Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 53 No. 7 - Beloved Mother Mary - April 1, 2010

Keep the Flame of the Divine Mother

A Lifeline Anchored in All Who Choose
to Become Focal Points for the Mother Flame

Part 1

Children of my heart, sons and daughters of God, I come in the flaming presence of the Mother ray. I come with angels of love to intensify within you the love of the Mother, the love of God, and the love of the Mother’s children everywhere.

The warmth of my aura, the glow of my heart’s love I place around you, that you might know that you are not bereft of love, of God, that you are not alone in the universe but that you have with you at all times the delicate pink-petaled aura of the rose of the Mother’s love.

As I intensify this feeling of Mother in many of you who have long since forgotten the closeness of the mother’s touch, who have ceased to think that you have need of a mother, it is to show you why the fallen ones, the Antichrist and the archdeceivers have sought to tear down the image of woman, of mother. It is because in the presence of the mother the child can do anything, can rise to his full potential, can realize his genius. In the presence of the mother the child is always secure, always happy, singing a little song that flows from the heart, that says to God, “I’m happy, I’m home in the bosom of my mother.”

Mankind, in this age, feel dejected and neglected. Feeling alone, they cannot remember that they have at all times a mother who believes in them, in each one—in the ability of each of her children to rise, to externalize a facet of God’s being. Though all men might deny the beauty of that facet, the mother always recognizes the jewel of perfection in the hearts of her children.

The Fallen Ones Try to Separate the Child from the Mother

In order to tear down the Christ in child-man, the dark ones have sought to separate the child from the mother, the soul from the Spirit, to create a cleavage between that point in the soul that is the overcoming, the becoming of God, and that energy of Spirit which is Father and which must be translated to the soul through the Mother flame.

When I come into the atmosphere of earth, into the large cities, into the poorer sections where there are so many children who run in the city streets, and I come to nourish their heart flame, I am aware of the bristling energies of the carnal mind and the fallen ones. They are terrified in the presence of my flame because they know that once the child is secure in the embrace of the Divine Mother, once the child recognizes and prays daily to the Divine Mother, that child will always be protected, will always have the sustaining energy of a mother’s love to carry through the divine plan and to remain on the course of virtue and holiness, honor and nobility.

The fallen ones, then, have contrived to tear from the children of the world the image of those great women who have portrayed the feminine ray, who have focused the Mother flame. Many saints have lived to the fullness of the Mother light. Women in every field of endeavor, and above all the mother who has kept the flame for her children, have fulfilled that role.

Therefore you see, there is a rising momentum on the planet of the true realization of that Mother presence. But the fallen ones have created dogma and doctrine, lies about those who have fulfilled the virtue of the feminine ray. And so you see, these lies have also rested upon my name, my mission as well as upon that of my Son.

It is only natural that this should take place. And therefore, I do not condemn those who have been used by the lie of the tempter. For I see, from the point in the center of the rose, the point in the center of the flame, that the intensity of the light is too great. And mankind, wedded as they are to the darkness, to the lust of the carnal mind, cannot contain that light unless they are willing to forsake the energies within themselves which focus a direct opposition to the influx of love—love that is pure, love that is immaculate in the beholding of the God-design of the vilest of sinners and those who are not yet quickened to the flame of life.

Come, then, children of my heart, into the flame. For here we would start to weave a mighty cable from the heart of the Cosmic Virgin, from the heart of Omega, to myself, to other emissaries of heaven who represent the Mother ray, to you in embodiment who are determined to focus that flame.

One Chosen to Anchor the Flame on Behalf of the Mother

There was one who was chosen by me to anchor the flame on behalf of the Mother. This devotee was contacted by the messenger a number of years ago and told that it would be her office to keep the flame of the Mother in the city of Los Angeles. In much the same manner, a number of you have kept that flame in other cities across America. I cite this case, for I wish to point out the ravages of the dark ones that are practiced against individual souls who determine to embodya light come what may, no matter what the cost.

This gentle soul was herself a mother. She was warned of the witchcraft, which is a perversion of the Mother flame, and of the darkness, which would spiral into her forcefield seeking transmutation. For energy, all energy, belongs to God, and the white-fire core of that energy seeks to be free of the impositions of the carnal mind. This is why the greatest darkness comes to the focal point of the greatest light. It is for redemption. This, my child, you must remember when you salute the God flame and desire to raise it up as a pillar of fire in society.

By and by, as this devotee began to invoke the flame of the Mother, she was assailed, as it was told her it would come to pass; and the tide of witchcraft and darkness became too great. And by and by, she fell from the Path, from association with Keepers of the Flame and from this endeavor. This is the tragic account of one incident which has occurred over and over again across the face of the world.

You see, then, why we hesitate to intensify the action of our flame in Keepers of the Flame who come, come with the joy of the Lord to the altar, and ask to be given greater light, greater dispensations on behalf of their fellowman. The children who come with the joy in the milk of the Word who have not been tested and tried, who have not passed through the fiery trial nor been the target of the fiery darts of the wicked, these know not what they ask when they ask for more light before they have surrendered their darkness.

We Seek Devotees Who Will Keep
the Pattern of the Christ for the Seventh Root Race

And so I come, seeking not one but many devotees who will keep the flame of the Mother in the City of the Angels. For here we must build a pyramid of light, a focus for the archetypal pattern of the four lower bodies of souls who must descend to be born. We are in search of devotees who will keep the pure flow of the light of the soul as a soul matrix and the pattern of the Christ within the soul chakra—a pattern that must be held as the matrix whereby those who come into incarnation might receive elements of the pattern of the Christ for the seventh root race.1

You see, the Great Divine Director (the Manu of the seventh root race) and those who are desiring to prepare mankind for the incoming of these souls must begin to release, bit by bit, cell by cell, the magnificent spiral of the Christ light that is a pattern for two thousand years. First we must anchor this pattern in the soul chakras of the devotees. And then when it is firmly anchored there, as the geometry of a snowflake, a pattern of a cell, then it can be transferred from the highest devotees to parents who desire to bring forth these souls. And if parents happen to be highest among the devotees, then they also will carry the matrix for many who will bring forth children yet who will not be quickened as to the spiritual causes and the spiritual plan of parenthood.

The Cable of Light from the Heart of the Cosmic Virgin

And so, the cable of light from the heart of the Cosmic Virgin is being woven. And from my heart, as I stand before you in this room, there is extended a giant cable, a lifeline, which will be anchored in any and all of you who choose to become focal points for the Mother flame, not only in this city but in cities across America and the entire world. And all who hear or read this dictation may apply for the extension of this lifeline.

Why do you need the lifeline when you have already the flame anchored upon your heart’s altar? The purpose for the lifeline is to intensify the action of the Mother flame in you before that time when your outer vehicles actually have the mastery to contain such a concentrated release of that arc of light. And so by the cable that is extended, we can fortify, we can protect, we can intensify the action of the light around you as a forcefield of protection against the rising tide of darkness that seeks, in the final hours of Armageddon, to tear down that flame, that concept, that presence that is the nearness of God in the Mother.

The Expression of the Mother Flame

Very near to the City of the Angels during the period of Lemuria was one of the ancient temples, one of the twelve which surrounded the central altar on which blazed the flame of the Divine Mother. Here, then, there is the record of that aspect of the flame of the Mother which you would call the three o’clock line2—the record of the destruction of that altar, that temple, and the sinking of the landed area that was the sinking of the Mother flame.

We see, then, that along the coast of California, there is a momentum to ensoul the Mother flame that comes forth as a blue ray of power, as energy of God-control, as energy as of the Amazon women, who were mighty women of a previous golden age who focused the blue ray of motherhood and who brought their civilization to a peak by that action of God-control.

The divine complement of Hercules bears the name Amazonia. For she focused that specific pattern, that matrix of the Mother flame at the Elohimic level, that was purely the essence of the will of God that reached its climax in the blue fire of the first ray.

I come, then, to nurture every aspect of the Mother light. For even as you have been told that the seven rays have seven aspects of the Christic light, you must understand that if all aspire to be the Mother, not all will become the same design, not all will come forth out of the same cookie cutter. And therefore, there is room for infinite dimension in the expression of the Mother flame. And women ought to, by right, take their place in government, in institutions of higher learning, in the creative arts, in science, in service and in the ritual of assuming the role of priestess at the altar of the sacred fire.

If you will call to me as a representative of the Mother flame—and I by no means exclude those who wear the masculine form—if you desire to represent the flame, I ask that you give the rosary daily.3 For through that action of praise to the Mother ray, you will see how your consciousness will be adorned with the jewels of a Mother’s heart. You will see how you will begin to care, to really care, about your fellowman. And because you care, you will have the flame of the Holy Spirit that is able to impart, at any hour of the day or night, that which is the greatest need in your loved ones, in children, in strangers, in all whom you meet.

To walk down the street of a city where the impersonal life has become perverted, where people cease to care about one another, to walk down the street in the Mother flame, to have the love in your heart for all whom you meet, to be able to take the time to send the fragrance of the rose, the kiss of your heart, to those who are weary with tension, with depression, with darkness, with the encasements of city life—this is a joy in itself.

To see how people respond, even when they do not see you (as I observe from inner levels as I minister to life everywhere), to see how hearts quicken with joy, how people stand up tall and feel a sense of worth because Mother is nigh, to see happiness flow, to see individuals begin to have a desire for self-improvement, the respectability of person, the honor, even the sense of chivalry, of knighthood, of courtliness, whereby men and women accord one another that grace, that understanding, that respect which is indeed the cement ofsociety—this is a role, a path and a way that is so important. For as you have been told, the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.4

The Feminine Ray Rules the World

Many women have not been able to bring forth this concept because they feared that they would make themselves too aggressive or too important. But, as a matter of fact, it is the feminine ray that rules the world, the feminine ray in man and in woman, because the feminine ray is the highest manifestation of light, of order, and of the will of God and the mind of Christ. Therefore, to awaken the energies of Mother, of the Kundalini in your spine, is to have the wherewithal anchored in the mind, in the crown, in the upper chakras to fulfill your cosmic destiny.

It is time that mankind realize that the feminine ray is the key to God-government, to order. It is time to realize that there is no competition between the sexes. For all have opportunity to develop the true spirit of the masculine, the true spirit of the feminine. This is the way. This is the plan.

And I look forward to the time when the Mother of the Flame will go forth to teach men and women how to exalt the divinity of the solar light and how, through the fusion of Alpha and Omega currents, they can bring forth Christed man within the heart and fulfill the destiny of truly being a son or a daughter of God.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 6.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 14, 1974, during the 5-day Easter conference Convocation of the New Birth, held in Los Angeles, California. Part 2 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 8.

1. A root race is a group of souls, or a lifewave, who embody together and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan and mission to fulfill on earth or on other systems of worlds. According to esoteric tradition, there are seven primary root races on earth. The ascended masters teach that the first three root races have won their immortal freedom and ascended from earth. The fourth, fifth and sixth root races (the latter not entirely descended into physical incarnation) remain in embodiment on earth. The seventh root race is destined to incarnate on the continent of South America in the Aquarian age. Each root race embodies under the aegis of a Manu (Sanskrit, “progenitor” or “lawgiver”), who embodies the Christic image for the race. See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Path of the Higher Self, pp. 61-68, 71-73, 411-14; available at The Summit Lighthouse online bookstore or by calling 1-800-245-5445. Also, H. P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, vol. II (Pasadena, Calif.: Theosophical University Press).

2. The three o’clock line, as charted on the Cosmic Clock, is the line of God-control over conceit, deceit, arrogance and ego.

3. Give the rosary daily. See Mary’s Scriptural Rosary for the New Age, thirteen rosaries dictated by Mother Mary to the messenger—one for each morning of the week and one for each evening, Sunday through Friday. Available at The Summit Lighthouse online bookstore, or download at or by calling 1-800-245-5445. The Sunday evening and seven morning rosaries are also published in Mary's Message for A New Day. See also A Child’s Rosary to Mother Mary, 15-minute rosaries with scriptural readings from the New Testament for adults and children, available online or by download or by calling 1-800-245-5445.

4. William Ross Wallace, “The Hand That Rules the World,” stanza 1.

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