Right Thought – The Need to Change the Mind

Right Thought – The Need to Change the Mind

This post is an excerpt from the the 1966 Pearl of Wisdom Vol. 9 No. 11 by El Morya.

The winnowing of the soul may present elements of uncomfortability to the aspirant, but the rewards exceed by such a weight of glory all slight inconveniences and delays that men should prepare for a resurrection from dead works as a mother anticipates with joy an incoming child. The effect of unconscious moods must be studied. The mind in a groove or a rut may adopt itself to a mode of complacency, thus ignoring the need to change the mind.

The pull from the Great Magnet, the pull of the ascension, which commences the moment the descent is complete, ought to be consciously implemented by right thought and action so that individual life experiences may be woven into the fabric of the ascending current.

Thus, orientation is completely divine, and the overconcern for the ego and its future is minimized. When this action of cutting the soul loose from the bonds of earth is complete, even the earthly pattern will reflect a greater manifestation of peace.

Struggle is always misfortune when its end is downward. But struggle, itself, if the sense of struggle be shed, will produce the fruit of striving in manifestation for all who will apply themselves diligently to spiritual ends as they have to material gains. Men are often caught in the downdraft of another’s descent, and the palpitations of their vacillations at this moment distress not only the near ones, who love them, but also do they scratch the fine grains of the mind to their own discomfort.

Overconcerns Often Prevent Us from Taking the Action Which Frees Us

The dark ones continally seek to involve mankind in overconcern for externalities—political, personal, social, private—and in preconceived notions about the future of man or the future itself. These overconcerns often prevent man from taking the precise action which would free him from entanglements. Yet, the dark ones weave their net most skillfully, and their snares have caught many unawares. But if the world be full of darkness, there is more light in the universe than all of the darkness of the world multiplied by the nothingness that it is. Those who, as insects, live out a cycle that in the cosmos is of less concern than a katydid, will find that all of their seemingly great ideas come to naught.

Purity of motive will assist the brothers in bringing in the golden age. All that which serves the needs of cosmos is great. All that which serves selfish desires of individual segments of society can be the approach of darkness and despair. What, then, shall a man do to be saved? Commitment to the pristine ideas of God is a right step, and when love develops sufficiently to cognize the allness of God as of greater purpose than the turbulence of men and the spasms of self-seeking, the blessedness of freedom will come.

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