Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 51 - Beloved Paul the Venetian - December 11, 2005

The Call of Serapis

Most gracious children of the Sun, Serapis Bey has called and I have answered and so have you. And we have come to meet in the dot of the center of the circle within and without the square. And within that dot, behold, I AM there, you are there and we are one.

And we have come to begin the rising spiral of being whereby ascended adepts call chelas near and far. For we would set a flame and a fire here in the heart of San Francisco. We come to ignite an ancient spark within the souls of devotees who have lived and served here within these seven hills that were the seven temples of the Seven Holy Kumaras.1 We come in the service of the Mother light, guarded for aeons by the Goddess of Purity.

You have seen the dissipation of mass elements of human karma in the recent earthquake,2 all of this in preparation for the release of a greater light. For certain elements of the human consciousness were required by law to be dissipated before we could release those initiations to any and all who would respond to the call of Serapis.

Understand, then, when mankind themselves do not dissipate their human karma, by ignorance and for want of the use of the violet flame, then it is elemental life who, themselves bearers of the cross of planetary karma, must expiate in physical conditions those ancient discords that prevent the race from accelerating to the higher place of God consciousness toward which you aspire.

Because you aspire to that place, you have come. And because we aspire to lead you there, we have come. And therefore, the Brotherhood welcomes you in the flame of love to service, to sacrifice, to surrender and the path of selflessness.

Is there a price for eternity? Indeed there is. It is the price of the exchange of the lesser self for the Greater Self. And who do you think it is, my beloved, who gets the greater bargain? Why, of course, it is the soul who comes, who must surrender that which appears to be the only thing that it can surrender. But in reality, the thing surrendered is not the Real Self but the temporary portion, the temporary self. Thereby, in having that self to give, one can receive the initiation of the descent of the Higher Self.

Is there any other path? Is there any other goal? Believe it not. For some have offered an easier way, the way of indulgence or formulas or this or that mantra as being the all and the end and the everything of life. Well, my beloved, if it were so, then many, many would have joined the ranks of the candidates for the ascension at the Temple of Luxor.3 But as a matter of fact, they have not.

And therefore the many byways offered today, coming with the allure of making life easier and exalting the outer personality, have detoured souls of light to endless, endless labyrinthian passages. But all this must end. When does it end? It ends when the individual soul declares, “Enough! I have had enough! I will find my freedom and I will find it lawfully, lovingly, God’s way, the way of the eternal Logos, the way that the doves have flown, the way that the stars glow.”

O my beloved, yes, there are innocent sheep trapped in the false teachings, but there are also many who are also the goats who enjoy the false teachings because they enjoy the perpetuation of unreality. Therefore this is the question you must ask yourself, “Do I desire to know the truth even when the truth hurts? Or do I desire to continue hearing only what the lesser self desires to hear?” By and by the real souls of God tire of the half-baked half-truths. By and by the souls who are real come to the door of Luxor.

My brother Serapis and El Morya have called upon me to speak to you, for they would give to you through me the essence of love that is the true heart of the initiations of Luxor, though many there have been who have denied that there is any love in Serapis or in the brothers of his retreat because of the appearance of sternness. Indeed, they are one-pointed and surefooted. Indeed, they know the way and its pitfalls and they must uphold a light of discipline for the purest light, the whitest way on the great white way.

I AM come to assure you that the core of that teaching is nevertheless love, a love that loves your soul far more than you know and far more, indeed, than your carnal mind, a love that does not pamper but compels you by the most immense compassion to rise to the Greater Self even when fear assails and demons and discarnates berail you, the soul, rising with Christ upon that cross.

Do you think that any soul is exempt from the path of the cross? Nay, if it were so, he would have told you. But he said that the cross must be borne, it must be taken up.4 It is a cross of light. Remember that the burden is light.5 The appearance is of burden but that burden is light. When you carry light as light is given to you by the hierarch of Luxor, know that that light is for a purpose and not for the glorying of yourself but for the mission. It is for the bearing of personal and planetary karma.

Wherever there is a vortex of light as the person of the Word, there the darkness goes to be transmuted. For even the darkness is God misqualified. It is his energy misqualified that longs to be realigned with the Word. Where there is light, there is a vortex of transmutation. When you draw forth light in your meditation, then you must know the path of preparedness to deal with the darkness that is exposed within the subconscious of the self, within previous incarnations and within the planetary collective unconscious.

What for the path, if not to assist the way of a brother, a sister? What for the path, if not to raise up an entire evolution?

We are the real and the living Brotherhood of light and we show you a path of joy. It is not a path of sorrow or deprivation, save for those who are not of the light in the first instance. For them the path is drudgery. They soon weary of it and they are no more. But the soul of light who knows who he is and why he is born seeks the way out, not for selfish reasons but because by love he senses the plight of a humanity which by God must be enlightened in this age if it is ever to be enlightened! And by God, it must be enlightened by those of you who have taken embodiment determined to effect change.

Why, some of you have recently spent other lifetimes squandering energy, and you have come before the Lords of Karma and you have seen Serapis Bey and me and Morya and you have said, “Let me go back. Let me now take up my life in earnestness and contribute something of worth, for I have spent, lo, this and other lifetimes here and there. And now, with the vision of inner levels, let me go forth. Let me go forth with a light to lighten my way and the way of others.” And you have pleaded with Serapis Bey himself to contact you in this your present incarnation and to not leave you bereft of the memory of the Ancient of Days.6

Therefore we come to touch your heart with love and to tell you that if you would do something about your present plight and that of this planet, then you must dare to be different than you were when you entered this forcefield. For, could you change the earth when you entered the hall this night?

I say to you, beloved, if you could not, then, is it not obvious that something must change. Is it the Brotherhood of Luxor7 or is it perhaps your own soul’s understanding of life itself? Changes come and by those changes you rise in new dimensions of your own Selfhood. And by the gradual process of love, you come to know more expedient methods for contacting the multitudes of souls who are waiting to be fed.

Would you become a shepherd, feeding the sheep on the hillsides who know not the way to go? Is this not the real longing of yourself, rather than to follow the fashions of the times and this or that interesting book or show or even some new teacher offering some new way of rearranging energy, perhaps?

Well, we are not content merely to rearrange energy. We come to challenge energy to rise. And the matrix of the rising of the flame in you is ascension’s flame, ascension’s pyramid.

My beloved, the Brotherhood of Luxor knocks on the door of the heart of the chelas of any and all gurus and those who have not yet entered the path of chelaship. Our purpose in this year 1979 is to work with the World Teachers, Jesus and Kuthumi, to instruct, to initiate, to bless and prepare you who know that you have a more-than-ordinary mission and a very special life to live in the giving of the Word to souls who need both the teacher and the teaching—souls who need love and someone who cares enough to sit down with them and break the bread of life.

We come, then, in search of those who have vowed recently before the Lords of Karma8 and those who have vowed thousands of years ago to strike a blow for the LORD in the beginning of that Aquarian age. It is an age that can commence a spiral of freedom and lead the earth back to those inner golden ages that once she knew.

It is also an age when, by the absence of free will, children of the light may postpone for untold aeons the coming into the physical octave of that which is destined to be. No psychic predictions can secure for the United States or Russia a victory of light, a breaking down of the engines of war and of manipulation and of the abuses of the people for the gain of money and power and blood.

Yes, indeed, there are initiates of the left-handed path walking the earth, manipulating the governments and the fates of the people. Indeed, there are initiates of Satan. Mark my word well. Therefore, let the initiates of light come forth and understand that if you would be a match for those fallen ones who have seized their positions of power in your very government, you yourself must learn to increase the light in the sacred centers of being.

You must know that not you but God in you can save a life that is your own and a life that is a planet and a people. You must know that it is by the eternal chain of hierarchy and your tie to it that mighty works are wrought. You must know that when you go forth to challenge those who are the deceivers and destroyers of the people, it will require the extraordinary arm of the hosts of the LORD and of our Brotherhood to effect those changes that are desired.

Well, tell me, then, if in the last decade all of the discussions and all of the demonstrations and all of the wars and all of the grabs for power have netted any light for the children of this earth or any greater vision of freedom? I do not see it. Perhaps you do.

I only see the futility of the outer self by a scientific humanism, by Marxism,* by a perverted capitalism, by manipulations of monopolies, national and international. By all of this, I see only the lessening of light in the total civilization side by side with the increase of light in the few who have understood the Path and pursued it to the best of their ability.

Thus, side by side, in this age is the degeneration spiral of death in the midst of those who have gone astray, destroying their sacred centers by chemical means and drugs and pollutants and thereby closing the door to the higher contact. We have seen those souls who have been tempted by the fallen ones to take the initiations of the left-handed path through the drug culture. We have seen these pass through the treacherous waters of the allure of the astral plane, losing hold on reality, the flower of youth passing into some psychic unreality while the demand of the hour is to feed my sheep!9

Have you not heard the Saviour’s cry? And do you not know the allure of the fallen ones who promise salvation is, in reality, unto death, not the mere death of the body but the death of the soul? This is a battle for ultimate survival. And therefore, we come.

We are gratified that there are so many souls of light in this nation alone who uphold the standard of freedom. Now we would introduce to you the shortest distance between two points outlined in the Great Pyramid.10 It is the path of the ascension by the initiation of the ruby ray. The ruby ray is the intensity of the blood of Christ that is the true essence of love in such concentration, as the rose pink of the third ray becomes an intensity that is a sword that is able to divide, as a laser beam, the Real from the unreal and to judge error and the path of error. The path of the ruby ray is being revealed by my father Sanat Kumara, your father and my own.11

The path of the ascension is the path of the white light of the body of Christ. The body is the temple. The body is the Word. The body is the teaching. And the body is the Mother, and the Mother light within you is the light of Omega.

Thus by the ruby ray and the white light, the Blood and the Body, the Alpha, the Omega of being, there is the fusion within you of a path of acceleration that is for the sincere and the determined ones who recognize that they can no longer dally the centuries away, waiting, waiting, procrastinating their own self-mastery. But indeed the fate of civilization hangs in the balance of the decision of the few.

There are other paths, lesser paths and slower paths that wind up the mountain, allowing greater passages of time and space between initiations, further incarnations and, of course, not the great demands of the self for sacrifice and service. But, my beloved, consider—consider the prolonging of that surgery that must one day come if your soul is to become the fullness of the Christ that is in you. Consider, then, why not now? Why not remember the ancient vow? Why not?

You say, “Why?” And I say, “Look with me upon the suffering masses. Look upon world hunger and the displacement of persons and the boat people and war and look upon those fallen ones and their treachery and their cruelty and their torture of human life mercilessly. Who will call forth the judgment for the binding of those fallen ones? It must come by the science of the word within you. And it will come when you decide to make your throat chakra the instrument of the seven chohans of the rays, and your heart chakra and your third eye and the crown.”

These are gifts of life which we have long ago given to Almighty God. And he has come into those centers and he has worked a work through us whereby many have walked through the door to eternal life. This is the joy of the Path. It is knowing that you become the indispensable link in the chain of universal Being when you love enough to live and to give of yourself that another self might become the fullness of itself.

Thus, the goal of the Path is your ascension.12 But the path of the ascension includes all of life. It is the infusion by the light that flows through you of the body of humanity with the light of the living Lord.

My beloved, I embrace you. For I, Paul the Venetian, have stood with the Maha Chohan, with each one of you as that representative of the Holy Spirit breathed into your nostrils the breath of life in this incarnation. Aye, ’tis the cry of the Manchild. Aye, it is the breath of life that I long to hear.

And now I would impart to you the sacred fire breath of the Holy Spirit, that when you speak the children will listen and the demons will tremble and the gifts of that Spirit might be yours to bind these fallen ones that are, to put it in the vernacular, messing up things on this planet, messing up the cities and the homes and the lives and the souls and the hearts of souls whom I love and know as my brothers and sisters.

I lift the veil for a moment that you might see me as I AM. For you know me and you know our band. And I AM determined that the decay and rot of a diet that is fed this generation shall no longer block your brains or your chakras, that you shall fast and pray and eliminate those toxins polluting your bodies that make you dense and not able to contact our light or recognize us.

Yes, I come in the name of the Holy Spirit. And I feel in my very being the intensity of the Maha Chohan, the intensity of the challenge of all those purveyors of a synthetic civilization that has served to stand between the children of light and the angelic hosts. Why, angels walk and talk with you today but you do not answer. In olden days, the children answered. The only difference was the absence of pollutants. Do you know that that substance and all of those chemicals in the atmosphere actually cut off the outer senses from the inner senses of the soul?

My beloved, I know you feel that intensity as you look upon the bodies and the faces, so many of them blank and the eyes so burdened with an inner sadness, of people who are truly of the light and yet are so beset by the burdens of this life.

I pray to you in the name of Gautama Buddha. In his name, in the name of the Lord of the World, in the name of Maitreya: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up and live for a cause greater than the feeding of your mouth and the clothing of your temple and the enjoyment of paltry gain. Wake up and see life who needs you and needs your love.

Be not concerned about this messenger. Be concerned about your own relationship to the Great White Brotherhood. That is what counts. It is the teaching that counts and it is your application of the teaching. Messengers have come and gone, but it is the Word they bear that lives on. It is the Word that we transfer to you and we must have a physical messenger and a physical temple. But your relationship with us must be sought and won on your own merit and your own love.

Take, then, the gift freely given and know that in the community of Camelot13 we have called forth the sangha of the Buddha and the community of Christ and his disciples. We have prepared a home and a school for children and a place for retreat and study. It is our cradle for you to give birth to the Manchild within you. Won’t you come as the wise men of old and attend your own birth in this lifetime, the Mother’s giving birth within you of the eternal Christ.

We have come to celebrate your own Christ Mass. Welcome, my beloved. I pour forth my love to you and I breathe a breath for that transfer of the Spirit.

[The master breathes the holy breath.]


Be sealed in the love of the Brotherhood and your own God Presence.

I love thee, I love but thee,
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold,
And the stars are old,
And the leaves of the judgment book unfold!

Yes, I quote one of your bards to express the intensity of the love of the Brotherhood for our unascended devotees. It shall not die but it shall quicken you to life.

I touch you with a kiss of peace upon the brow.

*Marxism: The political and economic theories of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, later developed by their followers to form the basis for the theory and practice of communism.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Paul the Venetian was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, August 10, 1979, during the three-day Retreat on the Ascension, held in San Francisco, California.

1. In July 1979, the messenger taught, “Every time you look out at the Pacific Ocean you’re really looking at the place where [the lost continent of] Lemuria was, where the Mother was. San Francisco was a great city of light, and the seven hills of San Francisco in the days of Lemuria held focuses of the Seven Holy Kumaras. The Kumaras are beings of light and the word Kumara simply means ‘sun’—seven suns of light.” For a profile of the Seven Holy Kumaras, see The Masters and Their Retreats, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 339–41.

2. On August 6, 1979, a magnitude 5.7 earthquake was felt in Central California from Santa Rosa to Fresno and Reno, Nevada.

3. For a description of the Ascension Temple at Luxor, see The Masters and Their Retreats, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 421-24. See also Serapis Bey’s The Dossier on the Ascension: The Story of the Soul’s Acceleration into Higher Consciousness on the Path of Initiation, recorded by Mark L. Prophet.

4. Matt. 10:38; 16:24; Mark 8:34; 10:21; Luke 9:23; 14:27.

5. Matt. 11:30.

6. Dan. 7:9-13.

7. The perfected beings of the Brotherhood of Luxor serve with Serapis Bey at the etheric Ascension Temple and Retreat at Luxor.

8. The Lords of Karma serve as the spiritual Karmic Board, which dispenses justice to this system of worlds, adjudicating karma, mercy and judgment on behalf of every lifestream. All souls pass before the Karmic Board before and after each incarnation on earth to receive their assignment and karmic allotment for each lifetime beforehand and the review of their performance at its conclusion. See The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 153-55.

9. John 21:16, 17.

10. During this retreat, the messenger presented teaching on the Great Pyramid, including the revelation that Serapis Bey was the architect of the pyramid: “Long ago we were told that El Morya was the master mason of the pyramid. Thus Serapis Bey, the architect, designed every line and every form and El Morya was the one in charge of executing the form. We begin to realize that the blessed chohans of the rays had a very intimate part in the building of that pyramid and perhaps we dare to think that they placed it there in anticipation of the golden age of Aquarius and our coming and that they left that record in stone for you and me very personally.”

11. These teachings by Sanat Kumara are published in The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

12. See The Path to Your Ascension: Rediscovering Life’s Ultimate Purpose, Annice Booth.

13. The community founded by the ascended masters through their anointed messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, this contemporary Camelot was established in California’s Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu. It was a unique experiment in community life, where parents, children and people of all ages could come together to share in the joys and challenges of the spiritual path. Camelot served as international headquarters for The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant from 1978 through 1986.

14. Paul the Venetian quotes from “Bedouin Song” by American-born poet Bayard Taylor (1825-1878).

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