Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 50 No. 12 - Beloved Confucius - June 15, 2007

Pour Out Your Adoration to Your Presence

You Have an Opportunity to Serve the Light

My brothers assembled, sing a hymn to life, sing a hymn to life, sing a hymn to life! Let that hymn within your heart arise to adore him, the Supreme One, the great cosmic intelligence, which not only carved out these hallowed walls here in the Grand Teton but which has also fashioned this planetary home and all the luminous orbs which sail majestically through the heavens.

I address you, my brothers here assembled, knowing that you are awaiting the coming of those cosmic emissaries from the planet Venus who shall bring their great radiance to this beautiful star here in our retreat1—through which shall be poured out the love of God unto the entire earth in order that the great harvest of souls may be intensified this year. Thus shall we gather thereby into the eternal storehouse more and more of those who, endowed with light, have understood its purposes, until by their understanding and compassion for the Deity, they have chosen to outpicture his purposes in preference to the unholy human vanity.

I honor, then, these beloved ones, the ascended masters and cosmic beings who—having the same power of free will with which the laggard civilizations and the civilizations of Atlantis were endowed—have chosen to outpicture the magnificence and perfection of the eternal Presence rather than to outpicture upon the screen of life human discord, thus justifying the expenditure of energy which has been contributed to them by the solar emissaries from the heart of beloved Helios and Vesta, from the heart of beloved Alpha and Omega and from the light of God which does not fail.

It is only cosmic justice that a balance should be made for the expenditure of every ounce of energy. Through the aeons and aeons of creation, this Great Law has never been violated with impunity. And those who think they can violate divine statutes have quickly found out, upon the cosmic screen of life, that the scales of divine justice do act, and that they act wisely and well.

When an individual invades a holy meeting such as this one (which is being held in the city of Washington) with a purpose in mind which is not the ser vice of the light, let not that one think for one moment that he or she has escaped the All-Seeing Eye of God. For that individual is called to the attention of the Karmic Lords, and his own lifestream shall be held accountable to meet the requirements of divine justice according to the recompense of that which he has held in thought.

Beloved ones, in the city of Washington, as I address you from the Grand Teton, I call to your attention the glorious radiance that is poured out through this class. I call to your attention that this beloved messenger and those who serve as the staff of this activity are subject, as one of the beloved teachers this afternoon declared, to the pressures of life that are almost incomprehensible to those of you who have not experienced them.

And therefore, I ask that each one of you who elect to do so, by the use of your free will, shall serve to guard these beloved ones who serve this activity as well as this messenger, so that no disintegrating force can be directed upon them at any time, whether waking or sleeping, but that they shall stand as representatives of the ascended masters and the cosmic councils until The Summit Lighthouse fulfills its destiny, world without end. For the beams and radiance of the Summit are intended to blend and become one with the radiance of eternity.

As the lifestreams that are numbered among its followers ascend and enter into the octaves of light and glory, they will blend the beams of their own radiance with the beams which yet remain upon earth. And therefore, there will be composed here a great body of light—a body of ascended beings, ascended from this activity, and a body functioning in the world of form to connect that activity with our octave of light.

The brothers in the Royal Teton are singing now a beautiful hymn. I wish that you were able, by some means, to hear the wondrous tones that are echoing through these hallowed walls. This hymn of life would still the impulses of human discord which flood through the ethers, and it would cause you to feel the love pulsations and radiance of the brothers here in the Royal Teton.

Beloved ones, as I am standing here speaking before this holy altar in the Tetons and directing on mighty light rays my message to you in Washington, I would like to remind you of the deplorable condition of my beloved country, China. I would like to remind you of the teeming millions there who are without bread because of the violations of the cosmic laws which they have performed. I would like to remind you of the debacle of the sinking of the lost continent of Atlantis, of the fiery destruction of Lemuria and of all the cataclysmic actions that have occurred in past ages to destroy and to tear down because of the release of mankind’s discordant energies.

You have heard the message of the Maha Chohan, relaying our decisions of recent date,2 and you realize that we are determined to no longer tell you of impending catastrophes but that we are determined rather to ask you and to urge you to outpicture the Christ radiance of which you are so capable of doing. Therefore tonight, as I address you through this means, I hope that you will implement the great wisdom and the great radiance that have been released to you during this class by giving greater adoration to your Presence this night ere the veil of sleep shall fall upon your mortal consciousness. Give greater adoration to your Presence!

I will tell you one thing, beloved ones. There has not been enough adoration poured out to balance the release of all that has been given during this class. And therefore, because there remain three beautiful ascended master addresses to be given, I have been asked to call to your attention tonight the need to pour out more adoration to the Presence, so that the energy that can be released will be balanced before it is released and thus not take so much of the energy from the body and consciousness of this beloved one through whom I am speaking.

Beloved ones, you have an opportunity—not an opportunity to criticize but an opportunity to serve the light. For I think that life shall determine those who are children of light and children of truth and those who prefer to wear a crown of sorrow in preference to a crown of God’s pure light and love and service and perfection and beauty. I trust that all of you who hear my words will desire to outpicture the beauty and holiness of your Presence instead of any form of self-depreciation or criticism of others, that the comfort of the Lord Maha Chohan and the brotherhood of the Royal Teton may enfold you justly in that eternal radiance that, on a path of light, will win for you your own ascension.

Tomorrow the beloved Sanat Kumara will descend to the Earth planet. It is expected that this will occur between twelve noon and three in the afternoon, as your time is. And during that time, I trust that your love and radiance will pour out to the planet Venus, to the seven holy Kumaras, and especially to the return visit of the Lord Sanat Kumara, the Lord of the Flame.

I, Confucius, thank you and, in the holy name of God, bid you a peaceful adieu.

Adoration to God

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, by and through the magnetic power of the immortal victorious threefold flame of Love, Wisdom, and Power burning within my heart, I decree:

Beloved Mighty I AM Presence,
Thou Life that beats my heart,
Come now and take dominion,
Make me of thy Life a part.

Rule supreme and live forever
In the Flame ablaze within;
Let me from Thee never sever,
Our reunion now begin.

All the days proceed in order
From the current of thy Power,
Flowing forward like a river,
Rising upward like a tower.

I AM faithful to thy Love ray
Blazing forth Light as a sun;
I AM grateful for thy right way
And thy precious word “Well done.”

I AM, I AM, I AM adoring Thee! (3x)
O God, you are so magnificent! (9x)
I AM, I AM, I AM adoring Thee! (3x)

Moving onward to Perfection,
I AM raised by Love’s great grace
To thy center of Direction—
Behold, at last I see thy face.

Image of immortal Power,
Wisdom, Love, and Honor, too,
Flood my being now with Glory,
Let my eyes see none but you!

O God, you are so magnificent! (3x)
I AM, I AM, I AM adoring Thee! (9x)
O God, you are so magnificent! (3x)

My very own Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

*This decree is in Prayers, Meditations, Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, no. 30.03.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Confucius was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Tuesday, July 3, 1962, during the Freedom Class held in Washington, D.C.

1. Accompanied by the ascended master Saint Germain, Guy W. Ballard (now the ascended master Godfre) visited the Royal Teton Retreat early in the twentieth century. He recorded his experiences there and in the Cave of Symbols in his books Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence. In his visit to the Royal Teton Retreat, he was shown a great council hall two hundred feet long and one hundred feet wide, its ceiling fifty feet high. Part of the walls, he said, were formed of white onyx; others were of highly polished blue and rose granite. A vein of gold was left in its natural state in the rock of one wall. In the center of the arched ceiling was a disc of gold, twelve feet in diameter. A seven-pointed star formed entirely of dazzling, yellow diamonds filled the center of the disc and emitted a brilliant golden light. Surrounding this focus of the Central Sun were two twelve-inch rings— the inner ring was rose pink and the outer was a deep iridescent violet. Seven smaller discs also surrounded the Central Sun focusing the seven rays of the Elohim that contact and invigorate the seven chakras in man and the ganglionic centers in animal life. See The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, p. 463

2. See the Maha Chohan, July 2, 1962, Pearls of Wisdom vol. 50, nos. 5, 6.

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