Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 58 No. 7 - Beloved Saint Germain - April 1, 2015

Understand the Need for Oneness
with the Presence of Almighty God

The Divine Plan Must Be Outpictured upon Earth

Beloved sons and daughters of freedom, I love you. I love you. I love you.

But I have heard, beloved ones, that there are often conversations among yourselves and with yourself when you say to one another and to yourself that you do not love yourself at times. I would like to point out that you certainly cannot be speaking of your great mighty I AM Presence. For surely you dolove your mighty I AM God Presence. And therefore I pre- sume that you refer to the outer self and some condition which you desire to change there.

Well, beloved ones, the power in your mighty I AM Presence to change that condition is there!It has always been there. And it is waiting for you to decide to harness it, to energize it, to call it forth, and to love it into action until it will take dominion over the outer self and completely seal it in the power of the violet flame, which is able to transmute every outer condition whatsoever into pure ascended master light and love.

Won’t you please be seated.

Blessed and beloved ones, have you ever considered the ground upon which you walk to be made of light substance? Have you ever felt as your feet touched the earth that they were actually sinking into the soft, pink radiance of divine love?

I urge you to try it and see if it will not put a spring in your step and the type of radiation in your feeling and the buoyancy in your life that will cause you to realize that the ascended master law is a practical law which takes command of outer conditions, here and now, and is able to show you how to walk and how to live and how to master your own world.

I ask you, ladies and gentlemen, where else would you find this knowledge or this teaching except in the power of the I AM instruction? I ask you, where else can you find the power that gives you a direct contact with the ascended masters, with our octave of light and with our love?

I would to God that all the religious people of the world would expand their consciousness into the ascended master octave! If that could be brought about, I think you would see a change take place overnight upon the face of this earth—like the change on a great stage as the setting is swept aside and in its place the kingdom of heaven is ushered in. This, by contrast, would be so beautiful that the mankind of Earth, by popular vote, would acclaim the ascended master way of life and proclaim it as the way victorious!

Beloved ones, long ago when beloved Mighty Victory came to the Grand Teton Retreat—and I wonder if any of you today, in the outer, have any conception of what it meant to this blessed Earth—that great being had never known anything but victory for thousands and thousands of years. He came from the beloved planet Venus to bring the radiation of victory to the mankind of Earth.1

This was a transcendent event. And yet today, although the presence of Victory in one sense can be said to always be in the atmosphere, mankind, even the blessed students, do not always reach out and invoke the presence of Mighty Victory, nor do they take his hand. For they often tend to forget that Victory is ever at hand. And one would almost think at times that defeat was ever at hand, especially when mankind begin to think in terms of negative energy and the release of discord and they accept it as though it were a perfectly natural condition.

Blessed and beloved ones, any discordant appearance is unnatural. It is unrighteous. It is ungodly. It is unholy. It is imperfect and impure. And I do not wish to use any other adjectives concerning it. For, blessed and beloved ones, I am sure that you would prefer to invoke the presence of the perfection of life in your hearts so that you would be living manifestations of your God Presence upon this planet.

Now, ladies and gentlemen, does this idea that you should consider yourselves to be manifestations of God upon this planet seem too far removed? Almost every religion upon Earth has accepted the idea of God as Father. The followers of these religions have accepted the idea of the divine image, and they believe that they were created in the image of God. Blessed and beloved ones, is there anything therefore so unusual about the idea that they should ascend into the image of that perfection (which, in reality, they are) and out of that imperfection (which, in reality, they are not)?

Do you see, blessed and beloved ones, that the transcendent power of light—the light of God which never fails, the light of God which cannot fail, the light of God which is acting for man—is all around you now? And it is always there.

I realize, blessed ones, that when the energy of our battery is released—as you come together in one place in the spirit of divine harmony and invoke the presence of the great ascended host—there is a special charge released whereby you are able to relieve yourselves of the outer burdens of mankind and you are able to enter in to the feeling of your own God-success. You are able to catch a glimpse of a vision of the future time when you shall make your ascension in the light. You are able to anchor in your feeling world a greater sense of heaven’s glory.

But, blessed ones, I know that you would enjoy having that feeling every day and maintaining your contact with us hour by hour. So, then, when the onrush of imperfection is around you, whirling in its vibratory action, will you not call to me? And will you not determine that my violet flame is powerful enough to immediately transmute that action?

Blessed and beloved ones, some of you may recall the incident where a child was stretched out upon the bed in great anguish and pain and where I laid my thumb upon the child’s forehead. Some of you may recall that at that time I stood for about five minutes pouring energy into that child before the recovery was complete.2

Now, I would like to point out that if I, an ascended being, required in the time sphere a period of five minutes to pour the energy into that child to erase the discord that was there and to rearrange the atomic structure, do you not, then, see how it is needful for you as unascended beings to hold the focus for longer than five minutes?

Blessed and beloved ones, I have constantly observed you in your application [of cosmic law]. Sometimes I observe one chela and then another. I do not always observe the same chela, nor do I always look at all chelas. For we are concerned with many things, and there are many of us to care for you. And yet our consciousness and love go out to everyone in response to your calls.

And as I have observed the chelas in their application, I have observed that some apply themselves somewhat diffidently, some do it almost gingerly, some do it through habit, some do it in hope. But few persist in their application with the intensity with which they ought to persist in order to have a precipitated experience whereby there would crystallize into their worlds the divine substance which they desire.

Do you realize, blessed ones, that secretly in the heart of many of the chelas there is a desire to precipitate substance? I have had a few who have called to me and asked me to precipitate gems in the center of their hand. They seem to feel that if I would precipitate a gem, perhaps that would give them their ascension.

But I tell you, blessed ones, the diamond hardness of the heart that determines to do the will of God is a greater adornment than a physical gem. And if you can precipitate the will of God and the love of God and the love of the ascended masters in your own world, it will give you greater power, greater victory, greater God-determination and greater strength, by far, than the temporary elation you might feel because a miracle would manifest to you tangibly.

For when you attain all these divine qualities, blessed and beloved ones, you yourselves will be able to precipitate these things at will. And it will no longer be a miracle or you whatsoever. But then you will realize how very difficult it is to precipitate ascended master miracles in human consciousness! For when you join us and our happy band in trying to strive with mankind and recalcitrant substance, you will realize how very, very difficult it is to precipitate the miracles of Cosmic Christ perfection within the hearts of men! And you will perceive that that is the most difficult task of all.

For there you have a man or a woman made in the image of immortality who has accepted—understand, blessed ones—he or she has accepted for centuries the appearance of human discord. And this has hardened and solidified and crystallized, utilizing divine energy to crystallize itself. And, blessed and beloved ones, that is most difficult to shatter. And yet it must be done and is being done by the violet flame and by the sacred fire.

Oh, that more of mankind would understand this great law! But how can that be unless harmony manifests in the student body? And therefore I rejoice that in The Summit Lighthouse here in the Heart Center there has been a manifestation of considerable harmony. And we are most encouraged by the spirit of harmony between the students and by their tendency to exalt the God and the Deity in one another and to look to us for light and illumination concerning their problems. We are grateful, blessed ones, for that which you have done and for that which you shall do.

But we would like to point out to you that there are seven souls of the angelic host who are here in physical embodiment. Did you know this morning, blessed ones, that seven of you are angels? If not, then I would like to point it out to you. And I hope that you will not go around looking to see which ones are angels and which ones are not angels.

Blessed ones, the important thing, the most important thing, is to understand that the divine plan must be outpictured upon Earth and that all mankind must come to understand the need for the illumination flame to blaze in their hearts. And all must come to understand the need for divine harmony and unity and oneness. But this oneness must be with the Presence of Almighty God. It cannot be a oneness or a unity of all the different human ideas that would make a potpourri for mankind which they could not partake of because it would be naturally distasteful.

For mankind today have externalized different facets of their nature. And some individuals have externalized certain creations which do not appeal to others. And so there is a difference among mankind in the outer, but in the inner world there is no difference. And this which is in the outer shall come, through the power of the presence of life, into perfect harmony until all shall harmonize together by the spirit of divine concord.

Ladies and gentlemen, there has been great distress in the consciousness of the chelas because of the fact that world conditions are most disturbing. And, therefore, this morning I wish to saturate this place at inner levels with the fragrance of roses from the heart of God.

[22-second pause]

You are enfolded in the radiance of the eternal One, the perfume of Alpha and Omega in the Great Central Sun. The love of the All-Christ enfolds you now. The brilliance of its beams radiates out in all directions—to the north, to the east, to the west and to the south. It surrounds this planet around with love.

Gracious ones, I have blessed you this morning. And I bless the atmosphere of this city, and I bless the atmosphere of this nation. I am known as the God of Freedom, and I think that all of you would love to be free.

The acceptance of the violet flame is a most gracious opportunity. It is impossible, at first, when individuals are told of the violet flame, for them to gather a concept of just what it means. For example, this messenger, through whom I am speaking, did not fully realize in his outer self, until this very morning, the full power of the violet flame. But an event secretly took place this morning which caused him to be made aware of the tangible power of the violet flame. I shall tell no further secrets about his lifestream, but I wish you to know that you must seek in order to find.

Over the years you have sought, but the culmination of it all is never brought about until you have won your victory. And when you have obtained your victory, blessed ones, you will need no one to tell you. For you will immediately sense that you have attained a certain momentum of victory. And I believe that most of you know and sense the great law of your ascension, and you realize that that law is the law which shall bring everyone to the place where they meet the presence of the ascended Christ in the air.

The ascension, blessed ones, is the greatest event that can happen to anyone. And therefore I urge you, during this holy Easter season, to fix in your consciousness not the image of crucifixion but the image of the ascending All-Christ, the light of God that never fails, the radiance of God that enfolds the planet, the power of God that is victorious, the resurrection flame and the ascension flame.

For, blessed ones, that which is resurrected must ascend, by cosmic law, into the perfection of that flame from whence it derived the power of its resurrection. For God has raised up the Christ. And he raises up your Higher Mental Body and your Holy Christ Self to be a Mediator for each one of you, to exalt you into the fullness of all that God desires.

And now, blessed ones, I make an invocation for all in the name of God:

O thou wondrous purity of the Infinite God! Thou awesome and radiant power of love and light in whom are myriad possibilities, veiled now from the sight of men and some veiled even from the sight of Gods.

Unfold for each the life plan of their very being and existence. Unfold for them the radiance of their own mighty I AM Presence. Unfold for them the fullness of the perfection which thou art. Let them accept their perfection as joyous children!

And let them extend their heart’s love to thee
Forever and forever and forever to blaze with thy flame!
Forever, forever, forever to adore thy name.
Forever, forever, forever to be
Forever, forever, forever all free!

I AM, I AM, I AM Saint Germain and sealing all in the God flame of divine love, whose presence fills the universe and is the only spirit of absolute freedom given to all. And may all receive it.

I thank you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, April 8, 1962. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. The cosmic being Mighty Victory has been devoted to the flame of Victory for thousands of centuries. In the I AM movement, he was referred to as the “tall Master from Venus.” See the profile of Mighty Victory in The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Summit University Press).

2. In The Magic Presence, Godfré Ray King describes the healing of a child by Saint Germain: “We entered a lovely room where a girl, once beautiful, lay upon the bed, so drawn and deformed that she hardly seemed human. Saint Germain stepped to the bedside, took her left hand in his, and placed the thumb of his right hand on her forehead between the eyes. He stood in this position for about five minutes while the rest of us looked on expectantly. Suddenly the girl gave the most unearthly scream; her whole body straightened out on the bed and she lay as still as if in death. ‘Have no fear,’ he said. ‘She will be conscious in a few moments. Then I will give her strength to stand and walk.’ Presently she opened her eyes with the sweetest smile of love and gratitude, and the light of her I AM Presence streamed out in blessing to Saint Germain. He extended his hand, assisting her to rise and stand on her feet while she received the loving embrace of her father and mother. Saint Germain picked the child up and carried her to a soft couch in the drawing-room. He gave directions for her care and said he would be with them the following day.“ Godfré Ray King, The Magic Presence, 4th ed. (Chicago, Ill.: Saint Germain Press, 1974), pp. 241-42.

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