Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 50 No. 20 - Beloved Saint Germain and Lord Maitreya - October 15, 2007

New Year’s Convocation 1963

Each Individual Must Open for Himself
the Door That Leads to Immortal Octaves

Part 1

Greetings in the eternal fragrance from the heart of God.

Ladies and gentlemen, heart friends of freedom, I am here this night by the grace of your own mighty I AM Presence. Have you stopped for a moment to consider this? Have you stopped for a moment to consider that my words are conveyed to you by the grace of your own mighty I AM Presence?

It is the power of seeing, the power of hearing and the power of the senses that enables you to contact at once both the outer world of form and dimension and our world of light. Thus, the spoken Word conveys to you the message of our radiance, but it is perceived in reality by the inward grace of the all-knowing mind of God within you.

Be grateful, then, beloved ones, and have faith in the transcendent light, which is the light of God that never fails, manifesting within you, conveying understanding to your hearts, and bestowing upon you every blessing from our octave. Ponder not the curious aspects of life, but ponder the greatness of your own immortality.

Beloved ones, mankind, in looking out upon the scenes that pass before them (and I know full well that they do), consider all the world as a stage and that each man in his time plays many parts, and so they do.1 But let them recognize that it is also needful that they do not become involved in merely being spectators in an arena, gazing upon the antics of one another and failing withal to perceive the grandeur that is their own soul.

Precious ones of the light, there are so many philosophies in the world, there are so many ideas that the libraries of the world are enriched with countless works that seem almost limitless. But if mankind will pause to consider, they will realize that in a thousand years they could not read all the works of man that have been written. Let them, then, above all, learn to recognize the spirit of truth, that they may withal perceive and have a pearl of great price2 radiant within their thoughts and feelings. For to have a pearl of great price is to be enfolded within the eternal inheritance.

Beloved ones, there are so many dreams that fill the minds of the children of men. These dreams begin almost at the age of three. Precious ones, if you will stop to consider, you will recognize that often through the day many of mankind are actually engaged in thinking about something no more significant than a sugarplum fairy.

I tell you, ladies and gentlemen, God is most desirous of exalting mankind into the state of consciousness where they will have the fullness of the understanding of an ascended being resident within their higher mental body, to be tapped by them before their ascension in order that they may thereby hasten the day of that treasured ascension in the light. However, if their consciousness, like a child, is merely gazing out upon the world to see what is taking place around them, they become embroiled in countless ideas and fleeting images which can never in a million years give them their freedom.

Beloved ones, the God-design of our octave is so naturally variegated, so beautiful and so tangibly magnificent that it is difficult for the mind of man, it is difficult even for an ascended being, to wholly comprehend that natural radiance. And yet it is a part of the immortal inheritance of every man, woman and child! It is a part of cosmic destiny! It is the destiny of every man!

But, too few have recognized it. Too few have aimed high enough. Too few have desired to achieve the divine stature. Too few have thought it possible that they could. And so in our octave, a relatively few from your planet are ascended beings.

Is it any wonder that we are banded together as a fraternity called the brothers in white? Is it any wonder that the love of God that raised us into our ascension causes us to remain within the atmosphere of this planet to serve mankind countless hours of every day in order to assist our brethren here in obtaining their own freedom, their priceless redemption, in the expanding consciousness of God?

Mankind ought not to consider themselves to be puny, mortal, ignorant or any other negative expression of which there are, by far, too many examples manifesting. Mankind ought to hold a most noble image of themselves, their children and the world in general. And so the general welfare of the planet would be served and more ascended beings would manifest because mankind, in considering how they might assist their brothers and sisters in obtaining their ascension, would sooner find their own freedom.

Beloved ones, some of you have heard that I attended my own funeral as Francis Bacon.3 Well, beloved ones, I would like to tell you that the mankind of earth today seem more interested in attending one another's funerals than they do in attaining their ascension! But this is not our desire for them.

Our desire is to see the perfume and the essences of the sacred fire penetrate the four lower bodies of man to cut him loose from the densities of human creation and exalt him into the state of Christ consciousness which overcomes the world. Well, then, if mankind are to obtain this, is it not well that they should be faithful to band themselves together with those other elect—they who have elected to manifest a charge of ascended master radiance in preference to the mere foibles of the world?

Beloved ones, the culture of the world is not understood by the cultured. And therefore, that which many have obtained is not a true culture at all. It is only a form of human consciousness devoid of the divine understanding and placing man in categories of differences—different rates of vibration, different grades of human understanding.

God, as a magnificent ocean of light, beckons all mankind to come, that they may be flooded with the ocean of his infinite light! This, as some of the Indian sages have said, ought to dissolve the salt doll that floats in the ocean.4

But, beloved ones, mankind seem fearful of losing their identity. Well, certainly history records that they all sooner or later do “attend their own funerals,” as I did, in one form of light or another! I think it is most important for those earnest students, as well as all mankind, to consider right now how they may overcome those densities of human creation which bring about decay, disease and death within their four lower bodies and prevent them from manifesting the pure Christ.

I am speaking tonight, in the holy name of freedom, to inspire by the love of God those true and whole hearts among you who have long yearned to know the secrets of life, of immortality, you who have long desired to cut yourselves free or be cut free from all that binds. Those of you who have seriously contemplated and meditated upon life, have lain upon your beds at night and pondered as to the mysteries of life, you have wondered from childhood how you might attain a higher way. You have continued, as seekers after light, to pursue many devious paths in trying to express the great Christ consciousness of light.

Having fallen short of the mark, you have continued to pursue “the light that never shone upon land or sea”5 but that beckons within your hearts and within your beings and guides you onward. You have not forsaken the search; you have continued to seek. And I tell you, the hand of God shall not let you go. The ascended masters shall not forsake you.

Beloved ones, if we do not forsake the world, which has utterly forsaken God, how can we forsake those who are our close brethren, those who are candidates for the ascension, those who are aspirants upon the spiritual path, those who desire to see the victory of God triumph upon earth, those who recognize that the essential elements of truth within religion must come alive within the hearts of men and manifest everywhere before the planet can be free?

These true souls—these true aspirants to be brothers in white, to be the elect, to be friends of freedom—must rise as one unified body to express the beauty of God. Everywhere they must cease dissension, cease disunity, cease disharmony. They must cherish and love those who love the eternal Presence of God, whether known by the name of God or known by the name of Allah or by any other name. And yet, they must recognize that the name of God is locked within the precious words that convey to man a sense of his own consciousness, existence, bliss and peace—the words I AM.

I AM is the name of God. I AM is the wisdom of God. I AM is the power of God. I AM is the Shining One manifesting in you as strength.

The I AM, the being of God within you, is that which gives to the reeds of your body the strength to stand upright, which gives fiber to your souls and light to the spiritual man that is within you and fills that spiritual man with the manna which came down from above, the bread of heaven and the light currents that flow into your spiritual body.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 50, no. 21.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

These dictations by Saint Germain and Lord Maitreya were delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, December 29, 1962, during the New Year’s Convocation 1963 held in Washington, D.C. Lord Maitreya’s delivery is included in Part 3.

1.All the world’s a stage, / And all the men and women merely players: / They have their exits and their entrances; / And one man in his time plays many parts.” Shakespeare, As You Like It, act 2, scene 7, lines 139-42.

2. Matt. 13:45, 46.

3. For more on Francis Bacon’s death and attending his own funeral, see Virginia M. Fellows, The Shakespeare Code, pp. 297-303.

4. One of the many versions of the salt doll story was told by Ramakrishna, a nineteenth-century Hindu saint who is now an ascended master: “Once a salt doll went to measure the depth of the ocean. It wanted to tell others how deep the water was. But this it could never do, for no sooner did it get into the water than it melted. Now, who was there to report the ocean’s depth? What Brahman is cannot be described. In samadhi one attains the knowledge of Brahman—one realizes Brahman. In that state reasoning stops altogether, and man becomes mute. He has no power to describe the nature of Brahman.” Tales and Parables of Sri Ramakrishna (Mylapore, Madras: Sri Ramakrishna Math, 1971), p. 159.

5. “Ah! then, if mine had been the Painter’s hand, / To express what then I saw; and add the gleam, / The light that never was, on sea or land, / The consecration, and the Poet’s dream.” William Wordsworth, “Elegiac Stanzas Suggested by a Picture of Peele Castle in a Storm,” stanza 4 (1807).

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