Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 49 No. 38 - Beloved Great Divine Director - October 1, 2006

Seek to Express the Fullness of Your Presence

A Mantle of Light for South America

Part 1

In the holy name of your infinite mighty I AM Presence, I come to you today wielding mighty light rays of infinite possibilities for the universe and for all therein.

Beloved ones, this is your home. You abide in the heart of God. You abide every moment in the heart of the fullness of your Presence—in the heart of the fullness of the perfection that your Presence is. There is never a moment when the Presence is not aware of all of the parts that make up the glorious creation sent forth by the Word of God. The fiat and command of immortal life created substance and performed that sacred rite, the ritual of creation, whereby from the unformed there comes into manifestation images of the heart of God.

You, beloved ones, are the fullness of that heart if you will but realize it. It was never the desire of the Infinite One to exclude any portion of the creation from perfect union with its own heart. And, therefore, it ought not to be the desire of men to separate themselves, through the sensuality of their consciousness, into diverse groups worshiping the One Supreme God.

It ought to be the design and purpose of every soul enamored with the perfume of the eternal Presence to be unified with the heart of that Presence and, in the spirit of worship and adoration of that Presence, to fellowship with those of like mind. All who are of like mind ought to feel a desire to sit together with all mankind in the supreme natural temple of divinity, in adoration of the supreme mighty I AM Presence of all life.

Some time ago, beloved ones, mankind was apprised of the creation in the ethers of a glorious temple of victory,1 the victory of the I AM Presence, to be erected upon this planet and dedicated to the unification of all men with the heart of their great God Self. At the time this knowledge was released, the full purpose of that temple and its plan and origin were not entirely made known through the Pearls of Wisdom.

I would like to tell you that the God-design for this temple came from the heart of that great being Mighty Victory, of the planet Venus. And because of the humility of his being, he did not specifically cause to be released the full dimension of the plan. I am permitted today by the powers that be, by the powers of light, to reveal that this precious offering came from the heart of Mighty Victory and is, therefore, charged in the etheric realms with the full power and momentum of the spirit of Victory himself.

I think, therefore, that those of you who desire to see this temple become a reality upon this planet will desire to unite with the spirit of victory, that victory, beloved ones, which overcomes the world.

Mankind are ever so desirous of overcoming various conditions which are less than the perfection of God. Sometimes, precious ones, it may be a habit such as overeating or overindulgence in some particular portion of life which you may find some transient pleasure in. Well, beloved ones, the victory of your Presence is able to give you the power to overcome all unwanted habits and desires. In the heart of your Presence, there is freedom from all binding conditions.

Now it is true, precious ones, that as you enter into and ascend in consciousness into the heart of the Presence, you feel the full power of that Presence, and you say to yourselves, “Nothing shall ever again interfere with my outpicturing of the perfection and the victory of God. I shall not give power to lesser objects or experiences, for I am determined, mighty I AM Presence, to overcome this condition.”

And then, precious ones, when you are once again brought to the testing ground where there are arrayed against you the very elements of the human creation which you yourself made, then, beloved ones, it seems that before the onslaughts of those elements of discord, many of the students do temporarily go down.

Beloved ones, I have advocated—and I continue to do so —that on each occasion such as this you immediately get up and go on about the Father’s business. Your victory is not won by lamentation or despair or a feeling of unworthiness, but it is won because you continue to seek to express the fullness of the Presence.

I want you to see a very precious point here: Individuals, by a feeling of guilt or a feeling of unworthiness, do not evoke from the heart of their Presence the spirit of victory that conquers the condition which they wish to overcome. There is a certain abjectness about conditions of guilt whereby individuals continue to multiply those undesirable conditions within their feeling and thinking worlds rather than to multiply the spirit of Christ-victory.

Therefore, precious ones, I do not advocate that men continue to fail in order that they may fall and then get up, but I do say that when these conditions occur—outside of breathing a prayer for forgiveness—you should immediately arise and go on as though nothing had happened. For, beloved ones, sometime, someplace, somewhere you must overcome all these outer conditions, no matter what they are or how severe you may think they are or how severe the disciplines on the Path may be. You must still overcome those outer conditions, which are less than the perfection of God. And if you are going to overcome them, you will only overcome them by that formula of “Stand, face and conquer!”

But, precious ones, you must stand and face and conquer where you are. You cannot transport yourself to some exotic desert isle where all will be a utopia of perfection and then expect that you are going to return from that paradise into the world of form as the victor. You must recognize the need, wherever you are and in whatsoever condition or circumstance that is manifest in your world, to overcome that specific condition. And you must realize you are having these experiences in order that you may have your victory over all outer conditions resulting from the ebb and flow of human will and emotion.

Now, unfortunately, some of the students feel the need to chastise themselves, and some feel the need to chastise one another for an imagined wrong or a real and tangible wrong. But, I ask you, precious ones, what power is there in any wrong condition, seeing that God did not create it? If it is created by God, it is possessed with the power of good and immortality. If it is created by a human error, it has no real power or tangibility. And, like a shadow that fades before the light of the sun, it will cease to be when there is more light established by that divine condition of Almighty Victory. Therefore, you must recognize the need to stabilize your affairs moment by moment and not permit the power of any outer condition to remove you from the certainty of the Path or the constancy and application that is required to obtain your victory.

If mankind will be deterred by every outer condition and every idle wind that blows, I think they will be a long time in returning to the Father’s house. But if they shall recognize the goal that is ever before them and shall pursue it with liveliness, I am certain that the noble powers of heaven that came to the aid of the Christ, that came to the aid of Saint Germain, that came to the aid of every ascended master in times past, will come to the aid of that chela, no matter how humble or how obscure that one may seemingly be. And there will be established within the forcefield of the immortal threefold flame of life within that one’s heart all those qualities and conditions that will bring about those divine experiences which will establish the victory of an avatar, a son of God among man. And the courts of heaven will be manifesting here in the form so many Christs in action and so many beloved ones who love God with their whole heart, their whole mind and their whole being.

Beloved ones, the consciousness of God is constant. It is unmoved by outer conditions. Human consciousness, like an elastic band, stretches. It expands and then it contracts. And sometimes, after a great deal of expansion and contraction, human consciousness, endowed with the power of a rubber band, seems to lose its resiliency and the ability to expand and contract. But I would like to remind you that the permanent expansion, which all can have with safety, is the expansion into the divine Christ-intelligence of God. You cannot expand into it too much, for it is infinite.

Therefore, beloved ones, I would like to point out to you that the same consciousness which everyone ought to seek is the pure mind of Christ and the mind of God. This intellect and consciousness is borrowed, as it were, or loaned to each one of you for your own use that you may make it a part of yourself. And after you prove yourself worthy of it, the chalice of the Presence of life will flood forth into your world the permanent gift of the divine consciousness—and then no one can ever take it from you.

There is abroad today throughout this planet Earth and in operation a very sinister activity which desires to warp the mind of mankind by the release of psychic experiences and energy into the consciousness of mankind. This is released in various magazines, books, plays and dramas, which mankind, in their gullibility and lack of knowledge of occult matters, will swallow and then become ill because they have swallowed these psychic energies and thoughtforms.

I therefore implore the students who are aware of the many needs of the hour to continue to make these sacred calls for freedom for the earth, that mankind may be cut free from all these psychic forces, which are not the pure mind of the Christ. The mind of the Christ is gentle, pure and peace-loving. It is easy to deal with it because it is clearly delineated and defined. It is crisp and beautiful. There is never any doubt about the mind of Christ, for it is like the perfume of a pure rose itself. You recognize it and you know that it is not a distillation of the perfumer’s art—good though that art may be—but it is an expression of nature and nature’s God.

Therefore, ladies and gentlemen, you rejoice in the true essence of the rose. You rejoice in the soul of the Christ, the Holy Christ flame within your heart. You rejoice in the expansion of that divine science of the Spirit, which transcends mortal concepts and exalts men into the fullness of God’s own intelligence—the in-telling and whispering of the Father to the Son—that imparts the secrets of the universe and their use to a man, a woman or even a child and shows each one the way that they ought to go.

Some of you may recall that passage of scripture which states that in that day mankind will no longer teach every man his neighbor, saying, “Know the LORD,” but that all shall know God from the least unto the greatest;2 and that the teacher shall no longer be removed into a corner, but “thine eyes shall see thy teachers.”3 Many of the students have long awaited the time when I would step through the veil into tangible manifestation and appear visible to the eye together with others of the ascended masters. Well, beloved ones, that day may be closer than you expect.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 49 no. 39.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, September 9, 1962, during the Sunday service held in Washington, D.C. Delivered in the early years of The Summit Lighthouse, this dictation was originally published in the booklet Spoken from on High and presents fundamental and timeless teaching of the ascended masters. In preparing this Pearls of Wisdom minimal editing was required.

1. On June 3, 1960, the ascended master El Morya announced, “A mighty temple of victory is to be built in this nation for all mankind, dedicated to the presence of Almighty God! It shall be called ‘I AM’ the Temple of Life’s Victory.... We are affirming the freedom of earth by establishing the first temple of the Great White Brotherhood known to the outer world since Atlantean days.” See El Morya, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 3, no. 23, June 3, 1960. On July 8, 1960, the ascended master Jesus Christ spoke of the temple: “I AM the ‘key’ to life’s temple of victory. Therefore all who shall truly desire to visit our new (presently etheric) temple—which you shall externalize—may call to your own God Presence, I AM, asking to be taken to it while your physical body sleeps.” See Jesus Christ, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 3, no. 28, July 8, 1960. See also Saint Germain, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 3, no. 24, June 10, 1960.

2. See Jer. 31:34; Heb. 8:11.

3. Isa. 30:20.

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