Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 49 No. 26 - Beloved Saint Germain - June 25, 2006

You Are Stewards of the Mysteries of God

Part 2

Blessed and beloved ones, the achievement of your victory and freedom is up to you—strictly up to you—for the cosmic law is perfect. It does not err. It cannot err. And it is to this law that you must pay your allegiance. But when you as individuals abuse the cosmic law by your free will, you cannot expect that your world and the blessed earth are going to express the perfection of which they are capable.

This day, owing to the magnificent dictation given here last evening by the Great Divine Director,1 the atmosphere of Washington is cleansed considerably of the human effluvia which has accumulated as a result of the political machinations of the various individuals who seek to control the government and destiny of the United States.

This year I shall give the legislators a great blessing. When they return to begin their work, they shall find the Capitol of the United States swept clean of the heavy accumulations of human effluvia that have been here for years and years. They shall find new inspiration to guide this great nation forward in its march of progress, that the world may be benefited by that beloved America which is a cup of light from which all nations may drink. Those in America who corruptly seek self-aggrandizement through the abuse of the poor—those who economically strangle the smaller nations of the world and cause their populations to suffer as a result of their own self interest—will find the storehouse of cosmic energy cut off from their use until that time when they comprehend the meaning of the divine law of supply and demand. And if businessmen of this nation continue to work corruption, corroborating with the forces of darkness, they shall reap the penalty of their own wrongdoings.

But if the people of this great land shall pull together and put their energies into the great violet-fire cauldron and determine to employ their God-bestowed resources to benefit their fellow men, their energies shall be so pure that the economic lifeblood of this nation is going to flow freely, and this nation shall bring forth great prosperity without end. And the good that is the cup of light in America shall flow forth for the healing of all nations. This is the destiny that is your own. It is my destiny also; for I have pledged myself and my sacred honor for two thousand years to guide this world to God-freedom.

I AM this day blazing forth the divine substance into your midst. I AM calling for the instantaneous transmutation of all those elements within your personality which are not the image of the Christ. I AM calling for the creation of many men and women who will be ”wondermen” and “wonderwomen” of the world today, having and expressing divine love in bodies of usefulness and in purity of consciousness, able to reflect the absolute perfection of the light.

This is your destiny. It supersedes all others. This is the perfection without limit which you can call forth and register within your heart first and then expand to register within every portion of your world to the very perimeter of your existence. And you will find also that you will be able to expand your consciousness until it reaches out toward the farthest reaches of infinity.

In gratitude you will adoringly kneel to your own God Presence, I AM, and say, “Of a truth, I AM a son of God. I AM a child of the light. I AM devoted to my perfection, and I AM the image of that perfection here and now. I AM all that God intends me to be. And ever shall I be thus; and never shall I return to the state of human limitation.”

Will you join me now, each one of you, and give audible voice with me to this declaration of the faith and say, “I AM a son of God;” and will you, when you say it, believe it? Accept it, then, and be free. And let your light expand without limit until all upon earth shall know when they meet you and gaze into your faces that you are in truth that which you now declare yourselves to be.

I AM a son of God. (audience responds)

I accept this with full power.

I accept this with full power.(audience responds)

And I AM free.

And I AM free. (audience responds)

All mankind shall be free.

All mankind shall be free. (audience responds)

As they accept the great Divine Law of their own I AM Presence.

As they accept the great Divine Law of their own I AM Presence. (audience responds)

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Won't you please be seated.

As I take my leave of you this afternoon, I choose to apprise myself of your devotion. Witness that in this place there are many devoted lifestreams who have for many years served the light without ceasing. I salute then the God within you. May there be a leaping of the sacred flame within your heart in cosmic recognition of the devotion you have given to the cause of freedom. And to all others who aspire to this great cause, may the flame within your hearts leap and expand the glory of God and the immortal perfection which you are.

Ladies and gentlemen, in the name of eternal courtesy, profound blessings to all of you and to all mankind, not only for the coming year but also for all eternity.

I thank you and bid you good afternoon.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Saturday, December 30, 1961, New Year’s Class held in Washington, D.C. Delivered in the early years of The Summit Lighthouse, this dictation was originally published in the booklet Spoken from on High and presents fundamental and timeless teaching of the ascended masters. In preparing this Pearls of Wisdom minimal editing was required.

1. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 49, nos. 23 and 24.

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