Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 54 No. 7 - Beloved Archangel Michael - April 1, 2011

We Release Blue Lightning to Protect
the Lightbearers and Bind the Dark Ones

Hail, sons and daughters of light! Hail, legions of white fire! Hail, beings from out the Great Central Sun!

I AM come, Michael the Archangel. You have called, and I stand in your midst to proclaim Freedom as the name of that fire, the invincible light of Saint Germain, the God of Freedom to the earth.

Children of the Sun, stand to behold the light effulgent that descends from other worlds and other spheres, even the spheres of your own causal bodies. [Congregation rises.]

I come forth with a release of fire and blue lightning to inundate this coast and those places where the rebellious ones are gathered and are gathering for greater darkness and the contemplation of evil. These are those whose names are written on the tablet of the Keeper of the Scrolls, those candidates for the second death.1

And it has come to their awareness, below the level of the threshold of outer consciousness, that they must stand before the altar of the Most High God at the conclusion of this incarnation. And some are unwilling to bend the knee, to confess the Christ. For they have not done so since the very beginning of their rebellion against the Great Law. And thus they reason within that serpentine forcefield of the carnal mind, “If we must be dissolved in flame, we will take with us all whom we can gather into the psychology and the philosophy of the energy veil.”

And thus, great waves of rebellion are felt the planet round, and hatred that is as the flame of death itself. These energies come forth to taunt the children of the light. And there are some who by reason of certain percentages of karma—ten, twenty, twenty-five percent rebellion—are magnetized to the evil ones, although they themselves are not candidates for the second death.

Ladies and gentlemen, I thank you for your praise and honor to the light. Please be seated.

Hierarchy Is Concerned about the Traps of the Dark Ones

The hierarchies of light and the Lords of Karma are concerned. We are concerned, for we observe the regrouping of these dark ones and the fortification of nodes of darkness that are as a lair and a trap at the astral level and at physical levels. You have seen how the ultimate threat of these ones has been to the finish. The loss of life is nothing to them, for they have not truly lived. Their existence is futile. In order to circumvent their karma and the responsibility of their own actions—which, as a result of their rebellion, then, have brought upon civilization those very conditions of injustice which they now challenge—they have fabricated a philosophy and a way to dodge that darkness, to dodge that karmic return. And they demand from civilization that which they have not given, that which they have not earned.

Hearts of fire, flaming with the love of God, how beautiful it is to behold an assembly where there is oneness of this kindling spirit that is the presence of the Holy Spirit. Yet beyond this place, even not far from this physical location, there are those who plot the overthrow of the governments of the nations and the tearing down of the culture of the Mother and of all opportunity for evolution in the Christ mind.

Hierarchy is concerned this night. And thus I have come from afar, where I have been waging the battle of light, with the forces of light. And I have taken leave of the battle to come to address you, to come to warn, and to come to implore that you make invocation on behalf of souls of light for their protection. For we see in these groups of dark ones—sometimes one, sometimes five and sometimes twelve—children of light who have had, as it were, the wool pulled over their eyes. And they have a veil of substance, and they cannot see and they do not know that the light that is in those who are their leaders is darkness. And they are magnetized by personality, by pride, by ambition and by a cult of the Luciferians. It is time that you kept a vigil for the protection of society, for the protection of virtue in manifestation. For God himself will dissolve all error indeed. “Vengeance is mine; I will repay.”

Thus sayeth the Lord.2

There is no need for rebellion and for revenge to churn in the hearts of the wicked. For never in all eternity can they act as judge, nor do they have the consciousness to be the instruments of the balancing of cycles. And therefore their hatred, their darkness and their revenge, their humanistic sciences, their basing of all life upon the human monad and its perfectionment rather than that of the perfection of God in man—it will come to naught! It has no place in the kingdom of God, which is coming into manifestation.

Our Light Reinforces Free Will

Therefore we come to release blue lightning for the protection of lightbearers and the endeavors of this and other organizations whose commitment is to truth. We come to release blue lightning for the binding of the dark ones, who have already chosen death. And thus, when our light reaches their consciousness, it can only reinforce their free will, as it reinforces your own free will. For that which you have determined to keep is that which is fired when the flame of God descends. Do you not see, then, the wisdom of surrender? The wisdom is that the perpetuation of light will make of you a sun, a flaming center, when our light descends. But the determination to continually work the works of evil will find you in outer darkness when that light descends.

Thus it was the mercy of the LORD of hosts to remove from the wedding feast those who came in without the wedding garment.3 For were they to receive the alchemical fires of the sacred union in their state of incompleteness, they would have had not only great karma but also the reduction and the attrition of light within consciousness. It is best, then, that as the LORD of hosts descends those who are gathered to receive that Word be found in his likeness, carrying the flaming sword and breathing the breath of life without resistance.

There is a time and a place for the evolution of consciousness. And you, each one, can provide opportunity for many souls to evolve in the light in lesser planes of consciousness, in patterns of evolution, where the fire is not so concentrated and where the karma, then, of the rejection of that light is not so great.

I say, then, legions of white fire, move into action now! Let those who have chosen darkness and death be confined in their own place, in their own consciousness, in their own caves. Let them be encircled. I say it now in the name of the Christ. For we will not allow—so long as the breath of the spoken Word flows from our students and our chelas the world around—we will not allow the lightbearers to be contaminated or the children of God to be influenced.

I say, then, in these weeks that follow, invocations to the blue-lightning angels are necessary to counteract the plots and the forcefields of those who are moving on the West Coast to counteract the flame of the Mother and the enlightenment of the Buddha.

Fallen Ones Fail to Respond to the Homeward Call

I have shown you the madness of the fallen ones. Do not be moved to consider that they will repent. They have had the fourteen-month cycle from Almighty God himself, in which torrents of love, literally waves of light, have descended upon them to woo them into the fold. And they remained as stones, dead unto the light.

And even now the messengers have been authorized to descend to astral depths while this messenger sleeps, working together to preach to the rebellious souls. And yet, after hours of preaching and working and clearing of their forcefields, yet the rewards are few. And yet if there be one that is drawn from the astral depths, then the hierarchies of light, the messengers, are determined to carry on and to keep on keeping on.

This, as you know, is the crucifixion, the requirement thereof of every son and daughter of God while he or she is on the cross of life—to descend to those who are the underprivileged, so-called, who have denied themselves the privilege of the Presence of God that was theirs from the Beginning if only they would humble themselves but a little, but a grain, to admit of a power and a presence of love beyond themselves. Hearts of fire, do not try to understand this fall and this darkness and this ambition. You will not understand until you have ascended to the very heart of God how it could come to pass that beings composed of his energy, imbued with love from on high, could fail to respond to the homeward call.

And yet, it has come to pass.

The days are shortening. The cycles are being quickened. And you will see in the coming months how those who are not willing to submit and who stretch and stretch the mercy of God will be taken from the planet in a way not altogether the way of love that God himself would decree, but the way of love that is the way of the law of karma, of cause and effect. Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.4 The law of karma is so exact, and yet mankind tend to forget that law and that grace and that consciousness. So be it.

Those who withdraw from the forcefield of light will find a level of consciousness that is their own—perhaps their own concept of God, yet not God’s concept of their souls. And we shall see who shall stand forth and who shall separate himself bodily from the company of the saints. For this is a time when the line is drawn, and some will fall to the right and some to the left. But you shall pursue the golden mean of the Christ consciousness. And I shall be there to defend your faith in the hour of the testing. I shall defend your trust in the will of God. By his grace, I AM the servant of the flame of life within you. I AM the servant of the soul, of the evolving consciousness. And I defend your right to be free, your right to know God, even as you are known of him. I defend your consciousness with a flaming sword.

I AM Michael, and I release now into the earth blue lightning for the defense of souls of worth and for the binding of those who have chosen that darkness and that death. In the name of the Christ, it is finished.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, May 26, 1974, in Santa Barbara, California.

1. Second death. Rev. 2:11; 20:6, 11-15; 21:7, 8.

2. Rom. 12:19.

3. Matt. 22:1-14.

4. Gal. 6:7.

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