Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 33 - Beloved Serapis Bey - August 7, 2005

Freedom ’83 in the Heart III

An Experiment in Golden Age Living

Part 1

Heal, O winds, the planetary consciousness of error! Heal, O mighty wind of the Holy Spirit, the erroneous concepts of men who would define our grace by a letter wrought! Heal, O winds, hearts enfeebled by their fears! Heal, O winds of the Central Sun, the desires of men who desire not after thee.

Turn the worlds, O winds of the Sun! Aries and Thor, Neptune and Luara, by the wind and the water of life, cleanse the body of God and purge the earth of her laggard consciousness. And then, O living fire, clear the place where the Lord shall stand—and his disciples understand the line between the above and the below is for the threshing and the threshing floor of God.

Let your hearts be purged, therefore, of all division. For I come in the oneness of the white fire of your ascension cape—a cape that will be the swaddling garment of millions when from your shoulders it drops to the waiting Elisha, who must seize it and part the wind and part the fire, part the water and the earth.1

I AM Serapis Bey. I bow before the ascension flame within you. For only the white light of your devotion to the Mother could beckon me here, here where I come in the name of Father-Mother God, here where I AM to consecrate your life to the new birth.

You have heard [the saying], “born again in Christ.” O my beloved, the new birth of the Spirit I proclaim! And in this hour, I anoint you for the new order of the ages, for the new man and the new woman. And I say to you in this moment of your exaltation of soul in the Mount Zion: Here you have left behind the world. You have risen from the valleys that collect mass karma. Here in this moment you are, as it were, catapulted into the future. And in this day and hour you have a vision of yourself reborn—born of the Spirit, born in a new world of light and the moving of the Holy Ghost.

It is a sign that Almighty God has ordained that those who keep the flame of God’s will, the earnest and striving ones, may have this gift of dispensation to place beneath the line of the planetary electronic belt all that is past and step up to the line of the Christ consciousness, there to be reborn and re-created, in other words, my beloved, to start a new life as though you had already ascended. And indeed you have, at least five thousand feet and more.

This ascension to rarefied heights and air is even a testing of the physical formula of self, which I trust you can well endure. I speak of the retreats etheric of our Brotherhood that in many places upon earth are at a level with this altitude, though they are etheric.

I speak of the fact that you enter at will etheric octaves and that these very octaves of our Brotherhood and of the Christ consciousness are a rebuke, an exposure and a rejection of the carnal mind and all of its impish ways.

The carnal mind will not be successful in these parts, beloved ones. Do not come here if you would bring it with you and do not expect the rebirth or the new life if you have not slain that beast.

I speak to those who desire to enter in to the etheric cities and temples while in physical embodiment. I speak to those who understand that the formula to that end is physical mastery, almost to the excess, excellence in these octaves and the shining of the light downward. For that which must ascend, must do so by the product of the descent of light.2

And the ascension flame, I tell you, has a mind of its own. It will descend like a shooting star into your temple, if it will, summoned by love, devotion, purity, stalwart hearts of courage, honor, one-pointedness, where the beast of mediocrity, indecision and hesitation has been slain, rolled up as one and cast out.

The lukewarmness of the human consciousness will not find peace here but be always cold and yearning for the tropical clime, where little effort to kindle a heart fire is needed to keep alive the Corpus* of Christ.

Precious ones, I offer the open door of the etheric octave. And as we have said before, obviously there are those who live in these parts and outpicture the depths of the carnal mind and are very materialistic and follow after the life of the natural man.3 But you and I are not in that octave. We are not in that dimension. You may peer out of your etheric consciousness and take note of the antics of the world, but the world does not occupy space at the Royal Teton Ranch or at Glastonbury—not so long as you draw the line of sacred fire and say, “Thus far and no farther! For here is the house of Serapis and seraphim.”

Understand that the new birth of the Spirit is a great joy of the reunion of worlds, where you begin to sense that heaven and earth are converging where you are, where your longing to be in heaven is not nearly so great as to be God where you are, to benefit life who can yet perceive you by the physical tracings of that which still incarnates in the molecular structure of matter by the grace of your own Christ Self. Thus you are not between two worlds, but in two worlds and you make the most of both opportunities.

How great is the love of chelas for physical sacrifice and physical accomplishment! Why, many of you can hardly wait to get out and build yourself and your family your own house, your own log cabin or chalet or whatever the design of the architect of your heart. You can hardly wait to use your hands, to become one with the earth and the elements and to see the fruit of your labor and the building of this foundation of our pyramid.

Why is it so? It is because this physical mastery is the direct counterpart of a life of the spirit, which you already live in the etheric octave here and now. Here and now you are in the etheric cities with loved ones of the ages. You mount the stairs and descend the stairs in and out of the sine wave of consciousness in the twenty-four-hour cycle, waking and sleeping, always in the house of the LORD. You attend ascended masters, study at their feet, perform labors of love, come back to your body and till the fields and tend the garden. Even so, God placed Noah to tend a vineyard that he might also meditate upon the great metaphor: I am the vine, ye are the branches, and my Father is the husbandman.4

Therefore in the cycles of life and growth, in the appearance in physical matter of the grape itself or the wheat, there you see appearing by water and sun and earth and the love of your hands that which did not exist physically a day before or a month before. Thus life itself is an externalization of the fires of the etheric octave, of the etheric blueprint and the very matrix of life. And when you partake of that harvest you partake truly of the essence of immortality, which does indeed sustain the physical form because, if it is properly grown and tended and prepared, does yet contain the etheric fire and deposit it cell by cell in the body temple.

Thus the etheric octave meshing with the physical becomes a chalice for mental cogitation in the mind of Christ and the emotional body as the receptacle for the desiring of the Almighty, both to do and to be his will in action.

[Understand] therefore that you are cosmic beings and the four lower bodies are vessels that you will always have, albeit rarefied and purified and accelerated in new vibrations and wavelengths. Yet, the four bodies will always manifest the four cosmic forces. And you, my beloved, ought to feel the sense of supreme mastery through these vehicles and to rejoice in this Place Prepared where you can truly know heaven and earth, as it is not possible to do in the crowded cities and the polluted, contaminated atmosphere of the lower lands.

Thus I AM Serapis, and I tell you that the new birth, born of the Spirit, the new birth whereby that karma that yet must be balanced is sealed beneath the line, the line of the Christ of the heart, the line of this altitude itself—that karma will be worked out by service in the higher octave. It will be as though you had ascended to the etheric plane and would still contribute mightily and vitally to the earth’s evolving Christ consciousness through all of your many corresponding physical labors.

It is the enjoyment of a pre-golden age if you will make it so, the enjoyment of a life that can truly be shared in love, where the members of the community always love Christ first. And that Christ in everyone becomes supreme as friend, neighbor, family, community member. That Christ is the one who is respected and adored and listened to.

For each one’s perspective of Christ-potential may be the teacher of anyone. But the lesser self at times does interfere and, by perspective of the community Christ consciousness, must be brought once again into submission until the whole man is reborn in spirit and finally the ultimate new birth is the ascension in the light itself.

Thus, [we are set to] experiment in golden-age living here. We need not wait. We are ready, our chelas are ready. Why not, then, create an example of what the golden age will be like here and now?

People need a vision, they need an example, they need a culture and, above all, [they need] something to look forward to for all the sacrifices required on the Path. It is good to know that some have returned to a place where life can indeed be free of certain burdens of the world that need not mount to this horizon.

I need not tell you that such an endeavor, such a bold adventure, does require great vigilance and protection, just as the freedoms of this nation have required the same—drawing the line of golden fire around community, respecting Maitreya and the orifice of the messenger as the word of certain direction, the responsibility to the Godhead of each individual member, the respect for the path of chelaship, the realization of the inherent reality of the ascended masters with you, moving in and amongst you, garments touching as we pass; the sense of the ever-presence of heaven, and the integrity to monitor one’s personal life, thought and feeling and moral standards after that which ought to be and not after that which should not. Such a trust must be based upon our oneness with each disciple, not upon a police state or a monitoring by an elite core.

No, beloved hearts. Hierarchy is the order of the day, and one respects hierarchy only insofar as one respects the Christ of the individual and the one Christ consciousness of the community. One cannot trust or respect the human consciousness; and therefore, should idolatry enter this community, it would create a serious division in the ranks. The little children and the childlike ones of all ages must be guarded against idolatry of self and of others at all cost.

And the vision of the opening of the doorway of the heavens and the appearance of the stars and the mounting into the blue, becoming a deeper and deeper blue, as the vastness of another sphere is perceived—a maintenance of consciousness, a conscientious rooting out of the lower elements; a setting aside of pride, personal pride that fears to confess to a brother a weakness or a sin and to ask for help; the setting aside of a pride that wants to go alone and be private in one’s pursuit of love.

This privacy that shields one from the necessary assistance of the Comforter, the Helper, the Holy Spirit, creates pockets of darkness that may be a long time in discovering and overcoming, because the sin that is secret is not often laid aside, but indulged in over and over, almost as a backward method of assuaging one’s guilt.

* A corpus is a body or collection of written texts; all the writings or works of a particular kind or on a particular subject; especially the complete works of an author; a collection or body of knowledge or evidence.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 34.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Serapis Bey was delivered by the messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Saturday, July 2, 1983, during the seven-day retreat, Freedom ’83 in the Heart, held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Park County, Montana.

1. II Kings 2:12-15.

2. John 3:13.

3. I Cor. 15:44.

4. Gen. 9:20; John 15:1-8.

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