Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 50 - Beloved Lanello - December 4, 2005

Speak to Them of Death and Life

A New Era for The Summit Lighthouse

I said to our Mother, our children do not understand death. Therefore, speak to them of death and of life. Speak to them of the last enemy that should be overcome and that will be overcome. For it shall be that for each and every one who are a part of me, the Ever-Present Guru, that victory shall be the flame of love rising from the heart’s devotion, consuming all that is unlike love. This is the victory of life.

The death that is overcome is the sense of death, the fear of death, even the second death1 and the dissolution of worlds. The death that is overcome is finality and the force that would seek to rob the soul of its eternality.

Understand, then, that life that bursts as the flowers bloom—bursting and raising up the life and the life force, even from the grave of mortality. This life, O most blessed ones, is the life to which you witness hour by hour and by hour.

Therefore, our Sanat Kumara has written of the unreality of death. There is only one death that dies, he said—the synthetic self, the not-self.2 And this I have revealed to you as the beast that was, that shall be, that is, and that is not3—the beast of the carnal mind that is unreal and yet appears to be real, for it has existed only in time and space in the past, the present and the future. It exists so long as you provide it with the framework of identity. That framework is time and space.

And therefore, the goal of the watch with Jesus4 is to triumph over time—time as the compartment of the death consciousness. Time as a compartment of eternity is in the eternal cycles. But as confinement, it becomes the modus of the death consciousness. Therefore, we come with the joy of life and newness of life. And we teach you to abound in the joy of our Father.

I AM Lanello. As you contemplate the mysteries of God, is it not wondrous indeed that the many curtains of life are not drawn but that life itself in these octaves is kept as the sweetest mystery of all? For many, the revelation of seeming tragedy beforehand would contribute nothing but anxiety and fear and doubt. And therefore, sufficient unto the day is the energy veil.5 And day by day you walk by faith in the will of God, not knowing from moment to moment the hour when the bluebird of happiness will fly from his cage and soar into the clouds and the skies of eternal life.

Beloved ones, even by the spirit of prophecy God keeps from his children the outcome of events, for he desires that you should focus on the present. For all of your victories are won in the cup of the present. And as these victories are won, they lay the foundation for the challenges of the future. If you knew the day and the hour of your transition or of what should come to pass upon earth, because it is in the future, you would not be ready to greet it as you now greet the dawn of the day.

But if you follow the Path and your life plan and accelerate as the Path and the Guru direct, then there are no surprises—neither from the depths nor from the skies. For life itself anticipates itself by the ongoing spiral of Be-ness. And when you are in tune with life, a part of your consciousness is aware of past and future. But the shuttle of the mind and the heartbeat of the heart are for the threshing floor of life and the dealing with the day at hand with the full momentum of yesterday’s victory.

Therefore, Saint Germain has counseled you to use the violet flame to transmute the past so that the past does not come as a wave of darkness, of plague or despair, of pestilence or death, but that the wave of the past becomes a rising momentum of violet flame—all energies that have ever been a part of your lifestream mounting, then, as the wind of the Holy Spirit in your sails. These, then, give to you the certain victory of the hour.

We come to dwell with you in this hour, known to mortals as the “hour of mourning.” Mourning is the adjustment of the soul to that portion of the self that now has accelerated to higher octaves. It is the present awareness that, because a part of the body has risen to eternal life, the rest of the body must assimilate and become all of that Self. The period of mourning is the period of the eighth ray6—integration of the soul with life. Each mourning of loss is intended to be the dawn of a morning of the day, the daystar descending from on high.

And therefore, step by step, as you pass through this life— whether the mourning be for a loved one lost to other octaves or it be the mourning of personal loss of friends or even fortunes—mourning is the opportunity of the soul to realize wholeness within itself, to be interdependent upon all of life and yet not particularly dependent on any one part of life. For it is God—God and only God—that you love, that you have loved in our most beloved Florence.7 And that portion of God that you have loved, that she made her own, may now be made your own.

This is the very simple explanation for the children of God as to why our Father sends jewels of light and angels to live among us and to depart—that we remain, we who perhaps have more virtue to gain. And in our remaining, be not, then, attached to the form but the formlessness itself. Be attached, then, to the very opportunity of life. Be attached to the victory that another has won.

My beloved, all those who accelerate in light must clear the way for acceleration unto all who follow after them. One can see that in my own presence and in my own life there came a moment when the Great Law itself demanded that all of you who were a part of me and all of you of whom I am a part must suddenly come into your own God Self, having seen the example. The hour strikes when each and every one must put to flight the fears and doubts that cause the leaning of the young tree upon the greater tree—to stand as one’s own, to discover one’s own summit lighthouse, to discover the great Source and to know that because it is accessible to one it may be accessible to all.

This is the purpose of the compartments of consciousness. This is why there are veils. This is why you are in Matter—that you might prove, by your faith, that all that is in God through the saints may be your own, yours with which to atone for all of life.

Thus, the ascended masters and angels are veiled from you from time to time. And then again, you see them peeping just through the veil and through the flowers. This is calculated by God, the great geometer of being, for maximum striving, pursuit of God consciousness, the realization that another cannot do it for you.

There are tasks to be done. Florence has done those tasks and won. By stepping aside and increasing the light within the community, she has cleared the way for each and every one of you to come to grips with your own inner potential.

The children of God often lean too heavily upon those who become proficient in the Law. Therefore, understand that those who love and love enough always see the transition of one beloved as the opportunity to do all that that beloved has done and more. The hour of transition, then, marks the beginning of a new era. The Christian era was born with the birth, the life and the ascension of our Lord. The ascension of every saint is the commencement of a new era of light upon the planetary body.

The rising spiral of ascension’s spire from the base to the third eye of the pyramid in our beloved Florence gives to you, then, the understanding that the cycle of her victory will not leave the earth the same but leaves the earth in a new momentum of light and of glory and of opportunity. All of life is colored by her love. This is the great miracle of the ascension flame. Not a tree or a face or a soul or a blade of grass is the same as it was seven days ago. A new luster, a new hope, a new joy, a new victory, a new attainment is in the very air. Therefore, all who sense it and believe it—seize it, become it and move on.

Hail to the queen! Long live the queen! The queen is the soul who has won the starry crown of life. The crown waits for you and it is content to wait until all of your divine plan has expanded to fill this blessed earth and fill so many, many hearts who pray daily to God. And in their prayers they confide in him their utmost belief that he will not leave them comfortless,8 that he has provided a way in this age for the healing of the nations, for all of the problems of nuclear war or the economy or of life or of children.

Millions of hearts pray thusly, beloved ones, and God has raised you up to be the instruments of the answer to that prayer that he sends forth through you, the evangels of the light. You have a great, great message to bear—the bearing of the cross of white fire.9

I AM with you. The ascended lady master Kristine is with you. We are here. We do not leave your side. Abide in this love. Abide in this opportunity. And understand the scientific opportunity to put on, to assimilate, to become one with the very light that we are. We give to you our entire portion. And we stand as sentinels of the dawn of a new era for The Summit Lighthouse, for Church Universal and Triumphant.

My beloved, open the door to purity! For all the legions of Purity10 would enter here to sing their chorusing, their rejoicing.

Beloved ones, pray earnestly for the will of God, for the divine plan and for the protection of the nucleus of light that is our community. For by the community of the Holy Spirit and the ascended masters, the messengers and the saints in the midst, is opportunity extended to every soul of light to find the Path, to cross over and to be God-victorious.

Beloved ones, had the ascended master El Morya, our own Guru, not provided this nucleus and this community, I tell you, blessed Florence and others of the chelas who have ascended would not necessarily have ascended. For the requirement of the Law of their lifestream was service to life and the studying of the teachings in the Mystery School. The requirement of the Law was the direct contact with the living teachers and with the ascended masters.

This opportunity is the prized possession of every student of Montessori, of every child who is born to parents here and in the field who have a heart-tie to Mother11 and to me and to the [ascended master] teaching itself. The prized possession of the saints is the finding of the crystal cup that our community is.

Camelot12 is more than a name or a place in time and space. It is a sphere of light. And all who have ever been a part of Camelot in all ages are a part of that sphere in heaven and in earth. This ground is hallowed because man and God have hallowed this ground. But this ground, in and of itself, would not be hallowed were it not for God and man whose will as one has determined to love and to consecrate life here.

Therefore, as you are unattached to the form of Florence that has passed into the ascension flame and is now a new form, be unattached to Camelot. Let it be formed and reformed by the Holy Spirit. But be attached to the flame upon the altar. Be attached to God’s desire. Be attached to the opportunity to keep the flame of Camelot burning—somewhere, anywhere and everywhere in earth and in heaven.

Beloved ones, mobility of spirit is the sign of the chela. And therefore, when the angel of eternal life came to beloved Florence, she received him. Resist not, then, the alchemy of change when that alchemy and that change are the will of God. But resist change as you resist death as the last enemy when it is not the will of God.

Some of you have experienced touching the doorstep of death, yet it was not God’s will and you fought the good fight and you won. And your transition is scheduled far beyond in years. Thus, beloved ones, the balance of the surrender of form with the balance of the attachment to formlessness. The attachment to form may also be legitimate when God himself is attached to form. Our God, who cares for the sparrows and numbers your hairs,13 loves and caresses the temple that houses your soul and carries in his own heart the blueprint of that temple and that soul.

Therefore, in the mind of God and in his heart are the cycles of transformation. Let God’s transformation as his will be made known in coming events.

Keep steadfast in the light. Be joyous. And welcome the will of God. And go with the Lamb whithersoever he goeth.14 The movement of the hundred and forty-four thousand,15 both in and out of the body, twenty-four hours a day, is the living witness of the Holy Spirit, who ministers to all of life upon this earth through this blessed body of chelas.

When you come with me at night,16 and I take you in bands of the Holy Spirit angels to care for the sick and the needy and the dying and teach you all of the lessons of the true ministry of the Church of God in all octaves, indeed you learn the lesson of world pain superseded by world joy. Therefore, we move together. But our moving is of one body, one heart, one soul, one mind. And we stand steadfast upon the rock, upon the rock of Christ. And with him, we say:

I shall not be moved!
I shall not be moved
From my God consciousness this day!
I shall not be moved
From my Christ consciousness!
I shall not be moved
From the divine plan of Camelot!
For Camelot is here and here to stay
In God’s way, in America and in the earth!
I shall not be moved!
But I shall say instead
To all that would move me apart from God:
Peace, be still! Get thee behind me!
You have no power! Your day is done!
I stand upon the rock of the living Word!
I shall not be moved
Until death and hell are cast
Into the lake of fire
And all that is anti-life is swallowed up in victory!
I shall not be moved!
Except it be by the moving finger of God
That writes
And having writ
Determines the course and the fate
Of nations and civilizations.
Lo, I stand upon the rock of the living Word!
I shall not be moved!

Rejoice, O children of the Most High God, for all of life that God has in store for you. We are with you hour by hour in your victory, as you say with Saint Germain,

The light of God never fails!
The light of God never fails! [Audience joins in:]
The light of God never fails!
And the beloved mighty I AM Presence is that light!

My Beloved, Let Us Deliver the Word!

Excerpt from Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 34, August 22, 1982
by Beloved Lady Kristine

I am a flower in the field of life. One day the Saviour passed by and plucked me to his heart, and I became the special one that he would no longer leave in the field. I would miss my fellows and even shed a tear, longing to be in the tall grasses with them in their play and in their labor. But in his heart he took me and to another field where I saw another harvest—Elysian fields where lilies grow and other saints that you and I have known.

Thus, beloved, the parting is the regathering. And we may all understand that being plucked to the Saviour’s heart—this special offering will come to each and every one in time and in space and beyond. And when the hour comes, as you may anticipate your own victory, you will know that all who have gone before you, the blessed friends of light and the saints, have all become a bouquet in the heart of the living Saviour. And the Lord Jesus Christ, who has taken us to himself, presents his bouquet to the Mother of the World. Therefore is our preaching and our teaching not in vain. For, after all, our goal in ascending is to be the offering of the Christ unto the Blessed Virgin.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, September 23, 1979, during the Sunday service held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California.

1. Rev. 20:14; 21:8.

2. See The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, Elizabeth Clare Prophet , pp. 192-201; or Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 22, no. 37, pp. 229-36, September 16, 1979.

3. Rev. 17:8, 11.

4. Matt. 26:36-41. Remembering the hours when his heart was heavy for the burdens of the world, the ascended master Jesus Christ has offered to watch with God’s children as they go through the trials that he passed through. The “Watch With Me” Jesus Vigil of the Hours was dictated by Jesus as his offering to a world still fraught with chaos, war, pride, superstition and ignorance. By keeping this vigil, sons and daughters of God may pledge their love and faithfulness to watch with Jesus one hour each week as an atonement for those who have failed to do so. The service is available on the “Watch With Me” Jesus’ Vigil of the Hours CD and booklet

5. Matt. 6:34. The ascended masters have used the term “e-nergy veil” to define evil. This use of the term is not to be confused with references to energy veils that are the gradations of light frequencies for Matter to Spirit—each succeeding veil being a thinning of the density, hence a higher frequency of atomic activity than the previous one. Not one, but many veils of light interpenetrate cosmos, establishing the planes of God’s consciousness. Some speak of going beyond “the veil,” referring to that specific veil beyond which man in his earthly state no longer perceives form and consciousness.

6. The eighth ray is the ray of integration, where we integrate the mastery of the seven rays through the flame of the Christ, the threefold flame. The eighth ray corresponds to the secret chamber of the heart, an eight-petaled chakra behind the heart chakra, where the threefold flame is sealed. Uzziel is the archangel of the eighth ray. For a profile of Archangel Uzziel and additional teaching on the eighth ray, see The Masters and Their Retreats, Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, pp. 375-77.

7. Florence Jeannette Miller was a devotee of the ascended masters and staff member of The Summit Lighthouse. On September 9, 1979, she passed from the screen of life and the next morning her soul fulfilled at inner levels the initiation of the ascension. She is now known and loved as the ascended lady master Kristine. For her profile, see The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 158-60.

8. John 14:18.

9. The cosmic cross of white fire is the symbol of the manifestation of God, or man. It is the place where God and man meet. The vertical line of the cosmic cross of white fire is the fire descending from God and the horizontal bar is your extension of that light into the physical octave. It is the cross that divides the circle of Being into the four quadrants that are given unto man that he might take dominion over earth, air, fire and water. And the cross is the sign of the path of initiation. To pass initiations you must be centered in the heart of the cross, the sacred heart, the spiritual heart center of your temple where your heart is a flaming sun center of devotion unto God. For additional teaching, see Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, chaps. 4, 19, 36.

10. Purity, along with his divine complement Astrea, is the Elohim of the fourth ray (the white ray) of purity, perfection, hope and wholeness and embodies the ascension flame. See The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 291-94.

11. Lanello refers to Elizabeth Clare Prophet, his twin flame and the embodied messenger of the ascended masters. She is addressed as “Mother” by students of the ascended masters. A devotee of the Divine Mother, she received the mantle of the office of Mother of the Flame on April 9, 1966, from Clara Louise Kieninger, now ascended lady master and Regent Mother Clara Louise. (The ascended master Saint Germain anointed Clara Louise as the first Mother of the Flame in 1961.) Additionally, the crown of the World Mother was placed upon the messenger by the Goddess of Liberty in Mexico City on January 1, 1974.

12. This dictation by Lanello was delivered at the headquarters of The Summit Lighthouse and Church Universal and Triumphant known as Camelot, located in the Santa Monica Mountains near Malibu, California, from 1978 to 1986.

13. Matt. 10:30, 31; Luke 12:7.

14. Matt. 8:19; Luke 9:57; Rev. 14:4.

15. Rev. 7:4; 14:1, 3.

16. The soul can travel at inner levels using the etheric body, the highest vibrating of the four lower bodies, while the physical body sleeps. During these out-of-body sojourns, the soul is able to visit the etheric retreats of the ascended masters, where she can receive tutoring and guidance from members of the spiritual hierarchy. For teaching on soul travel and the retreats of the ascended masters, see The Masters and Their Retreats, 395-416.

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