Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 42 - Beloved Saint Germain - October 9, 2005

I Would Take You to Freedom’s Star

Part 1

Hearts truly filled with the fire of freedom, I am so grateful to be in the midst of a company of lightbearers whom I have drawn from all past ages of service with me in the flame of freedom. If I should pause to tell each one the tale of his effort for freedom in some bygone day or revolution, we should be here beyond the dawn in the recitation of our mutual love.

In addition, I have drawn representatives of many lifewaves and evolutions, a sampling of planet Earth, you might say, to be received, hopefully, by the Lord Sanat Kumara in El Morya’s name and by the fierceness of his dedication to your own diamond heart.

Oh, what a conspiracy of light we delight in as the chohans of the rays, each one so devoted to the cause of freedom, lend petals of my heart, endowing you with the memory and the fervor, the will and the love of freedom.

This has truly been a joyous experience midst the raindrops and twinkling stars and very green grasses and gentle lasses and all tipping a cup of light and mirth to the wondrous presence, the hovering and overshadowing of angelic beings and angel wings and legions of Sirius and fierce salamanders and trooping elementals, who so enjoy trompsing through the valley and hills with your own blessed feet, and children and eyes that meet with the promise of new life and an ancient love that must be kept.

How sweet it is to know the intimacy of childhood communing with life without limitation. How sweet it is to know that one can come full circle in life on earth and meet again and find oneself yet in embodiment, yet to strike another blacksmith’s blow, forging a freedom and a fire and a spark— reaching high into the celestial skies and descending precisely in the point where a new burst of freedom and immortelles shall appear to mark the sign of the coming of the sons and daughters of God.

The Lords of Karma have delivered even more than I should have expected by way of dispensation.1 Yet they know the true hearts of our beloved, and they weigh the offering of your very souls, not only by levels of commitment but by how many levels of commitment you have kept in the past ten thousand years. For the reliability and the constancy of the heart is worth more than the effervescing in the moment of solicitude and bathing in light.

Many hearts here have shown an ultimate dependability before the Master R, even the Master Rakoczy, whose name and flame we salute.2 That dependability has created a stalwart band.

And now as we count on you and we go forth, we know that your ingenuity will find a way to supply my chelas in Eastern Europe with my teaching on the alchemy of self-transformation, re-creating the self. For you see, beloved ones, the combination, layer upon layer there, of the overlay of the fallen ones and then a layer of karma, an overlay of the fallen ones and a layer of depression and hopelessness and much death as the best freedom fighters are eliminated in each generation one way or the other.

You must understand that cynicism, if it be at all in these nations, does also come from the pall and the stench of World Communism itself. For indeed in the astral and the physical and the mental planes, there is a stench of death itself. And so somehow the burden of oppression experienced by these people has become (if it had not been already so and it was so in many cases) a karmic situation that can truly be broken only by fastidious application of the violet flame.

In bygone years when we have sent our messengers round the world to the nations and they have stood unabashed in the streets and stations, reciting aloud not only prayers and decrees but invocations for clearance, rosaries and all manner of prayer, there have been established focuses of light through which we could then act through our angels to liberate certain souls. Many who represent the nations of the world here today have come through these loopholes established by the physical presence (and sometimes by the journeying to these places apart from the physical body) of messengers and chelas.

So count not the cost but understand that when it is necessary for you to travel in any case that as you go, to establish the energy field of the violet flame is as though one were laying a trap in the woods for a wild beast, and instead it is a trap of light, a forcefield. And when precious feet stand in that place, even in the jungles of Africa where they have gathered in villages to give the violet flame, those souls who are of the light are quickened by contact with that flame. So it is so of past ages when lightbearers have walked the earth.

We look this year, therefore, to the people of Holland to render the translation of Alchemy I3 and certain decrees [and for them to be translated into] the Eastern European languages also. For there are yet souls of light who are not so disposed in English to be drawn to my heart without that translation. My presence as the Wonderman of Europe,4 my presence as the sponsor of freedom must be planted by the translations and by the giving of the violet flame. While there is time, then, let all the nations of the earth receive the preaching of the word.5

Your striving availeth much. And those who participate in the very alchemy of the translations increase immensely their capacity to receive my light directly. Therefore it is an honor on the path of chelaship under the seventh ray to engage in these translations. And we are grateful for all who sincerely keep this flame, which indeed is the dharma of the keepers of the flame rather than the responsibility of the messenger who, as you can see and hear and understand, has much teaching that ought to be published, that individuals should understand how to live the way of life of a chela of the ascended masters.

Turning our attention, then, to the talks on disarmament in Geneva, I, Saint Germain, make this demand of the Soviet Union. And I say it directly into the teeth of every representative of the Communist party in Moscow and worldwide: Show your good faith! Show your intent of peace by dismantling the Berlin Wall!6 Then we shall talk! [45-second applause]

Let the wall of Jericho come tumbling down!7 Let there be a shout! And let the ingenious ones create, therefore, the posters, the bumper stickers. And let them demonstrate also. Let them demonstrate for peace with honor!

There is no accord and no precedent for the retaining of that wall, for the keeping of a free spirit in bondage. Let the peoples of Eastern Europe choose to remain or to leave. Let them come to America and see how I, Saint Germain, will organize an army of light en masse that will defeat World Communism!

Let the free people go free! And let them not be subject to the manipulations and the subterfuge and the power politics of Church and State and the international bankers. And see what I will do to turn this planetary home into a star of freedom! See what I will do for Mother Liberty through each and every heart of light!

I, Saint Germain, have not given up! I have not given up at all. And with every move of the fallen ones, I am determined to overturn and hurl back! And I will use my ragtail band of devotees of light for my own Boston Tea Party! And this time [27-second applause]—and this time it will be in Moscow and in Berlin, it will be in Helsinki, it will be in Oslo, it will be in every nation. And there will come the overturning of tyrants, so help me, God!

We will not go under, under this planetary movement of darkness. We shall stand! We shall hurl back! And the legions of violet-flame angels will enter, and they will, if necessary, become physical in your very midst. For the time has come for the turning around of this planetary body. I vow it with all of my heart! [42-second applause]

And if popes and presidents and power elite and kings and tyrants and moneyed interests will continue to fuel the very fires of death and hell, we will not! We will enter! We will champion the cause of the saints! We will not be removed into a corner. We will not lay low. We will not carry a low profile. We will speak, and we will speak through the keepers of the flame. And we will be heard in the marketplaces, on the hillsides, in the media and in the very hearts of the devils incarnate! And they shall indeed tremble! [24-second applause]

Whatever it takes, the Great White Brotherhood—with one flaming sword of the Faithful and True, with one celestial army of all legions of light under Christ-command of Maitreya—will move with the forces of the Ancient of Days. And I tell you, whatever it takes, it shall be done.

I only say to you: Be prepared. Protect yourselves and your families, and take your stand. For we have only held back the descent of the avalanche of world karma upon these fallen ones for the protection of our lightbearers in the outlying districts of a planet. We have held back. We have sealed our servants with the sign in the forehead.8 We have sealed elemental life.

Therefore understand that the hours are short. And he that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh.9 He shall hold them in derision and, more than that, he will turn over the darkness and bring out the light.

Therefore, not in folly or fancy, not in foolishness, but in the full fury of the Lord Sanat Kumara, let lightbearers band together. For I tell you, ere this age pass, the light of freedom must descend!

Let us begin. Let us begin and let us finish that which we begin in this hour. Let us go forth as never before. And let us shout unto the Most High God together! For liberty shall prevail and shall triumph in the name of all saints, loved ones and lightbearers who have been persecuted to the death, who have been tortured and brutally treated by these devils incarnate.

The LORD God Almighty is alive and well on planet Earth in the ascended masters and in the servants of light. Now let us not wait for the leadership that betrays the people to sound the trumpet of the light of victory, of the charge of archangels and of the very liberty itself. Let us realize that our hope is in our God, in the flame in our hearts.

We will not even pause to be disgusted with these leaders who have led the people astray! We will not be cynical. We will not become hopeless. We will move on. We will not give them the time of day. They have been the same gray, uninteresting compromisers with their infamous, infamous building of the hordes of darkness for thousands and thousands of years.

How I remember the warning I gave to Marie Antoinette on the eve of the French Revolution.10 How I remember the warning and how she stood, and stood staunch, and went to the guillotine at the very feet of Justice, my beloved Portia.

In the name of justice, the blood has flowed in the streets, the blood of the saints mingled with the fallen ones, as the laggards and the devils from their spacecraft have launched their attacks of disinformation, of the destruction of kingdoms and empires sponsored by the Brotherhood, until scarcely a good word can be said in history for some of the greatest lightbearers who have ever walked the earth.

But we will never mind. We are content to be the nameless ones and anonymous so long as we are androgynous in Alpha, in Omega, and our course is set and we love not our lives unto the ascension in the light. For that is the direction of your course.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 43.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, July 4, 1983, during the seven-day retreat, Freedom ’83 in the Heart, held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Park County, Montana.

1. The seven Lords of Karma also dictated that day. See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48, nos. 35-38, 41.

2. The Great Divine Director is also known as the Master R. For his profile, see The Masters and Their Retreats by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet.

3. Saint Germain refers to the book Studies in Alchemy: The Science of Self-Transformation. Originally printed in 1962 as a series of Pearls of Wisdom, it was published as a softbound book from 1967 to 1987 and now is Book One of Saint Germain On Alchemy: Formulas for Self-Transformation, recorded by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Studies in Alchemy was translated into Dutch in 1984. As of the date of this Pearl of Wisdom it has also been translated into Swedish, Portuguese, Danish, Russian, Finnish, Polish and French. A Hungarian translation is in progress. Saint Germain On Alchemy is translated into Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Lithuanian.

4. Saint Germain appeared as “le Comte de Saint Germain” to the courts of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Europe, where they called him “The Wonderman.” An alchemist, scholar, linguist, poet, musician, artist, raconteur and diplomat, he dazzled the aristocracy and the royal courts in an effort to engage their attention and warn them of the impending French Revolution and the bloodbath that would follow.

5. The teachings of the ascended masters are translated into 24 languages, including Bulgarian, Croatian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian and Russian.

6. Erected in 1961, the Berlin Wall divided East and West Berlin, halting the exodus of refugees from East to West. The wall “fell” on November 9, 1989, with the collapse of the East German Communist regime.

7. Josh. 6; Heb. 11:30.

8. Rev. 7:3.

9. Ps. 2:4.

10. As the “Wonderman of Europe,” Saint Germain worked behind the scenes, attempting to effect a smooth transition from monarchy to representative government and to prevent the bloodshed of the French Revolution. But his counsel was ignored. Saint Germain said, “Do you know how many turned their backs upon me at the time of the French Revolution? Those were dark days. And the king and queen and all who were eventually beheaded were not able to turn around what was brewing.” See Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 40, no. 46.

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