Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 59 No. 4 - Beloved Hilarion - February 15, 2016

The Greatest Healing Is the Healing of the Soul

Beautiful souls in whom the completeness of God expresses, know the perfection of God and know the loosing of the bonds of carnality. Enter into your freedom and a release from all that has bound you, by the power of the sacred fire, which tries every man’s work of what sort it is.1

Understand clearly, then, that the plan of life in the trial by fire is the cleansing of the auric pattern, the freeing of the individual life from the dregs of human creation, and the establishment, in its place, of Christ-victory. This victory that overcomes the world, that conquers the last enemy, which is death,2 is already a part of the vibratory action of your lives.

Will you understand this? For it does create a sense of confidence, of hope that stills the mind from the restlessness of deceit and of the outer person, and it enables the Deity to firmly flow his wisdom patterns into the forcefield of your entire nature, thus producing the miracle love of the ascended masters’ consciousness, which overcomes the world.

The I AM, the God Presence of each and every one of you, is the bringer and bearer of victory into your lives. And the proximity of the God Presence to yourselves must ever be a part of your consciousness if you would enjoy the fruits of the Spirit—the love, the joy and the peace of that Spirit—to create a new life, to renew your consciousness, and to share in the cosmic plan for the emancipation of all men.

Humanity Hungers for Spiritual Nourishment

The world today lies in carnal bondage. And the many religious endeavors which have been given so much cosmic energy in the past in the hope that they would provide a pathway of freedom to humanity are today like ruined houses, broken down and containing no longer the former glory of the great temple that once drew forth the energy of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, the radiation of his love, and the creation in the consciousness of humanity of a sense of joint heirship with the Christ.

Will you, then—recognizing that these things are produced in the world because humanity has permitted their minds and beings to dwell upon shadow, shame and darkness—see the need to reverse the tide in your own affairs and in the affairs of humanity, that we may indeed now take advantage of the years that are before us to produce, by Christ’s miracle love, that progress in the world for which humanity hungers. For the hungers in the human soul are very great and when these are properly exercised, when these hungers are satisfied, then the fulfillment of the cosmic plan will manifest.

It is necessary that humanity should hunger, and many of the conditions that disturb the world today are the result of a lack of spiritual nourishment. They are fed out of the swill troughs of life, and because they are unsatisfied, they continue to reach out to eat from the swill troughs, which will never satisfy them at any time.

The satisfactions they do receive are only human and carnal. And as soon as they are satisfied, they again require the exercise of contacting the same vibratory quality over and over, thus producing a cycle which we see from our level as a cycle of monotony.

The Ascended Consciousness Precedes the Ascension

We are interested, then, in enhancing the value of life in all of its aspects. We want to bring humanity to a place of peace where they will cease to struggle for the things which God already has in store for all mankind. We want to bring mankind to a state of confidence and faith whereby they will step forth each day knowing that that day can be a high road to adventure and freedom for their lifestream.

We desire to enhance the quality of life, to produce the miracle love of Christ-conscious healing in the individual’s forcefield. For when there is a release of the great power of freedom into the atmosphere around and through the individual, it is a contagious gift that can also catch others up in the great updrafts of the Holy Spirit as he seeks, by his love, to bring mankind into a higher state, the state of the ascended consciousness, as the predecessor of the total ascension.

Have you ever thought, then, beloved ones, how the consciousness itself precedes through the veil and is the anchor which enables mankind to climb up higher? Realize, then, that as your thoughts go before you in attunement with God, so your energies go. And when enough of your energies have passed beyond the veil, the ascension is an automated function and can no longer be denied to any who will follow the pathway of their thoughts, of their feelings, of their hearts.

We who are so concerned with the healing of mankind recognize full well that the greatest healing is the healing of the soul. For when the soul is well, when the soul prospers internally in its awareness of God, outer conditions are more easily brought under control. And if men must occasionally function with a thorn in the flesh, which I myself also experienced as Paul,3 then they will understand that the power to shake loose the outer conditions and give them their total freedom is always within their grasp, even when they are playing out the role, the dramatic role, of an individual life experience.

The Universal Christ Is the Victor over All Outer Conditions

Know, then, that the LORD God of hosts is within you, that he is within your mind, within your body, within your soul, that you are composed of the substance of his energy, of his love, of his wisdom and of his power. And nothing need be impossible unto you as you grasp, in the total forcefield of your being, the meaning of these words and proceed to put it into practice.

For through practice you will become perfect—the practice of the Presence of God, the acceptance of his love, the confidence that he will see you through and that darkness itself cannot triumph. For the light is the brilliant flame of pure white that consists of all of the energies of the Christ consciousness functioning in all of the avatars throughout the universe.

The universal Christ is the victor over all outer conditions. As he manifested in beloved Jesus and in others who have followed on the road to victory, so he can and does manifest in you. As you accept him and his love, you will find a pathway rising before you. Progress will be internal as well as external. And the perfect love that God is will cast out the fear even of torment.4

For the healing of your souls is the greatest gift that you can possess. It is the gift of God that makes you truly free.

As it is his will, will you make it your own? As you make it your own, you provide a pathway for the current to flow. For man is changed from glory unto glory, even as by the Spirit of the LORD. The LORD is that Spirit and where his Spirit is, there is liberty.5

Will you accept this liberty, the liberty that God gives to all who will drink of the water of life freely?6 Will you accept it? Will you bask in the sunshine of his love? Will you let your hearts no longer be troubled and concerned by outer things, knowing that where the heart is, there the treasure is also?7

Flame of Healing

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, O thou beloved immortal victorious threefold flame of eternal Truth within my heart, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Helios and Vesta, beloved Hilarion, Pallas Athena, Archangel Raphael and the healing angels, beloved Jesus the Christ, Mother Mary, the Maha Chohan, beloved Mighty Cyclopea and Lady Master Meta, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!

In the name of the Presence of God which I AM and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in me, I decree:

1. Healing Flame of brightest green,
    I AM God Presence all serene,
    Through me pour thy Mercy Light,
    Now let Truth make all things right.

Refrain: Flame of consecration wonder,
               Let my mind on thee now ponder
               Service to my brother stronger
                  And the fullness of thy Power.
               Flame of consecration healing,
               Keep my being full of healing,
               Mercy to my brothers sealing
                  By the grace of God Desire.

2. Flame of Healing, fill my form,
    Vibrant Life in me reborn;
    God within me, make me Whole,
    I AM healing every soul.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation , p. 369, no. 50.01.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sun-day, February 1, 1970, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. I Cor. 3:13.

2. I Cor. 15:26.

3. II Cor. 12:7.

4. I John 4:18.

5. II Cor. 3:18, 17.

6. John 4:14; Rev. 21:6.

7. Where the heart is, there the treasure is also. Matt. 6:21; Luke 12:34.

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