Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 51 No. 23 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - October 15, 2008

Darshan with the Messenger

The Guru-Chela Relationship

“Nothing Will Ever Allow Me to Stop Loving You”

Part 4

Like octagons and other geometric shapes, we have different sides to ourselves. And one or more of those sides may show, for example, tremendous valor, that side of a person that you may never have seen before that has the courage to do this and the courage to do that. People have marvelous sides. That’s why we have to see ourselves not on one plane but as many-sided, or multifaceted, beings. Each of us shines with a singular star that is our star, the brightest part of ourselves. Each of us has a bright part even if we have other parts that are less bright.

So, let’s take up another vein of teaching. Each of us looks at life through our own paradigms. Sometimes when chelas hear the fiery message of the guru, their mindset keeps them from understanding the lesson.

Karma and human psychology blind and deafen the chela. We’re blinded by our karma. Every one of us is. We just can’t see. It’s a real blind spot. And we don’t hear. We don’t hear because we don’t listen. And if we do listen, we’re not listening to God, we’re listening to somebody else. I always think we should have one ear to God and the other ear to our service.

The chela who does not understand the initiation he receives may blame his problems on somebody else and gossip about his interaction with the guru. Gossiping about a discipline or blaming the guru is especially dangerous. I want you to know that I am not burdened for myself when you gossip about me. I am burdened for you, very much burdened for you. Let’s just decide to cast it into the sacred fire. Let it be gone and let us move on.

The Karma of Lasting Anger and Resentment

Gossiping about or blaming the guru shows that the chela is angry and resentful and has not accepted the discipline. I may get a lot of anger coming my way. And the chela’s dweller is undoubtedly angry and resentful.

Unfortunately, if the anger and resentment last longer than twenty-four hours, that can result in major karma. The reason for this is that if the soul goes out of the body at night when a person is angry, that soul may pair up with demons, fallen angels and others, especially if the person is vehemently out of alignment.

Such a person doesn’t have the angels to protect him. Thus, he or she can make a lot of karma when in sleep. And that’s why the rule has been set in our community that before we go to sleep we are to have resolution with all those whom we have ever wronged, all who have ever wronged us, and all whom we don’t even know that we have wronged throughout all lifetimes. This is a very important call to make.

The chela who has neither faced his internal dilemma squarely nor taken accountability for his actions has not internalized the message. Instead, he allows the dweller to speak for him through gossip, blame, criticism, condemnation and human judgment.

The dweller can be likened to the giant in the tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. In this variation, Jack (the chela) is trying to climb up the beanstalk; and the giant is the dweller, who wants to make him lose his grip and fall to his destruction.

At the moment of a discipline, the dweller embodies the anger and resentment of the chela. If the chela were to look more deeply, he would realize that under the anger and resentment also lie pride and fear.

Commiseration Usurps the Role of the Guru

Perfect love casts out fear.1 When we are out of alignment, we cannot express perfect love. Therefore we may commiserate with ourselves or with another chela who has been disciplined and is seeking comfort. But this is not divine love; this is human love. And the one who commiserates with the offender offers sympathy rather than compassion, which does not help anyone.

Sympathy is like finding a person going down in the quicksand and jumping in to try to pull him out. You both go down. If you were to be compassionate, you would throw the person a rope or a branch and pull him out of the quicksand, not jump in with him.

If others come along and commiserate with us and agree with us that our punishment is unjust and that no one should ever have spoken to us that way, then we may lose the blessing of the chastisement. Sympathetic people may say to us, “This just isn’t proper. It isn’t correct. It’s not done. The guru shouldn’t do this.” But you see, we do do this. All gurus, all ascended masters do this.

The Chela Who Is Chastened
Needs Profound Communion with God

I have seen chelas take seriously what I have given to them. They work very hard on it. They transcend themselves. They go into an even higher consciousness to meditate and understand what is the chink in their armour.

When we are chastened and given a discipline, we need to be alone. Aloneness is a wonderful time. A person who is chastened needs a solitary place to which he can immediately retire, a place where there are no distractions, where no one will talk to him, and where he can enter into profound communion with his God and surrender whatever he is hanging onto or was burdened by. That is the way to have a victory on the Path.

So, after receiving a discipline, maybe you stay in that quiet place through the night. When you push through, when you finally have a breakthrough, when you get to that moment where the next day dawns, the sun is brushing across your eyes, and you realize and understand the chastisement, it means that you have your victory and you have it all alone with El Morya. You have it with him.

If you let others console you, you haven’t had a victory at all. It’s no victory to do that. You have to be alone with God in the wilderness.

Know When to Be Alone with God

I remember the story of the prophet Elijah singlehandedly challenging the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.2 The four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal called for hours for their offering to be consumed, and their fire did not ignite. Then Elijah prepared his altar, poured water over the offering and the wood, and called upon the LORD. “Then the fire of the LORD fell, and consumed the burnt sacrifice, and the wood, and the stones, and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the trench.”3

Elijah was alone. He took his initiation alone. This is a very important, pivotal turn in your life: know when you have to be alone with God.

Talk to God, and talk to God, and talk to God. And maybe say something like “God, I have to know what’s wrong with me. I want to know why this has come about. I want to know why people don’t like me. I want to know what I’m doing wrong. I just can’t see it. God, show me this.” When you do this, you will find that if you put all of your heart and soul and being on the rock of Christ, on your mighty I AM Presence, you will solve that koan, that enigma. And with it you will grow. You will pass your test.

It happened recently that someone decided to console a chela who had received a chastening. And so the person that had been chastened was consoled instead of being allowed to go off alone to find the power of God and the strength of God within herself. So I explained this teaching, and it’s something for all of us to understand and remember.

Every one of us here has the spunk, the determination, the fire in us to say, “I’m having a problem. I’m going to God first. And I’m going through everything that there is for me to know about God, the scriptures, and so forth. And if I can’t solve it after that, then maybe I’ll get some help from someone else.”

So the real way is to have your own private, personal victory. You know why? Because you’re going to make your ascension one of these days. And you’re going to go up through that pyramid and there’s going to be only one person at a time going through the capstone of that pyramid, and that’s going to be you. No one’s going to hold your hand when you make your ascension. You are in a solo flight. So let’s start now so that we’re prepared.

I want to tell you that the measure of your love will determine the level of chelaship on the ladder of going from here to your ascension. The quality of your love is what will elevate you higher and higher until you are right there at the door of the ascension. So examine the quality of your love and be sure that it is always selfless.

Call upon the Guru for Help Resolving Problems

Call upon the mantle of Guru to solve your problems.4 There is a burden upon me as the guru when you refuse to call upon the mantle or consult me about problems that you are not solving. If you have an unsolved problem for more than twenty-four hours, talk to someone who can help you, such as a counselor or therapist, if you wish.

Don’t go around with unresolved problems. It’s not helpful. If you do, you may be multiplying your karma—and we’ve all got plenty of karma already, every day of our life, that comes down upon us for resolution. So strive to solve your problems. That’s what the day is for. Every day is a problem-solving event, right? So let’s do it.

Even if we don’t have a therapist, we can still process our problems. We know when we have a problem and we can work on it. Let’s do that. Let’s really be saints robed in white.5 Let’s know that our garments don’t have all these spots in them of things we haven’t resolved.

We may try to solve problems in a human way, in an intellectual way. You may think you are solving problems. You may tackle the problems by decreeing. You may make an attempt to surrender. But if, in the end, that problem is still gnawing away at you, then you have not solved your problem. And that’s a serious matter.

The Guru Carries the Burden of Nonresolution

There comes a point in time when your nonresolution of that problem and your noncontacting of the guru for its resolution is a very great burden to the guru. If you don’t come to me because you don’t want to surrender the problem you have, then the problem becomes more complex.

This burden occurs when you haven’t given your attention to a problem within the first twenty-four hours that you have it. That is when a problem is most solvable. As soon as you wait longer than twenty-four hours, the problem starts to solidify and it increases in hardness. It becomes more difficult to melt, more difficult to process.

Once you have allowed one day to pass without resolution, then, because I have the mantle of Guru, I must carry that nonresolution, else reject you as a chela. Those are my two choices. And when I know that you have nonresolution but you’re not telling me, I still carry it. I don’t want to reject you as a chela, at all, ever. I don’t want ever to have to do that. So that’s my choice: to carry your nonresolution. Rather than reject you as a chela, I will take your substance upon myself.

Each and every nonresolution in your life creates a greater weight on the mantles of the Messenger and the Guru. That’s a fact, because we’re all tied together. Your problem affects everyone.

But I can tell you that the time is coming when I can carry very, very little of your substance because I have to do world service. That’s where I’m supposed to be: in world service. Your world service is within your own world and in the planet also.

It All Comes Down to Trust

People ask how they can develop a greater trust if they slip into moments of doubt and lose faith. So here’s a key from scripture: “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding.”6 As soon as you try to understand, it’s as if the trust crumbles. It’s the same with faith. We don’t see faith, but we have faith. So you have the Lord, your Holy Christ Self, and you have your I AM Presence. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and never try to resolve a situation otherwise.

Lean not unto thine own understanding. As long as we’re in duality, our own understanding is always incomplete. So we can’t listen to that. We always go back to God. You see, trust always takes us back to God. And then we trust him to know if there are evildoers or fallen ones or calamities about to happen, and so forth. It’s that trust.

So, trust: it all comes down to this. Do you trust the guru? If you don’t, you might as well not be here. Trust is not merely a word; it is a way of life. Trust in the guru is difficult for Westerners, but it is the foundation of the guru-chela relationship. If we place our implicit trust in God and in the guru, we know that through that faith God will give to us what we need even if the guru takes on a coloration of a given personality.7

When you trust the path of the Lord Sanat Kumara and the mighty lineage that sponsors us, you rejoice in the chastening fire. If you cannot trust that path and that lineage, then work with the ruby ray and bind your dweller.8 Bind that dweller daily or hourly. Trounce your dweller.

Implore the intercession of God until you have purged yourself of the cause, effect, record and memory of times in this life and many lifetimes where people have failed you. Humans will fail you, but God will never fail you. So get past that point of pride that says “I cannot trust, I cannot trust” just because someone once deceived you. Trust leads to the chela’s surrender to the chastening fire.

Our Faith Carries Us

I have brought to you this teaching on the guru-chela relationship because I have felt that most people do not understand it.

It is written in scripture that without faith it is impossible to please God.9 I find that statement to be the summary of everything we have said this evening. You can’t please God by sending up prayers of human reasoning. Without faith it is impossible to please God—impossible. If you do not have faith, then ask yourself who has taken your faith from you? Has it been fallen angels? Has it been those bad mothers, bad fathers, bad teachers?

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.10 We accept things before we see them. And our faith carries us.

Chastening Is the Gift of My Heart to Your Heart

Chelas who accept the chastening of the Guru in the right spirit do not condemn me. Those who do not take the chastening condemn me. They may not condemn me to my face but they do condemn me, whether in their hearts, their souls, or talking to others. I feel that.

I understand that people have condemnation and that sometimes it will come upon me. But let’s all grow beyond it and not condemn anyone—anyone anywhere in the world. Instead of condemning, let’s call for people’s enlightenment.

It is true that the Lord loves those whom he chastens.11 It is with the fire of divine love that I chasten you. Chastening is never condemnation. It is instead the gift of my heart to your heart so that you can make it all the way Home. And that’s my goal for all of you.

The pain of chastening brings the bliss of redemption. We remember the words from chapter 12 of the Book of Daniel: “And many of them that sleep in the dust on the earth shall awaken, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”12

May all of my chelas awaken to everlasting life.

Only You in God Is Real

El Morya gave to me a concluding statement so that I can tell you why I am so intense about chastening you. It’s because I know something that you don’t know. And he wants me to tell you this: I know that everything that is negative in this world is unreal. And I have such a conviction in this truth and such an awareness of nonreality that that nonreality is what I go after every time I wrestle with you.

You don’t know that what is around you is unreal, is not real. And as long as you think that the burdens, the life, the karma, everything about you is real when it’s not real—only you in God is real—then I will continue to be intense about going after you. We are in a plane of unreality and we have to know that so that we don’t lean on the notion of our own unreality.

So, as I was processing everything that we have said tonight, I realized that the one thing I haven’t put inside of you is the knowledge that you are real and everything else that’s around you, that puts you down, that torments you, that drives you is not real. It is unreal. And it’s as if I want to come to you and shake you and say to you, “It’s not real. This thing you think is real is an illusion!” And when you know that, you will walk out of this maya universe into your kingdom with God.

That’s the message of the chastening of the guru. That’s what it’s all about. That is the point. That is the core. That is it. And if you go around thinking that any part of you in this flesh is real, you’re going to spend a lot of time down here.

Our reality is God. It’s not all this other stuff. And when you think it’s all this other stuff, I have to jump in there and tell you. And that’s the way it is. And I’m going to keep doing it because I see this point.

This is a wonderful key. If we look upon one another with disdain, if we look down upon people, down upon this, down upon that, it means we’re embedded in unreality. People don’t know they’re living in maya so how can they get anywhere? It’s double, triple maya. They’re into the soaps. The soaps are into fake people. Everything is maya.

Please walk around with this awareness. Keep thinking about it. It’s not real. This is illusion. We might as well be in a giant fishbowl with fish swimming through or anything else that might double as occupying this space. Do you know what I mean?

Your reality is that you are hid with Christ in God right now. God wants you. God loves you. Nothing else matters. It doesn’t matter. You have to know your reality every moment. And you have to go after unreality with such a vengeance that it’ll just flee, just disappear. That’s how we literally walk into the kingdom of God: we get there through the mind of Christ.

So let’s not waste time talking, chattering, doing this and that. Let’s get on the road and bring the message around the world. Let’s go for it. Let’s not waste our time thinking that all this stuff is real. It’s not real.

You are real. Your crystal cord is real. Your threefold flame is real. Your mighty I AM Presence is real. That’s who you are. That’s who we are. And this planet is going to be a far better place because we walk it with that knowledge. It’s true, isn’t it?

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

Elizabeth Clare Prophet delivered this teaching during the Thursday, February 20, 1997 Darshan with the Messenger at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51, nos. 20, 21 and 22.

1. I John 4:18.

2. I Kings 18.

3. I Kings 18:38.

4. The mantle of Guru. See Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 51, no. 20, n. 5.

5. Rev. 7:9, 13-14.

6. Prov. 3:5.

7. Through faith God will give us what we need. See excerpt from Dilgo Khyentse, The Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, in Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 51, no. 20.

8. See “The Lord’s Judgment by the Ruby Ray through Archangel Chamuel and Charity” (decree 33.00); “Invocations to the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet” (Section 80:00) on CD with booklet; and “I Cast Out the Dweller-on-the-Threshold!” by Jesus Christ (decree 20.09), in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. Book and recorded decrees.

9. Heb. 12:6.

10. Dan. 12:2.

11. Heb. 11:6.

12. Heb. 11:1.

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