Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 55 No. 17 - Beloved Archangel Chamuel & Charity - Sept. 1, 2012

Right Choice, Right Action and Right Motive
in This Presidential Election

Be Instruments for the Judgment of Serpent and His Seed

Hail, legions of love! I AM Chamuel, and Charity with me, in the heart of the flame that is America.

America is a living, moving flame of love. It is the conceptualization of the Most High God. It is the raising up of the light and life of the rod of the Kundalini fire. It is sacred fire among the nations. It is the gathering place of the children of the light and of those who also come for that judgment that is released through the Son of God.

We come in this hour of reinforcement of the word of the archangels—that word which we have proclaimed as the spoken Word of Sanat Kumara through the ascended masters through the years and hours and centuries of our service. We come in this hour for the reinforcement of light in these elections, in this moment when citizens of America must decide to cast the very light of their hearts in the affirmative for those individuals whom they deem responsible in representing that very light.

Beloved ones, the seed of Serpent also vote, and they vote for those who best represent their group interests. Therefore let the veils be drawn and let there be an exposure, even in this eleventh hour. Let there be the exposure of all who have placed themselves as candidates before the people. Let there be an acceleration in this hour and in the weeks and months ahead, that this nation under God might know the true education of the heart and wherefore and whereby that discernment of the Holy Spirit may separate the chaff and the wheat for the purposes of the true representation of the people of God.

The Manipulation of the Power Elite

There is no question in heaven that the earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof,1 that this earth is given unto the people of God. But there is some dissension in earth and in the lower octaves, to which the fallen ones have been cast, as to whether or not this earth shall remain in the hands of the children of the light. And the children of the light do not perceive that they are being challenged in every area of life for the control of natural resources. And the very oil itself, that is the foundation, with wheat, of the economy of life, and the very radiation of the sun, and the sun of the atom as nuclear energy and the energy of Helios and Vesta, become focal points for the manipulation of the monopolies of the power elite.

Beloved ones, the suppression of the people by inordinate taxation is a fight that must be fought and won. This cannot endure, nor the manipulation of supply, nor inflation—the tampering with the very lifeblood of the children of the light, as there is the reinforcement from the power elite of those individuals who have determined to put down the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and of the lightbearers from nation to nation and continent by continent.

Speak Out and Declare the Truth

Beloved hearts of light, let the people speak in full voice and bear witness unto the truth at every hand. For wherever you go, you see, there is that attempt to distract, to destroy and to cause degeneration of mind and heart and soul and body of the very nations themselves.

Therefore we send our emissaries. Therefore we call the children of the light to come to Summit University2 in this winter quarter that will prepare you to stump for the message of the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness and the Word of Almighty God spoken by the archangels on these subjects of the enslavement of my people.

Beloved hearts of light, let there be the driving force of the sacred fire, pressed through you, in and among the people of these nations. And let all who know the truth speak out and declare that truth in the face of these fallen ones, wherever and whenever they present themselves. Let the children of the light be prepared. Let them be encouraged.

For I tell you, when you are a champion of truth, Pallas Athena herself stands next to you, drawing her mighty sword of truth. And you must understand that when you speak it, because you are tied to the Great White Brotherhood and to Sanat Kumara, the seeds of light go forth—seeds of truth that will expand, not only in those who hear your voice but across the mental belt of the planet Earth. And these seeds are implanted into the mental bodies of all mankind, and there they are nourished by the Holy Spirit, by the sacred fires of the hearts of those of you who gather together daily in dynamic decrees. Your decrees are the release of the flow of the crystal stream of the Mother for the nourishing and watering of the seeds planted by her children everywhere in the heart of the earth, in the heart of consciousness.

Therefore let your hearts not be troubled.3 For when you speak the truth and write the truth and proclaim the truth and preach the truth, these seeds are also the seeds of judgment unto all who oppose that truth once it has been precipitated and crystallized by your own spoken and written word and by the mighty action of the sword itself. Therefore I commend you, each and every one of you who have had the courage to speak out and to expose the Liar and the lie.

The Fallen Ones Are Threatened and Desperate

I address myself, then, to all hearts of light who see the battle lines that are being drawn, who see how vociferous these fallen ones are and how threatened they are, continent by continent, with the coming of the word of the representatives of the ascended masters. Therefore let the children of the light know that there must be a response and a challenge to the fallen ones, even as they present themselves as the challengers of our messenger. Nor do they stop at that. They must even challenge the very names of the ascended masters and cast us out as though we were a part of the satanic council.

Beloved hearts of light, pray for them. Pray for those who know not what they do, and invoke the judgment for those who know full well what they do and who are influencing or attempting to influence the children of the light.

Those who possess the living truth are far less desperate than those who will be judged by it. Those who possess the truth, complete and made whole in that truth, do not always perceive how intense* the fallen ones are to take that living truth from them. Therefore let there be a mighty guardian action of the sacred fire of living truth. Let chelas accelerate, and let there be a going forth in 1981 by the power of the sacred fire.

The Judgment of Almighty God for the Betrayal of This Nation

Now we send legions of light to surround the American people for right choice, right action, right motive, right reason and right cause in this presidential election that counts so very much in the history of the cycles of earth and her evolutions. All of the Communist world is waiting for the reelection of [that betrayer]. Does not that tell you something about his own nature and where his loyalties lie?

Beloved ones, even those in Iran who have denied the possibility of Americans influencing their internal affairs are attempting to influence the internal affairs of the United States of America and even this election by their manipulation of the hostages in this crisis,4 because they know that there is more cooperation from this administration on behalf of the fallen ones than there may be if the one in the White House, and the one who occupies that office, will now change to the alternative that is presented.

We make no promises about any candidates. But we say this: That [betrayer] has received the judgment of Almighty God for his betrayal of this nation—a betrayal that is not apparent to the American people, activities of which the people have not been apprised, and the very bent of consciousness in the reinforcement of the disintegration of world spirals. Therefore the judgment has gone forth, for the most part for those activities which remain unseen, and we confirm that judgment through the lightbearers.

Beloved hearts of light, Almighty God is intimately a part of the historical stream of the lightbearers, of the true Israelites and the sons and daughters of God, and therefore a part of the raising up of sons of light for the directing of the affairs of the nations. Praise God that there are responsive chords of light and not lost chords of light in America, that there are souls who are responding.

Therefore I pledge to you and all who are united for the victory of the God flame in this nation that I will place my heart over the heart of every voter. And I will place the weight of the Holy Spirit and the love of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood upon all those who must incline their hearts and vote as they are God-directed. Let there be a mighty swelling of dynamic decrees in these hours that are left, and let the action of the LORD’s hosts prove now that God is the victory of life everywhere.

We Place Our Trust in the Living Christ

Beloved hearts, we are not dependent upon those individuals who occupy offices, but we know that some are more amenable to the platform of the Great White Brotherhood than others. And therefore we place our trust in God and in the living Christ of all of the people. As it has been said to you before, there are none who meet the standards wholly at the level of the Great White Brotherhood. And therefore be prepared for the mantle of that flame of office, that flame of taking dominion in this land, to be placed upon you in the giving of that inaugural address. Whoever may give that address, it is the light of Christ and the light of the Holy Spirit raised up in the sons of light that is the true government of this nation.

Therefore let the government rest upon the shoulders of the people who are the sincere and dedicated hearts of light. Let it rest upon those who are truly the children of the Most High God, and let our sponsorship be upon them. For we know of a certainty that no one individual is given the power of Almighty God to destroy this or any nation, but unto all of the people are given the power, the authority, the living Word and the sacred fire to challenge those who identify themselves both as the destroyers and the deliverers of the people.

Beloved hearts of light, let those who are the self-styled detractors of the living Word, let them be judged, let them be cast down. And let the light of God itself rule in the hearts of the American people this day. Let all be alert. And let there be a penetration of labor unions, of management, of corporations, of government and banking circles and of education by more and more lightbearers that the Word might be implemented swiftly for the victory.

An Angel’s Assistance until the Victory of Love

I AM Chamuel. I send forth my light to each and every one of you. For the sacred fire will strip from you all that is in contrast to the divine plan fulfilled if you will allow it in this hour. I ask you, then, to give me your heart and your vote of confidence that we might interact in your life and release you from the power of bondage and every form of enslaving habit, even the enslavement of the human consciousness of which you know not.

All those, then, who will give me the affirmative vote of yes shall now receive the action of one of my angels of the flame of love to be with them until the hour of that victory of love. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and the Mother, you may cast your vote now.

[Congregation responds: “Yes!”]

Therefore, to every yes there is a response. And a member of our bands carefully chosen to assist you in the path of life is assigned to you.

By love and by perfect love, let all things be made whole. And let [the responsibility for invoking] the judgment of Serpent and his seed be upon each of you as instruments of the Most High God for this judgment that must surely come ere the earth is raised into the great golden age.

Bind the Death Consciousness in the Cigarette Industry

We will tarry with you in defense of life and in the binding of death, the death entity and the death consciousness in the cigarette industry. Let us not let down until we have this victory in every state in the union and across the face of the earth. Let it be rolled back!

I, Chamuel, raise a mighty scepter into the very cause and core of the Nephilim who have placed this conspiracy upon the people, into the cause and core of every discarnate entity Nicola and Nicolus!5

Burn through! Burn through! Burn through!

[18-second pause]

Be Earnest in Your Devotion and Dedicated as Servants of Love

I AM Chamuel. I have determined to plant my light and sacred fire within your hearts. And so I have come. I have determined, magnetized by your own God-determination, to accelerate, to rekindle, to cause the ascent of light in the hearts of lightbearers everywhere.

I come in answer to your heart’s love. I come to make the statement of my devotion to your love for Almighty God and his people upon earth. I come making the statement of living truth that your dedication rings throughout cosmos. And to those of you who have withheld that full dedication and devotion, I say, you too can accelerate! You too can receive the answer of the living Word. You can receive the approbation of the Most High God if you will earn it and if you will be in earnest in your devotion and undivided and dedicated as servants of love.

Therefore we have come. And our statement is unto worlds beyond worlds that within this earth there are hearts of fire and aflame with the Holy Spirit. And therefore, I say of the fallen ones, by love, they shall not pass!

*intense: intent, eager, earnest, ardent (The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary)

Personal names of those who are still in embodiment are not generally included in published dictations.

Election Decree

O my very own beloved I AM Presence, beloved Ascended Lady Master Venus, beloved Mother Mary, beloved Kuan Yin, beloved Archangel Michael, beloved Mighty Astrea, beloved Mighty Victory, beloved Great Divine Director, beloved Goddess of Liberty, beloved Saint Germain, beloved Morya El, and all powers, activities, and legions of Light and of the sacred fire, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth!

I AM calling to you to see that the coming elections shall produce nothing except a cosmic victory for the United States of America and all mankind everywhere. See that the one elected is the right choice for this age. Protect, direct, sustain, and guide him now in all that he shall say or do during his campaign.

See that afterwards he directs, defends, honors, loves, and obeys the Constitution of the United States, the spirit of the Magna Charta, and every holy instrument of Freedom, Law and Divine Justice, showing forth a spirit of enlightenment to all people.

Protect the children and youth of our land as well as all people against any and all discordant releases in connection with the current election and see that nothing interferes with the divine plan fulfillled right now with full power.

May the coming president of the United States and everyone elected to public office represent the best choice possible of the beloved Goddess of Liberty and our own beloved Saint Germain.

Seal, seal, and seal the coming elections in all-engulfing waves of the violet transmuting flame from the heart of beloved Saint Germain and every heart that has ever called forth light in the name of the Mighty I AM Presence.

See that Order and Right triumph victoriously and that every corrupt, deceitful attempt to thwart the law of Light comes to naught and stands revealed for what it is in the eyes of all men.

We especially call on the beloved Great Divine Director and beloved Mighty Victory to take charge here and produce perfection everywhere forever.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!*

*This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation , p. 119, no. 7.13A.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Chamuel and Charity was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, November 2, 1980, at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof. Ps. 24:1; I Cor. 10:26, 28; Exod. 9:29; Deut. 10:14.

2. Summit University. See Vol. 55 No. 15, footnote 13.

3. John 14:1.

4. Hostage crisis. Sixty-six Americans were taken hostage on November 4, 1979, when Iranian militants seized the U.S. embassy in Tehran, vowing to hold the hostages until Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi returned to Iran to stand trial. After 16 days, 13 of the Americans were released, but Muslim religious leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini refused all appeals to release the remaining 53 hostages. Iranian hostility was further fueled by the ineffective countermeasures of President Jimmy Carter’s administration—economic boycott, a U.S. embargo against imported Iranian oil, the freeze on an estimated $12 billion in Iranian assets held in U.S. banks, an unenforced deportation order against Iranian students in the U.S., and a temporary break in diplomatic relations. On July 17, 1980, the Shah died, but Khomeini’s terms were still nonnegotiable—a guarantee by the U.S. not to interfere again in Iran’s internal affairs, cancellation of U.S. damage claims against Iran, a formal apology, release of Iran’s frozen assets, and the return of the Shah’s wealth in the U.S. On September 12, 1980, Khomeini restated the same conditions, with the exception of a required apology; and on January 19, 1981, Deputy Secretary of State Warren Christopher signed an agreement to meet the demands. The following day (Inaugural Day) the 52 remaining hostages were released, ending their 444 days in captivity (one had been released earlier for medical reasons). Although an unspecified amount of frozen Iranian assets was released, almost $8 billion was placed in an escrow account subject to U.S. creditors, and the return of the Shah’s assets under U.S. control is still held up in court.

5. Nicola (f.) and Nicolus (m.) are the names of the nicotine and tobacco entities, which are connected to everyone who chews tobacco or smokes cigarettes, cigars or pipes. These entities have a death grip on the brain and central nervous system, and they transmit their desire for nicotine to the victim. It is this desire working through the nicotine residue in the body that binds people to the smoking habit, which is why it is so hard to kick the nicotine habit.

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