Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 56 No. 10 - Beloved Mother Mary - May 15, 2013

Dedication to the Cause of the Holy Child

Blessed sons and daughters of the Holy Church, I am come as the Mother flame of the Church. I stand in your midst, with blest Raphael, to bring the flame of a higher order of dedication to the Holy Child.

I have summoned legions of angels in the service of the Holy Child upon earth. I come in answer to the call of my Son and of so many parents on earth whose lamentations are heard at the very throne of God. They cry out for their lost children. Some are indeed lost in the darkness of the earth, while others are lost to parents because they have ascended to a higher order of service.

We have convoked this seminar on the education of the heart for you, my beloved, to enter in to the secret chamber of our heart, where we deliberate the plight of the little children upon earth. Our concern is very great as conditions are even more grave than you have heard.

We seek a cradle for the remnant. We seek the shepherds. We herald the new day of the coming of the four points of service envisioned by our servant Maria Montessori.1 As you have heard of her dream, so you have looked round about and discovered that here at Camelot the four components are already established and accelerating as the base of the< pyramid, the golden pyramid, of a New Age education for all children. Where shall we place the base of this pyramid?

We must also consider the larger problems of this nation and of all the nations of the earth. Century by century the momentums of war have outplayed themselves, even in the very year of Maria Montessori’s dedication of her work as the work of God. So did my message go forth2—1917, the hour when the bell tolled and millions of souls passed to other octaves at the hand of World Communism.3

Expectancy and Hope

Thus, cycles repeat themselves, and we see that the fallen ones have contrived more than one way to destroy the soul, the body, the mind and the heart of the little children. The conspiracy waxes strong and many become weak. Many have fallen away from the service of the Church.

But there are green shoots on the dry branch, as though the eternal spring might come. And the bush awaits the hand, the pruning hand of the Lord, so that the new shoots may bring forth the blossoms of hearts unfolded in the love of the service of the Holy Child. The trek of lightbearers down the centuries has led us to this point of so great an hour of opportunity and so foreboding the night of the Dark Cycle.

We herald the coming of lightbearers such as these. We rejoice to see old souls climbing the ladder of the initiatory degrees. We are grateful for the synthesis of the flame of the Maha Chohan established through the seven chohans. We welcome those who have seen themselves in the role of teacher, the ones who will unlock the hearts of the children because in their hands, Gautama, the beloved, will place the key.

The key to the unlocking of the heart of the little child is golden wisdom and the joy of the path of the ruby ray. It is the consecration of the family, the parents, the teachers, the community and the religious within the community.

Thus you have inherited my Holy Church and my flame. And you stand here with the representative of Christ, your hands outstretched to receive the holy bread and the wine and the life. You come with expectancy and hope. You come with a mature resolve to dedicate yourselves, in whatever way we direct you, to the salvation of souls.

The Conspiracy against the Little Child

As Cyclopea has sent forth the penetration of the All-Seeing Eye and corruption is disclosed in government, so the conspiracy against the little child is also revealed. The god of the humanists is sex, beloved ones. They have enshrined their pagan god within the schools and made of them the synagogue of Satan. Children in America partake in the satanic rites of the destruction of the fountainhead of Christ in father, mother, teacher, child. Let us realize, then, that this god of lust has ever been the anti-God to tempt the children of Reality, of the nation Israel, away from the Ancient of Days, away from the mind of God, away from the great universal heart.

My beloved ones, I summon from the Great Central Sun an infinite light. I touch your hearts now. I touch your hearts, each one who will receive me. And there passes from the heart of Alpha and Omega unto Helios and Vesta—through Jesus and Magda and Raphael and my own heart, unto you and your beloved twin flame—the impetus of light for the overturning of these idols and their fertility cults and their cults of success and of death.

Beloved ones, these other gods, against which you have been warned for thousands of years, are a complex of a hierarchy that spans into the distances of the physical universe. The false hierarchy of the fallen ones has its eye upon Terra, for here upon earth a cross section of life from the many planetary homes and systems of the galaxy is now evolving. In each and every case when the judgment descends on a certain evolution, it reaches back to that planetary home far, far beyond even the sight of astronomers. Earth, then, has become the proving ground for all of the various philosophies, evolutions, lifewaves of the many systems. As the earth goes, so will go a vast segment of the life of cosmos. Thus many have gathered in embodiment, many are waiting to embody, and still others are the saints robed in white reinforcing your hearts, your efforts, your will, your strength, your sense of mission and of the certain victory of the light.

A Cradle and an Ark of Safety

We come to call our children home. We come for the reinforcement of the Holy Child. We come to answer the prayer of Maria Montessori and of many hearts. We call those servants who will dedicate themselves to the children of the light in every way. We answer the call of Jesus and your beloved Lanello and all of the little children in this community and those who long to be here.

We dedicate this Order of the Holy Child4 within the Order of the Sons and Daughters of Dominion.5 For those who have dominion in the four lower bodies, to them is transferred the mighty seed of Sanat Kumara to multiply that seed and to raise up the new generation of lightbearers. Dominion in the Christ mind collectively in the community produces the Great Central Sun Magnet.

The Great White Brotherhood is so concerned that earth shall be victorious that, in their search for the cradle of life, they have come in my person to dedicate this community of Camelot as a cradle and an ark of safety to those special souls who are embodying and those who are going to embody in this decade. All of the saints of the Church East and West, the Manus and the Brotherhood, therefore, have a very certain vested interest in securing the necessary physical locations for the protection of these incoming children, their training, their education, and for the sealing of the sanctity of holy marriage within the life of a holy order.

We look to the members of this community to sustain the true life of the Church, which is waning. For so many within that church have been fed the flesh-and-blood consciousness of the Saviour that they can scarcely make the transition, by the alchemy of the Holy Ghost, into the higher awareness of the personal resurrection in the here and now. May the flame burn on, and may the Holy Child be enshrined in your heart.

Prayers for the Saving of Souls

I am asking that all who are able and willing and so inclined might give to me, for the children of the light, Thursday evenings for the consecrated ritual of the Sons and Daughters of Dominion on behalf of all children and all youth, so that the Holy Child might live in them to heal their minds and bodies, to raise up temples befitting the Holy Spirit, who would descend, and to secure blessed parents for these children. This dedication on Thursday evenings will be for the very specific addressing of our attention and dynamic decrees to the issues facing the family, parents, teachers and children, those issues to which we have directed you in Mother’s manifestos. There comes a time when hours must be given to the naming of the fallen ones, calling for their judgment, decreeing and decreeing and decreeing for the stripping of these fallen ones of their power and the freeing of the little children.

Millions of precious children are enslaved, my beloved. They are the future and the hope of the world, some in this octave and some so suddenly thrust into other octaves by abortion. You know that these are not children any more than you are children; they are mighty lifestreams of a cosmic awareness. Therefore, if there is to be a future, and a future with hope, we require the dedication of many hearts to the cause of the child. It is ever thus that we can only give that for which you call.

You know that my appearances through the centuries have centered on the request for prayer and for the giving of the rosary for the saving of souls. Millions have been saved because millions have responded to my call. When I speak from this platform, millions do not hear my Word. But mighty hearts of light respond, and by the dispensations of Maitreya, they count for millions.

Consecration of the Statue of the Infant of Prague

Beloved ones, in gratitude for the gift from the New York Teaching Center of the Infant of Prague, I desire to consecrate this statue to the Order of the Holy Child, to the members of that order who shall dedicate themselves as servants of the children of the light, to the Sons and Daughters of Dominion who understand how necessary is conscious dominion to the fulfillment of this cause. I request that the messenger bring forth this statue so that you may hold the vision of the child as the King of kings and the Lord of lords.

[12-second pause]

Before you I place the image of the newborn child as the instrument of the Lord’s blessing to the earth. In his hand he holds the whole world, which is blessed by the cosmic cross of white fire. The majesty of his crown is the Christic light and the Buddhic light, and the jewels signify the dominion of the chakras and the priesthood of Melchizedek. His cross is the cross of his father, the blessed Joseph, and his royal robe of purple is the robe of transmutation in this hour, that all children of all races and kindreds and tongues might receive this mantle and be caught up in the light of his presence. When you pray for the children of the world, will you not bow before the mighty light of the Cosmic Christ indwelling in them and reestablish in the earth a new reverence for life.

We watch daily how the little children are abused and are mocked, how there is hatred and condemnation poured upon them. As my Son has told you, so it is done unto him in each instance.6 And mankind know not what they do nor the frightful karma that will one day come upon them because in rejecting the little child, in robbing the little child of his light, so they have done it unto the Saviour of the world.

I desire now that you shall procession with the Infant of Prague to the Chapel of the Holy Family, where I will place this focus of the infant Christ Child for your devotions and for your most serious taking up of the serpents who have attempted to invade the hearts of the little children.

In the name of my Son Jesus, I consecrate this child and this focus with the Electronic Presence of the baby Jesus as he was when he came into the world and was received in the temple. Now he is received by you. And as you pray to the avatar Jesus in the person of the child, you will receive the special quality of the innocence, the dominion and the power of that Child at that moment in his service.

The Electronic Presence of the Child Jesus upon Every Newborn

Thus may it be that this Electronic Presence of the Child Jesus may seal every child born upon earth. For as Gautama and the Mother have positioned themselves in the heart of the newborn children, so it is the desire of Jesus that every child born henceforth shall have his Electronic Presence at that tender age of the new birth. In that hour, beloved ones, when the avatars come, they are sealed in the Great Causal Body of God the Father. They are the very living presence of the Holy Ghost, the Son and the Mother.

After Jesus’ birth he began his journey to outpicture, step by step, the path of initiation until the full manifestation of that which was there at birth became the fullness of the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension. Understand that the traditional worship of the Holy Child has to do with this mystery of the sacred fire that is upon the newborn avatar.

You will receive many little ones into your midst. May you treasure them as I have treasured my own through the centuries.

Beloved hearts, this is a new beginning, even while we are in the very midst of the most solemn deliberations concerning the future of the Church, the community, the Guru and the chela, America and the earth itself. Thus I bless you and commend you to the further study of the conditions that beset the world’s children.

I will walk with you now to the Chapel of the Holy Family, for there many loved ones have prayed since the establishment of this church. And I have answered their prayers, as I have answered the prayers of many of my devotees around the world, through your own dynamic decrees and your own hearts that release the flood tides of heaven. Thus the body of God is blessed, though they know it not, by the presence of the remnant in the earth. We look to the day when all can understand the inner meaning of the Church Universal and Triumphant.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 24, 1980, during the “Education of the Heart” seminar, held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. The four points of service envisioned by Maria Montessori are to have a school, educate children, educate parents and teachers, and teach religion.

2. So did my message go forth. In 1917, between May 13 and October 13, during World War I and the fomenting of the Bolshevik Revolution, Mother Mary appeared six times near Fátima, Portugal, to three shepherd children—Lucia dos Santos, 10, Francisco Marto, 9, and Jacinta Marto, 7. She warned that men must amend their lives, ask for pardon for their sins, and give the rosary daily to obtain world peace. On July 13, 1917, Mother Mary delivered a three-part message that was revealed in part to the world in 1941 when Lucia wrote her third memoir. Lucia said that the Blessed Mother had warned the children of the spread of Communism and outlined her plan to bring peace to the world and prevent war through the practice of Communion of reparation on First Saturdays, worldwide devotion to her Immaculate Heart, and the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart (which was never carried out by any pope exactly as the Blessed Mother had directed). The third part of the July 13, 1917 message delivered by Mother Mary at Fátima, known as the third secret, was written down in the form of a letter by Lucia in late 1943 or early 1944. It was placed in a sealed envelope and stored in the archives of the Bishop of Leiria-Fátima and later transferred to the Vatican, to be opened and read to the world in 1960 or after Lucia’s death, whichever happened first. In 1960 Pope John XXIII read the secret, as have other ecclesiastical authorities and popes since, but the Church has never publicly released its contents. For more on Mother Mary’s Fátima prophecies, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lost Teachings on Keys to Spiritual Progress, pp. 305-8, n. 135; available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

3. The hour when the bell tolled and millions of souls passed to other octaves at the hand of World Communism. On April 16, 1917, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin issued his “April Theses” calling for “All Power to the Soviets” and the overthrow of the Russian Provisional Government, a coalition between political factions that had forced the abdication of Czar Nicholas II of the house of Romanov in March of the same year. Lenin rallied the Bol- shevik Party around his call for armed insurrection and launched it on an organized propaganda campaign to secure the allegiance of the dis- gruntled masses. By the October Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks had won the support of the people and were able to wrest power from the Provisional Government, thereby ushering Communism into Russia and ending the 1,000-year-old Russian monarchy. In that year, 1917, untold numbers lost their lives at the hand of World Communism. On July 16, 1918, the Bolsheviks under V. I. Lenin issued the order for the execu- tion of the czar and his family. Nicholas II, Empress Alexandra, their four daughters and the czarevitch Alexis were slaughtered in Tobolsk, western Siberia. Since its inception, Communism has resulted in what has been estimated to be well over 190 million deaths worldwide.

4. The Order of the Holy Child was established by Mark L. Prophet in 1952. Now as the ascended master Lanello, he sponsors this order for the protection of the little child. Some of the primary aims of the order are to guide children in the development of their hearts and to teach them how to give and receive love. For more on the Order of the Holy Child as well as other holy orders and how to become a member, see

5. The Order of the Sons and Daughters of Dominion was founded by Mother Mary in 1972 for those who would elect to master energy in motion, or the emotions. It was a spiritual order of men and women who were pledged to the service of the Mother through their vows to take dominion over the elements, the astral plane and lunar energies and to gain self-mastery in the planes of Matter through the example of Jesus Christ. This holy order has been inactive since the 1980s.

6. Matt. 25:40.

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