Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 55 No. 3 - John the Beloved - February 1, 2012

Love—the Magnet of Conversion

The Intensity of the Love of Christ
as the Means to Overcoming on the Path of Initiation

The center of the magnet of love is the diamond of the will of God. With the diamond as the dewdrop in the heart of the rose, the fulcrum of light and wisdom and love is established. And then love—as the assimilation and the distribution of the wisdom of the Law and of the light—will be the magnet whereby even those who have strayed far from the center of their own reality will be converted to the inner Christ. I am John, who beheld the vision of the prophecy of the Lord of the angelic hosts on the isle of Patmos.1 By the love which he bore to me and which I bore to him, by the intensity of that love, my karma was consumed. For the very fires of love were the alchemy of the burning away of world hatred and world selfishness.

Do you know, precious ones, that for many years after the ascension of Jesus, for hours and sometimes entire days, my heart would burn for the very love of Christ, for the very love of the Master. And my contemplation of that one, that beautiful one, so inspired me, so filled me with the Holy Ghost that the heart of love became a magnet for more and more love. And I was aware of my own aura as consisting of large concentric spheres of light, the intensity of love becoming the distillation of love, as the pastel hues of the outer petals of the pink rose.

And I could see—as Christ would come to me to intensify the love of Christ in all life—I could see how the flow of his love passing through my own heart’s magnet would increase and encompass, ultimately, miles and miles of time and space, until entire multitudes and evolutions of the cities and the towns would be included as a part of the burning of my heart. And the burning would be tempered according as the souls were able to know the love of God. And I could see how many souls would respond in love and give love and receive love.

And I saw that the magnet of his heart, as my heart, was the instrument whereby many souls on earth (even some of you who are here today) began the path of the balancing of karma, the path of overcoming the darkness of death and disease, the path of walking the initiations of Christhood. And some of you, by touching that same love which I touched, were quickened, and you have never lost that essential flame of the love of Christ.

The Coming of Christ in the Hour of the Ascension

The increase of the fire consuming the world hatred intensified and intensified until, like the Lord, I too was transfigured, and the light of the threefold flame filled my consciousness and my being. And one day Jesus came, and he appeared to me in all of the glory and splendor of his ascension, as I had seen him go into heaven at Bethany’s hill.2 And he came to me as I was in prayer and he extended his hand to me, and I knew that the hour of the Lord’s assuming of my soul unto himself had come. And he took my hand and my awareness of the transition of death was not, though others around me had that awareness. My awareness was of the continuity of my consciousness from this world to the next.

I pray that you also will meet the ascended Christ in the hour of your ascension and that he will be the master of your heart’s love who will welcome you into the octaves of freedom and that through him you will hear the words of your own God flame, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased.”3

And when I saw him coming to fetch me unto himself, I remember the words of the two men who stood by in white apparel, who promised that we who had seen him go into heaven would see him come in like manner.4 And the promise of these two witnesses of the Lord’s ascension, emissaries of the Brotherhood, is the promise to every initiate of the sacred fire, to every son and daughter of God. It is the coming of Christ not out of the clouds to the appearance of all mankind, but it is the coming in the hour of the initiation and therefore it is the individual coming.

And therefore they said to us, “Why stand ye gazing up?” In other words, why wait looking up expectantly for the Saviour to save you from the substance of your own neglect of your salvation. But prepare yourself diligently, for he will come in a like manner as ye have seen him go.

Human Loves

I come to imbue you with the intensity of the love of Christ as the means to overcoming on the path of initiation. You need to practice love. You need to prime the pump. Love is not something that is automatic or comes suddenly. And if it isn’t, it isn’t, and you aren’t being true to yourself if you pretend to love when you don’t feel love. If you do not feel love for life, it is the vacuum of your own selfishness, your own self-concern. You need to learn to love. Love does not come naturally.

Most of the love which mankind feel for one another is the direct gift of the Holy Spirit, of the angelic hosts placing within their hearts a flame of love—that they might learn to be alive in Christ, to distribute his Body and his Blood, to make the sacrifices for the friend. The other aspects of love which mankind feel are based on past associations, and therefore their loves are merely the opposites of their antipathies, their animosities. This is not the love of God. This is why Christ told us, “Love your enemies and do good to them who despitefully use you and persecute you”5 in the name of Jesus. It is because you must learn to love when it comes to loving the self-styled enemy, and this learning to love is the way of discipline and self-mastery on the Path.

The enemy is usually the one with whom you have a very serious and negative karma. Otherwise, the rest of mankind are more or less at the point of indifference. You are indifferent to the masses; they are indifferent to you. And therefore the love is based upon those of good association, those who can do something for you or who come to you because you can do something for them. All of these are human loves.

The All-Consuming Love for Christ

But when you learn to anchor the diamond of the will of God as the core of the heart and then to surround the diamond, as the elementals do, with the petals of a rose—round and around in the spiral of the golden ratio—larger and larger the rose becomes. For this is the budding and the unfolding of the petals of your loving all of life free.

This love is consciously drawn forth from the I AM Presence. You must apply to God to fill you with the love that can encompass the world—that can extend the borders of the circle of light to include all who live in your city, your county, your state and nation—until your very living, breathing flame fills the world with the fragrance of Christ love.

Therefore I say, as you would squeeze a perfume atomizer for the release of the perfume, be prepared, then, so to release from your rose and from the diamond in the rose an increment of love as blessing to all whom you meet—not being concerned about the response, not waiting for someone you know or someone who has been good to you to give the smile, but having the regular release as the rhythm of the sacred fire breath. With the inbreathing and the outbreathing of the mind and heart of God, so is the release of your heart.

And then you will find that in the presence of your enemies your heart will burn with a fiery intensity, and you will feel such a great love. You will want to run and embrace the enemy in the way. But you will understand that the fire which you feel is the fire in the crucible of your karma and of your holding of world karma.

And you will nourish that flame and let it be the all-consuming love of the intensity of your passionate love for Christ. And you will find that that burning will be sustained for hours at a time, for days, for weeks, for even years. And then suddenly you will find that the flame will return to the center of the diamond, and you will know all is well, life is in balance, and the intensity of your heart’s love has brought about the resolving of karmic patterns—intricate, involving many lifestreams.

And so, as you pass through many of these trials and tribulations with loved ones, you will rise above those love-hate relationships in which you find yourselves—passionately in love, then passionately angry, then passionately frightened. And so you will no longer be the ploy of the fallen ones who have stolen the light of God’s love to pervert the mission of the Saviour within you.

Let love, then, be without dissimulation. Let love be the distillations of the Holy Spirit. And realize that when you cease to give the outward thrust of love, life caves in upon itself. You are empty and vacant and without purpose.

And it is not the longing for the human lover that brings joy or sadness, but it is the longing for the Saviour, for the Christed One. And when you have found that one, your life will be perpetual joy, perpetual happiness.

And the comings and the goings of those with whom you have these dreaded karmic entanglements will be as the passing of the rain and the snow and the seasons and the lightning and the thunder and then the sweet air of summer. And so you will take the comings and the goings of your karmic associations much as you take the seasons of the year. And you will expect, then, to encounter those who inspire the magnetism of attraction and repulsion, but you will be moved by neither. You will sit in the center of the rose of your heart and let love for God intensify.

This is the way to liberation. And, oh, the great liberation of the saints and, oh, the great moment of the LORD God!—that moment when you have lived your life of service to humanity, and the ascended Christ descends, and you see him standing there extending his hand, and you hear the word, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I AM well pleased.”

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by John the Beloved was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, April 17, 1976, during The Path of Attainment conference, held in Los Angeles, California.

1. Rev. 1:9.

2. Luke 24:50, 51; Acts 1:9. Traditionally, Jesus’ ascension from Bethany’s hill has been viewed as his final reunion with God in heaven. However, the ascended masters have revealed that after his crucifixion and resurrection, Jesus journeyed to Kashmir, and at the age of eighty-one he took his ascension from the etheric retreat of Shamballa. Elizabeth Clare Prophet has explained that in the ceremony on Bethany’s hill Jesus removed himself from Palestine because he had fulfilled his mission.

3. Matt. 3:16, 17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21, 22; II Pet. 1:17, 18.

4. Acts 1:10, 11.

5. Matt. 5:43, 44; Luke 6:27, 28.

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