Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 58 No. 17 - Beloved Jesus Christ - September 1, 2015


“A Tale of Two Cities”

In a lecture given on March 13, 1981, Elizabeth Clare Prophet commented on the import of the timing of this dictation by Jesus. She said that on February 18, 1973, as she delivered Jesus’ dictation in Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mark Prophet simultaneously gave his final delivery in Santa Barbara, California. It included a lecture entitled “You Can Become One with God” and a dictation from Saint Germain. She said that the Brotherhood called this event “A Tale of Two Cities” and she explained:

Mark told me “It’s the city of heaven and the city of earth.” And so one of us had to make our abode in the city of heaven and one in the city of earth, the goal being that the two cities become one city.... As we make our lives sublime here on earth, we are bringing God’s kingdom into manifestation and we are making our heaven on earth, as it was the desire of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux to do. She said she was going to spend all of her heaven on earth. So we can see Lanello spending his heaven on earth.

Regarding his final message, “You Can Become One with God,” Elizabeth Clare Prophet said, “I guess he decided to prove it to us! ...Lanello was one with God for as long as I’ve ever known him. That was and is his message, and he is saying it to us this hour.”

Eight days after this dictation, on February 26, 1973, Mark Prophet made his ascension and he is now known as the ascended master Lanello.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

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