Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 55 No. 15 - Beloved Godfre - August 1, 2012

I Come to Originate a Plan
for the Expansion of the Light of America
to Ignite Hearts the World Around

Most gracious ladies and gentlemen, a tribute to the flame of a nation, to the flame of a people and to the flame of humanity. (Won’t you please be seated.)

I AM come in this hour as you prepare for the celebration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.1 I AM come before you, in the class of The Origin of Cycles, to originate a cycle of expansion from the heart of a people to the hearts of many people the world around.

Some of you who are students of the history of the United States are aware of the fact that in the early days of the formation of our country I recommended a policy of noninterference in the affairs of foreign nations and powers.2 The reason for that policy is clear: Until a people have magnetized enough of the Christ flame to carry that flame over the earth, then they ought not to be interfering with the policies and the civil wars and the problems of foreign nations. When a people have not solved their own problems, how can they solve the problems of others?

Thus it was wise, for the garnering of energy in America, to make America that place where the Divine Woman could appear once again, where the flame of the Divine Mother could be raised again and thereby bring forth the Divine Manchild to build America, to keep her strong and brave and true. But now we come to the place in history where the world has shrunk, where to disregard the affairs of other nations is folly. Yea, it is suicide.

As you have journeyed through the nations of South America,3 you have seen darkness and density arrayed against the Christ light in individual man. And you have thought to yourself, “What keeps this darkness out of America?”

I say to you, it is the light of the ascended master students that keeps out the darkness of the world. And the difference in the levels of consciousness between the majority of Americans and the majority of the rest of the world is so great as to cause consternation even to the ascended masters as they attempt to determine how to resolve the problems of the world economy and the governments of the nations in the coming year and decade.

I have come forth, then, in the name of Saint Germain, my teacher and friend, and in the name of Jesus the Christ, the Prince of Peace, to originate a plan in this cycle. It is a plan for the expansion of the light of America whereby—if the plan is followed and executed according to the standards of the ascended masters’ teachings—it cannot fail to ignite hearts the world around while retaining the full effulgence of the flame that is, that was, that shall be the United States of America.

Preparing for the secret-ray action and the test of the ten,4 America admitted the two states Alaska and Hawaii, making a total of fifty5—the power of the five secret rays times the test of the ten. Hence you are not alone in facing that test, but all citizens of the United States face that test of the going within to the heart chakra, to the center of being, and there becoming totally selfless, aware only of the Great God Self. For how can you be aware of aught else when you dwell in the secret place of the Most High God?6

Prior to the admittance of these two states, America was facing another test—four times twelve, forty-eight, showing the action of the twelve hierarchies of the Sun initiating this mighty people in the planes of fire, air, water and earth for the building of the four sides of the City Foursquare.7 The test was passed by many. Cosmic cycles came and the time for the secret rays descended, which is also the time of the coming of the Mother flame. Thus, as you say, time marches on; and as we say, eternity flows as the dawn.

Eternity flows and I AM here. And I proclaim to you a plan for this decade and for the fulfillment of this century.

Pave the Way for the Light to Descend
for the God-Success of Governments and Peoples

You have seen how representatives in government have squandered vast quantities of America’s wealth around the earth, favoring this and that government and nation, only to the detriment of America. You have seen how so much wealth given to the unworthy and the ungrateful has evoked in them only hatred and more hatred, only more resentment of the light and the Christ consciousness. You have seen how those allocations of funds intended for the masses of the people have gone into the purses of those at top echelons. And so you understand why I recommended nonintervention.

Now we come to the time in history when “Americans,” the true members of the I AM Race, may be dwelling anywhere upon the planet, in any nation.8 And those who are the true members of that race are those who carry the Christ light in dignity and in honor, who merit the title of sons and daughters of God. The members of that race are the sheep of the ascended masters who know the voice of truth and follow that voice, by the flame of obedience, unto the death and unto the life—the death of the ego and the life of the Divine Self.

We see, then, how most attempts to appease the enemy with the dollar, to compromise standards, to feed the enemy from the granaries of America have failed to win the hearts of mankind for the flame of the Mother or the flame of freedom. We have seen from inner levels how most attempts of the well-meaning, of the sincere—to reach out with funds, with help, with the Red Cross, with CARE packages, with aid to underdeveloped nations, and with the United States footing the bill of the entire United Nations—these attempts have brought little reward in terms of raising up lightbearers across the planet.

Why is this so? Because not knowing how to do better, Americans who feel the flame (the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power) and desire to expand the love that they feel for the Christ in mankind have not known that to feed the outer self, the four lower bodies, and to fail to nourish the soul with truth is to ultimately fail entirely.

And so we stand before you on this day, at the dawn of the new year, and our observation is this: There is yet mass ignorance, mass confusion, darkness and a great weight outside of the United States, which, if not challenged in the name of the Christ, threatens to inundate her shores and to also overtake that nation—great and holy and virtuous in the eyes of the ascended masters, as they have held the dream for America for many centuries.

Therefore, the answer comes and it is this: To carry the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, to make the pilgrimage of the Mother flame an annual event at Christmastide,9 to go forth into all nations, among all kindreds and peoples and tongues, to break the bread of the Word and, by devotion to the heart flame in all, to transform a living planet, to transform souls evolving.

As you pave the way for the light to descend, you will see that the efforts of many governments and many peoples through many avenues will begin to succeed. And you will also see that in every nation upon earth there are those Americans who belong to this peculiar race, the I AM people, who are not afraid to pronounce the I AM name, to have it stamped in their foreheads and in the palms of their hands, and to proclaim it to all. Thus, if you will make the call to me in the name of the Christ, I shall be there to raise up, in every nation, in every city, that one soul who is the key to the unlocking of the heart chakra of that country.

One World under God

The ascended masters applaud your efforts and your determination to move against all odds to carry the light to South America. We have observed valor and we know who are the valiant ones. We know who can be counted upon to carry on this mission.

And as you go, remember the wolves in sheep’s clothing.10 Remember those who control the purse strings in the international banks, in the international economy, who are pursuing a one-world government by the back door and by the left-handed path. These are they who are working diligently night and day to unite the world under the Luciferians. “A one-world government!” they cry. “A one-world ecology and economy, this is the answer to all our ills.” And mankind parrot them and say, “Ah yes, this is the answer, this is the answer. We will have one world.”

Many of those who live in the United States and support these ideas would not wish to live abroad. Many who are promoting Communism in the United States would not deign to live behind the Iron Curtain. Thus it is a theory which they entertain with their intellectual pride, seeking to be thought wise of men. But you see, it is a theory that does not work because it does not have at its foundation the flames of the Christ, of the Holy Spirit and of the Father-Mother God.

I say to you, we shall have our one world under the flame of the Prince of Peace, under Saint Germain and under God. We shall have our one world, and it shall be because the sons and daughters of God understand the oneness and have the power to include within their heart chakras a world that is fainting for the light, bleeding for the light, pleaing* for the light—a world that knows that the rising of the sun must come and that it must come quickly.

Carry within Your Heart-Fire Center More and More of Humanity

And so you see, in the dispensation given by the ascended master Cuzco, each pilgrim who journeyed to South America should have his heart tied to a devotee of light now living behind the Iron Curtain who has been contacted by one of the avatars walking in the physical plane in the past twelve-month cycle.11 That dispensation was the forerunner of my own plan, my plan whereby you and you and you, individually, collectively, become the center of a mighty sun of being, of the Manchild delivered of the Woman for this age and unto this age. And that sun—as it intensifies in brilliance, in power and light and love and wisdom—becomes, as the Divine Mother, able to contain within itself more and more of humanity and of the millions who desire to be free and yet know not that they even have that desire.

And so you see, the time has come when one by one you must be willing to bear the burdens of many across the globe and to take unto yourself orphans of the Spirit that are the concern of the Darjeeling Master and of all of the Great White Brotherhood. And so you see, you who have the mastery of the Cosmic Clock and the teachings of the ages can no longer stand only concerned for your own attainment. But you must be able to carry within your light aura and within the concentric rings of your causal bodies, which now radiate from the heart-fire center of being, more and more of humanity, first tens, then hundreds, then thousands. And you will learn to know that weight of the cross which Jesus bore and which now is given to you to bear. Bearing the cross means to bear the sins, or the karmic weight, of brother and of sister.

Be Your Brother’s Keeper

Once you accustom yourself to the load, to making extra invocations for the balancing of that load on behalf of other lifestreams, you will come into normalcy once again. The adjustment is similar to that which you make when you gain weight. Five or ten pounds extra weight and you quickly adjust. And so you must adjust to being your brother’s keeper. And this is the name of the flame. This is the name of the cycle. This is the name of the game.

For you to be your brother’s keeper, then, I come. And this plan, taken to heart by the few, will bring the world to that place where instead of the Luciferian concept and execution of the United Nations, there shall be one family, one body of God and one body of Christ upon Terra. And only then can Terra enter the golden age of the Christ consciousness. This is the opportunity of the hour. And I seal the symbol in your forehead of this mission and of this pledge to be your brother’s keeper, that within your very soul you may be reminded each day that there are millions who require your support and the strong arm of the Brotherhood, which can be given only through your invocations.

The Determination of the Christ

The ascended masters long to see the expansion of the flame of America, its concentration, within the fifty sovereign states and then its expansion, its explosion, upon the world order. This can come, this shall come, because free men have determined this day to be relentless in the pursuit of the Christ flame of man, of woman, of child. You see, he who is most determined wins in the fight, not he who has greater numbers, greater armaments. But it is determination, the deter-mind-action, of the Christ. And you see, no matter how determined are the Luciferians, the fallen ones, the ones whom you call Communist, the ones whom you call the deceivers—no matter how determined, their premise is not in God and of God. And therefore their determination lacks the impetus of the God flame.

Therefore you see, one with God is a majority because one with God has the full-gathered momentum of the determination of all the saints and ascended beings of every age. Put that together in one flame, as above in the ascended octaves, so below in the octaves of earth, and you have the greatest sun release of all time in history since the ascension of the first three root races.

You Can Become God-Free by Obedience

And so, precious hearts, as the Chief says,12 “From the beginning, we were winning.” Go forth two by two from AMU!13 Go forth and claim the earth for the Mother. Claim the earth for the Holy Spirit! And watch how that claim is the aim of the I AM name.

I AM a God-free being! I desire to make you God-free! You can become God-free by obedience. Obedience, how sweet is the love of obedience. How sweet is that flame. And how the angelic hosts dote upon mankind who are obedient to God’s laws.

Truly those who walk with God and talk with God are those who are obedient to the laws that they know. And even at times when they obey laws set forth by man, by church, by state, they still have the reward of obedient service. And therefore, the Lord says unto them, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant. Thou hast been faithful over a few things. I will make thee ruler over many.”14

Be attentive to the detail of obedience, to precepts holy, to the voice of our representative, to the voice of God within you. For by obedience the doors of heaven are open wide, and the cornucopia of abundance, of joy, wisdom, light, and happiness in overcoming descend upon you.

I know, for I am called God Obedience. And my testing in obedience was given by the ascended master Saint Germain and by the Goddess of Liberty at Valley Forge15 and elsewhere in the fight for independence. I stood unflinchingly obedient to inner guidance, and it was upon that inner light that this nation was founded, a nation under God. I can count at least twelve occasions during the battle when had I not been obedient to the flame and the voice, all would have been lost and all would have perished, and you might find yourself this day a dominion of Great Britain.

And so you see, each act of obedience to the small, to the great is an action upon which a kingdom can be built. And that kingdom is the kingdom of God come into manifestation upon earth. That kingdom is the City Foursquare.

Watch and pray. For each thrust of rightness and right use of the Law is a thrust that is a challenge in the very teeth of the rebellious ones, the defiant ones, those who disobey the fiats of the LORD because they have not his love in their hearts.

Keep the Cosmic Honor Flame

I see the Fourth of July release of the fireworks in the sky, lightning flashing from east to west. I see the coming of the Son of man to America. I see the coming of the Woman clothed with the Sun.

I see travail and I see victory. I see it. I hold the concept of victory and I AM the victory within you, each and every one. And I AM that victory for every child, every soul upon the planet. And I AM relentless. I AM determined. And I AM the action of the cosmic honor flame.

Precious ones, never, never, never compromise your honor. For your honor is your sacred name and your sacred identity. If you allow that honor to be trampled upon, you have no identity; you are counted among the herds of the cattle upon the hillsides. Honor is the flame that differentiates man and beast.

Therefore keep the cosmic honor flame. Keep it as burnished steel, as white-fire light. And know that as you keep that honor, I AM the flaming presence in the center of honor. And I AM with you always, even to the transformation, the transfiguration, of America and her people.

You can win because God is in you! You can win because you are Gods in manifestation.

All hail, legions of light! Forward, march!

*pleaing: pleading (The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary)
or Son

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, December 28, 1973, during the New Year’s Conclave The Origin of Cycles, held in Mexico City, Mexico.

1. The two-hundredth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, adopted on July 4, 1776, was celebrated on July 4, 1976.

2. The ascended master Godfre was embodied as George Washington, the first president of the United States, who stated in his “Farewell Address” that the United States should have as “little political connection as possible” with other nations.

3. Elizabeth Prophet led a large group of students in a 16-day pilgrimage to South America just prior to The Origin of Cycles conference, during which this dictation was given.

4. The test of the ten, says Ascended Master Djwal Kul, is “the test of selflessness, which always involves the test of the emotions and of the God-control of those emotions through the Divine Ego, which can come into prominence in the soul only as the result of the surrender of the human ego.” See Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura, pp. 233–45; available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

5. Alaska became the 49th state of the United States of America on January 3, 1959, and Hawaii became the 50th state on August 21, 1959.

6. Ps. 91:1.

7. The ascended masters have called North America the map of the City Foursquare, the Place Prepared and the Promised Land for the reincarnation of the seed of light of Abraham.

8. The word America is composed of seven letters, which form the words I AM Race, signifying a ‘race of lightbearers’ descended from above—from the I AM Presence. These lightbearers of all nations retain the inner memory of the individualization of the Godhead identified to Moses as I AM THAT I AM (Exod. 3:13–15). They carry the seed of the I AM THAT I AM within their hearts.

9. Each year at Christmastide, an annual New Year’s retreat is held at the Royal Teton Ranch near Livingston, Montana. This spiritual retreat includes ongoing prayer vigils as well as dictations and lectures that have been given through the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. For more information, go to or call 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

10. Matt. 7:15.

11. The dispensation given by the ascended master Cuzco. In his dictation given in Cuzco, Peru, on December 23, 1973, Cuzco said: “You have heard of the avatars who have walked the earth during 1973 behind the Iron Curtain and those places where Antichrist has taken over states and nations. You have heard of heavenly hosts who have walked among the Christian martyrs, those who have kept the faith in the face of all persecution. . . . There has been brought forth this year, through the assistance of the Blessed Virgin and of Igor, the tying of the knot of hierarchy and of the Brotherhood with emissaries in physical embodiment in Russia, in China and behind the Iron Curtain in the satellite countries.... Therefore, I am assigning to each one of you one individual soul standing for the Christ in Russia, in China or in Eastern Europe. And I am this moment securing an arc of light from each of your hearts to one son dedicated. And I am giving forth the dispensation that all of your invocations and decrees given daily and hourly for the remainder of this embodiment shall go to uphold that soul for the victory of the light. Remember, then, that when you fail to make the Call, when you fail to give communion to the Most High God, you are also letting down one brother, one sister, who without your support might not be victorious when that hour comes when all of the strength and all of the full-gathered momentum of your decrees will count in the scale of victory.” Cuzco’s dictation is available for download at, available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

12. The Chief refers to Ascended Master El Morya, who is the Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood.

13. AMU, Ascended Master University, was the former name of Summit University, a modern-day mystery school founded in 1971 under the direction of the messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Summit University currently holds summer retreats at the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana and seminars throughout the year in locations around the world as well as online study events. Seminars and retreats are sponsored by one or more of the ascended masters. For a schedule of upcoming retreats or seminars and registration information, go to or call 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

14. Matt. 25:21, 23.

15. Testing in obedience by Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty at Valley Forge. When Godfre was embodied as George Washington, Saint Germain sponsored him throughout the Revolutionary War and during the long winter at Valley Forge. Through the Goddess of Liberty, appearing as a mysterious visitor at Valley Forge, Washington received a vision of three great perils that would come upon the Republic—the Revolutionary War, the War Between the States, and a third world conflict. The most fearful peril would be the third, in which armies from Europe, Asia and Africa would devastate the whole country. At the end of the vision, an angel upon whose head shone the word Union and legions from heaven descended to join the inhabitants of America, rolling back the invading armies and bringing victory to the land. According to Godfre’s dictation, Washington’s response to this vision was a test in obedience. For more on Washington’s vision, see Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 140–49; available at or by calling 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500.

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