Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 52 No. 18 - Beloved El Morya - September 15, 2009

The True Ruling Body of Planet Earth

Councils of the Thirteen

Sympathize Not with the Human Consciousness

The winds of Darjeeling blow, and the power of the Holy Spirit enshrined in the will of God is known by the chelas of the light. To some the wind is foe, to others it is friend.

I AM the friend of God's will. And in that will, I find the thunder and the lightning and the still small voice—the voice of conscience that pricks the ears of the faithful and makes them to know when the energy spiral is not in alignment with that will.

The fallen ones, the Liar and his kind, would make mankind think that they did not know at the moment of their fall that they were out of alignment with the will of God. I say to you, do not sympathize with those who become the martyrs of their own self-will. For sympathy is a deadly energy, and thereby you render aid unto the enemy.

I say sympathize not with the human consciousness in all of its dismay and all of its sense of struggle. For I say to you this day that the carnal mind has a million and one ruses to trick the outer consciousness that desires to be tricked. But those who desire to do the will of God, these cannot be tricked into an unholy alliance with darkness. For these know the voice that is in the wind and that is in the white-fire core of being.

My sheep know my voice. The devotees of the Mother know her voice, and they know the ever-present help of the Holy Spirit.

The Pilfering of America

I say, then, this night, there are those, the fallen ones who stalk the earth, seeking sympathy from the children of light: “Give us arms! Give us wheat! Give us rations! Give us money!” And so they come, precious hearts, to the coffers of what was once, and is still today, the mightiest nation upon earth.

Why, then, do you allow the body of the Mother to be pilfered, to be given away piece by piece? For this is what they are doing to America today. First it was this and then it was that—the gold being exported, the light being exported, the fine young men and women being exported to fight in the wars contrived by the Luciferian energies. How long will the souls of light, who have been given this nation, tolerate the pilfering of America?

And so they come. They come looking for contracts. And among you, the dark ones that have been sown as the tares among the wheat are ready—at any call, at any hour, at any time—for the dollar sign, for the money to sell America, sell her to the forces of greed and darkness.

The Call of the Will of God

I say to each and every one of you, God has deposited within your hearts the power of the Logos, and that is the power of the energy of creation. If you will but release the immortal fiat “Lo, I am come to do thy will, O God!” I say a thousand angels will attend thee and wait upon thy every word and thy every command that is made in the name of Jesus the Christ, in the name of the will of God.

Heaven waits to be called upon so that we may enter the fray. Now is the hour when we would enter, before it is altogether too late. Now is the hour to call forth the exposure of the sympathizers with the sympathizer himself.

I say the will of God in its white fiery core is an intense concentration of divine love. And our love for God is what made us to elect the calling of his holy will. Yet some think me a stern master. I am stern with the energy veil and all those who will tolerate that veil in any corner or cranny of consciousness anywhere, anytime.

You can be certain that once you have come in contact with Morya, Morya's eye is upon you. And he knows when the cosmic honor flame is abandoned by you for some fling of the lesser self into darkness. Do you really find enjoyment in those hours of a self-indulgence? I think that the price and the penalty are great enough to the sensitive soul that I need not waste words upon those epochs of human history that go down as infamy in the Book of Life.

I come, then, to preach the Word and the power of salvation by the power of the mighty wind of God. For I have sent that wind to purify and cleanse the consciousness of humanity. Awake! I say, and let the winds of God blow through the mind and blow out the dust of centuries, blow out the chemicals and the fluorides and all manner of drugs that have lodged there.

Let Those Who Would Rule the World
Bow before the Light

Oh, the proliferation of poison in the food, what a plot, what an insane and contrived plot, that mankind, like sheep, have accepted, and they have infected one another with their science, their great mentality and their hoary wisdom. Oh, the masters of this world, how they proclaim how qualified they are with their degrees.

I say, they have not even approached the very first degree of humility before the altar, where Jesus the Christ himself knelt to receive the initiations of the hierarch of Luxor. Although he had received and earned the merit to initiate that hierarch himself, yet he bowed in humility before his light!

And so I say, let those who would rule the world bow before the babes in the cradles of the world. Let them come and adore the majesty of the Christ consciousness. Let them be God-taught. And then will they have the seal of our approval and our authority for God-government over the earth.

Hierarchy’s Appointed Rulers

Now, I should like to tell you that in our retreat, in the Darjeeling Council chambers, the masters who meet here and form that august body known as the Darjeeling Council have the authority for God-government and the establishment of God's will among the nations of the earth. And we have appointed over every nation upon this planetary body our own governors, our own rulers, those in embodiment within that nation who are worthy—by attainment alone, by attunement with the Christ consciousness—to rule, and to rule wisely and well.

There is a circle of twelve and the thirteenth in the center of the circle, following the ancient pattern that was also followed by Christ and the apostles. In every nation upon earth, there is this group. They may be shepherds, housewives. They may be professional people. They may be educators. Sometimes you find that they are illiterate, but they carry the light of hierarchy, and they are appointed and anointed to serve their people.

They may never enter the capitol of their nation. They may never wear the vestments of authority or be recognized by their fellowmen, but they have the investiture of the hierarchy. And these, my friends, are the true ruling body of the planet Earth.

Calls for the Thirteen

Now, I have a suggestion and a task that I should like to give to you this night. For you see, we cannot enter in to the affairs of mankind except the call be given. The call must come forth—through prayer, meditation or invocation—for assistance from this octave, and then instantly the powers of light respond.

It is the desire of the hierarchy to amplify the influence of the stellar light of these souls in every nation. It is our desire to release to them the energies of the Darjeeling Council for the bringing of the nations into alignment with the consciousness of God-government. Therefore my suggestion, my request, is that each one of you ere you retire at night call to the Christ Self, the God Presence and the very soul of each of these thirteen, and ask that each one amplify the power of Father and Son and Holy Spirit and of the Divine Mother wherever and whenever these individuals are engaged in service to the light.

I ask you also to make the request that your decrees for protection, perfection and transmutation go out to the thirteen, the councils of the thirteen of the Great White Brotherhood in every nation upon earth, that they might also know a greater degree of understanding and of precipitating in the outer consciousness that which they have within as an electrode of fire. For it is the inner attainment which we recognize.

Because of environmental influences, education in this life and various types of social conditioning, these individuals do not always bring to the fullness of manifestation those inner energies of attainment that should be brought to bear upon the consciousness and the government of their nation. I ask you, then, those of you who know and accept the law of Jesus Christ and of the Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, to lend your momentum of victory and consecration to those who have earned and merited the position of authority in the nations upon earth.

Protection for the Offices in Government

I ask you also to call upon the law of forgiveness for those who have unknowingly usurped that authority and who stand in the seats of judgment and of rulership in the nations. I ask that you call for the protection of the offices of the hierarchy in government, whether or not you approve of the individuals who occupy those offices.

In the case of the recent probing of the president of the United States and those working with him,1 I would say to you, it is one thing to gloat over the exposure of one whom you have long suspected. But it is another thing to recognize the fact that when the consciousness and the position of the individual is lowered, the standard of the office he holds is lowered with him, and thus the standard of the nation is also lowered.

We have no concern about karmic cycles and the law of return. We know that all men and women shall at one time or another receive that which they have sent forth. We are more concerned with the protection of this nation and the high office of the president of the United States.

We are concerned with the Luciferian forces, who would like to turn this situation to their advantage to convince the people that there is no conscience, there is no truth and no honor in government, and therefore that government should be brought down and changed and the Constitution rewritten and a form of socialism introduced in America. For you see, a change in government precipitated by the dark forces must always be preceded by a demoralization of the people and a turning of the people against those who are in power. You must recognize that it is the structure of the American government which is sound from its inception in the Constitution.

If those who have not attained Christ-mastery have been catapulted into the limelight of political office by political maneuver, then it is up to the true souls of light to challenge their darkness and intrigue, but not to be swept into the mobs who cry forth that they desire the blood of this personality and that personality. For do you not see that the forces of darkness and the manipulators will always manipulate the masses and their consciousness to the ultimate end of total world domination and darkness and the depriving of the children of God of their opportunity to serve the light, to live in the light, to walk the earth in the Christ consciousness and to fulfill the fiat to do the will of God.

I say, then, judge righteous judgment. And look not only to the cork bobbing upon the wave that the force has placed there to turn your attention from the mammoth form that lurks in the deep.

And so I say to you, beware. Decree for honor, for Cosmic Christ activity at all levels of government. And when the sweeping tides against the masses are released to produce emotional energies at a peak fervor, be careful that you watch, then, the lies, watch the Liar, watch the sympathizer, who determines to attract mankind's energy by the false glamour of the astral realm, who determines to draw mankind's sympathy for darkness and thereby to put mankind in the sinking ship of darkness. By your sympathy you are tied to that with which you sympathize.

Therefore claim the light! Love the light! Live in the light! And be free as a son or daughter of God, committed to his will, but committed to no human personality.

Obedience to the Will of God

In the history of the service of our messengers, we have also tested them, as we test our chelas. From time to time, it must be determined by the hierarchy if the messenger is ready to enforce those disciplines that are necessary for the carrying on of the activity of the retreat, if the messenger has the vision and the larger concern for humanity to surrender those who are closest to him or to her unto the judgment of the Lords of Karma.

It takes great courage for anyone in a position of authority to follow the law and the will of God absolutely, with no human compromise. But I should say unto you that those who have been given our authority have also been tested in the past, and they would not have that authority if they had shown any sign of weakness in any area of human or divine conduct.

Therefore I say that this day our messenger has acted to remove from the company of this retreat those who could not fulfill the vows of the retreat. And this shall be a sign unto those who aspire to be a part of this retreat, to serve here and to come under our discipline, that no man, no woman is a law unto himself and that no individual is indispensable in the sight of Almighty God. Therefore, it is the acknowledgment of and obedience to the will of God that is the biding place and the salvation of our messengers and our chelas throughout the centuries of our activity.

I say, then, run to the skirts of the will of God and to the Divine Mother. And find there, then, no taint of loyalty to the personality of man, but only adoration of the personality of God in man.

Thus go and do likewise, and fear not to pluck out the right eye if the right eye offend thee, to cut off the right arm if the right arm offend thee.2 I say to each one of you, harbor not darkness or compromise. For if you do not cut out that portion of the self which is an offense to the Law, then the day and the hour will come when the Master Surgeon of life will come and cut it out for you. And then it is written, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.3

Cast thyself upon the rock and be broken for the glory of the kingdom and for the victory of the Christ consciousness.

The light of God never fails! The light of God never fails! The light of God never fails! And the mighty I AM Presence is that light! And the will of God is that light. And the heart of God is that light! And the diamond heart of Morya is consecrated to that light within you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, June 10, 1973, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. Probing of the president of the United States and those working with him. See Pearls of Wisdom, this volume, no. 13, note 4.

2. If the right eye offend thee.... Matt. 18:7–9; Mark 9:43–48.

3. Weeping and gnashing of teeth. Matt. 8:12; 13:41–42, 49–50; 22:11–14; 24:50–51; 25:29, 30; Luke 13:28.

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