Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 49 No. 15 - Beloved Maha Chohan - April 9, 2006

I Will Be Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva
Where I AM

Part 1

Hail, most holy ones of the infinite fire of the living God of love. I am in your very midst, the person of the Holy Spirit whom you call the Lord, the Maha Chohan.1 I have come in answer to the call of Lord Shiva, to the call of the initiates of Shiva, that they may understand the eternal nature of the law of the Three-in-One.

Beloved ones, understand the mystery of Brahma2 within your heart, the great Lawgiver, the living principle of the Father, the person in the figure of the One who has the great God-mastery of the four quadrants of being. That Father whom you call Brahma is indeed the very blue plume of power within your heart. And therefore, when you say, O Lord Brahma, come forth!” beloved ones, the Lord Brahma of the universe will come forth from within your heart, from within the heart of Helios and Vesta, Alpha to Omega. And every son and daughter of God, both ascended and unascended, under stand the meaning of the very person of God.

Some of you have thought upon the threefold flame as a threefold feather or a three-part ice cream cone that you visualize in one dimension. You have not extended the great power of the imagination of the living flame of life to understand, O blessed hearts, that the Brahma unto whom you give your call and your devotion is both an energy, a consciousness, a spirit, and the living, dancing, moving image of the Hindu deity. So when you say Brahma, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood will answer your call in the full power of cosmic omnipotence.

Do not consider that the word I use, cosmic omnipotence, is merely a word that you cannot comprehend, but begin to extend your flame, the flame within your heart—out, out, out into dimensions of magnitude—and begin to sense the great sphere of God’s being within you extending, contacting the earth, the air, scraping as it were the very sky o’er* head and beyond and beyond.

Beloved ones, let not our words oft repeated or the written statements of the Law be the limitation or the confinement of your comprehension, but dare to go beyond the lexicon, the fohatic keys and flow beyond that which is but a mere expression of infinite fire. And do not be subject to that ignorance of doctrine and dogma that settles upon the mere effect of the ringing word of the Almighty.

Beloved ones, we have spoken upon this subject before but I must repeat it again when it is necessary. The teaching, you see, can easily become a wall round about [you] without a gate when you perceive and when you believe that you know God because you know the teaching. The teaching is but the opening of an aperture. It is the opening of the door in the little cage that the bird of consciousness might fly. We give to you our word that you might contact the living Word, and some are content to cease their meditation and their prayer when we have ceased speaking our own, but that is only the beginning.

Beloved ones, I desire to approach very close to your heart. I desire that you should understand that I am the living presence of the Maha Chohan, and by my spirit the infusion of life within the very being of the Virgin Mary did bring forth the Lord Christ by the great hand, by the great presence of the Word incarnate in that blessed Saint Germain.

Beloved ones, that very same breath, that very same heartbeat, that very same person and presence which I am, I am to you as the most personal friend. And in your comprehension of myself, so often seen within the community of the Holy Spirit by your messenger, you will discover another facet of God-realization, even as you know so many of the individualizations of the God flame in the person of the most noble Knight Commander, in the person of the Saviour. And each image of the ascended masters, beloved ones, is another image of the Holy Spirit come to fruition as Lord Shiva, as that one who is named by a nameless name. Even the attachment to the name does serve a purpose, beloved hearts, for the attachment to the name, to the person of God, for a time and for a space gives to each and every one of you the perspective of a life you can become.

And so your meditation upon my humble self is never idolatry, but it is my opportunity to reflect a grace beyond that which you perceive and to transfer it to you. And by the arc of your love and your devotion, you see, you become myself, and, by degrees, have entertained moments and hours and days of consciousness of being the reflecting pool of the Maha Chohan. When this takes place, beloved ones, my angels surround you, you reduplicate the forcefield of our retreat,3 and truly you are enshrined in the bliss of the individualization of the God flame.

The meditation of our Word as this Word is prepared for you in the many teachings of the Pearls of Wisdom and the dictations will enable you to follow the thread of thought, the thought process of desire, the desire of God, until actually, tangibly, cell by cell you become my ascended master body of light.

Beloved ones, any of the ascended masters could have delivered unto you this evening this very same message with the very same Word of Life, placing your attention upon their own individualization of the God flame. As we were assembled with the Lords of Karma at the Royal Teton Retreat, beloved Kuan Yin addressed me and said, “Our beloved Maha Chohan, you go to Camelot,4 for it is the age of the Holy Spirit, and only the love fire of the Holy Spirit is able to deliver the children of light upon earth. And only the purging fires of that Holy Ghost will be able to deliver an age from all of the plots and the deceptions of the fallen ones, many of which have been made known to our chelas by the messengers and the Brotherhood over the years.”

And so I am come with a very precious gift of my heart from the heart of Kuan Yin, that blessed lady unto whom the year** is dedicated. The incarnation of Mother as mercy flame is a banner and a hope, a light to be cherished, a taper to be lit within your heart. For, you see, the equalization of energies within that secret chamber will be by the action of mercy’s flame once you have personally received the descending fires of judgment, which must surely come upon the house of the LORD, as that judgment descends first within the secret chamber of the heart of the messenger and then unto every chela, every disciple, every Keeper of the Flame.5 And by that judgment with which ye are judged and by the outcome of light and darkness, so will light be magnified, so will darkness be consumed.

Beloved ones, many of you are young in years. Understand that the coming of the judgment is a point of tallying even as it is a point, yes, of rallying. Beloved ones, you are unable to see the fruit of effort of hundreds of thousands of years of your soul’s incarnation. And if you be found wanting, would you rather not be found wanting now while there is yet time and space to balance that karma? God forbid that your judgement should tarry until your last breath, for then the balancing of the debt to life in other planes of consciousness is far more difficult.

And so now, while ye have the light of the Word incarnate, while ye have life and gift and opportunity, the Law will act and Shiva will come, Shiva as the person of the love fire in your own heart that will no longer be imprisoned in the cage of the tiny bird but will burst forth, will come forth from that cage, beloved ones. And in the bursting of that person of the Holy Ghost within you, there will be the realignment of the inner temple. Most beloved ones, the temple must be found the fitting habitation of the Holy Ghost. This temple was created to be that habitation of the Most High God.

Beloved ones, therefore, when the fiery trial begins, it is a spiral that begins to emerge tier upon tier, layer upon layer upon layer. It turns faster and faster within your heart until you feel that burning love consuming all darkness, every wrong, every injury, and you feel the love of God increase for every part of life. You feel God loving every part of life so intensely within you that within your very breast there is that love in the intensity of the LORD God himself whereby you are literally in love with every soul upon the planetary body, upon every other planetary body throughout all galaxies. You are in the supreme bliss and adoration of the perpetual flow of this love that is bursting almost beyond your own control, beyond your permission or your willing, for the hour is come.

Oh, the hour is come, beloved hearts, yes, the hour of the bursting of that flame of the Maha Chohan. And therefore, we have called and invoked our lightbearers together to receive that quickening touch of Lord Shiva, which they will discover to be the very living presence of that love flame in person and in principle which they themselves have fashioned. And if your Shiva, beloved ones, is but the height of your own fingernail, then I say, “What have you done with love—love that has been given to you to create God?” Yes, I said, to create God.

As God himself releases the love in your heart, it is for the supreme creation. What greater creation can there be than the creation of God? Beloved ones, each one of you has been fashioning and creating, and forming and reforming your very own Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva as a threefold flame of life in your heart. And therefore, when our artist next depicts the threefold flame, let it be as three plumes which become as three persons of the Trinity, that you might recognize that even you yourself are the Three-in-One and that you may be, at any hour of the day or the night, the manifestation of God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit.6

Is there a need? Yes. Then you will answer it as Brahma if it is of the Law and the Lawgiver and the gentle presence of the Father. Beloved ones, is there a need? Then you will answer and give it in the person of the Son, the blessed Christ, the blessed Vishnu, the blessed Krishna. And you will give it unfettered by doctrine or dogma of this or that sect—who will argue regarding the name of God, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the name of the Lord Krishna and the nameless one, the person of the Son, the great Son of being, names unto the name I AM THAT I AM and every vibration that quivers in a cosmos—as the light and the intelling wisdom of the Son now converge within your temple. And the one or the multitude who stand before you will know that the LORD thy God liveth in thee as the eternal Sun Presence. And the dazzling light of Helios, the dazzling light of Maitreya and Gautama and of Jesus upon the mount will be where you stand.

And you will hear the Word of the Lord and that Word will penetrate. And an entire planetary body must come into alignment with that Christ, that inner Christ because you have gone beyond the cage of the printed or the written or the spoken Word and you have become that Word; you have soared to the highest spirals of the golden pillar of illumination. And because in the matter temple that flame does live, millions of evolutions must accelerate, O my heart. And in that acceleration, what do you suppose will happen to anti-Christ, to the hordes and demons of night and war?

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 49 no. 16.

* o’er: archaic for over

** 1979

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, October 5, 1978, during the six-day conference, The Touch of Shiva, held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. The Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy Spirit to the evolutions of planet Earth and to the elemental kingdom. See The Masters and Their Retreats, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 200-203

2. Brahma is the First Person of the Hindu Trinity. Brahma with Vishnu and Shiva parallel the Western concept of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit—the eternal Creator, Preserver and Destroyer. Brahma is Godly omnipotence incarnate. See The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 47-48

3. For a description of the Maha Chohan’s retreat, the Temple of Comfort, in the etheric realm over Sri Lanka, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 471-72.

4.This dictation was given at Camelot, the international headquarters of Church Universal and Triumphant from 1978 to 1986. This modern-day Camelot was located in Southern California’s Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu. In the fifth century, Camelot was a mystery school where the knights and ladies pursued the inner unfoldment of the mysteries of the Holy Grail and a path of personal Christhood under the guidance of King Arthur (an embodiment of the ascended master El Morya) and Merlin (an embodiment of Saint Germain). The messenger has taught: “Camelot represents the ideal of God-government, but it also represents the original twelve apostles and the master in the center of the disciples, who are the knights and ladies of the court. There is the Round Table, the table of initiation. There is the quest for the Holy Grail. Indeed, Camelot can be seen as the community of the Holy Spirit and as a con tinuation of the mission of the community of disciples of Jesus as well as of the sangha of the Buddha....We must have a community, which is like the mystical body of God within the Church. It is that group of souls who are pursuing the path of initiation with the ascended masters. The ascended masters themselves are a part of that community. So we find a cooperation between those who are in heaven and those who are on earth. And we understand that Camelot, as a mystery school, was the opportunity for a cooperative endeavor based upon the central teacher, the Christ. The quest for the Grail, which symbolizes the cup of the teach ing and the essence of the Blood of Christ and of Communion itself, was for the assimilation of the Body and Blood of Christ—the essence of Spirit and Matter. This is the foundation of the ritual of Communion.” For additional teaching on Camelot, see Inner Perspectives: A Guidebook for the Spiritual Journey by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 134-137.

5. For information on the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity, call 800-245-5445 or visit

6. Wallet cards depicting the threefold flame may be used as a visualization.

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