Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 59 No. 21 - Beloved Saint Germain - November 1, 2016

The Heart Is the Pivot Point
Where Balance Is Achieved

The Need to Throw Off the Fetters of
Human Consciousness Has Never Been Greater!

Children of the sacred fire, I am come this day to make a great call to all of the holy and constructive people upon earth—those who recognize the need to band together in the holy cause of freedom and to cast off the fetters that have prevented divine unity from manifesting upon earth, even as it is in heaven.

I am come this day with a holy graciousness. I am grateful for your presence here. I am grateful for the love and devotion from countless hearts not assembled here physically but paying dedication to the holy cause of freedom and paying dedication to the sacred fire.

Children of the sacred fire, the need to throw off the fetters of human consciousness has never been greater. The need has never been so dire as it is at the moment. For mankind is poised at the apex of scientific achievement and philosophical knowledge. Objectivity is now paramount in the consciousness of mankind. But the objectives which mankind have and the goals which they pursue are often so far removed from the wonders of eternity that they may as well be nonexistent.

Precious ones of the light, mankind’s goals are slanted toward a few years at the most and, time being transitory, they are becoming beggars of the spirit. And, likewise, they are but temporal beggars. For they have only the husks to partake of and never know the meaning of the true bread of heaven, which came down from above to endow mankind with immortality and grace for eternity, not for the moment.

I ask you now, ladies and gentlemen, in the holy name of God, how anyone could ever conceive that the Most High God would so wonderfully fashion consciousness for individuals and bestow upon them an awareness of themselves, so that they could look at the reflection of God within themselves and utter his name and say, “I AM”—and then remove them from the screen of life, nevermore to have knowledge, nevermore to breathe, nevermore to have feeling and sentiment toward his holy precepts.

This is unthinkable. And nowhere in the universe, outside of a recalcitrant and un-understanding heart, can these thoughts manifest. For, truly, any heart that is open to God and to understanding will by natural reasons come to understand that consciousness was not born in a moment but that it was a gift bestowed in crystal clarity upon mankind by God. Man did not in one moment suddenly become possessed with a consciousness and then evolve from that point. But man was given a consciousness of God—already intelligent, already charged with power, and already charged with the radiance of divine love, which is a mystery far beyond the comprehension of mortal mind.

Precious ones of the light, God is love. Yes, he is love, but love has become empty and vapory in meaning to many because they do not fully comprehend its breadth, its height, its depth, its immensity, and all that it is. It is a mystery because it is the unseen facets of the Godhead. Love, then, is God.

But “God” is not merely an empty name. When you utter the name “I AM” and feel that it refers to the finite self alone or to your name or fame or personality, this, then, is devoid of the God-intent. For when you utter the name “I AM,” it is intended to epitomize the fullness of the divine identity so that you no longer feel the frustrating sense of separation from the eternal principle of life but that you, as an individual monad, become comforted by the gracious flame of life, which expresses through you and is as much a part of you as anything could ever be. For you could never become as identified with any condition or principle as you can with your own beloved mighty I AM Presence.

Beloved ones, the mighty I AM Presence is your own being. You must drink into that mighty fountain of Life and permit it to surge up within you. You will recall the words of the Christ to the woman at the well: “Whosoever drinketh of this water shall never thirst again.”1 Well, precious ones, he who shall drink at the fount of his own beloved mighty I AM Presence and truly imbibe into his outer consciousness that which the Presence is and implies shall never thirst again. For he shall truly have partaken of the water of immortality and the very being of God.

If, then, you still hunger and thirst after righteousness,2 it means that you are yet to be filled, but it does not mean that you should stop the pursuit of immortality. For because of false goals long pursued, false momentums are builded up within the human psyche and individuals pursue these false goals, the counterfeits, because they do not know the real thing.

And it is, then, the plan of life that individuals should come to the threshing floor of God that they should be purged from the dross and should acknowledge the mighty immortality that is within them and be able to distinguish that immortality from those lesser goals which are a mere chimera on the face of life, a mirage shining upon a desert.

At the end of that mirage there is only the vacancy of the individuality passing into the higher octaves and rebirth in a ceaseless round which does not end, because of the mercy of God, [until the soul ascends or passes through the second death].3 For God, desiring to fulfill his plan, extends mankind’s consciousness beyond the so-called grave, giving him a renewed opportunity, ever so frequently, until he comes to apprehend the meaning and riddle of his existence.

However, the true goal of every son of heaven and every daughter of light ought to be the achieving of that immortality which is also reflected in the parable of the Christ concerning the five wise and the five foolish virgins.4 You will recall, precious ones, that the five wise virgins were prepared for the coming of the bridegroom of heaven and trimmed their lamps and kept them burning.

I am of the opinion that the Keepers of the Flame will themselves be particularly responsive to this thoughtform. And they will understand the meaning and the need to sustain for themselves an active interest in the eternal principles until by proximity, through the power of magnetization which they have consciously invoked, they will reach that particular place where the magnets of heaven can pull them over the line between the human and the Divine and exalt them into the Holy of Holies of their own immortal existence. But this cannot be until individuals are willing to cut the ties that bind them to lesser goals and to recognize the need to place their consciousness upon the altar of life without holding back a part of the price.

Individuals are ever so frequently anxious to appear before men to be giving themselves to the light, [even when] they are not giving themselves to the light within their hearts. In fact, beloved ones, I do not wish to tell secrets about people, but it is a surprising fact that there are a few among the children of the light (that is, among those who profess to be children of the light) who actually at times experience doubts as to the existence of God. And they say to themselves, “Well, I ought to have as much pleasure as I can in this life, for I do not wish to risk the chance of losing my life and not experiencing some form of pleasure.”

Well, God intends to give mankind the greatest happiness in existence. And he does not intend to give it to you today or for a moment, but he intends to give it to you forever! And these lesser goals can never achieve it. Therefore, these precious individuals who have these doubts and fears and permit their consciousness to indulge them are only depriving themselves of the mightiest release of love and light and power from the heart of God that it is possible for men to deprive themselves of!

For, beloved ones, whenever individuals express doubt, it is as if a door were closed between them and their own mighty I AM Presence. And the very expression of doubt within their feeling world effectively cuts them off from that radiation which would otherwise pour out to them. It is like a cloud passing before the face of the sun of their being. And so they do experience, at that time, the tears that are the rain that falls from the clouds of doubt.

And this is not the intention of God, for he would wipe away all sorrow and all tears from the eyes of every individual and usher them in to the highest expression of himself. This is the reality of everyone’s being. This is the reality of immortality. This is the grace of God expressed among men, destined to build a wonderful civilization.

Some of you, yesterday, witnessed a recording on celluloid film of South America and a story of the early pilgrims [who settled there]. You are aware, then, of the wonders of the South American civilization sponsored by the Great Divine Director and others of the mighty Brotherhood of light.5 You are aware of the need, then, to express love to those people in whatsoever state they may be in. For the three Americas are all intended to be bulwarks of freedom.

And the hand of fellowship is intended to express itself through the Pan American Union,* so that there will be friendship, in God’s name, extended as hands of light clasped over the Panama Canal, from North America and the far fastnesses of Lord Michael’s retreat in Canada6 to the very tip of the cape in South America. Precious ones of the light, a girdle of light is intended to surround the world at the equator and equate, in perfect balance for the earth, both the north and the south, that the hemispheres may become coordinated in perfect balance through the hearts of the people.

Now, I realize that some of you may not be aware of the need to balance the earth in the inner. But I would like to explain to you, today, that the heart of man is the focal point or pivot where balance is achieved by individuals. You have witnessed the scales of Justice and you are aware that this symbol of my beloved twin flame, Portia, has a pivot point and that the balance is at that pivot point.

Therefore, the heart of man corresponds, in like manner, to the pivot point of the scales of Justice. And the heart of man must equate for him all of the various and diverse manifestations of God the world around. Men must accept in their feeling worlds the life flame within the hearts of all people. Prejudices must be removed and supplanted by understanding. Criticism must end and cease. And men must look to the divine critique, the reason of Almighty God expressed through the Holy Christ mind.

When this Christ mind expresses through individual lifestreams, all causes for criticism—the causes and cores—will be removed from all. And the sooner criticism of anyone ceases among the students, the quicker they can equate within their hearts all these diverse outer conditions and produce the perfection in their own world which will make them masters of heaven and earth.

Yes, beloved ones, God intends to exalt you to a wondrous stature, and there is living room within this universe for you all. Strange as it may seem, individuals, in all of their learning, never achieve understanding until they come to the place where they are illumined by God. And then they understand that with God all things are possible,7 and they no longer begin to wonder and saddle themselves with limitations.

Beloved ones, it is an actual fact that individuals are often concerned with a future life and say to themselves, “Well, where will there be room for all of these people?” or “Where will there be room for all of these planets and the people of these planets to expand?” This is simply human comprehension, for God possesses the power to expand space as a child can blow up a toy balloon. And there is no difficulty experienced by the Father in expanding space, without end, into the infinite realms, which are all his body, his consciousness and his nature.

The creation of God has not been discoursed on by us, because before it could be understood by man, he would find it necessary to become all of God. And only the All of God could understand the Beginning and the Ending, for only the All of God could understand the infinity which has no beginning and no ending.

And therefore mankind cannot in their present state know the riddle of the Beginning and the Ending because they are not even able to comprehend their own being. They cannot even comprehend the network of the nervous system, which composes a part of their physical structure, passing through their musculoskeletal form and interconnecting the various members of their body. How, then, can they be expected to comprehend the depth and the vastness of heaven?

And yet, through the heart man is able to equate again all things and to enter into that power which, speaking through man as the voice of the mighty I AM Presence, declares: “All power in heaven and earth is given unto me! All power in heaven and earth is given unto me! All power in heaven and earth is given unto me.8 And whosoever will, may drink of the water of Life freely.”9

Ho, then! Let all that are athirst come and accept the gift of God without money and without price,10 for it but requires the dedication of your all. Every effort, then, made to unite mankind, every effort made to achieve understanding is a blow struck in the name of freedom. And eventually, as in a charge in battle, the victory will be won.

One must recognize that the enemies of divinity, the enemies of the cause of righteousness are everywhere. They are unwitting tools of the accumulation of negative human energy. They shall be dissipated. They have no power in our octave, and they have no power in yours unless you give it unto them.

It is true, however—I say to you in all cosmic honesty— that because of human momentums generated in the past, individuals need to be vigilant. They need and require application for their own protection. They must be vigilant in weaving the garment of light known to you as the tube of light, in maintaining the protection of that radiance, in holding the thought of God within their hearts. And they must be vigilant in expressing love when all outer conditions seem to belie the expression of love upon earth.

Although the battle may rage hot and intently, those dedicated ones wearing shining armour of radiant light will pass through and overcome. And in the heat of battle they shall know victory over the foe. Haughty though [the foe] may be, he shall fall by their side. And they shall not fall. They shall stand vigilant eternal.** And they shall know liberty. They shall know freedom. They shall know grace. They shall know the light.

Because they are children of the light, the diamond radiance of the light shall compose the atoms of their body, and they shall shine like the sun in righteousness. Their minds shall be clear and sharp like unto the mind of God. The golden sun of illumination shall pour its radiance through their Christ-illumined minds. And they shall express the rainbow radiance of the infinite power of God—light cast against the human prism to reflect the rainbow of promise, not of destruction but of immortality.

And, therefore, in the holy name of freedom—and freedom to express immortality by all life on earth—I charge into your consciousness this day the consciousness of God that knows no fear of death, that knows no fear of hell, that knows no fear of chaos because it is the equal balance of the perfection ray of God, shining down into the heart chalice and cherished there and adored until all that is without is like unto all that is within. And in that balanced cross of light, the body of man becomes the body of God—deathless, indestructible, eternal, immortal, all-wise, omnipresent, and love in action.

I thank you and bid you good afternoon.

*now known as the Organization of American States (OAS)
**Eternal was used this way as a quasi-adverb in the seventeenth century.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, October 14, 1962, during the Harvest Gathering held at the Dodge House, in Washington, D.C. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Jesus and the woman at the well. John 4:6-14.

2. Matt. 5:6.

3. The ascended masters teach that if a person continues in wrongdoing over and over again, he can lose his soul or become a castaway (I Cor. 9:27). If after many cycles according to cosmic law the soul does not exercise her free will to glorify God—and to be bonded to her Holy Christ Self in the process—her opportunity to become immortal will ultimately come to an end. The soul may cease to retain her soul blueprint and her self-identification in God. Then she can pass through the change called the second death. See Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 11-15; 21:8.

4. Matt. 25:1-13.

5. The Great Divine Director sponsors South America as the continent in which the seventh root race is to embody under the seventh dispensation (Aquarian age) and the seventh ray. The Great Divine Director is the Manu (progenitor and lawgiver) of the evolutions of the seventh root race. See also The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet; and “Great Divine Director” and “Manu” at Encyclopedia.

6. The retreat of Archangel Michael is located in the etheric octave at Banff, Alberta, Canada.

7. Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27; Luke 18:27.

8. Matt. 28:18.

9. Water of Life. John 4:13, 14. See also Rev. 7:16, 17; 21:6; 22:1, 17.

10. Isa. 55:1; Jer. 2:13; 17:13; John 4:14; 7:37; Rev. 21:6; 22:17

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