Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 51 No. 24 - Beloved El Morya - November 1, 2008

The Light of the Guru and the Chela:
Surrender for a More Perfect Love

Angels Gather Offerings
of Resistance to the Will of God

Part 1

O light of the far-off worlds, I AM come to deliver to my chelas the word of wisdom and the word of love.

I AM in the heart of the Guru. I AM in the heart of the Mother. So often you know not that it is I who address you. And therefore today, Mother has said to me, as I was speaking with her concerning certain matters that I would have her draw to your attention, “Will you not, dear Morya, deliver these matters yourself that they might know the directness of your word?”

And so I have deferred in this hour. And I have come that you might know the certain vibration of my own flame which is one with the heart of the universal Mother, the blue ray of Kali, and the image of the Mother that repeats itself as a pattern in Matter over and over and over again. Faces of the Mother appear etched in sand, in glass, in fire, in blade of grass throughout eternity. There is nowhere that you can look when you are dedicated to the holy will of Father and not find the image of Mother.

Fortunate are you that that image is to you physical and present and apparent—fortunate for the comfort and the joy, fortunate for the immediate registering upon that face of approval or disapproval of what comes forth from your own heart, whether of grace or disgrace to the blessed face of the Woman clothed with the Sun.1

Therefore you have a sounding board, truly. You may direct currents to the heart of the messenger and the return current will tell you whether or not your own vibration is pure and perfect. The instantaneous return gives to you such an acceleration of chelaship as that which you would not have were you merely the disciples of ascended masters without the intermediary of one who has known us for centuries intimately and in the very present person of our presence in embodiment and in the octaves of light.

Because the messenger spans these octaves, you therefore have in her person the fruit of our sacred labor on earth, which we ourselves have gleaned in past embodiments, and you also have the fruit of our causal body at your disposal. Thus the harvest of two worlds pours forth from the cornucopia of the Mother’s consciousness. Happy are ye when ye dwell therein and learn to love more, to love your own Great God Self, which is ever one with the light—the light and the current of the very office of the messenger itself. And therefore one with Reality, with your God Self, is also one with the mouthpiece of that Self.

And therefore, if you fear to enter in to the reality of your own being or to be near the messenger, you must realize that that fear is a barrel surrounding you. And your own fear has you over a barrel, as you might say, and you know it not! And often you condemn life or God or the whippoorwill or the stone of stumbling in your path, unwilling to see so clearly, my child, that that stone is a stone that you placed there yourself, perhaps a million years ago. And the stone, in utter patience of devotion to the Guru and the chela, has remained unmoved that you might return and pick it up and toss it into the great sea of life, into the sacred fire, for transmutation and to make a new mark of identity, as ever-concentric rings of devotion to holy purpose register upon infinite space and infinite time—until one day there is the transcending of both and you merge with that which we shall call infinity, for it is beyond description.

You Have Withheld

Beloved hearts, I have come to take a collection. And my angels who serve with me in Darjeeling who have been in council chambers with me this morning are fully prepared and apprised, that they now come with baskets in hand, which baskets they shall send up and down the rows of this congre gation. You have withheld! And therefore I demand the givingness of all within you or the least portion, if you will have it, of that substance which has resisted the perfect will of God for your life.

I will tell you why you sometimes tarry and dally in reserving for yourself that nebulous state of consciousness which is neither the will of God made perfect nor resistance to that will, but a neutral zone where there is no catching you in any act of disobedience. But neither is there any finding you in any act of manifest grace or thrusting for a purpose! Ho!

Thus, you see, in the withholding, there is also the self-manipulative techniques of the carnal mind that would have you believe that you are doing nothing wrong. Well, it may be so. But the question is: Are you doing anything right?

Now then, when you have within your midst the messenger whose heart is perfected in the will of God and in devotion to it, when you have the presence of her piercing blue causal body (as piercing as the light of this sari), then, beloved hearts, you tend to feel that that presence of the will of God counts for you also and that therefore, secure in the mantle and the shadow of the messenger, you need not make so great an effort as you would were you on the other side of the earth yet seeking the light, yet determined to know the Word of God’s will and that Word incarnate.

Consciousness Determines the Access to the Light

Thus, beloved hearts, it is true that the attainment of the Guru counts for every chela. And every true chela of the Guru does constantly benefit from the light of the Guru, and so it is within each and every one of you. But this you must understand: that the true definition of chela is one who is perpetually striving to embody the purity of the Christ flame, the Christ identity; and the Guru is one who embodies the supreme I AM Presence.

Therefore if the soul who would be chela ceases from striving, rests on his oars, procrastinates to another day the perfect power of the holy will, at what moment (can you tell me) does the soul cease to be chela and therefore no longer have access to the light of the Guru? It is the moment when there is a measured descent from the vibration of the purity of the Christ mind and the Christ heart. The Christed mind and heart always has access to the infinite light of God, the Great Guru, that ever pours forth.

Now then, the condition of the chela’s consciousness determines that to which the chela shall have access. Let us realize that moment by moment and hour by hour, though your name may be recorded on the rolls of the Great White Brotherhood as chela-in-training, being tutored by our emissaries, yet there is an ebb and a flow. And if you place yourself outside of the great magnet of the polarity of this guru-chela relationship, you are temporarily out of alignment. Though you may yet be entitled to it, at that particular moment—through absence of the call or absence or departure from the path of initiation—you are not truly focusing, anchoring, holding a chalice of that blessed will of God.

The Guru Reminds You of Your Nonalignment

Therefore the purpose of the Guru is ever to remind you when you are out of alignment with the holy will, because the Guru knows that the absence of alignment results in that condition where you are no longer in a state of grace—not to the Almighty God, not to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, not to the embodied Guru.

And therefore your life, your very physical vehicles (mental, emotional and etheric) are endangered. And you know it not because you have not the fullness of that balance of karma or the inner sight or the attainment to recognize when, oh when, you stray in vibration from receptivity, from being that perfect chalice—the unguarded moment, the offhanded word that is not guarded by the standard of the light. Thus, ever is the word standard used as an appellation of Guru. The Word incarnate is the standard-bearer, that you might be aware of where you stand neath the rod and the power of the Almighty.

Assimilation Is the Key

Thus my angels are ready. They have come because they have read the record of your individual lifestreams. And they understand all too well how those in embodiment must deal with the spell of idolatry and the idolatrous cult whereby the Guru no longer is friend or person but has become a god of sorts, unreachable—to be hated, to be loved, to be feared, to be blindly obeyed, but not to be assimilated.

Assimilation is the key in this guru-chela relationship. Will you eat the flesh and drink the blood, literally, of the messenger? That is the question!

My beloved, you must understand, when I say “literally,” I am speaking of the very physical currents of Alpha and Omega that course through the physical body. I do not speak of the flesh and blood that appears but of the light that ensouls it, that infills it—the very life and heart and hope and dream that I hold so dear and place within this tender vessel, the partaking of the joy and the sorrow, the cross and the crown.

Understand that this has naught to do with idolatry. It has naught to do with those who fashion themselves in the likeness of the mechanization man and therefore would become robots, no longer needing to think, to make choices, to exercise free will, to fight that intense fight against the alter ego and the beasts that roam the caverns beneath the surface of consciousness—beasts which, just when you think they are vanquished, appear once again, peering just above the surface that you might know that they are still there.

You who are wrestling, that Christ might dwell in you bodily, know whereof I speak! And you are patient to hear my word. For you have called for me and I have come, and I have come for the most necessary transmission of this understanding. It is a simple statement: You will not ride on the coattails or upon the train of the sari of the Mother into heaven.

Devotion to the Will of God Is Your Security

Therefore do not mistake the attainment of the Guru for your own, but see it as example and accelerate! For this is a moving star that continues to expand and move on. And you cannot rest in a comfortable niche, for there are no comfortable niches for those who are the eagles—the eagle Mother, as Sanat Kumara—those who are the sons and daughters of God who embody the very body of Christ.

Understand, beloved hearts, that this soaring does not find you secure anywhere except in the point of light that is your devotion to the will of God. There is no resting in any vibration but always the necessity of new light and new attainment, else you will lose sight of the Mother and the messenger. And how can you keep in sight the ascended masters if you can no longer be with their embodied messenger?

Surrender to God’s Will

Thus, in the comfortability of the aura of the Great White Brotherhood, you have slackened your pace, you have withheld your giving, you have not reached down deep into your pockets to pull out the last coin. And in this case the coin is the last withholding of your will to do God’s will!

Thus, my angels begin. And now you will place a specific statement in your heart of that which you know to be resistance unto the perfect inner blueprint. Place this now in the baskets which they pass before you, and see vividly that these angels come in the piercing light of the blue flame.

How wondrous is its manifestation! How comforting to be in the presence of that which seals you in the inner design! And for this hour that we share, here as you tarry with me as I am with you, you know what it means to have already totally surrendered and to be in the embrace of God’s will.

I expand this messenger’s aura that you might feel this light of purity and this light of the balanced karma that has long been due and has come forth for the victory of all. Understand, then, what it means to live in the forcefield of obedience to God’s will, being light in the freedom (having balanced one’s own karma) to now feel the great burden, the planetary burden of sin, and yet to carry it with that new lightness of freedom—freedom from the vestiges of personal karma.

Now understand what is this devotion to God’s will—what is this devotion and what it can mean for your life, into the very depths of your being.

Because you are chela and would yet call yourself chela, I allow the blue-flame will to penetrate. Held in the embrace of the Electronic Presence of Lanello and Mother and my own forcefield, the coordinates of our three dots embrace you and you are healed even as you are sealed in your own mighty I AM Presence.

You feel now what liberation, what casting aside of stones of stumbling in your life, what freedom to be and move and live as you really are—when you surrender all resistance to the holy will, all imperfect desire to be someone or something that you are not, all lurking desire to control the Godhead in any form, great or small.

See, I give you a vision of the future when you shall have overcome, when you shall have surrendered. And by that surrender, you shall have become God-victorious! It is going to a future which lies as the inner blueprint but which has not yet come to pass. It is going, then, to the past behind that future which is actually the present moment.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51, no. 25.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 26, 1980, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. It was previously published in the 1980 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 23 no. 45.

1. Rev. 12:1.

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