself unto the Lord—so that the body of the Lord upon earth might receive the leaven of self-sacrifice and so that this body of the Lord upon earth that has been invaded by disease, decay and death might be purged as you, in life, lay down that life and take it again as Jesus did.

So then, my children, the opportunity is at hand. And you may project now your soul upon this table, this altar placed in the wilderness of the mass consciousness, that the rod of Aaron11 might be raised up as the rod of the law of sacred being. [43-second pause]

[The Messenger: Mark is chanting now in an angelic tongue, which he desires not to have repeated as a part of this dictation. He is releasing the sound, the formula, of your inner being, of your ascension.] [27-second pause]

And now, precious ones, as you have participated in the Communion ritual, so in honor of my ascension I present to each soul who has extended the soul consciousness here the Communion cup. It is extended as that wine of which Jesus spoke, of which he would not partake until the coming into the kingdom.12 So that cup is extended unto your souls. Drink ye all of it. For as Saint Germain extended to Godfré the elixir,13 so I extend to you now that cup of liquid light that is the energy for your transformation, for your overcoming victory, energy which you require to fulfill the cycles of mortality—immortality transcending mortality.

And my angels of victory come forth! And the light of victory and the golden flame of victory now surrounds each one, penetrating as the light of the Central Sun.

And as you sit in the formation of the cross, remember, dear hearts, that there is no crown of victory without the cross. And when you have passed beyond the crucifixion and the crown is before you, remember that the cross will be but a shadow behind you which you have overcome. And you will be grateful for that cross with all of the splinters, with all of the roughness. For that cross will have been the instrument of your immortality.

Leave a Record of Joy for Mankind

Joy is the name of the game. Joy is life worth living. Joy is the fire in the heart of every atom. Joy is the release of the consciousness of God within you bursting aflame!

O hearts overcoming, I pray that in all you do, you will leave a record of joy for mankind. For the sorrowful way, the crying and the dying and all of the pain—this is a part of mankind’s concept of overcoming. And therefore they shun the Way and they go back into the marts of pleasure. They do not know the joy of the victors, the joy of the saints. Nothing can be compared to that joy.

Therefore, this is my prayer. This is my birthday wish14 as I blow two candles of fire, as cloven tongues, into your hearts. And as I blow them out, I blow them into the outer innerspace of your being as a record and a witness of twin flames of God, which you are.

And so my birthday wish that I reveal to you is a wish that you be joyous, smiling and sparkling along life’s way so that the electric fire of the ascension will travel and leap across the earth from heart to heart by the momentum of the joyousness of my love for each one of you.

Let all the world know that I love you with a love that shall not die. So is my love eternally burning, so coming to that point of contact. So, as our hearts burn in the presence of the Lord Christ, so do you not feel now the burning in your heart that is my love for you, and my love a tender rose, a spiral of fire, a wish for joyousness?

Do you know, the joy that is on the face of the saints is the result of that contact with the immortal fire whereby the face becomes radiant, transparent, and the entire countenance is upturned and expressing the supreme joy of sacred communion day by day, night after night. So is the glory of joy discovered in those who truly commune with our God.

And so, precious hearts, bring good cheer to mankind. Their burdens are heavy. To those whom you meet, extend the first hello, the first handshake, the first greeting. For mankind are so weighted down by their sin and their sense of sin, their struggle and their sense of struggle that they cannot even separate themselves to greet their fellowman along life’s way.

I say, be initiators, one and all, of spirals of joy. And therefore overcome all records of death, all fear and doubt, all churning and anxiety. Let this be your golden cross of crystal fire that you carry this year and next year. As I come to you, will you not place that cross upon the altar as a record of the path that you have walked with Jesus in the mastery of the Piscean dispensation.

Care for the Holy Child of Your Own Lost Identity

I AM the fulfillment of love’s promise within you, each one. And I take you now into my arms, into the folds of my garment, that you might feel the robe of the ascension, the angels of the ascension and the angels of victory that await your homecoming.

O my beloved, though years may pass and decades, still it is not long. The return is at the end of the road. And therefore know that many must be called into the fold of the Law. And the earth must be transformed, and the fire must come, and the liquid light and the sea of glass15 and the judgment that was foretold. And the Four and Twenty Elders, who will make their oval circle around the planet, so they too must fulfill the promise that was foretold.

Let it be, then, the eternal Christmas, the Christ Mass of the birth of Jesus in your heart. Hold, then, the tender child of our heart’s longing, and know that Christ is born in you this day, in everyone who comes to the altar to leave the lesser self, to receive the Bethlehem child.

And so, I hold that child and I give it to you, each one. And you must care for that child, and you must sense the responsibility of being a God-parent for the Christ aborning within your heart. The responsibility of parenthood has come with joy to many. I say, to all it must come.

And so, I give to you the Holy Child of your own lost identity, and I say, care for the child tenderly. Rock the child and sing a lullaby of the Cosmic Virgin. And know that as you care for this child, you will raise up a Manchild, and a son or a daughter of God will stand forth. And you will look into the mirror of reality, and not upon the lesser self but upon a Godfree being. And you will say, “Behold, this is the identity which I AM, which I love, which in truth is freedom born again.”

So then, take the responsibility and you will see how a God will transcend all time and space and, one day in the not-too-distant future, walk hand in hand with Jesus, Mary, Saint Germain and my own humble self.

I am privileged to be here on earth, and I am privileged to be in heaven. I am privileged to be God in manifestation within you, one and all.

I AM your Lanello forevermore, preparing the way of victory. Happy birthday, one and all.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, February 26, 1975, during the occasion of the second anniversary of the ascension of the messenger Mark L. Prophet on February 26, 1973. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the editor for clarity.]

1. John 14:6.

2. Matt. 7:26, 27.

3. John 21:15-17.

4. John 14:15.

5. Love the Lord thy God.... Matt. 22:37-39; Mark 12:30, 31; Luke 10:27.

6. See “The Radiant Word” of this Pearl for an excerpt from the unpublished dictation by the God and Goddess Meru given on February 23, 1975.

7. This is my body.... This is my blood. I Cor. 11:24, 25; Matt. 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19, 20.

8. John 6:53.

9. Matt. 13:33.

10. Ps. 23:5.

11. Rod of Aaron. Exod. 7:8-25; 8:1-19; Num. 17:1-10.

12. Luke 22:18.

13. Saint Germain extended to Godfré the elixir. In his book Unveiled Mysteries, Godfré Ray King describes how he was hiking on Mount Shasta and he went to get some water from a mountain spring. He said that as he bent down to fill his cup, “an electrical current passed through my body from head to foot.” When he looked around, he saw a young man, who addressed him, saying, “My Brother, if you will hand me your cup, I will give you a much more refreshing drink than spring water.” After Godfré drank the creamy liquid, the man said, “That which you drank comes directly from the Universal Supply, pure and vivifying as Life Itself, in fact it is Life—Omnipresent Life.” Awhile later, the man revealed to Godfré that he was the master Saint Germain. Godfré Ray King was the pen name of Guy Ballard, who, along with his wife, Edna, was trained by Saint Germain to be a messenger. Through Guy and Edna Ballard Saint Germain founded the I AM Activity and released the dispensation of the violet flame. The Ballards ascended and are now known as the ascended masters Godfre and Lotus. See Godfré Ray King, Unveiled Mysteries (Chicago: Saint Germain Press, 1939), pp. 1-4, 15. pp. 1-4, 15.

14. The ascension day of every man is the birthday of his immortal reunion with God, the day that commemorates the hour of victory when he becomes a pillar of fire in the temple of God, nevermore to go out into physical form to bear the burden of the sin of the world within his four lower bodies.

15. Rev. 4:6.

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