Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 49 No. 20 - Beloved Mighty Victory - May 14, 2006

Have Faith in the Power of God

The phrase “Once upon a time,” which has been used so often in story or verse, carries meaning not only for children, if you think about it, but for all life. For it is a truth that once upon a time, God, the mighty I AM Presence, proposed the plan for all life upon this planet to use so that it might properly fulfill its destiny in divine order as Freedom’s Star and that all who live here might do so happily ever after.

Now this phrase, “happily ever after,” is the victory God so lovingly intends for everyone. I AM that victory, and your mighty I AM Presence is that victory. And you are intended to become that victory! Conscious rejection of all self-created shadows which the unascended of mankind have drawn about them and the joyful acceptance of the light of your own cosmic victory will bring this to pass!

I often observe how unascended beings, even those who have studied this light (the knowledge of the I AM law of life), still seek to find excuses as to why this or that particular plan of the ascended host could not succeed because of this obstacle or that condition (with which they qualify the plan) when all the while the selfsame law of love is working successfully for us in our octave and will set you free too if you will let it do so!

Most of you may be familiar with the Biblical account where a life was forfeited because a pair of human hands were placed unbidden upon the ark of God (the ark of the covenant in the Mosaic Tabernacle).1 Though these hands were placed there with the best intention, to steady the ark when trembling and shaking as the oxen pulled it along a rough pathway, they presumed to touch God’s work and they fell from the ark paralyzed and without life. You see, beloved ones, the Presence of God was and is able to care for the ark which represents his dwelling place, the secret place of the Most High right within your heart, no matter how rough the going may be.

And the lesson for mankind is clear—that men ought to have faith in the power of God to overcome all obstacles they cannot surmount themselves! Victory is given to men and women who dare to trust wholly in their own God Presence and refrain from placing human hands on his work of faith, wisdom and love once they have surrendered it to the Presence, knowing that Presence will bring victory out of it. Do you see? The Presence will never use harshness of Spirit, and you should not either in dealing with mankind, for the energy so misqualified and sent to any part of life will return to you in kind amplified with great momentum. Therefore, it is clear that a momentum of love is always best, for it brings back only a positive blessing to assist you and all life to the victory of your own ascension.

Now, just because some human may say it does not matter whether or not you practice self-control does not make it so! I declare to all: I practice it and I can give you the blessing of my own victory of self-control anchored right within your beating heart if you but ask me for it!

Beloved disciples of the ascended masters whose hearts are so full of seeking the truth, how much plainer can I speak than this? Is it not most desirable to possess a peaceful response to every problem of life, to possess Victory’s poise, to feel that calmness that faces all life’s tests with tranquility?

You know, one of the perplexing questions facing the unascended chelas of the masters today is that they cannot seem to fully understand why some of the divine plans and ideas of the ascended masters for and on behalf of mankind seem to go awry. It seems a mystery to some as to why the ascended host have so often tried to keep open a channel to their octave and, in so doing, have had to institute changes in plans and reorganize some phases of their service to mankind in order to better meet changing situations. To each of these and to each of you I say, I AM Victory, and nothing, no, nothing can halt or mar a plan divine in the safety of our octave! It is only when lowered for externalization that human exploitation sometimes occurs or the dominant impulse is for the human to place their hands on the ark or to make God succeed or some other equally foolish idea. For, of course, this is but human nonsense, as God is all victory, he is success, and it remains for man to accept his plan and carry it out!

It may be true that there are many paths, but I tell you there is only one way! Beloved Jesus said, “I AM the way,”2 hence the truth which is that way is the same truth no mat ter through what school it may be manifesting, but the power of your own I AM Presence is your victory! Your Presence is the divine pinnacle of discrimination enthroned at the “Summit” of every man above all human personality, even each one’s own. Now those of you who have the spunk (I use one of your own worldly expressions here) to stand up and face the human creation and say, “You have no power,” will enjoy the release of each precious Pearl of Wisdom as it clearly flows through our chosen channel, free from commercialization or exploitation of the credulous. Reading with the heart—not the head alone—these will find through attunement with us the “pearl of great price”3 hiding just behind the written words. Our spirit of victory will overcome all human nonsense even as it did for one dear one in New York City who stood by her Presence. Not caring who might forsake her, she said, “I know Morya wrote that letter for I could feel his very wonderful spirit behind it!”* I tell you, I will not forsake her and beloved Morya won’t either! And I think all who will re-read his letter with heart attunement will feel his love and gentility flowing into their world also, for they will no longer be qualifying with human opinions, and the light of victory will shine through—this is my light so try and stop me! A cosmic being is a little difficult to stop as some individuals may one day see!

The Pearls of Wisdom present to humanity the unfolding plan of the cosmic hierarchy in progressive steps as released from the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Lodge in the true Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood of divine love of which I am a cosmic emissary! This privileged gift shall become increasingly precious as I too lay there my own wreath of victory!

Holding my hand your victory will manifest and no human can mar that—for, thank God, salvation is an individual process and, while individuals may temporarily create human disturbances and hinder some lifestreams over whom they hold dominion or sway, no human can for long mar that plan for any lifestream. For that plan is God’s story, and it ever and always has his happy ending which is, you see, an ever new cosmic beginning!

Now I am sure you do not expect your victory to manifest in just one hour although that is possible, too, as it was for David Lloyd, who made his ascension on Mt. Shasta in California following his drinking from a crystal cup proffered from the hand of the then unascended messenger Godfré, who is today your beloved ascended master Godfre.4 But remember, David Lloyd’s lifetime was a search for that same cup and for the man from whose hand he should receive it as was told to him years before in India. But I tell you now today your victory is possible. So won’t you try with me to bring it about?

While I am looking for many, I am looking, as the song goes, for ten (symbolical of initiation) stouthearted men5 who will march with their own victory over rough terrain where other men said no man could go, who will hold the hand of the presence of God through the “thick of glory” and the “thin of earthly life” until the victory for which they call is made manifest. Men and women such as these make up the material which knows not defeat, by which the unmarred plan shall be externalized, preserved, protected, defended and presented to mankind as the Summit light of the most high.

I AM your victory, I AM your friend, I AM your life without an end! I AM, I AM, I AM the God plan to defend!

Your unfailing cosmic friend,

The Great Cosmic Being

*In the past, the ascended master El Morya dictated letters to the chelas through the messenger, Mark L. Prophet.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mighty Victory was previously published by The Summit Lighthouse as Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 3, no. 2, on January 8, 1960. This Pearl from the early years of The Summit Lighthouse presents fundamental and timeless teaching of the ascended masters delivered through the messenger, Mark L. Prophet. In preparing this Pearl for reprint, minimal editing was required.

1. II Sam. 6:6, 7; I Cor. 13:9, 10.

2. John 14:6

3. Matt. 13:46

4. See Unveiled Mysteries by Godfré Ray King (Santa Fe, New Mexico: Saint Germain Press, Inc., 1939). For profiles of David Lloyd and the ascended master Godfre, see The Masters and Their Retreats, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 77-79, 116-17.

5. The music of “Stouthearted Men” was composed by Sigmund Romberg, with lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein II and Frank Mandel. See the Church Universal and Triumphant Book of Hymns and Songs, no. 713.

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