Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 49 No. 27 - Beloved El Morya - July 2, 2006

Not My Will but Thine Be Done!

The peace of the diamond-shining mind of God enfolds every one of you with the will of the infinite cosmic purpose.

Blessed and beloved ones, from Darjeeling I AM come. I AM come in God’s holy name to salute the pilgrims of light who are essentially sons and daughters of the Most High, aware of the beauty of the unfolding divinity of their beings and determined to let nothing deter them from manifesting that immortal perfection which I AM. Everyone who doeth the will of the Father which is in heaven will become that perfection and in becoming will, as the poets have stated, trail the clouds of glory from heaven unto earth.1

How magnificent are the beauties that are manifest in the heavens! The simple beauty of that great dome—that vaulted blue cathedral of light which everyone perceives every day, reaching from the horizon to the zenith of the heavens. There the sun shines in its strength. There at night is traced a starry pattern of immortal perfection by the fingers of God. There the mind of man speculates upon the vastness of infinity, and there mankind seem lost as an infinitesimal speck in a vast cosmos of light.

You are, however, held within the hollow of the hand of your own divinity. And you are as much a part of those vast cosmic reaches as you are of the miniature physical Presence originating within the center of your beating heart and culminating in the periphery of the hairs of your head and the soles of your feet.

Ladies and gentlemen, the tiny microcosmic world of you becomes the great macrocosmic world of the universe as you enter into the consciousness of its perfection. Who declared, “Go to the ant, thou sluggard”?2 Man declared this. God has not commanded it. It is man in his limited and finite concepts that desires to conceive of himself as a small part of perfection and perhaps finds it difficult to conceive of his being and expressing all of perfectness.

Shatter this concept! Break down those narrow walls of human limitation as Joshua felled the walls of Jericho3 and admit to the greatness of your being! You are magnificent God-free beings if you exalt the divinity within you. If you exalt, as do many, the tinyness, the littleness, the smallness which has been placed within you, often by contagion and exposure to the minds of others, then you shall become “little people” as they suppose themselves to be. And even they are not destined to remain so. Therefore, why should you?

Ladies and gentlemen, the will of God, which is good for you, is in and around you. It is everywhere! And yet, in this boundless sea of reality, the unrealities of life and its fleeting dream-like existence continue to plague mankind, contrary to the will of the cosmic purpose and contrary to the will of the Darjeeling Council.

It is true that at times we are somewhat, shall we say, fatigued in our outer perceptions by the evidence of mankind’s continual bowing down to the will of the human. (Now we, of course, as God-free beings are not fatigued ourselves in any sense for we have the boundless power of the universe from which to draw.) That humans continue to accept the burden of miscreation, of imperfection and of the mind of mortality in preference to the glorious mind of God which surrounds them and which, in reality, they are misusing or abusing to express their littleness would be wearying to the very heart of the Creator were he capable of comprehending or assimilating human error.

Now it is but the difference of an idea that can change the world of man from a puny world of tiny concerns to a vast world of cosmic purpose. The cosmic purpose is not given to one man and deprived from the lifestream of another. It is the cosmic birthright of everyone, and everyone, in order to receive it, must knock upon the door of life, even as life knocks upon the door of their existence.

I have observed for years the tinyness and the curiousness and the oddness that speaks and says, “I think the whole world is odd but thee and me, and there are times that I think thou art a bit odd.”4 And I am somewhat fatigued by this frame of consciousness. For mankind have no right to criticize one another unless they themselves be perfect. And if they be perfect, they no longer criticize. Do you see this? This is a very important point.

Almost all of the religious activities of the day which are in division and confusion are so because of the concerns of personalities with entering the gates of heaven. Mankind are so fearful they will not attain heaven that they will do almost anything in order to get there, including laying down their lives and their pocketbooks. And oftentimes, those to whom they listen are no more able to take them to heaven than they are able to take them to China.

Ladies and gentlemen, the will of God is your passport to heaven. And the will of God surrounds you at all times, waking or sleeping. It was to this will that the great master Jesus called when he said, “Our Father, who art in heaven.”5 You, as children of the Most High God, expressing the Christ purpose, must also pray and say, “Not my will, Father, but thine be done.”6 And then, when your will becomes the will of God in expression everywhere that you move, a change takes place within you. For no longer shall you suffer the pains of countering the will of God with your own human ego, for your human will shall have become the will of God. The resistance shall have been broken down between the two, and there shall be struggle no longer!

Now it is an absolute truth that the will of God does not struggle with the will of man. On the contrary, it is the will of man or the human ego which struggles with the will of God. For the will of God is a great sea of divine love and energy and illu mination pouring forth at all times with the fullness and power of perfection. But the will of humans is a sea of seething emotions and confusions which beloved Saint Germain has declared unpredictable. And of a truth, human nature is as irregular as an inkblot. But because we maintain the flame of hope of the Father for his children, we sometimes think that we can predict the future actions of some individuals. Nevertheless, there are times that even we, in our predictions, find that we have erred— only in the sense that mankind suddenly and impetuously jump, as it were, out from beneath our thumbs (the thumb of our pre diction and our hope for their God-success) and decide that they are going to do something entirely different from the very fulfillment of their divine plan and our anticipation for them. And so even Divinity itself cannot foreknow the unpredictable will of mortals since he himself did not foreordain its license.

Now since this vacillation in which mankind find themselves is so confusing and so utterly unreliable, would it not be a great merciful release to life if individuals would cast themselves upon the very heart of the Eternal and say, “Not my will, Father, but thine be done”? Would it not be a great release to a lifestream to feel the great surge of the will of God flowing through his being? Would it not be a great blessing for a lifestream to strive no longer to please some personality or base his life upon the perilous sands of human will and human knowledge or to use God’s energy to attain some temporal earthy goal? Would it not be a great blessing to realize that the will of God is being done in your life?

Recall now this scene I re-create for you: The beloved Jesus standing in the River Jordan before John the Baptist; the voice from heaven that speaks saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”7 Would you not like to hear the voice of God speaking to you personally and saying, “Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”? Then adore the will of God. Adore the will of God, and behold how conditions will change for you!

As I stand here in our palace of light in Darjeeling,8 conscious of the wind whistling through the pine trees and the mountainous regions surrounding our citadel of light, I think of how on the gentle air is wafted the perfume from the mountaintops until that perfume of Darjeeling’s splendor—of its woods and hills—is carried to America and around the world. The will of God is wafted from heart to heart in like manner, and yet as it passes so many are unconscious of it. So many do not realize that this great treasure has passed through and remains within the area where they physically abide. They are not cognizant of the fact that this occurs.

Several months ago, beloved K-179 entered the Department of Justice’s FBI here in Washington. He spent three hours within that building and was seen by over a hundred and forty people; and yet none of them recognized that he was there. His purpose was the protection of America against the communistic hordes.

Blessed and beloved ones, the ascended masters often walk among mankind unknown and unrecognized, as the perfume of the pine upon the wind is the coming of those born of the Spirit.10 Man knows not from whence they come nor whither they go. Yet all of you who ponder your own destiny —your own coming and your own going—realize that you did not come into being through the actual body and being of your physical mother. You realize that physically speaking you are but condensed energy and that the life within you which beats your heart and sustains you is the only reality of you. That life is God. Seeing that you are so much akin to the will of God, would it not be wise for your lifestream to make friends with that will, to enter into a consciousness of its eminence, to feel the penetration of its immortal substance, to cognize the power of God and to separate the sensuality of the human from the divinity of the light within your being?

Expand! Expand! Expand in the name of God, O thou immortal threefold flame! Expand! Expand! Expand, O thou will of God, thou will of the cosmic purpose among the nations of the earth, and cut the world free from discord! Cut the churches free from discord! Cut the metaphysical groups free from discord! Cut all expressions of life free from discord! And let straight spines, uplifted heads, eyes gazing toward the eternal heights cognize that the cradle of divinity is humanity and that in the cradle of humanity shall come forth a Manchild that shall govern the evolutions of this earth11 in accordance with the realms of light’s perfection and the laws of God.

The laws of God are exact. The laws of God cannot be aborted by mankind no matter how they may fancy to do so. For all such fancy is but folly. The only reality under heaven is the cosmic law, and only when you walk according to cosmic law do you actually walk at all. All else is but the limping of individuals who have not yet learned to walk upright.

When they shall learn to walk the gait of the cosmic will, a race of gods shall walk the earth and shall shatter the material illusions of life which tell mankind that they are puny—that they are but ants, that they are mere beasts, that they are unrighteous. And that race, in their righteous provocation, shall no longer point the finger at one another and thereby ensnare themselves. But they shall point toward their God Presence and say, “There I AM and there I shall be. There is my treasure, and there is my heart; there is my life and there is my love. And there I go, for I AM ascending now into that perfection.”

With all the beauty and the love of the Darjeeling Council, I call to the great angels of the sacred will of God and to the Brothers of the Darjeeling Diamond Heart to express manifestly to you tonight the immortal glory of the perfection of life. Take courage and take heart, beloved ones. Seize this precious diamond this very moment. Place it within your heart and say, “O thou will of the diamond heart of God’s eternal purpose, I AM enduring all hardness required to make me a good soldier of the cosmic purpose. I AM determined to endure all hardness the great cosmic law will require of me. I AM determined to watch the great cosmic masters every hour until I have manifested their perfection. I AM their perfection now, and I ever shall be the perfection of God without limit!”

When you shall make this declaration and mean it, I think that the whole earth shall be so vastly improved that you your selves will scarcely recognize it. Why not begin anew this coming year? Why not begin tonight? Why not begin this hour? Why tarry when all of the great cosmic life that surrounds you from the angelic realms and the realms of light’s perfection blazes forth around this room tonight as though it were a great cosmic amphitheater within which the cosmic choirs herald the coming of the I AM Race, the race of perfection?

You, ladies and gentlemen, including the one who is in this place who shall bear a child, are blest this night by a great angelic blessing. This blessing has a meaning you know not of, but you shall know it as you decipher the meaning of the flame of immortality, which blazes supreme within you and manifests without as the will of God.

From the Brothers of the Diamond Heart, from the temple of light in Darjeeling, from the palaces of the Brotherhood in the many focuses of light upon this planet, the radiating will of God shines to flood the world tonight with a special dispensation in anticipation of the coming year. Let the world heed the voice of God’s will, for the voices of its divinity perform an orchestration that shall mold such harmony into this world as to make it the kingdom of God, the kingdom of heaven.

Thank you. I bow to the will of God within you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, December 31, 1961 during the New Year’s Class held in Washington, D.C. Delivered in the early years of The Summit Lighthouse, this dictation was originally published in the booklet Spoken from on High and presents fundamental and timeless teaching of the ascended masters. In preparing this Pearls of Wisdom minimal editing was required.

1. “But trailing clouds of glory do we come from God, who is our home.” William Wordsworth, “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood,” stanza 5.

2. Prov. 6:6.

3. Josh. 6:20.

4. An anonymous saying attributed to a Quaker, speaking to his wife.

5. Matt. 6:9.

6. Luke 22:42.

7. Matt. 3:16, 17

8. El Morya’s etheric retreat is the Temple of Good Will over the city of Darjeeling, India, in the foothills of the Himalayas. For a description of this retreat, see The Masters and Their Retreats, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 474-77.

9. K-17 is the code name for the ascended master who heads the Cosmic Secret Service. For his profile, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp.160-63.

10. John 3:8.

11. Rev. 12:5.

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