Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 12 - Beloved Nada - June 15, 2011

A Prophecy for the Economies
of the Nations of the Earth

As the energies of the flowers, of the mighty rose, unfold at the hour of the blooming and the release of the energy of the sun, so the spiral that was begun is concluded through the involution of the energies of the sun back to the center of the flower. Mankind do not observe this process of the going within except if they reflect upon the phenomena of the falling of the petals and the leaves, signifying that the energy is withdrawn from the petals back to the center of being for the cycle of the fall and the winter, to prepare once again for the coming of the glorious spring.

Evolution and involution, the action of the push-pull of cosmos, must also take place in man, in starry bodies, in Cosmic Eggs. If mankind understand the four seasons, then they will look forward to each cycle of the Great Law. For they will understand that only by going within periodically can they bring forth the tremendous energies that are locked within the fiery core of the Alpha to Omega, the sacred center of life. Resist not, then, the changing seasons, but raise your consciousness as a flower to the sun when the sun is high. And then look within to the sun in the center of the planetary body for nourishment during the dark periods of winter.

Winter, in all of her pristine purity, is a time when all excesses cease, when all that is not necessary to the unfoldment of the divine plan is cast aside and committed to the flame of the sacred fire. It is a period when man’s works are tried in the trial of the fire. And the warmth from that fire is a rejoicing to the soul, for the soul yearns to retain only that which is of God. And the liberty of the outer consciousness in its election of free will is often a great burden, a great hardship, to the soul. For the soul desires to be an expression of the Great Spirit of life, an expanded awareness of identity patterns it has known before, and all else is a burden. It is the soul that rejoices to proclaim, “My burden is light,” while the outer consciousness lives in the sense, “My burden is darkness, ignorance, fear.”

And so I say, that which is of God inherent in you, implanted within the earth, within the rock, within the vegetation, rejoices this day to see the salvation of all that is real. And so that fiery essence rushes, as it were, toward the center of the flame and centers where the flame is consecrated.

Divest Thyself of All That Is Not Real

Divest thyself of all that is not real, and know the freedom to roam the cosmos unencumbered by those human creations, expressions and manifestations that must be cut off in the last days. And this cutting off is painful to that consciousness which has identified with the human way.

Jesus said, “If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off. If thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out.”1 And thus he taught the law of the involutionary spiral. For he knew that if man attempted to go within while any of his members were an offense to the Deity, man himself would suffer loss and be lost in outer darkness.

Thus the way is clear to those who pursue the way. And to those who do not, the way is a jungle, is a terrifying experience. And they are not ready to meet the test of the flame of the Divine Mother, which, when it is raised up in any man or woman or child, is able to slay the beast, the bestiality of mankind’s consciousness, is able to put down all that is of miscreation upon the planetary body. It is the sword of the Divine Mother that is able to destroy, with a quickening action of the pillar of fire, all excesses, all that cannot withstand the winter of the secret rays.

Be comforted this day, then, that the hierarchy of light, the members of the Karmic Board, who meet twenty-four hours a day in deliberation and in establishing the flames of justice and mercy, do exist for the parting of the way of light and darkness. For they are God’s instruments for the separating of the sheep and the goats. They are God’s instruments for his mighty laws to appear. I trust, then, that all will come under the dominion of the highest law of heaven and those laws of mankind which are in keeping with universal justice.

The Government Based on the Divine Economy Will Prevail

Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s.2 When you place upon the coin of the realm the image of the spokesman for the Karmic Board,3 that coin becomes the coin of heaven’s realm. And thus in rendering that coin to one another, you render it unto God—the God in man, the God flame of which all Keepers of the Flame do partake.

I advocate, then, your efforts, concerted in these days, for the resurrection of the divine economy in America and the world. For no matter what form of government the forces of darkness attempt to implement, the form of government which shall prevail is that government which is based upon the divine economy.

For the governing of a planet and its people is the governing of the flow of energy from God to man, from man to God. And the medium of exchange that is used by the peoples of the world and how they qualify that medium determines whether that economy shall be divine or human. And therefore it is the tampering with the standard of gold and with the honest equation of the flow of light between hearts of light that can cause the downfall of nations and of the planetary body.

I think, then, that it is high time for the children of the light to insert in their decrees and invocations a call for the God flame to penetrate the economies of the nations, to bring order, to establish justice, and to reestablish the golden-age teachings of a balance of the cosmic threefold flame in hearts appointed to rule because they have attained the Christ consciousness and because they are striving to outpicture the God flame.

All who hear the tape recording of this dictation across the margents of the world, let them, then, rejoice to amplify the action of the God of Gold, that mighty being who stands forth in the sun of Helios and Vesta radiating the light of ten thousand suns. And these ten thousand suns are for the healing of the nations and their economies—and for the focusing of the victory of the ten among those who are destined to rule and among those whose rule is questionable.

So, then, let the children of the light invoke the intensity of the ten thousand suns of the God of Gold. And let the decimal system of the divine standard prevail. And let the power of the ten be the power and the test of each man’s source of supply, each man’s ability to overcome the adversities of his own human karma, upon which the supply and the demand of his life depend.

All Mankind Receive a Warning This Day

I say, then, from the highest office of the hierarchy comes forth the fiat that unless the nations and the economies of the world shall pass the test of the ten4 when the ten thousand suns are invoked, unless this test be passed, there shall occur a great debacle among the nations and the governments of the world. And the economies shall crumble and shall be no more! And there shall not rise up the standard of the Son of God until all mankind shall bow the knee to the Christ, the Son of God,5 and to the cosmic being who ensouls the vibration of the flow of gold from the heart of the Sun, the great God of Gold himself.

So let the dark ones—the worshipers of carnality, of human greed, of possessiveness—be warned this day! For they shall receive that warning as an electric shock that shall travel through the bodies of mankind throughout the planetary body. And they shall know that their time for involvement in dishonesty, in violation of the cosmic honor flame and the cosmic secret rays, is short. Their time is short. Therefore let them tremble this hour by the shock of the energies of the God of Gold and the ten thousand suns descending!

Let that light blaze and pierce the night of their consciousness! Let the light descend! Let the light defend the image of the Divine Manchild and of the Divine Mother! So let those who would retain the power to rule espouse the power of God, the wisdom of the Son, the love of the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother.

The light of God never fails! The light of God never fails! The light of God never fails, and that mighty I AM Presence of all life is the light within you. Let that energy go forth!

[9-second pause]

It is done! And no matter what the level of consciousness, all mankind have received the warning this day! To preserve that which they have, they must take the divine standard without lust, without greed, else that which they have shall be taken from them. And only darkness shall be added unto them and shall accrue to the karmic weight, which even now they bear as the darkness of their evil deeds in all generations. I am come to fulfill the law of supply, the law of the divine abundance and the divine economy, the law of supply and demand. Let those whose inner souls, whose commitment, is aligned with the Law be satisfied in that law. And let all else be cast into outer darkness, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.6

The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof! The seas and the land and the air and the fire and all they that dwell therein7—these are the LORD’s this day. And the LORD God Almighty does stand forth toclaim his inheritance, to claim his own, to claim the light! If you are of the light, you are claimed of God this day!

I thank you and I commend you into the arms of the Holy Spirit, into the heart of the Divine Mother.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Nada was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, June 3, 1973, in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 

1. “If thy right hand offend thee, cut it off.” Matt. 5:29-30; 18:7-9; Mark 9:43-48.

2. “Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s.” Matt. 22:15-21; Mark 12:13-17; Luke 20:19-25.

3. The spokesman for the Karmic Board is the Goddess of Liberty.

4. The test of the ten is the test of sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service. For more on this test, see Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura, pp. 233-45.

5. Phil. 2:9-11.

6. “Weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matt. 8:12; 13:41-43, 49, 50; 22:11-14; 24:50, 51; 25:29, 30; Luke 13:28.

7. “The earth is the LORD’s.” Ps. 24:1; I Cor. 10:26, 28; Exod. 9:29; Deut. 10:14.

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