Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 56 No. 23 - Beloved Jesus Christ - December 1, 2013

Willingness to Confront the Adversary

Our Lord’s Christmas Day Address

Hail unto the beloved who are my seed! Hail unto the light of the Ancient of Days! I AM come into the earth. And lo, I AM come to do thy will, O God!

My beloved who are my true shepherds in the earth, I salute you in the light of Sanat Kumara. Before his flame I bow, and in his name I come to give comfort to my brethren. Won’t you be seated.

The light that I bear is the light of the Father, conveyed to me as a taper before the throne of grace. I am come this day as the Lamb on Mount Zion. I come as the Lamb in the very person and the office of that one to seal in the heart of the earth and in the souls of my children the awareness that I am in the earth, that I speak my word in this hour, and that I am present for the deliverance of the Woman and her seed.

I have come for the fulfillment of the vow that I made so very long ago when I beheld the turning aside of my father and my mother by Serpent and his seed1 and the long journey into night that the children of the light must bear. Many, many souls in that Lemurian epoch responded to the very same testings of their path. And therefore there is a collective burden of karma that now we lay upon the altar of the Lord, that you might claim the burden of the Lord. His burden is light. His burden is also the very creation itself. And thus you might call the burden of the Lord the Lord’s karma, for the light that he has set in motion is the effect of primal cause. And therefore, you claim the burden of the Lord, and it is the burden of light that transmutes the burden of karma.

This very mystery of the Holy Grail was given to me in those very hours when I submitted myself to Sanat Kumara, to Alpha and Omega. Following my death at the hand of Cain,2 I went before the LORD God, seeing full well what would come upon the generations of earth. It was then that I volunteered to be the one who would redeem them from that fall. And I was placed under Lord Maitreya, who overshadowed me in each succeeding incarnation.3 And through him I knew the Lord Gautama, who preceded me in the manifestation of the light of the East. And through him, I was constantly aware of the Ancient of Days.

Challenge the Momentum of Anti-God
in the Planetary Body

My beloved hearts, the vow to defeat the fallen ones is a serious vow. Not many have made it. Certainly you could not expect children to take on such a responsibility. Of whom do I speak when I speak of children? It is those who have enjoyed the playground of the universes for aeons. They have enjoyed it so much that they have not elected to become joint heirs with my mission, with the eternal Christ. They desire to be cared for rather than to care for. Thus, beloved ones, you will not hear them knocking at the door of the Ancient of Days and saying, “I will go and confront the Adversary.”

What do you think the test was like when I stood as David before Goliath?4 What do you think—with sling in hand, my only defense, a single try at that third eye of the fallen one?

Beloved ones, I had prepared long. I knew that if I would one day confront Satan directly, I must now confront him in the flesh in this fallen one and overcome the fear of his size and his roaring and his momentum of all of the hordes of death and hell who accompanied him on that day.

My beloved, Sanat Kumara, through Lord Maitreya, gives to us the preparation for our tests one by one in useful order, and always the preparation is full and complete. And yet, so many, my beloved, who are called cannot be chosen. For after they have received the Word and the teaching, when they must face one of these fallen ones, I tell you, often they are defeated by a minor devil, for the false hierarchy does not even deign to send a superior member to many of these individuals. When, then, will they confront the Adversary?

Justice in the earth must come through those who know they are joint heirs, who have had enough of the round of human pleasure, who realize that life is short, that the comings and goings of souls are swift, that time is elusive, space a compartment of consciousness and all that matters is the reality of God, God, God.

The joint heirs of my mantle must drink the full cup. It is the cup of world karma. It is the cup of joy. And it is the cup of the betrayal of the fallen ones. Willingness to bear the burden of the little ones who are yet children is the bearing of world karma. Willingness to bear the spirit of the resurrection to offset that karma is the cup of joy. Willingness to confront the Adversary is the cup of betrayal.

My beloved, I will not tell you that the Path is easy or simple. But I will tell you that it is sheer joy and the wonder of the stars, that it is intense love that would almost cause your heart to break for the sacrifices it requires you to make. But just before it breaks, lo the descent of the ruby ray! And your heart expands and a new capacity for love enables you to transcend former attachments. And you press on, and by the very pressing on, you have eliminated entire legions of darkness and contingents of fallen ones. They are behind you. They are no longer in your class. You have outclassed them.

And so as you approach the light of the absolute God, remember that he, too, has his adversary, his counterpoint. And therefore, you will challenge the anti-God in the beast that was and is not and yet is,5 the beast that was not, yet it was. That beast is the entire momentum of anti-God in the planetary body.

Precious hearts, I come with a very simple thought, a thought which must dawn upon those who will by and by realize that they are indeed called to be avatars. And the thought is this—that inasmuch as these serpents have plagued our Father’s children for these aeons and inasmuch as you have attempted to defeat them halfheartedly while yet compromising with the world and have not succeeded, would it not be better to give to this life and to a few short years the ultimate of God consciousness to consume the anti-God, so that these little ones may come out from under the boulders of their condemnation with the joy of new birth and discover that they, too, have the intrinsic worth to be joint heirs, as you are with me and with my light.

Beloved ones, we have spoken of the failure syndrome. I would awaken you and quicken you from a momentum in which you have become accustomed to trying and then to failing and then to saying, “Well, at least we tried.” To this you have often heard El Morya reply, “It is not enough to try. You must will to win! You must accomplish and that without the stain of sin.”

Do you see, beloved ones? There are many in the earth today who are forlorn. They expect to fail. They expect the fallen ones to win. They expect that their voices will not be heard. And they carry on the lamentations of the prophet Jeremiah.6

Beloved ones, the days of lamentation have passed. This is the day of joy—joy in the Lord that a son of God can be born under the protection of the angels and the aegis of Alpha and Omega, that a son of God can pass through the initiations of the sacred fire in the very midst of the laggard camp, the Middle East, the very forcefield of the fallen ones.

The Cup of the Poison of Serpent

I was not sent to an island in the South Seas. I was sent into the very midst of Armageddon, and that Armageddon was being waged long before I journeyed to that point. And the Armageddon of earth is always against the Mother light. For the light of the earth is the Mother. The light of the earth is the light that the Woman places in the heart of her seed.

Understand, then, that the great white light in the cube of Jerusalem, in the very place of that holy church which now commemorates the place of my birth—that light of the incarnation, that light of the Woman—is the forcefield in Matter that interacts, by the figure-eight flow, with the Temple of the Resurrection and the holy city over Jerusalem.7

That light is coveted by the fallen ones. They camp upon its doorstep. They bask in its light. But they can never assimilate it until they bend the knee and confess that because a single son of God is victorious, so can they be God-victorious. They have drunk of the cup of the poison of Serpent.

They have believed the lie that that poisonous philosophy is sufficient unto their salvation. Beloved ones, you must understand that it is a deadly cup, able to turn the mind and heart of unbelievers entirely to the path of the fallen ones.

Precious hearts, the healing of the earth from the poison of Serpent would be more important to us, if it could be, than the judgment of Serpent and his seed. But it cannot be, for we must root out the cause and core. But, beloved, we do not rejoice in the judgment of the fallen ones. We rejoice in the salvation of the lost sheep, and they are lost because of the poison of Serpent. It manifests in all levels—chemically, alchemically, on the astral plane and the mental plane, even penetrating the lower etheric body.

Now you will understand how some can be so turned out of the way. There is literally a venom, which is why these fallen ones have been compared to snakes. Their poisonous venom, insidiously penetrating the rational mind and the corrupt astral levels of consciousness, polarizes the individual to the anti-God momentum of the beast. And thereby they pursue the work and the word of the beast. And they are brainwashed and they have become automatons to the beast. But some of these once had a soul and a free will and once stood before the Ancient of Days petitioning opportunity for life in the earth.

The Wholesale Judgment Will Come
Only When God’s Children Have Been Rescued

Beloved ones, if it were so simple that all who do the works of the Devil were of him, then the judgment could descend and divide the tares and the wheat. But as a matter of fact, the LORD God has spared this planetary body generation after generation because of the falling away of the children of the light. And if they were to be judged in this hour, they too would go the way of the seed of the wicked.

Our Father is so concerned with the salvation of the children of the light that it does not concern him to allow the tares to go unchecked or the seed of the wicked to increase their practices of wickedness. For he is looking to the day when not one but many sons of light will come and judge them and rescue his children. And only when his children have been rescued and separated out from among them is he willing to allow the descent of the wholesale judgment of the seed of the generation of vipers. Understand, then, that it is not mercy to the seed of the wicked but compassion and limitless understanding of the children of God who are lost.

Think of yourselves, any one of you, in this or a previous life when you might have been caught up in even a portion of this poisonous philosophy and way of life. Think if when you were in that situation suddenly the worlds were to have been judged. Where would you have stood without the knowledge of your mighty I AM Presence? Where would you have stood were the Light to have suddenly descended and said to the entire evolution: “It is finished; as you are, so shall you be as you transfer from earth to heaven; he that is filthy, let him be filthy still”?8

Why Does God Allow Injustice?

And so, my beloved, the question is asked: Why does God allow it? Why does he allow the injustice? Why does he allow enough war and murder and crime and outrageous behavior to cause such a burden upon God’s people?

He allows them free rein so that the children of the light will wake up and realize that life is not a game, that unless they act, and act swiftly in time and space, evil will go unchecked. He allows it so that the children of light may learn from the nefarious deeds of the seed of the wicked that which is the true course and that which is the false.

All around you the wages of sin and of the works of the Devil are obvious. And therefore, you do not have to experience their way to see its end result—debilitation, degeneration, the loss of mind and heart and soul. It happens everywhere in life so that the children of light will wake up and choose a better goal.

God allows the injustice to spur on his sons and daughters, who would rather perhaps engage their talents in art and creativity and noble sculpture and literature, who must be called from their meanderings in his Great Causal Body as they experiment with truth and enjoy the vast contents of his mind. These sons and daughters must be quickened to the understanding that unless and until the fallen ones are judged, there is no surety of salvation unto the children of the light and there is no fulfillment of the path of their initiation.

Therefore putting all these things aside, the sons and daughters of God in the earth who truly assess the times and the signs of the seasons, they, then, will put on my garment and do those things which are most important. This is why God allows it. God allows it because of their own free will.

In the bliss of communion with him, they have not chosen the light. And therefore, they are placed in a planetary body where there is great darkness so that by contrast they may know what is their heart’s desire. This simple understanding is a comfort to all of the ascended masters, but it has not been understood by many. The people do not understand why there is not simply a reign of peace, for I have come and I have come as the Prince of Peace. They do not understand that were this to be true before they had exercised free will and gained their wings, they themselves would descend into a not-peace—a not-peace, which is the absence of the disciplines of peace, a neutral zone which gradually degenerates into war itself through the departure from the necessity to forge and win the victory of life.

My beloved ones, our Father has waited for the coming of this seed. I have foreseen your coming. The events of the coming year and of the decade will rest upon the sons and daughters of God upon earth, the children of the light who have moved into their niche of cosmic responsibility. According to your implementation of the will of God unto the judgment of the fallen ones, so will there be the acceleration of light, so will there be the shortening of the days for the elect of God.9

Receive the Grail that I AM

The authority of God in the earth is always vested in the Son. And so it is that I place my mantle once again upon you as my apostles and overseers and true shepherds of my people.

My heart is yearning for my flocks to return to me. Feed, then, my sheep with the food that they are able to receive. But keep the sacred mysteries for the inner service, which they do not understand or perceive. Let the sacred mysteries be for those who understand the meaning of the Holy Grail.

I AM the Grail presence in the midst of Israel. I AM the Holy Grail in the advent of life, life aborning within my children. I transfer the Grail that I AM to my sons and daughters in the earth. I elevate you to assume the mantle that all who hear my Word, whose souls quiver with the Word of the Son of God, receive, then, my call! Receive my Word! Receive the Grail!

I AM come. I stand in your midst. I stand for the rebirth of my own flame in your hearts.

Now, my beloved, I take my leave of you. For wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business10 throughout the earth and the solar systems and the galaxies?

I bid you, be about our Father’s business as we together span the highways and, from across the universes, catch one another’s eye and say:

All is well. I AM the watchman of the Lord where I AM. I AM THAT I AM. I AM the Son of God on earth and in heaven. I AM the Holy Grail. And I give to all who will follow me in the living Word to drink of my Blood that is the ruby ray. And to them I give to eat of my Body, which is the ascended master light body of all worlds.

Lo, I AM come! I AM the light of worlds! I span the starry bodies! I magnify my being to hold within my garment all of the sheep of my pastures and all of the true pastors of my sheep.

In the name of our Father, in the name of my Mother, in the name of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Son, whose light I AM, I AM with you alway, even unto the end of the world that is unreal and to the beginning of the world that is Real in Israel this day.

I AM your Jesus, always in the Christ.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Tuesday, December 25, 1979, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. The turning aside of my father and my mother by Serpent. (Gen. 2:15-17; 3) In the Genesis account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, which was on Lemuria, God commanded, “Of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” But Adam and Eve believed the Serpent’s lie, “Ye shall not surely die,” and they partook of the fruit of the tree. For their disobedience, the LORD God exiled them from the Garden. Mark Prophet has said, “By the knowledge of relative good and evil, the consciousness of absolute Good that was once in man and woman in the Garden, able to directly apprehend the Father and the unity of the Father’s expression, was cut off. It no longer lived in man.” Driven away from the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were required to pass the same tests they had failed in the Garden but under much more difficult conditions. Elizabeth Prophet has said that God told Adam and Eve that they would have to wait for their redemption until the coming of his Son, indicating the long journey into night that succeeding generations would have to bear.

2. Death at the hand of Cain. (Gen. 4:1-8) After Adam and Eve left the Garden of Eden, Eve gave birth to Cain and then to Abel, who was an embodiment of Jesus. Abel, a righteous man, was a keeper of the sheep and his offering was accepted by the LORD. But when his brother Cain, a tiller of the ground, brought his offering, the LORD did not accept it. In anger Cain rose up and slew Abel.

3. Jesus placed under Lord Maitreya ... relates to his position in the lineage of Gurus of the Great White Brotherhood called the hierarchy of the ruby ray. The chain of hierarchy in this lineage descends from the Ancient of Days (Sanat Kumara) to Gautama Buddha, to Lord Maitreya, to Jesus Christ and then to Padma Sambhava.

4. I stood as David before Goliath. (I Sam. 17:48-51) Prior to his final incarnation as the Nazarene master, the soul of Jesus was embodied as David (c. 1043-973 B.C.), one of the most loved and revered figures in Hebrew history. As a young shepherd boy, David single-handedly slew the Philistine giant Goliath. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has said that Goliath represented David’s dweller-on-the-threshold. She said that David could not have defeated Goliath if he had not slain the dweller within himself. It was a spiritual initiation that he had to pass in order to eventually rise in stature to become the king of Israel.

5. Rev. 17:8.

6. The Lamentations of Jeremiah is a book in the Old Testament in which the prophet Jeremiah weeps and mourns the condition of his people—their having been manipulated by the fallen ones, their cowardice, their nonreceptivity to God’s teachings, and their suffering the karmic recompense for their iniquities and transgressions.

7. The Temple of the Resurrection, or the Resurrection Temple, is the retreat of Jesus and Mary over the city of Jerusalem in the Holy Land. For more on the Resurrection Temple, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 456-58; available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

8. Rev. 22:11.

9. The shortening of the days for the elect of God. Matt. 24:22; Mark 13:20.

10. Luke 2:49.

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