Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 55 No. 11 - Beloved Mother Mary - June 1, 2012

Consecrate Your Consciousness to God and He Will Manifest His Kingdom
through You

Holiness is the point of light within the consciousness of God. Holiness reaches its fullest expression in the point of light within the consciousness of man. Without the full outpicturing of the divine expression in man, the kingdom of God is not fulfilled upon earth. And so we dedicate ourselves to that flame of eternal constancy, to the holiness of the Whole-I-Spirit of God.

If you would be handmaids and handmen of the Lord, O sons and daughters of my heart, dedicate yourselves, then, to that flame of the Holy Spirit. For when you espouse the cause of the Holy Ghost, you have all power and dominion attached unto that point of light within you to expand and to create and to bring about the full realization of God within you.

Oh, that the flame might grow and wax strong into the fullness of Divine Manhood! This was my prayer as I gazed upon the infant Messiah, seeing in him the victory of worlds, of kingdoms yet to be born. For I knew that this lifestream, entrusted to my care, had manifested at inner levels and upon earth the disciplines of the order of the Holy Spirit, that he might come forth, the one anointed, the one initiated, to show all men what the Father expects all to accomplish upon this star, this schoolroom, this place of overcoming.

Rise to the Point of Preknowledge
of the Creations of Your Consciousness

O beloved ones, victory starts within that point of light within the consciousness, right in the heart of the flame of constancy within you. For, beloved ones, do you know how it is, at times, you find yourselves thinking thoughts, an entire sequence? An entire sequence, a montage of concepts, might have passed through your consciousness before you consciously realize that you were thinking upon that subject. This means lack of discipline, beloved ones.

For you must rise to the point where you may preconceive and have preknowledge of the creations within your own consciousness until you have awareness of that great preexistence of Being which Jesus knew, and of which he spoke, when he said, “Before Abraham was, I AM.”1 Before Abraham was, the thoughts of his consciousness were formed and he knew those thoughts.

Children of his heart, sent forth to do the will of God, your thoughts and your feelings are your offspring, beloved ones, and you give birth to the Christ or to satanic power each hour. Beware, then, you who would carry the mantle of God and the flame of his Spirit, that you must have preknowledge of that to which you will give birth. And only in foreknowledge of the vision of perfection can your thoughts go forth clothed upon with the holiness of the complete Eye of God. Only the sphere of perfection can do the perfect work in the world of form. And this is why the virgin consciousness is so important to those who seek the Holy Grail and then who realize that it is found within and that each man and woman and child is a grail of the consciousness of God.

And how that grail expands as the consciousness expands is a miracle to behold: the cup expanding in the fire of perfectionment, in the fire of penetration, where the Hebrew boys stood and saw in their midst one likened unto the Son of God2—the Christ, who overcometh all things, who may stand in the bush, the flaming bush, the tree of identity, and he is not consumed. For he is like the fire, and his very being scintillates and expands and undulates with the fire from the heart of the Holy Spirit. Oh, what joy that bursts aflame within the identity of the one who knows he is a son of God and has the right to the full divine potential of his Creator!

You Must Use the Flame
if It Is to Be Brilliant Every Day

Children of God’s heart, precious jewels of light sparkling in the sea of humanity, in the depths of the waters neath the brine and the impurity of the earth, your light shines, sparkling there. And as pearl divers, the angels descend to come to administer to those jewels of perfection—sometimes diamonds in the rough, sometimes clothed upon with the dross of materialism and the scum of the sea, nevertheless sparkling. For the light cannot be hid from the consciousness of an angel, for he is trained to find that light in the very depths of the sea of human emotion, energy motion, that sea of being that is never still.

I say, in the name of the World Mother, Peace, be still! And let the jewels arise, let the pearls ascend to the surface, that all might see and know that the time has come for the avatars, the children of God, to be seen and known among men.

Will they be bedazzled? Will they be blinded by your light? Ah, that depends upon the excellency of your light. Is it the quality of burnished tempered steel—dazzling light that casts out darkness and consumes all in its pathway? Or is it dulland tarnished for want of use?

You must use the flame, beloved ones, if it is to be brilliant every day. You must clean and polish it. You must invoke light in order to be light. It is as simple as that. You must invoke light in order to be light!

For the flames of God ever seek the highest point of expression, and so they seek to return to the heart of God unless they are invoked each twenty-four hours. You cannot rest upon the laurels of the past—decree sessions of years ago, prayers you offered as a child. It is today that your prayers are required for the sustaining of the momentum of faith, which has been placed within you by Almighty God, which has been nourished and garnered and protected by Archangel Michael and Faith, and Hope and Charity, and all the legions of the angelic hosts who surround you each hour.

To Stand in the Presence of One
Who Has Recently Been in the Presence of God

O beloved ones, would you like to be as close to the angel as your very breath? Would you like to snuggle into the wings of the Holy Spirit and feel yourself smothered by his love, so filled with that love that you know what it is like to be in the arms of God once again? How is this possible?

Do you take into your arms that which is filthy and unclean? I tell you, beloved ones, the state of your consciousness determines how close the angels may come to you. Think of what a wonderful experience it is to commingle the atoms of your being with the atoms of a body of light, a body of a mighty seraphim who has of recent date stood in the Presence—the very living Presence of God himself!

O beloved ones, it might take decades before you would arrive at that point of standing in the Presence of God, or even thousands of years. But think of the mighty opportunity of standing within the very presence of one who has recently come from that place, the altar of his living flame. Is that not a great blessing? And it was to this end that God created the pure spirits, the angelic hosts of light, that they might commune with him, dipping into the fires of his heart of light and then carrying the drippings of that fire to the mankind of earth.

Realize, then, that the mighty seraphim, the angels of Serapis Bey, are angels of great purity, and they do tarry long in the heart of the Sun, basking in the white-fire core of purity. And they bring that core, then, to the mankind of earth. They come marching in their legions bright, bringing the full power of the ascension flame and the resurrection spirit from the heart of God.

Your Attention on the TV Screen
Commits Your Energies to Psychic Forces

Would you enter in, then, and penetrate the heart of an angel? Keep yourself ready. Keep yourself in readiness, O beloved ones. When you leave our forcefield, when you are in your homes and the evening comes, remember how important it is to spend the twilight and evening hours in communion. For then you bring yourself to the place where you can truly enter into communion with the saints and with the angelic hosts of God.

O my precious ones, think long and hard about how you commit your energies unto the psychic forces when you allow your attention to feed into the television sets and the movie screens. Do you know, when you fix your attention upon a screen, beloved ones, your entire consciousness is turned over to those vibrations.

“Oh,” you might say, “but I discriminate. I only accept those ideas which I know are to be of worth.” I tell you, beloved ones, your consciousness may well discriminate, but your subconscious does not. And everything that passes the screen of your tangible form and your awareness is recorded there in the subconscious world, and it requires a mighty invocation to the flames of life to reject that substance. And I do not think that when you slump down in a chair and take up the periodicals of the day or hear the radios or the televisions that you are in a state of great vigilance. You are relaxed and open, beloved ones.

Why not relax in the arms of God? Why not relax in the very living Presence, O precious ones, of his flame?

Take home with you, if you possibly can, a recording of an ascended one speaking through our beloved messengers. I ask you to do this for me, beloved ones, because I desire to render a very special service in your own home, in your own forcefield. And when that record is played, the likeness, the exact likeness, of the ascended one who is speaking, his Electronic Presence, is focused in your living room or wherever you may play that record. And through that focus, that engram of light, I may come with my angels and also establish a forcefield in your home of the World Mother.

Reestablish the Focus of the World Mother

O beloved ones, it was through the perversion of the feminine ray that mankind fell into disrepute with their holy innocence and with the ascended hosts. It is therefore through the elevation of the Divine Woman that mankind will come to know the Christ and to know the Father.

I come, then, on a very definite mission this day—to reestablish and reawaken within you that focus of the World Mother. Remember you dwell within the womb of the Divine Manchild and of the Divine Mother. You dwell within the very body of God himself. And in that sense, you do live in the womb of the Christ, of the Father and the Son, of the Mother, of the Holy Spirit.

Remember, then, you do live in that garment of living flame, and as children of God you came forth from his heart to do his holy will. Realize, then, as wrapped in that swaddling garment, you can revere and honor that flame by outpicturing it in the world of form, but you do need the focus.

Take care, then, that where you desire to have this focus within your home, that room shall be a tribute unto the living God. Let it be pastel in hue, surrounded by the colors of the causal body of light and the Great Central Sun Magnet. And let not other activities in that place mar the pulsations of the World Mother that can go forth from that place twenty-four hours a day—if you will nourish the flame and tend the altar and come to me each day with your invocations on behalf of mankind.

What a wonderful focus this will be! How wonderful to see the stars, the jewellike essence of your heart’s flame, now surfaced upon the sea of humanity, focusing, then, the World Mother.

And as the mother-of-pearl focuses the resurrection flame, so it also is representative of the Divine Mother. For truly the Divine Mother nourishes within her children the image of perfection and of the Divine Manchild.

Replace the Carnal Nature by the Christ

Realize, then, what beauty can come to you in the playing and the replaying of the words of light of the masters. For each word is a cup, and in that cup is poured the essence of the elixir of the divine consciousness. And when you take in the Word, the living Word, you drink from the Holy Grail a portion of the body of God. And so in that act of Holy Communion, which you can take hourly and daily, beloved ones, you become more like him. For as you take that substance, which is transformed, into your body, it replaces the focuses of imperfection, of the carnal nature within you.

Do not struggle to overcome that nature, beloved ones. It is not real. You need not struggle with nothingness. Simply replace it by the Christ. Replace it, gradually if necessary, immediately if you have the faith. But realize that no part of you which has descended below into the depths of darkness is real or has permanent existence in the mind of God.

Therefore, look up and dwell in his consciousness, and you shall draw into his flame all substance that has been misqualified in the place, that holy place, that has been assigned to you by God—that point of light in space where God has said, “My beloved son, my beloved daughter, go forth and consecrate that place, that point of light of individualization of my God flame. Consecrate it to purity, to wholeness, to beauty, to the allness of my appearing. And so shall I appear through you and manifest through you the completeness of the kingdom of God.”

I, Mary, bless you with the love of comfort’s dove, and I leave with you the white rose of my heart. And even now, the dove of the Holy Spirit descends to give you the momentum of true and lasting peace with honor.

I thank you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, July 4, 1969, during the Freedom Rally 1969 class, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. John 8:58.

2. Dan. 3:19-28.

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