Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 52 No. 23 - Beloved Hilarion - December 1, 2009

The Healing Masters Bring Dispensations

Part 2

A Safe Crossing
from the Physical Octaves unto the Etheric Retreats

As always, the concern of Raphael and Mother Mary is with the mother and the incoming child, and their work begins long before physical conception. Their work begins in the healing temple and in the Temple of the Resurrection1—showing souls who are intended to reembody the design of their immaculate conception in the heart of God, training souls to meditate upon that immaculate conception, training souls to magnetize the energy field of that conception within the etheric body, reinforcing it by meditation in the etheric retreats.

Such training, of course, is invaluable, highly effective and makes for the most progress of souls reincarnating. The tragedy is that nine-tenths of mankind are not able to make their way to the retreats between incarnations, so heavy are they laden with the burdens and the cares of this world, with the effluvia of the human consciousness.

Therefore, kneeling before the great cosmic councils, before Alpha and Omega, your own beloved Raphael and Mother Mary implored the Godhead for a dispensation to secure the safe journeying of the soul from physical octaves through the astral-mental belts unto the etheric retreats. And I have the great privilege to report to this body that a dispensation was granted unto their twin flames whereby angels of light, angels of healing, are allowed to deposit a certain momentum of their energy within the finer bodies of those making the transition—an injection of light, if you will, to give them the momentum, the energy, the buoyant energy, for a safe crossing.

You see, because these souls yet abide in the planes of Mater, the ascended hosts are not allowed to intercede on their behalf unless invocation is made by those in this plane. Now, you understand the ritual of lighting the candle, of saying the prayers of the Mass for souls, that they might not be caught in purgatory. There is indeed a need for a vigil, and thus the Goddess of Liberty founded the Order of the Golden Lily,2 to be comprised of dedicated chelas who would pray for those making the transition.3

In answer to your prayers, to the energies lovingly given in your ascension services, this dispensation comes forth. It comes forth in answer to the prayers of many among mankind, and especially the prayers of the archangel and archeia of the fifth ray.

Raphael and Mary Teach the Soul How to Participate
in Forming the Vehicles in Which It Will Abide

Therefore, beginning with the training of souls in the retreats, Raphael and Mary show the soul how the forming of the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body takes place. They teach the soul how to participate in this sacred ritual that reoccurs each time the soul must descend into form. You have heard that man is his own creator, and this is so. For the soul participates in the formation of the vehicles in which it will abide, even as you build a house in which you will live.

The conception at the physical level is guarded by this Virgin of God, imparting at etheric levels to father and mother that formula of the God-design of the incoming one. And the guardian action continues through the period of gestation to the moment of birth.

Pray for the Protection
of Incoming Souls and Their Families

And so, those of you who sense the great need to pray for incoming souls in this period, this dark period of world history when mankind are cutting off the life of these little ones, will you appeal to Raphael and Mother Mary. Will you call forth the ovoid of white light to be projected, then, from the diamond heart of Mary around the mother and the father, sealing them in the ovoid of the bliss of the fiery core of Alpha and Omega for the protection of incoming souls, many of them advanced lifestreams, who need that protection.

Do you know, precious ones, that the parents of avatars are often persecuted for their vows to sponsor these lifestreams. And often they must undergo great adversity. There is no one who knows better than Mary herself the adversity given to the one who says before God, “Behold the handmaid of the Lord.”4 If you will recall those scenes—Mary being ready to be delivered of the Christ yet finding no room in the inn of the human consciousness that would receive him, the flight into Egypt and the hiding of the child in the early years, that he might not be found by Herod the king5—you will understand, then, how you, mothers and fathers in this age, must be alert to the onslaughts directed against you because you sponsor the Holy Child.

Understand, then, that the line of attack is one of division, of schism in the home, of disturbance, of an unsettling of your love and of your forcefield. The attack comes against the economics of your life, against your job, your business, the flow of supply—anything that will tear down the possibility for the normal development of the Holy Child.

I call this to your attention because many of the lightbearers come into homes and their light is so great and the parents so unprepared that the marriage terminates in divorce. The children go here and there. They have not the sense of security in the Cosmic Virgin which they ought to gain from a hearth and a home well tended. And therefore beginning in the very early years, there is that estrangement from the Divine Mother because of the breaking-up of the home. There is the estrangement from the Holy Spirit because the father, somehow, is not able to tend that flame.

Those of you who perceive the need, then, to pray for fathers and mothers and for the Holy Family, you may appeal to Raphael and Mary. And know that you will receive from their angels a specific action, and specifically the sealing of the home in the purity of the fiery white ovoid of light and the emerald ray that is for the geometry, the lowering into manifestation, of the abundance of the Divine Mother for the protection of the holy children, for their proper education, for all that they require to assume their role in this civilization.

Now then, the Holy Spirit, the Maha Chohan, is the diamond in the center of this mandala of effort by the healing masters. And through the consciousness of the Maha Chohan, the distillations of the sacred fire are for the blending of our efforts so that all works together for good to them that love God.

Heaven Is Determined to Make You Whole

I have come with healing angels. I have come with healing dispensations. I have come, and I have presented to you a portion of the deliberations and the conclusions of our meeting. I stand before you that you might know that heaven cares, that heaven is concerned, that heaven is determined to make that all-out effort to restore balance to body, mind and soul, to being and consciousness—to make you whole.

Therefore, call upon the healing masters, and watch how mankind will be restored to the right mind of God, to the right desiring of God, to the right knowing, to the right being. And the crystal clarity of the All-Seeing Eye of God will be the vision of the victory.

When mankind become the fullness of the truth, they will demand truth across the planetary body. They will rise up and overthrow the Liar and the lie, the despots who stand upon that lie. When they are filled with the healing light, there will be no stopping the people of this planet. And they will usher in, by the God flame within, that golden age of freedom.

Let the souls of mankind be free! We stand to uphold Saint Germain! This is our offering to him, to you and to the age to come.

In the name of Jesus the Christ, the healer of all time and space, and in the name of the Cosmic Christ, the initiator of healing, Lord Maitreya, I am the humble servant of the flame of truth. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free!6

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Hilarion was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 30, 1974, during the New Year’s Class, “New Beginnings in the Flame of the Holy Spirit,” held in Anaheim, California. For more information on Hilarion and the other healing masters who gave dispensations in this dictation, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

1. The Temple of the Resurrection is in the etheric realm over the city of Jerusalem in the Holy Land. This retreat, which is under the charge of Jesus and Mother Mary, is a focus of the resurrection flame. The temple is located in a white circular building with extensions on each side. In the center of the temple is the resurrection flame, an opalescent, mother-of-pearl flame that raises the body to that state just prior to the ascension where the threefold flame is balanced and the four lower bodies are aligned. The paintings on the walls of the circular flame room depict the raising of mankind’s consciousness through key individuals’ patterns and activities that the Brotherhood of this retreat project as the stages leading to the golden age. On one of the four murals, a great patriarch in a pink velvet robe is shown reading to the people from the book of cosmic law.

Angels of the resurrection flame serve in this retreat, ministering unto the flame and unto those souls who are brought to the resurrection chambers in the wings adjoining the central flame room. Here students are taught how to raise their vibrations to balance the threefold flame and to bring their four lower bodies into alignment in preparation for the ascension, the initiation that follows the resurrection.

Jesus welcomes us to this retreat: “I welcome you together with Mary the Mother and Saint Germain and the many who have gone before you who are serving here with me in the Temple of the Resurrection, the holy city that pulsates with life abundant above the place where our victory was and is forever one.”

2. The Goddess of Liberty founded the Order of the Golden Lily on July 7, 1963. In a dictation given that day in Washington, D.C., she placed the symbol of the Order of the Golden Lily over the hearts of those who would help her “lift the torch” on behalf of mankind both in and out of embodiment. Those initiated into the Order of the Golden Lily have the opportunity and responsibility to invoke the intercession of the hosts of the LORD for the illumination and the cutting free of souls of light trapped on the astral plane, especially those passing through the transition called death, that they might be safely escorted by angels to the octaves of light and the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. Keepers of the Flame gather each Friday night for the Ascension Service to fulfill this commitment.

In her dictation the Goddess of Liberty said: “I urge all who wear this golden lily upon their hearts to recognize that they have my power. And if you will in consciousness call unto me and to your own mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self and recognize that you are one who lifts the lamp of light in order to be a wayshower to mankind, both those who are here below and those who are in the psychic and astral realms, you will realize that you are working with the Angels of Deliverance and with Archangel Michael.”

See the Goddess of Liberty, July 7, 1963, “The Order of the Golden Lily,” excerpted in “The Radiant Word,” 1991 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 182-83. For more information, go to Order of the Golden Lily at, a website of The Summit Lighthouse.

3. Pray for those making the transition. See Ashram Note 13, A Prayer for Souls Who Are Taking Their Leave of the Earth Today, in Ashram Notes by El Morya, pp. 81-83, or in the Ashram Rituals pp. 63-64.

4. Luke 1:38.

5. Matt. 2:1-20; Luke 2:1-7.

6. John 8:32.

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