Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 58 No. 8 - Beloved Saint Germain - April 15, 2015

The Dove of the Holy Spirit
Embodies Absolute Freedom

Friends of freedom, it is a beauteous moment when kindred hearts in one place and one accord come together.

The auspicious occasion of Pentecost1 was fortunate for all mankind. And I—who esteem men’s hearts, not by the weight of the ornamentation of gold upon their ears or the gold within their purse, but by the gold within their spirit— say unto you today that this [day’s event], too, is an occasion of sacredness in the spiritual history of mankind. For I AM here. And I bring with me an abundance of cosmic blessings from the Almighty, the Presence of Life within you, and from the sacred fire itself.

Men who esteem other men without knowledge of their consciousness are often tricked by the vanities and imaginations of the human mind. But those who look to the Presence of God as the great revealer of Truth will rest assured in that spirit of Truth, which is Pallas Athena’s consciousness, that all things in God are perfect, pure and beautiful. And that which manifests a lesser vibration has not yet attained, in its physical octave of expression, the immortal perfection of the eternal spheres.

And so, until the vibratory action of that part of life has been raised sufficiently so as to manifest the perfection of God, it shall continue [in that vibration] and play a lesser role in the scheme of things, which is a martyring of the electronic essence within it on a temporary basis. And by that I mean that the blessed life force within that imperfect manifestation must suffer an absence of perfection until that particular manifestation comes into the full expression of its own God-divinity.

You are manifestations of God. All men are intended so to be. You are manifestations of light. All men are equally intended to manifest light and the freedom to express that light without interference from any other lifestream unascended. And I do not think that anyone would accuse those of us ascended of interfering with the freedom of another lifestream upon this planet. We are too cognizant of the laws of God and too full of solicitude for your spiritual well-being to interfere without an invitation from your octave.

Blessed and beloved ones, if it were not for our strict obedience to the laws of God, you would not now be wearing the bodies you wear, nor would you be living in the limitations which some of you are experiencing. Rather, you would be (as we are) God-free and ascended. For we would have spoken the magic word.

And as Cinderella’s fairy godmother waved the magic wand, so to speak, and touched Cinderella and changed her garments, so would we, by merely moving our power and our light into your world, have changed you long ago into the beauty of our octave. It is only our obedience to your wills and our respect for the cosmic law that has prevented us from moving all mankind into the perfection which you have called forth for all mankind.

And whenever we can, blessed ones—please believe this—whenever we can, we have taken steps to give you the benefit of the doubt. And we have taken steps to give you the fullness of our love so that where any doubt or pressure of doubt has existed, we have, in such a case, given you the benefit of it and therefore have bestowed upon you all the good the cosmic law would permit.

For example, many years ago a mother called forth a certain gift for her son. She continued hour after hour to call forth this gift. And those who were on the Karmic Board knew that if the particular gift for which she called were to come into manifestation, that son of hers would be taken out of embodiment within six weeks. And therefore the request was refused, and we withheld that particular gift. And yet that blessed woman could not understand why we did not answer her and grant the request for which she called.

But, blessed and beloved ones, a certain hour and a certain day came when the great cosmic law permitted us to bestow a greater gift upon her son than the one for which she called. And we immediately bestowed it because we knew that the gift which we gave was within the power and knowledge of the cosmic light. And not only would [this gift] not cause her son to go out of embodiment, but it would rather cause him to attain a great forward step toward his ascension in that embodiment and toward the winning of his own ascension in the following.

Do you see, then, blessed ones, how our wisdom—and I am not boasting; I do not think there is anyone here who would accuse me of boasting—our wisdom is such that it always knows the perfect thing to do in every case. And when we do open our mouths, blessed ones, it is for your admonishment, for your light, for your freedom, for your perfection, and for the glory of God without limit!

Now, I defy anyone, anywhere, to state at any time that this is an untruth! This is an ascended master law. And we have always conscientiously served the mankind of Earth with all the beauty and expression of freedom that the Great Law allows. There are fifty stars now in the flag of this great nation.2 Blessed ones, may each star shine and express the glory of the people of each state in accordance with their own God Presence. Do you realize, blessed ones, that each state is an expression of the sum total of qualified light of all of the people dwelling in that state? You have heard of states of consciousness. Well, in one sense of the word, each state has a consciousness. Each nation has a consciousness. Each group has a consciousness and a presiding deva or divine deity that oversees the lifestreams within that particular focus.

And, blessed ones, I tell you, even in this place, in this sanctuary right here, there is a great, magnificent cosmic being who is constantly feeding spiritual life into this place. One of your number entered this place earlier today and made the statement that this is a focus of light. I, Saint Germain, declare unto you, this is true. And this place is hallowed, like a crystal chalice whose lips have been touched by the lips of the Lord. And he himself has communed in this shrine because it is dedicated to God’s name, I AM. So is the wonder of God.

I recall that long ago when I knocked upon the door of a certain inn, beside me was Mary. She was about to be delivered with the blessed Child, Jesus. The innkeeper came to the door and said, “There is no room.”3 So we were placed in a different location. We had no feeling about it whatsoever. For the wise men of the East came from afar. The angelic host came and worshipped there.

And I tell you, blessed ones, that the light of God is saturating this place today with a great ineffable, compassionate light of the Cosmic Christ! And if the light of the Cosmic Christ calls this “home” and blesses it, then, may I ask you, who shall detract from the radiance of this spot?

[Congregation stands.]

Today you have paid tribute, not unto Caesar, but you have paid tribute unto God.4 And you have paid tribute unto your own God Presence in the holy name of freedom. For freedom is a sacred gift that should be cherished. There are innumerable individuals, blessed ones, who would take from men their God-freedom to choose for themselves how to think, how to feel and how to worship God, as it happened to the children of Israel when they were in bondage in Egypt and desired to find freedom.

So, I tell you today, there are individuals who would suppress the freedom of mankind throughout the world. Communism is a form of expression which suppresses. And there are many designs and symbols of suppression. But there is only one symbol which completely embodies within it the quality of absolute, pure freedom. And that is the holy, descending dove of God’s light, the Whitsuntide, the one light from which all men must drink someday.

And you, blessed ones, have had a foretaste divine given to you this afternoon. For here beside me to address you is our Lord the Maha Chohan. And so, now that I have introduced him and made a few remarks of my own, I ask you to please be seated as he brings you the message of Whitsuntide.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Pentecost Sunday, May 21, 1961, in the Burnett Sanctuary, New York, New York. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. Pentecost (from Greek pentÄ“kostÄ“, literally “fiftieth day”): religious feast on the seventh Sunday (or fiftieth day) after Easter celebrating the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles (see Acts 1:8; 2:1-42). Also called Whitsunday. Whitsuntide is the week beginning with Pentecost, especially the first three days of the week.

2. The fifty stars in the flag represent the fifty states of the nation. Hawaii became the fiftieth state on August 21, 1959.

3. Luke 2:7.

4. Matt. 22:15-21. See also Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:19-25.

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