Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 58 No. 1 - Beloved Saint Germain - January 01, 2015

Freedom and Victory Are at Hand!

Part 1

On behalf of all of the ascended masters who are with me, I wish to give my personal thanks for the invitation, this day, to this gracious feast between unascended beings and those who have already won the victory of their ascension.

Our love and the tangible reality, the courtliness and the grace of the ascended realm are of such a desirable nature that I am sure all of you will desire to emulate those of us who are ascended in preference to mimicking, as it were, the antics of humanity as they parade daily through a discordant series of events which do not produce the happiness which it is our pleasure to eternally enjoy. It also shall become your pleasure, beloved hearts, as you enter more completely, more fully into our radiance and the power of heaven�s grace.

You who have received the knowledge of the I AM law of life and the dispensations of the violet fire1 of mercy, freedom and forgiveness are a very special people in the sense that you have been honored far beyond your power to recognize. This, of course, is a natural situation. Individuals often are very grateful but not grateful enough in proportion to the measure of heaven�s cornucopia of grace as it descends to the level of Earth.

How could it be otherwise? For with the expansion of your consciousness, you will become more grateful. With the expansion of your heart�s light, your heart will contain more of the abundance of God. Therefore, it is not necessary for you to be concerned with your shortcomings but rather with your progress. Your progress, your reality in the light, your dependence on God more and more—and less and less on human octaves of consciousness—will produce an inner satisfaction which no man can take from you.

I spent a great deal of time in Europe. I gave much advice as well as conviviality to the court of the French king. But I am very certain that my advice, my radiation and the light of my own understanding ought to have been more appropriated by those individuals to whom I brought this light, that they, then, should have been able to have written a more glorious chapter in the then-present history.2

This is true of you. Yet I want you to know that I have a greater measure of confidence, by far, in you than I ever bestowed in those days upon those blessed people—yet, true, some of you are they come again. You are come again in better bodies. Your minds are less disturbed, perhaps, in many cases. Your attention is more easily obtained by me. And you are more able, because you are more willing to accept our radiance and our grace, than you were in times past.

Blessed people of the city of New York, so privileged to hear our word, accept my heart�s light, accept my heart�s love, accept our compassion, accept our strength, accept our reverence—our reverence for your God Self. Accept even the fragrance of violets from the hand of both myself and beloved Morya. I smile as some of you peruse the programs which were brought to this place from the city of Washington, D.C., because I know that you realize that we of the ascended host are enjoying the fact that we could inspire such a work, that in the physical world of form one of our projects could be externalized. This is ever true. It is always a joy to the ascended host to see the production of heaven�s energies as they work and manifest in the affairs of men to produce a more abundant understanding, a surcease from the distresses of the world, and a feeling of compassion, nobility and divine service.

Now, some of you have privately asked me, in the recesses of your own heart, as to what dispensation we intend to make of all of the different energies that are manifesting through the many activities devoted to the light. Beloved ones, it is true that our wish is for a convergence rather than a divergence, as our beloved messenger mentioned to you this morning. All this is true.

But this must be brought about by an orderly acceptance, by you, of the divine energies and plans that we have been giving for many, many years—continued and expanded, not merely stopped by a lack of progress, but continued with a revelation upon a revelation, as it were, a revealment of the great plan for the new golden age.

I am sure all of you realize that when I first spoke many years ago through beloved Godfré, it was a beginning—a beginning which proceeded for many years. And during that time, I brought forth much instruction. Now, if you had just rested upon the first instruction which was brought forth through him, that beloved one, you would not have received as great a blessing as if you had continued to receive the instruction and guidance of us who are your eternal counsellors and friends.

Therefore, it is my pleasure today to be present and officiate, in the name of Almighty God, at this very beautiful occasion when so much energy has been drawn from your God Presence and you are relaxed and you are conscious of your unity with one another.

Your thoughts are not dwelling upon differences, but your thoughts are dwelling upon the Christ light of your hearts. Therefore, it is my pleasure now to address you and to bring to you the flaming radiance of our eternal spheres.

You know, many of you perhaps have tried to imagine just how it would be when, as it were, bereft of your physical appearance form, through the ascension or otherwise, you would enter into an octave of light. Yet I am sure most of you realize that you do come often to our octaves of light while your physical forms sleep. And this is no disturbance whatsoever to your affairs. It is merely an opportunity of beauty.

For whenever you come to one of our retreats, even when you do not recall in your conscious mind the exact sequence of events which have transpired, it is nevertheless true that there is a very definite cosmic work performed for you and for humanity—which is a reality and ought to be accepted as truth.

Beloved ones, someone said long ago, in the human octave of consciousness, that the tip of the iceberg was only a portion extending out of the water and that the bulk of the iceberg was beneath the waves. This is true. The invisible world is much more extensive and expansive than that which you see. That which you see has these three dimensions, and you are able to behold it. Our octave has limitless dimensions, many of which are not even cognized by your mathematicians.

As the probes of mankind�s consciousness reach out into interstellar space and mankind attempt to reach and communicate with other systems of worlds, many have focused their attention upon these scientific achievements, particularly they who are on Hilarion�s ray.3 And, therefore, being of a scientific mind and bent, they desire to know more about the universe outside of themselves.

Forgive me, beloved hearts, but as you know, I am somewhat also a disciplinarian and one of ordered service. For I am so interested in your internal worlds, the worlds that actually revolve around your physical heart and consciousness, that I often ask that you make every attempt to put those worlds in order.

When your individual worlds are in order, just as when your four lower bodies are in order and harmony, perfect health manifests. So it will be possible to weld together a planetary body of light through the medium of all of the student body of the ascended masters and their activities as you come into a greater measure of dependence upon your Presence and a realization that the Presence that acts in me and acts in you is acting in every other part of life that admits the Presence to act there.

It is only when individuals exclude their God Presence, through intruding the shadow of their own [human] personality, that an action takes place which is less than the light. Whenever an individual puts his attention upon God, beauty is produced. It cannot be otherwise.

So many have said, “You have stated the Law to us thus for many years.” And I tell you, we repeat the Law to you because it is necessary that the Law be repeated until it is absolutely, unflinchingly obeyed and utilized for the production and perfection of ascended beings upon this planet. By that I mean (if this seems a little strange to you) that the mankind of Earth in this great and beloved land of America should become an ascended master nation. Give this a moment�s thought, if you will.

For what purpose did we produce a feeling of God-liberty? Why was the Constitution of the United States brought forth?4 Why was the Liberty Bell created?5 Why is the Statue of Liberty, the gift of France in New York Harbor, of so great a meaning to the mankind of Earth, particularly to those who happen to be members of this nation?6 Why are the words “In God We Trust” upon your coins? Why do your hearts retain and hold a feeling of reverence and pride when you hear your national anthem played?

Is this not all a symbol of cosmic greatness and part of the divine plan? America�s beloved heart is the heart of freedom. It is my heart, and I have given my life�s energies for many centuries to that purpose and that plan.

It is somewhat difficult for unascended beings to cognize our action, our thinking and our feeling. Because, as it were, cast in a mold of human thought, individuals� minds run for so long like the river in a riverbed that it is somewhat difficult to dislodge them.

And, therefore, I welcome these opportunities to have these private talks with you, each one, whereby I bring you my radiance, my joy, my feeling of God-independence. And I bring you a realization and a greater realization of the meaning behind liberty and freedom so that they are not mere empty words to you but words of hope.

It is quite natural, in the ordered scheme of things, that liberty and freedom should manifest first in the liberty and freedom to do individually, to be independent from constraining laws. Laws, however, are necessary; and divine justice is necessary. And, therefore, along with freedom, side by side march justice and order. And I am so sure that each of you realize this is so. And how could it be otherwise?—else the planets in space would collide with one another. But each in its appointed path goes its appointed rounds. So it is with you.

You will perhaps recall the statement that was made that as one star differs from another star in glory, so is the resurrection of the dead.7 Beloved ones, as you are raised in the glory of your own ascension, a wonderful event takes place, it is true. But in your causal body of light, great concentric rings of ascended master light substance are there which retain all of the constructive energy that you have ever used.

Because some of you use more constructive energy than others, magnetizing greater God-good, these bands of color are larger and more resplendent. And in this sense, one star differs from another star in glory. Yet, all [created in the image of God] have an I AM Presence, all came forth from the Father, all men are created equal in opportunity. But these opportunities must be utilized! They must be put into practical use.

It is very easy when I am here for you to say, “Beloved Saint Germain, I will do anything which you ask—but command me!” It is another thing when you are seemingly separate and out in the physical world, surrounded by discordant appearances, to retain the full weight of your determination and actually carry out and execute your plan. And that is why I am here, that I may this day anchor a very special radiance in you that will make it easier for you to obey your God Presence.

Do you realize that just as electronic computers and tape recorders retain an electronic memory recorded thereon of events and vibratory actions, so your inner consciousness can be receptive to me and can receive from me a vibratory action of great magnitude which will serve, for the complete span of your embodiment, to help you and aid you, that whenever you are tempted to depart from the light of your heart and your God Presence, you may turn to me, Saint Germain, in the silent recesses of your heart? Simply say these words: “Saint Germain, help me.” And I will answer you based on that radiation which I am now anchoring there. This is a tangible reality. And those of you who care to try me will find out that it is so.

Unfortunately, it usually has happened in the past that, whenever I have made these statements, individuals have willed that they would always remember them and use them. Some have; some have not. Those who forgot and did not remember my words went forth, and the words were like precious oil poured upon the rocks. They performed nothing of virtue for their lifestreams. Those who did recall and remember and used them have been blessed to the present day.

Now, this is true of everything that is in our realm and our octave of light: It is absolutely impossible, by cosmic law, for us to produce any imperfection whatsoever. Nor could anything that we do react in the mankind of Earth to produce anything but perfection. No ascended being can or ever will take any action whatsoever to bring about discord or inharmony on this planet. In the name of Almighty God, stop and ponder for a moment: Have not all of our activities, all of our actions, all of our heart�s love and light been dedicated to one purpose—to eternal freedom? How then could we or would we consider or desire to bind or to restrain any part of life?

All of you have your own God-freedom. You may accept my words or you may even reject my words. If you choose to think that this beloved messenger is speaking these words to you and that they are not my words, that is also your privilege. I tell you, you are quite free—freer than perhaps you realize. And yet this freedom, which seems so glorious and so wonderful, always is most glorious and wonderful when it runs in the safety of divine channels. Divine channels are present in every life.

I think also that if the French royalty who knew me so well had had the realization that I was a great cosmic being able to bring them divine wisdom, they would have acted differently. I am so certain that the French Revolution would have been entirely different than it was. I am so certain that many events in America would have been different had our counsel been heeded.

Remember, children of divine ordered service, ours is to speak and direct. Yours is to accept our words, not as a gauntlet flung down or a challenge, but as a sacred token of our hearts� love. This sacred token of our hearts� love you then bind about yourself in consciousness, and you retain it wherever you go. And it serves to act as a mentor, a spiritual adviser to you. These words are living cups—cups of light. And it is in that sense that, as you drink and partake of the cups of light-energy, you are strengthened. Beloved hearts, this is a cosmic vitamin.

Most of you understand exactly what I mean. And I am sure, as you pass on* and recollect more of our words and ponder and meditate upon them, you will come to a greater understanding of what a magnetized focus really is. A magnetized focus is magnetized by our divine intelligence and ascended master light, and it retains that ascended master light. And that light cannot be erased or taken from the object which is so magnetized.

It is true that through discord, human substance can be coalesced around it, as it were. And sometimes it becomes so heavy and gross that the inner light can scarcely shine through. This is almost like one of your old lanterns. When the wick was turned up too high and the flame blazed up, the carbon would cover the glass. And so the light became very dim in appearance. Yet the flame burned just as brightly within the lantern—in fact, more so. The remedy was so simple of course: you had to clean the glass. And that is the way it is with people. They see things one way, when they should see them another.

There is only one way to perceive Truth and that is through the eyes of the ascended masters. We ourselves at one time wore physical forms exactly as you now wear them. We have suffered all of the vicissitudes of Earth which mankind now suffer. I have released in the past few years a series of discourses, through various means, telling of some of my own experiences. And, as you know, they were quite bitter in many cases. I do not feel the need to dwell upon that bitterness because I am quite sure that many of you, at times, have suffered a like feeling sometimes of loneliness, sometimes heartache, sometimes uncertainty, not knowing just which way to go.

You have made calls to us of the ascended host, and sometimes you wondered if we were answering you. You have tried your best, in many cases, to do the right as God gave you to see the right. And so you believed, and so it was. But I hasten to assure you that no effort made by you to serve the light has been spurned. We are not particularly inclined to spurn efforts made to serve the light. We are looking for people, individuals who are willing to serve the light because they love it.

Do you love the light, people of New York? If you love the light, then serve the light until the light serves you. And when the light serves you, the light will produce the perfection for which you now hope. And hope then becomes a manifestation which no one can take from you. The statement “Let no man take thy crown” is a very true one.8 And I think that those of you who have poured out your adoration and said, “We love you, Saint Germain; we love your violet flame,” are true hearts and whole hearts. But, beloved ones, I say to you the best is yet to be. The best is yet to be!

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 58, no. 2.

*pass on: to proceed on one�s way, to continue in one�s actions; to continue, advance, or persist; to proceed to a further stage, progress

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o�er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, July 2, 1960, during the 1960 Independence Day Convocation, which was held in New York City. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. In the early 1930s, Saint Germain released the dispensation of the violet transmuting flame through the I AM Activity and its messengers, Guy and Edna Ballard. For violet-flame dispensations released through The Summit Lighthouse, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Science of the Spoken Word.

2. . After his ascension in 1684, Saint Germain was given the dispensation by the Lords of Karma to return to Earth and manifest in a physical body. Le Comte de Saint Germain appeared throughout the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century courts as the “Wonderman of Europe.” His goal: to prevent the French Revolution and establish a United States of Europe. Though the French royalty admired his miraculous accomplishments and were always willing to be entertained by him, they were not easily prodded to relinquish their power and move with the winds of republican change. They and their jealous ministers ignored his counsel, and the French Revolution ensued. In a final attempt to unite Europe, Saint Germain backed Napoleon, who, failing his initiation, abused the master�s power to promote his own will. Saint Germain withdrew all sponsorship from him. The opportunity to set aside the retribution due an age had thus passed and Saint Germain was forced to withdraw.

3. The ascended master Hilarion is chohan of the fifth (green) ray of healing, science, and truth.

4. Saint Germain inspired and directed the writing of the U.S. Constitution.

5. The Liberty Bell was commissioned in 1751 by the Pennsylvania Provincial Assembly to hang in Philadelphia�s State House (renamed Independence Hall). The bell carries the inscription “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” (Lev. 25:10). Tradition says the Liberty Bell was rung on July 8, 1776, to announce the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence. On July 4, 1962, Arcturus said that all the symbols of freedom that belong to the heart of America shine at inner levels with a “golden light of the golden age.”

Saint Germain at the court of France

6. The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France to the people of America, stands 305 feet high including its pedestal. The statue, as a tribute to the Goddess of Liberty, depicts a woman holding a torch in her raised right hand and, in her left hand, a tablet commemorating the date the Declaration of Independence was adopted, July 4, 1776.

7. I Cor. 15:41, 42.

8. Rev. 3:11.

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