Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 57 No. 10 - Beloved Lord Shiva - May 15, 2014

An Endless Stream of Consciousness

The Awareness of the Self as God

The light from thy heart is an endless stream of consciousness. It is a stream that you follow from the valley unto the Himalayas, unto the source, the white-covered mountain, image most holy of the Holy of Holies.

I come from that Source and you, the stream, you coming also from that Source, have lost the memory of your origin in God. And so as a bubbling brook you have played in the valleys of life, not knowing that Source.

Can the stream return to the source? Ah yes. For the stream flows on to the great sea of life, and the sea itself is the polarity of the source. The sea is Mother. Out of Father you come; unto Mother you go. And Mother lifts her mighty wave and sends you back with a clap and a thunder unto the mount and the height of overcoming in that point of contact that is the All-Father.

You, then, the drop of water—millions and billions of drops of water, moving as a polarity of consciousness, moving through the fluidic state—find yourself now father, now mother, now brother, now sister, aware of Christ and Krishna, of Buddha and the prophets, aware of the self as the soul, the child being transported, the Ancient of Days transporting the child. And when, as water, you have realized all levels of consciousness, from the depths unto the height, and claimed your own as God's holy flame, then and only then is your option to return to the Source, nevermore to cycle forth again.

The Inner Identity Becoming More of the “Self that I AM”

The cyclings and recyclings of consciousness are the comings and the goings of your energy, forming an identity, forming that God-free being. I AM at the origin and I AM at the fulfillment of cycles. Come with me, for I would take you by the hand and show you the way of evolution whereby you might pass through the rapids of life, the pollutions of the stream, and yet realize the law of the One—the one drop of consciousness a sufficiency unto the self, a wholeness, a law unchallenged, ineffable, and yet capable of that compromise, that reflection of darkness and old night. Think of the choices that the drop of water can make, taking on any and all vibrations of earth. And yet, the choice to remain all One is yet the elective of the soul.

See, then, how Mother, symbolized by the totality of water, contains within herself every awareness of every child of the Most High. See how Mother moves in the body, in the mind, in the soul of every child, taking on the sorrow, even the sin and the dying consciousness, to be renewed and restored and resurrected by that Holy Spirit which I AM. See, then, that that movement, as a study and a mastery, can give you the key to the delicate inflections of the Law, which you must, which you can experience, and yet experience with nonattachment, without the coloration of the soul, even if the aura be tinged by its environment.

Move, then, through the stream of life, but be independent of the stream. Cater to the molecules of the stream, and let your soul bend to meet the need of each measure of its flow. But always reserve the white-fire core, the sacred fire of Holy Spirit that is the inner identity—never lost, never born, never dying, but always becoming more and more of that Self that I AM.

Come to the Place Where You Fear Not
the Parting with Portions of the Self that Are Unreal

Have you, then, guessed who I AM? I AM the voice of Shiva, speaking in the heart of Mother. Where I AM you too may be also if you choose to come into that center of consciousness which is fearlessness itself. When you fear not the parting with portions of the self that are unreal, then you stand in my flame. But when you are terrorized by the night, with its temptations, or the demand of the Law for greater and greater sacrifice, then in your terror you remove yourself from my flame and from the moving stream that is the Mother, moving with her children becoming the oneness of the light.

To stand fearless in the flame of Shiva you must have an awareness of who I AM in Father and who I AM in Son. When you know the Law and when you know who you are in that law, then you can be in the midst of the fiery trial, not the object of the judgment but the very fiery core of the judgment itself. And what better place is there to be than in the very eye of the flame, in the cosmic interval, in the spherical identity, where you perceive in all directions your own creation, where you become the judge and the Christed One to execute the law of your own being. This is the place to which God would draw you—to the center of a cosmos, where in your oneness with the fire you no longer fear the consuming of all desire nor the consummation of bliss in higher states of meditation, to which your soul aspires.

Alas, your four lower bodies pull back the soul from its free roaming as a free agent in the higher planes of nirvana. Beware, then, that you do not confuse the desires of the four lower bodies with the desiring of the soul to be free. For these desires of the lower vehicles are deceptive because they are the product of millions of years of human habit patterns. I said millions of years, for the collective consciousness of desire of human evolution is impressed upon every particle of matter, and therefore within your very vehicles is that record of desire even if you have overcome certain levels of desiring. The very presence within you of the dust of which all are formed gives you that tie and that sympathy to the mass consciousness, which you must resist as the very challenge of Almighty God himself within you.

Go within and Find the Self

Brahma Vishnu Shiva
Brahma Vishnu Shiva
Brahma Vishnu Shiva
Ma Mata Mata

With this chant I acquaint your soul with the vibration of the inner wholeness, that you might have the awareness of the Self as God and know those portions of the self which have been the impostors, the counterfeiters of the Real, that you might discern the point of Reality which must disassociate itself from billions of points of unreality, which surround you and which are a part of this earth and this mayic veil.

Let your meditation be, then, deep within the heart, deep within the fiery core of the Self. And in your moments of meditation do not identify the self with any claim or quality or condition, name or fame or development, character, or whatever you have conceived the self to be. For you see, in maya it is very difficult to know, very difficult indeed, to know that which is Real and that which is unreal.

Let the self, then, be the unqualified soul, the unqualified whole, the unqualified center of being. And then let God reveal within you the qualifications of consciousness and reveal to you, miracle upon miracle, an awareness of the Self so vast, so far beyond the outer human accomplishment, that you will be glad that you set aside the crystallizations of self-awareness which have bound you, in some cases to a vastness of unreality which has no part with the true reality of the Self.

Abandon, then, those images which the world has held of you and which you have held of yourself. In most cases they are 90 percent unreal. But go within and find the Self. Be the Self. Meditate upon the Self. And let God add unto your consciousness each day a new awareness of who I AM. Then go and be that I AM. Be the Buddha. Be the Christ. Be the Mother where I AM.

For in your focalization of consciousness you will see a victorious spiral, as the rising incense, as the smoke of the burnt offering of the burning of the lesser self. The curling of that energy will symbolize the coming forth, from the white-fire core of being, of the new Self, the Real Self, being born out of the ashes of the former self. And this Self that is born is bound to be the immortal one, the avatar, the incarnation of the Word.

This Self, out of the fires of the resurrection, will be that Self, spherical, balanced in the mastery of the four elements, in the awareness of Father, Mother, Son and Holy Spirit—that Self which conquers time and space, which is in time and space the perfect knowing of light all-flowing, of light being the consummation of bliss that I AM in the center of the One, the center of the Sun, the white fire burning in the snow, in the mount of attainment.

I AM in the Holy of Holies. Come to me, O soul. O flowing stream, become the ocean, become the Mother. Then rise in the wave to become the moisture in the air evaporated in the sun—rising, rising to that point of precipitation of the God flame upon the peak, upon the mount of the Himalayas, where I AM in meditation upon your goal.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lord Shiva was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, May 22, 1977, in Pasadena, California.

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