Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 55 No. 19 - Beloved Godfre - October 1, 2012

A Renewal of the Spirit of Patriotism

Defend This Nation with Your Lives,
Your Fortunes and Your Sacred Honor

Thou wondrous mighty I AM Presence, in the name of God, in the name of Saint Germain, I invoke the fullness of thyself in action now. I invoke thy purity and love poured over America as never before.

I say unto thee, O God, assuage the grief of this nation, and provide this nation under thee with all that love and assistance which was ever given unto me in past times and to all who have gone before to create and to sustain this nation.

Blessed and beloved ones, I am most grateful for your presence here, for your desire to serve the cause of freedom and the cause of Saint Germain. I am grateful for the intense devotion and zeal which is poured out from your hearts. And I would this night impart to you all that which divine grace and a benign posterity would give unto those waves of the future—the children of the heart of God called out to be a separate people, an army of freedom, a people with a magnificent bent toward spiritual glory and excellence.

As I contemplate this night the meaning of all that has been, I behold America as a great sea teeming with individuals, and I see upon the waves of that sea multitudes and multitudes—some buoyed upward to the crest of the waves to behold the light of the morning sun and others to be cast down into the troughs and engulfed beneath the waves.

But all those who have given and all those who have received are children of the one God. For he has lavishly bestowed upon them, as the pages of the ages have been turned, the infinite pathway of progression—midst all the sea of mortal confusion and all the degradation and distress, all the dragonlike emanations that have sought to destroy the purity of the opportunity which God has destined for every man, woman and child in this nation and world.

I come to you, then, this night, not bereft of spiritual faculties nor bereft of a memory of the past and all that God has constrained himself to do for and on behalf of those patriots and early Americans who sought to make a different world, a new world here where men could worship according to the freedom of their own conscience and its dictates. I remind you now that this wonderful privilege, this constitutional guarantee, has been in many cases taken from man by acts, as recorded in the book of facts,1 whereby inharmony and the power of mass confusion have sought to crush and oppress a small army of patriots who from time to time have raised their banner in this land and sought to restore the old landmarks and boundaries of spiritual progress.

I also must reference for you this night how the degradation and confusion and a dim memory have invaded the Masonic lodges, where now there is but a remnant of the glory of the past. And therefore, I seek tonight to infuse this land and all the lodges of perfection with the great meaning of the thirty-third degree2 as it was manifested in the early days of this nation. It was dedication and excellence;the understanding of the great power of God and the vesting of one’s life with that power; an understanding of brotherhood filled with the meaning of brotherhood; an understanding of faith filled with the meaning of faith, not so much in a sense of immediate rewards but in a sense of bestowing upon one’s posterity all the power and beauty of a future idyllic image filled with the vision and power of Almighty God—the power to challenge all that is darkness and say unto it, return to darkness; the power to accept all that is light and see it raise mankind toward the sun of progress, of understanding, of courage and of virtue.

I am enamored by the facts that now are engraven upon many hearts who have ascended and also upon many hearts who are yet engaged and embroiled in the struggle—the mark of excellence, the mark of cosmic devotion that has made these men and women stand, as Betsy Ross of old,3 to defend their nation with all of their hearts’ desire, their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.4

The Assimilation of Heavenly Virtues

Today honor is little understood by men. For the pathway of virtue has been hidden from their eyes, and they are given in its place what one might well say is but vanity and delusion. They are more concerned, precious ones, with Mickey Mouse than they are with Jesus Christ and the great ascended host. They are more concerned with the titles which men will give to them than they are concerned with the virtue which entitles them to wear these titles. Precious ones, let this, then, be a word of warning to all who are able to hear my voice on this occasion of the birthday of George Washington, who was myself long ago.5

I would like to point out to you that I, Godfre, wish to spread abroad to all men, even this day, the understanding ofwhat it means to be God-free. To be God-free, in fact, means to be free from all desires that are not of the purity of the heart and the understanding of what purity means. I want you to know, blessed people, that unless people wear purity within, not just as a badge without, they can never expect to see the gates that men call the pearly gates swing open for them. For the so-called pearly gates are symbols of cosmic purity, a purity that is breathed in honor, not an affected thing but an act of grace from within the heart whereby men and women choose and prefer the honor of God to the honor of men.

When dignity and grace, divine dignity and divine grace, are enthroned in human lives, it means a great change must be wrought in the former outpicturing and pattern of their lives. They must now replace all that is not virtue, all that is not righteousness, all that is not an act of faith with the wonderful heavenly qualities and virtues.

When these virtues are yearned for and assimilated by individuals until they burst into manifestation as a sun of cosmic splendor, it means that there is a touch of God placed upon all other witnesses to the lives of those individuals. And so there is preserved for a future posterity a measure of cosmic greatness that will cause the land to blossom as a rose, will make the desert places to flourish, and will flood the world with the dignity of cosmic honor and the grace of Christ-accomplishment.

The Great Green Tree of Cosmic Perfection

Mankind today, surfeited in the fulfilling of mortal desires, are often enamored by those among them who seem to excel in the acquirement of physical properties and a name and fame. Little do they realize how these paltry treasures do fade away. And in their evaporation and in the evanescent nature which they manifest in temporarum,* there comes to mankind a feeling of false satisfaction which does, in many cases, lure them to the pitfalls of destruction until the soul itself is dried up as a dried tree and is fit but for the burning.

Now then, we come to the consideration of the perennial green tree6—the great green tree of cosmic perfection, the lone pine, which points fingers and spine straight upward toward the heavens, toward the sun and toward cosmic accomplishment. As the great branches and bows of the pine are close to the earth, they express a great deal of verdure and greenness and expansiveness, which becomes less and less until at the apex of the tree—the very fine point where the finger of God points upward and does manifest hope to mankind—you see that there is less of the substance of the earth and more of the airiness of the surrounding area.

Thus, precious ones, it is a fact and a fait accompli that all who come to the point where they are getting closer to their great Divine Source must find less of the earthly desires manifesting and a greater invisible activity taking place within them, which is most soul-satisfying and rewarding, bringing them to the place where Almighty God is the Supreme One in their lives. And their desire to merge with him and to manifest his power and his victory and his accomplishment is a great goal, a glistening, shining goal, which is ever before the screen of their mind and is ever a melody within their heart.

The Glory of God in the Individual

When America, then, expresses the greatness of its divine plan, it will bring to this great sea of humanity a change whereby the glory of God in the individual is inscribed as the greatest glory of all eternity. And the nation will be endorsed by individuals because they have such great love for divine principle and for divine grace that they desire to expand it from sea to shining sea, from snowcapped mountain heights unto the desert areas and to cause the little children of devotion to flourish in this land—those whose hearts are so contrite that they almost seem tiny and finite yet are held within the hands of God until they expand to engulf not only the world but all the universe, and their heart and heartbeat are heard to the ends of the universe.

When cosmic accomplishment is understood, small sacrifices for country, for home, for loved ones become things of glory, not of destitution. Men and women are willing to make themselves “destitute,” then, for the kingdom of God, knowing that there is never in the annals of the Almighty a time when he himself will not look after his little ones and expand in them, by the power of gratitude, the grateful image that is grateful for all blessings received and thus becomes more and more a magnet to receive those great blessings and to expand them everywhere. When men and women under- stand these laws, they will more readily offer themselves to great cosmic causes.

Consolation in Holy Prayer

But as I reflect (and pause now in my speech unto you) how I myself was often fraught with some doubt as to whether or not my little ragged band would survive the tremendous onslaughts of the early revolution, I recognize the need I had to go unto God in holy prayer and receive from him the power to carry forth the mission, which at times was bedimmed in my mind by the outer appearances. And I found consolation in holy prayer, and I came forth refreshed and with the light upon my countenance, which did inspire those men who rallied to the cause of freedom and supported the early birth of this nation.

Now then, as peril does surround this nation in these latter times, when great manifestation is in the offing, we see a great need for renewal of the spirit of patriotism, remem- bering that this is not merely a response to a march. It is not merely a response to some musical signum which goes forth and signifies to mankind a meaning of freedom translated into musical sonnets. But rather it is an activity of the heart, in all of its great devotion, where the heart recognizes that that which has made this nation great is God. And therefore, devotion to God is paramount in the minds of patriots in these latter days, as it was in the former days when this nation first was born and conceived.

Gracious ones, as I speak to you now, I hope that the power of cosmic inspiration will flow across this nation in ever-widening waves, extending itself to all nations of the earth and inviting them, by cosmic invitation, to drink of this fount of freedom and liberty, bearing well in mind that men have given not only lives and fortunes and sacred honor for it, but they have also given the allness of themselves.

Can you do less?

I thank you.

*Temporarum is related to the Latin word tempora–rius, which means “temporary.” The context of this dictation indicates that the intended meaning may be “temporary existence.”
signum: sign, signature (Webster’s Third New International Dictionary)

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Tuesday, February 22, 1966, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. The book of facts may refer to the Book of Life, which is mentioned in the Bible: Phil. 4:3; Rev. 3:4, 5; 13:8; 17:8; 20:11–15; 21:27; 22:19.

2. Masonic lodges are the basic organizational units of Freemasonry, which is the largest and oldest fraternity in the world, based on the principles of brotherly love, charity and truth. The order is thought to have arisen from guilds of practicing stonemasons and cathedral builders in the early Middle Ages. The thirty-third degree refers to the highest level in a series of advancing degrees that can be bestowed upon an individual within the fraternity. Various groups of Freemasonry confer different versions and numbers of degrees. Generally, the first three degrees are intended to correlate with those of the medieval stonemasons’ guilds—apprentice, journeyman, and master. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere, Alexander Hamilton and nearly all the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were Masons.

3. Betsy Ross, born Elizabeth Griscom (1752–1836), was an American seamstress who, according to legend, made the first United States flag.

4. “For the support of this Declaration [of Independence], with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.” These are the concluding words of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America, adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. It was the announcement by the thirteen American colonies that they regarded themselves as “Free and Independent” from the British Empire.

5. George Washington, the first president of the United States and an embodiment of Godfre, was born on February 22, 1732. He died on December 14, 1799.

6. The perennial green tree. The green tree is the symbol of the Christ, the man who is redeemed, of the initiate who is preparing himself, in whom there is the flow of the sacred fire, who is alive in Christ. The green tree is ready for the crucifixion, but the dry tree symbolizes the one who is dead to Christ, who has not been reborn. Therefore, when the hour of the crucifixion comes to the dry tree, it is consumed and there is nothing left.

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