Violet Flame – Mitigation of World Conditions: Tsunamis, Earthquakes

Violet Flame – Mitigation of World Conditions: Tsunamis, Earthquakes

Mitigation of World Conditions by Violet Flame

Let those who know how to use the violet flame join together worldwide for the mitigation of all out-of-alignment conditions, including the March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan and the resulting tsunamis.

Ascended Master Teaching on Violet Flame Mitigation

The Great Divine Director, ascended master guru and sponsor of the Ascended Master Saint Germain, spoke of the mitigation of conditions in this dictation excerpt from the Pearls of Wisdom.

I come to you in the name of Saint Germain.

I come to you that you might bring to him the fruit of the understanding that we have given to you, that the calls to the violet flame might therefore charge you with that light, charge you with that manifestation of a sacred fire that so intensifies the atoms, cells and electrons of your beings that you can raise upon the spinal altar, from the base of the spine to the crown chakra to the point of the third eye, those momentums of light that we give to you first and foremost for your health and longevity and then that you might send forth this light for the blessing of all those who carry the chalice of light within this hemisphere, within this planetary home.

Meet the Turning of Cycles with the Violet Flame

As the hours turn, you face new challenges, challenges that you have not expected, challenges of karma that become more and more physical. Therefore, we implore you to bring violet-flame decrees to your sanctuaries—wherever you are, to bring violet flame—and to know that each and every one of your chakras can internalize the violet flame along with the seven rainbow rays of light.

Therefore, we need not give you each and every concept of what is taking place, what are the horrendous things that are going on, on planet earth. These you can learn and listen about; these you can know from within.

These you can do something about because you know the techniques of Saint Germain.

Apply the Great Power of Transmutation to the World's News Reports

Make your calls according to the various news media that you have there at your advantage. Use that which you receive from the world's news reports.

And then, beloved, remember that we have told you of the great power of transmutation when you give certain levels of calls to the violet flame that bring you to that level of world transmutation. Use those flames, beloved.

As you see how much you can accomplish, then accelerate and intensify. It will be up to you to determine what violet- flame action is taking place by your efforts and what has not taken place.

Therefore, the greater the effort in transmutation as you invoke the hierarchies of light, the greater the manifestation of world transmutation.

Know Peace Profoundly within the Solar Plexus

I speak to you, then, in the very place of the solar plexus so that you might know that in that place of the sun there is the point of ultimate equilibrium and ultimate peace. Know that peace, beloved, and know it profoundly.

For when you allow the solar plexus to get out of alignment, then you must bring it back quickly to alignment. But that is not always something that you can do on the spot.

Therefore, establish the power of peace within the solar-plexus chakra. Establish the power of tremendous peace from Elohim of God. Establish that power and be not moved. Be not moved, no matter what.

Appeal to the Blessed Mother. Appeal to the blessed and beloved Kuan Yin. And know that all who are a part of the Great White Brotherhood are rooting for your victory.

May it be done, may it be so, and may you be counted as the wise ones who hold the balance and who did that holding of the balance while they were on earth and stopped the oncoming tide.

By the Alchemical Matrix, Bring Earth to a Golden Age

This is my call to you: Work change by the alchemical matrix. And by that alchemical matrix, prove to Saint Germain that you are able and all lightbearers of the world are truly able to bring earth to a golden age. Many of us have thought this to be impossible, but with God nothing is impossible.

Therefore, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I seal you in this hour and I challenge you to internalize the Word of God made manifest in you.

This excerpt from the ascended master dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, October 10, 1997.  It is published in full in the Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44 no. 43, October 28, 2001.

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