Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 59 No. 7 - Beloved Kuan Yin- April 1, 2016

A Golden Lotus of Light for the Golden Age

“If I Could Only Free My People in China!”

“In the elder days of Art, builders wrought with greatest care.”1

Beloved children of the light everywhere, I salute you in the name of cosmic mercy! And I would draw aside a portion of the veil of history that I might reveal to you that which some of you are familiar with—namely the sacred temples of the land which I loved so well, my own beloved China, and the lands of the Orient.

I can well remember when in embodiment there the golden domes of some of those magnificent temples. I remember those faces so different from the faces of most of the individuals embodied in America, those round faces with their eyes turned up, as it were, in a measure of oriental beauty. And I remember childish voices and glad hands held together, as little children with little tiny golden slippers on their feet would enter into these magnificent temples with God-happiness and a feeling of lightness of spirit. Those were the golden days of my country of China, an era forgotten through the mistiness of time even by the people of China, a land now held in the grip of mankind’s own fury and unleashed dominance through the power of World Communism.2

Beloved ones of the light, how grateful ought you to be that the flag of freedom still flies in this land of yours, which is our land. How grateful ought your hearts to be that the cosmic mercy, thanks to the ministry of beloved Saint Germain, has permitted a continuation of freedom’s beat through your great nation. This did not happen by accident. For wishful thinking will not produce a great deal of the desires of men, but a forthright action, and often the cooperation of heaven, is so necessary in producing and sustaining any design, whether it be of cosmic beauty or even of material elements.

Beloved ones, I think that it almost goes without saying that I would almost pledge the troth of my ascension, and return to earth again if the cosmic law permitted, if I could only free my people in China.

This is a very desperate situation. [The situation of] communes—in which the lives of young children are actually held bound by the power of a state, and a godless state at that, so lacking in culture yet seeking for material accomplishments like unto so many even in America—is a very sad thing indeed. It is not a hopeless one, however, for the powers of heaven when they are shaken are able to produce cosmic miracles of perfection. And therefore, I think that far more impregnable even than Chiang Kai-shek or the legions of the Chinese people on Formosa3 are the powers of heaven—and a greater deterrent to the domination of the human spirit by mankind in whom there is only an atheistic spirit in manifestation.

The spirit of atheism is truly a great pity. It is almost as if someone had the power to draw a great curtain across the face of the sun. For if a great curtain were drawn across the face of the sun, it would be but a few short years before all life would pass from this planet. (I realize that some might be able to endure through modern conveniences for a few months, but without the light of the sun no life could exist for a very long time.)

Therefore I say to you, it is so important, so very important to realize that if atheism, Communism, and these godless forces which have seized the minds of men with world ideologies—having some measure of sense because of man’s senselessness—are to be broken, they must be broken by the power of God. Atheism of itself does not acknowledge God’s power, and therefore it shuts off the flow of the divine light into men’s lives.

It has been demonstrated in Russia that Communism cannot completely dim or shut off the flow of divine feelings in the hearts of the people. And so there in that land, even to the present time, the rulers have been unsuccessful in stamping out feelings of religion, even in that nation, to their dismay and to their surprise.

I ask that all of you take a little more cognizance of your blessings than you have in the past. I ask that you intensify your feelings of gratitude for your own beloved country, both America and Canada, and realize that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.4 And therefore, do include the people of the land of China and enslaved peoples of the world in your calls daily. Do not be satisfied to make these calls weakly (weekly). Make these calls with the strength of your light. It is not always necessary that they be shouted from the housetops. This may be quiet, but it is an intense focus of your love and your calls to heaven’s heart—knowing that Mercy shall answer you— that shall produce the result, giving us the authority to act in your world.

Many of the people who dwelled in China long years ago when I was actually in physical embodiment are now present in America; some remain in the land of China. Nevertheless, as the Goddess of Mercy, I cannot help retaining some feelings even through the “veil,” as it were, “of light” which has taken place in my ascension. And I cannot help but send rays of light down into that nation and into every nation of the world desiring that the hearts of the people might be cut free from all discordant manifestations.

Mercy is a very precious gift of God. As a member of the Karmic Board, I am sure that most of you can appreciate my position. Constantly petitions and decrees come to me, some [people] asking for a release from a condition of health which has troubled them; others asking for help for a loved one. Many of these requests are very personal requests, and some of them are for the world order of things.

All of them do, of course, in the name of mercy, receive our attention. How could we deny the heart cries of God’s children anywhere? Your beloved Saint Germain said long ago, “The quality of mercy is not strain’d, / It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven / Upon the place beneath: it is twice bless’d; / It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”5

Therefore never, never, never, I say, in all eternity, is there an error made by a lifestream who is merciful to another part of life. Hardness of heart, hardness in the feeling world generated toward a part of life is the most effective screen in the cosmos to prevent the blessings of God from flowing forth into manifestation.

Any number of individuals have only one individual upon this planet that they will not forgive. And because of that one individual whom they will not forgive, they are unable to receive a tremendous release of life’s blessings. Therefore the divine catharsis of absolute forgiveness—and I do not say acceptance of domination by another lifestream—is so important.

I tell you, mankind gives the greatest of power to other parts of life when they have feelings of discord against those parts of life. These feelings of discord are effective in connecting them with the very part of life from whom they would escape. Is this, then, the part of wisdom? I think not. I think that those hearts who love me and love the hosts of heaven and want to be free will recognize that the law of the cosmos cannot be betrayed. It cannot even be betrayed by a kiss because the master ever knows the motive in the heart of every chela, and there is not a lifestream in this room or the world with whom the Karmic Board is not familiar.

We know and are able to weigh. When beloved Portia in the great Halls of Karma stands beside me and a lifestream produces a petition, the great cosmic scales of justice swing forth and the petition is weighed. All of the evidence is considered and pondered; and if you think the action of the Supreme Court of the United States or the court of the world at The Hague is cogent in manifestation and thought, you ought to be present in the Halls of Karma when individuals make their cosmic petitions. I tell you, the Goddess of Opportunity and Justice weighs each one. And every member of the Karmic Board—the Great Divine Director, the Goddess of Liberty, Nada, Portia, Pallas Athena, the Elohim of the fifth ray and myself6—we all take into account the request.

Mercy is always considered, you know. There is never a moment when mercy is not present. Some lifestreams then ask, “If mercy be present, why, why was not my request or my plea granted?” Let me say this, O hearts. There are times when the cosmic law demands a certain event to take place. In such cases, of course, mercy cannot enter in. The Law must act. This is because the greater law is in action.

There are other times when it is not so important and cosmic affairs do not enter in, and, of course, we are able to mitigate. Always, however, always in every case, the best and the highest good of each lifestream is considered with a deliberation worthy of heaven’s hosts. Realize, hearts of earth, that the Karmic Board receives and derives their power not from the consent of the governed, but from the Father, the Governor of all life. Therefore, we act in his name and with his qualities. Do you see?

I, Kuan Yin, have this to say, not only to those in this room but to all life upon this planet. As you have been told previously, the cosmic hour has struck. And therefore, I visualize, in my divine consciousness for the earth, a great golden lotus of light, a magnificent golden lotus. This lotus has a base that streams out ten thousand miles in space, and your earth at this moment is resting gently in the very center of this lotus of golden fire.

I AM flooding mercy and illumination to this planet! Around this earth, the flames of the sacred-fire lotus are blazing up into the atmosphere twenty-five thousand miles. And the God-mercy released this day to the mankind of earth shall be so effective that it shall assist in producing the golden age.

Not without reason did your Saint Germain make the statement that the quality of mercy is not strained. Not without reason did I speak this day in New York. Not without reason, and a cosmic reason at that, did all of the hierarchy of heaven produce this sacred convocation of hearts.

You may say there are only a few souls here—less than a hundred in physical manifestation, yes. But remember the words of the most beloved Jesus: “Where two or three are gathered in my name, there I AM in the midst.”7 Remember those words. Love those words. They are truth. Remember also these words, that one righteous man is able to put ten thousand unrighteous and more to flight.8 Remember Elijah, the prophet, how he prayed and it rained not upon the earth for a long period. Then again he prayed, and the rains came.1

The power of mercy, the power of the release of the sacred fire, the power of the love of God is a precious thing—a gift so sacred, so loving, that it is to be esteemed far beyond mere jewels of physical adornment, beautiful though they may be.

I am charging every jewel in this room, worn by every lady and gentleman, with mercy’s love this day. This action cannot take place outside of this forcefield for various reasons. But I am specifically charging every jewel which is in this room, whether it be imitation or genuine, with my radiance.

I have as a member of the Karmic Board the power to do this, and this I am doing. Therefore, these jewels which you wear today will have and retain a certain sacred quality of mercy. And whenever at any time your hearts feel a need to have a greater measure of my mercy, if you will hold those jewels in your right hand and call to me, I promise you, I will flood you with that same cosmic mercy with which I am now flooding you.

God bless you, O hearts of America and hearts of people through the city of New York. Continue your ministrations in this sanctuary and everywhere where the light of God is radiating. Remember, you are his children as are all men; and the day shall come when all men shall know the truth—that the truth of love and forgiveness may make them free,10 as I AM.

As a cosmic mother of mercy’s flame, I take my leave of you now, because into your midst has come a very magnificent being, one to whom I also bow, a sister member of the Karmic Board, a heart of love and compassion like Saint Germain’s— the mother of Paolo Veronese (Paul, the Venetian master), the Goddess of Liberty. Salute her heart’s light and love as she speaks.

Thank you. Always remember I love you, and good afternoon.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuan Yin was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Monday, July 4, 1960, during the 1960 Independence Day Convocation held at the Sanctuary of the Masters’ Presence in New York City, New York. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]

1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, “The Builders,” stanza 5.

2. Devastation in China under Communism. In the aftermath of World War II, Communist forces led by Mao Tse-tung waged a civil war against Nationalist forces in China, finally establishing the People’s Republic of China on October 1, 1949. Some of the most brutal campaigns waged against the people of China by the Communists under Chairman Mao were: the Agrarian Reform (1949–52) resulting in the execution of several million landlords; invasion and takeover of Tibet (1950), promising Tibetan autonomy but eventually establishing a Chinese military dictatorship that killed hundreds of thousands of Tibetans, confiscated or destroyed monasteries and religious scriptures, stripped the people of their private property, and reorganized the country into peasant associations; campaign against counterrevolutionaries (1951–52, 1955), leaving one and a half million dead in the first 12 months; purges in business, finance, and industrial circles leading to many executions and suicides (1951–53); a vehement liquidation campaign to silence rightist critics following Mao’s “Hundred Flowers” speech (1957–58); the Great Leap Forward (1958–60), a disastrous attempt to rapidly increase economic development through the formation of large rural communes, in some cases separating families and forcing peasants to adopt a militarized lifestyle; the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (1966–69), which included purges of intellectuals, who were forced to work in labor camps or were executed, and relocation to the countryside of an estimated 25 million youth, many of whom were assigned to work the land for life; and an ongoing campaign to tear down traditional Chinese culture, customs, and religious practices with systematic destruction of libraries, shrines, and works of art. Estimates of the number of Chinese killed under Mao’s rule range from 30 million to 60 million.

3. Chiang Kai-shek: 1887-1975, soldier and statesman who ruled China from 1928-49. Following his defeat by the Communist forces under Mao, Chiang Kai-shek retreated from the mainland to Taiwan (historically known as Formosa). There he and remaining Nationalist forces established a government in exile, promising to one day retake the mainland.

4. “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” John Philpot Curran (1808); also attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

5. The Merchant of Venice, act 4, scene 1, lines 183–86. The ascended master Saint Germain was embodied as Francis Bacon, author of the Shakespearean plays.

6. On December 30, 1993, the Dhyani Buddha Vairochana announced that he had become the eighth member of the Karmic Board.

7. Matt. 18:20.

8. For similar promises read: Lev. 26:8; Deut. 32:30; Josh. 23:10.

9. I Kings 17:1; 18:41-45; James 5:17, 18.

10. John 8:32.

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