Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 19 - Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet - May 8, 2005

Psychic Thralldom

Part 6

[The Elohim Astrea describes how the violet flame can be used to thin the veil of psychic records, allowing the pure Christ light to shine through and making it easier for the individual to forge anew the great link with the mighty I AM Presence:]

“Karma became a blending of good and bad, truth and error, joy and sorrow, hope and despair. Among the children of men, individuals often concentrated in a more than ordinary manner upon probing the life aspects of others. The reading of other people’s faces, their identities, propensities and possibilities became a fascinating pastime, not only for the noble but also for the depraved. Through the use of illicit drugs, even in days of old, psychic faculties and centers long dormant in men were opened temporarily and dangerously.

“Thus there came into manifestation soothsayers, astrologers, fortune tellers, witch doctors, shamans, priests, teachers and prognosticators. Some of these were accurate and some inaccurate. There was a relative state of perfection and imperfection that manifested the whole gamut of psychic extravaganza, psychic containment and psychic manifestation. For psychic is but a word related to psyche, the soul, and it, in reality, means ‘the life record of manifestation.’

“Every individual, wherever he goes upon the planet Earth, carries the mixture, or blending, of all the psychic records of his many embodiments upon the planet. Unless these records are transmuted by the violet-flame energy that rushes forth from the heart of God as a response to mankind of the Deity’s love, providing the communion of saints,1 the violet-fire cup—the chalice of the ‘new wine’ of spiritual regeneration—man must of necessity continue to be wedded to the psychic patterns and manifestations of his own sins.2

Redemption through the Christ

“Only by a correct and prolonged use of the violet flame can the thin or thick membranous veil of old records surrounding all lifestreams be thinned and purified until the pure Christ light can shine through from the heart flame on the altar of each individualized manifestation. When this is accomplished, it does not necessarily mean that the karma of that individual is balanced. It simply means that the karmic record in its gross intensity has been thinned as a veil, permitting a greater flow of the light energy of God to pour through the flesh form. This makes it easier for an individual to attune with the Deity, to come into consonance with the divine ideas, to reach up and to become one with the individualized God Presence.

“Through forging anew this great link with the mighty and beloved I AM Presence of all life, through the mediatorship of the Holy Christ Self, individuals then become wedded once again to the Deity. The City of God, the New Jerusalem, descends as a bride adorned to meet her husband,3 and the eternal peace of God envelops the soul below. As all enter through the same door, there is a renewal of universal opportunity when the descending New Jerusalem consciousness is obtained by any lifestream.

“The Holy Christ Self always knows the perfect thing to do, and the karmic record is clearly read by the Holy Christ Self of each individual. Therefore, from the moment that the veil thins enough for communion to be reestablished, the kingdom of heaven is opened to that lifestream, and opportunities, one after another, are born whereby the karmic record of the individual can be truly purified. This amounts to a descent of the only begotten Son of the Father, the Holy Christ manifestation, the light of God that never fails—the infinite power that is resident within each lifestream and was the power of the Word by which the whole creation was framed to descend into the consciousness of the chela.

“Thus the true meaning of the statement, ‘The blood of Jesus Christ redeems us from all sins,’4 is fulfilled; for in reality, as the Holy Christ Self, the Mediator of all life, establishes contact with the Divine Presence and reads the record of the human individual, the embodied manifestation, it sees clearly the means whereby a new and living way may be opened up through the ‘flesh’ (the four lower bodies) of the individual (‘Yet in my flesh shall I see God’5). This regenerative process takes place through the transmuted flesh of the ascended Son of God, the Holy Christ Self, ‘the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth,’6 who is, in reality, the Mediator or midpoint between the Presence of God and the human self.

“Thus, there comes into manifestation the quickening of all life experiences and the willingness to do God’s will as the holy Son himself spake when he descended through the ethers saying, ‘Lo, I am come to do thy will, O God.’7 Of this Christ it was spoken, ‘Thou art my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.’8 And again in another place, ‘Thou art a priest for ever after the Order of Melchizedek.’9 The Holy Christ Self is the true manifestation of both the Father and the Son as well as the agency of the Holy Spirit, for in the Holy Christ Self there is the balance of life made manifest. The Father’s purposes and will are made known to the Son, the embodied individual, as ‘I and my Father are one,’10 and therefore the Son below can speak unto the Father saying, ‘I AM thyself in action here below,’ and it will be so.

“Thus does the blood of Jesus Christ (the life essence of the Christ that was in Jesus, that was in the Son of God from the foundation of the world, and that is in every individual who will accept it as manifestation here and now and forever) redeem the mortal consciousness from all of the sins to which the flesh is heir. This is the means of deliverance, and it is the true and living way of cosmic nourishment. This is the door to the sheepfold. A thousand thieves may try to get through another way, but they can never enter into nor obtain eternal life except through the manifestation of the Cosmic Christ intelligence inherent within the Holy Christ Self of all men—the Universal Christ consciousness. This is the spirit of life and truth that maketh of all men one body in Christ.

“Seek First the Kingdom...”

“Now, the psychic world is not so. It is the world of episode and humor, of temperament and temper, of the fiery steed that drags mankind again and again over a bed of spikes. The psychic world must, in God’s name, be controlled, and men must learn to live above it. There is no need for any individual to probe extensively the life records of another except in rare cases when an avatar, a messenger or a specifically trained chela of the great ones, for some holy cosmic purpose or reason known best to God, does reveal some pertinent incident of value to the lifestream in order that he may come to God in greater faith and be cleansed of the record of an episode from the past.

“There is a divine astrology, but only the masters and highly advanced chelas of God upon earth are able to understand it. Much of the astrology of the world and much prognostication and prediction that is in the world is, according to the tenets of the Great White Brotherhood, causative in producing undesirable negative manifestations whenever the predictions are dire. When the predictions are benign individuals do not mind them, but whatever strengthens their faith in the psychic realm prolongs their sojourn in the night side of life.

“The highest form of advancement comes not through the psychic or psychic probings but through deliverance from the psychic realm and attachment to one’s Divine Presence. I cannot stress enough the dangers of the astral world. Here every festering form of hatred—racial, personal and demon-inspired—and every sense of mortal injustice dwells, spawning more of its kind. The forces of the astral world continually seek to use the consciousness of those beginning chelas on the Path and seize them by reason of man’s desire to be a link between the higher powers of light and the darkened world. We can well understand, precious ones, how the hearts of men become tender and enraptured by the idea of God’s love. They then seek in some way to formulate a plan of deliverance for the world, and thus they unwittingly enter the astral and psychic realm as communicants in the hope that the powers of light will use their offered and dedicated selves as instruments for the salvation of the world.

“Rather than seek these manifestations, men and women should first seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness11—to purify their souls by many years of devoted service to the violet flame, to seek a great adjustment in their own personal affairs and the putting of their houses in order, to learn to commune with God in the stillness of their own hearts, and to perform those decrees that are necessary for themselves, their families and loved ones and for all of mankind.

“The world has been visited by a multitude of avatars, and there are at the present time on earth a small number who are active and representative of the Great White Brotherhood. Alignment with that which is already established is far more to be desired than the thought of man becoming a self-appointed prophet or teacher.

“We urge, therefore, seeing that false prophecy is so much a part of astral treachery, that all shall seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and seek to walk justly with their fellow men in the service of the masters of the Great White Brotherhood according to the directions already released and shall, above all, avoid contact either with the dead (which is but necromancy) or with astral entities masquerading as sons of light. In most cases it is not necessary that individuals should become amanuenses for cosmic purposes; for when it is the will of God that such should be done, he will make it known with such clarity that even a child could read and understand.

“There is a stratum in the astral world that seems to be very right and filled with a considerable accumulation of truth, of facts and of beauty. I consider this to be far more dangerous than even the ugly and the abortive, for men are more easily deceived by this than they are by the horror of the world. Yet today the remnant of the decadent Atlanteans who have been released into embodiment from the prison houses of the astral are bringing in new forms of sexual horror, perversions of principle, and the seeking after places of glamour that (like the cave in the story of Aladdin—Ala-ed-Din—and his uncle, the evil black magician) are filled with many lures of bright and shining jewels, possessions of the astral realm that are as easily lost as a fog or a mist upon a glass.

“Be not deceived, beloved ones; God is not mocked. As men sow, so shall they reap.12 There is only one way to safety, and that is through the ascended master consciousness. Your beloved Saint Germain, Jesus, beloved Godfré and every master of the Great White Brotherhood know this. Your beloved Mother Mary knows this. The Goddess of Light and the Queen of Light and all the ladies of heaven know this. We know the pain and anguish that comes from psychic contact, which sometimes, once established, cannot be broken for many embodiments. Too many have lost their ascension over this one matter for us to let it go. We must warn, because to be warned is to be forearmed. We must ask that those who truly desire God and divine unfoldment shall seek as never before for the complete attunement of their souls with the divine idea of cosmic domination (cosmic grace)....

“The inhabitants of the astral world have in the main cut themselves off from the divine idea. They no longer recognize the God of the universe as their God. They seek to take the vital energies of God, released to man daily, and siphon them off through his [man’s] imperfect, mortal consciousness by playing brother against brother, by creating situations of hate and confusion so that people will willingly yield their energies to the wrong vibratory action.

“Every time you lend yourself to feelings of irritation, criticism, condemnation and judgment, or inharmony of any kind whatsoever, you are prolonging the life of the astral entities, whereas divine harmony is of no use to them at all. God’s energies, retained inviolate and pure by man, can never be trampled upon by the astral creation, for they cannot enter perfection; and thus perfection is its own protection. Jesus gave the key to holiness—wholeness—when he said, ‘Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.’13

“The psychic world is well organized and complete with its own hierarchies. The false hierarchy that dwells there and utilizes the interplay of forces between man and God continues to reach out into the world of form, as the roaring lion, seeking whom they may devour.14 Their manifestations are legion, and all of the warfares upon earth and the misunderstandings between people are the result of their intransigent energies.

“You cannot possibly know as we do how frightful these forces are. Yet I say to you that the battle of Armageddon is the tremendous focalization of astral energies and moon substance that pulls upon the water body of man—the astral body—and influences it as the tides are influenced by the moon. This is the veritable enemy of every man. Yet men love the darkness of the moon and of the mortal drama more than they love the light of God, which has not yet breathed its tangible reality into their manifest minds. That is to say, they now have no memory of it, the doorway to that beauty of divine perfection having been lost, which they once knew when they were in the bosom of God.

“I urge upon all a shunning of the vicious astral forces and a searching as never before for the wonders of the divine mind. You must learn to commune with the realities of God of which you have not yet dreamt, for ‘eye hath not seen, nor ear heard [the mysteries of God], neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.’”15

Christ, the Only Mediator

The devices of indirect control that have been substituted by astral forces for the direct manifestation of the Christ are legion. God does not require any other intermediary except his radiant Son, the Christ, to teach mankind all things, to warn him of impending danger, to regulate his life and to ordain him in the service of the light. The Christ Self of each man is therefore his own direct link to God, his own divinely ordained Mediator.

Astrea is uncompromising in her admonishments concerning “harmless” flirtations with psychic phenomena: “I tell you before Almighty God and before your own divine I AM Presence, it is all-important that the students shall understand the need to cut themselves free from all psychic and spiritualistic activities and to enter into the fullness of ascended master love. For ascended master love is real, ascended master love is true, ascended master love is all-enfolding, and it is the full sufficiency of the cosmic law, integrating mankind into the forcefield of pure light and removing from him those splotches of darkness that are blots upon his path of progress.

“Will you understand with me tonight, then, that the little pastime of the practicing of the Ouija board has led many an individual into a condition wherein he is no longer able to have dominion over his own world. We want you to understand that we do not approve, regardless of human opinion, of the use of the pendulum, which men and women have thought that they could use with success. We want you to understand that there are connected with the use of the pendulum, regardless of the manifestations of seeming authenticity in it, activities whereby individuals are for a time guided correctly. And it is so. Sometimes they are guided accurately for years by these manifestations, all for that moment when they will be, as you say in baseball parlance, ‘pitched a curve.’

“We want you to understand that the authority of your own I AM Presence is the only power in the universe that can ever give you your freedom. You cannot depend upon outer devices, on crystal balls, on fortune-telling apparatus and on horoscopes that are cast—albeit there is a true science of cosmic astrology, but this is not known in the outer world today, nor has it been for many a year; it is only taught in the inner schools of the Great White Brotherhood. Individuals, then, should be extremely careful in all their attempts to cast horoscopes and future projections according to the inaccuracies of modern astrology.16

“Let them understand that the authority for their life is their own God Presence and that, because it is the authority, the words rang forth long ago, ‘I the LORD thy God am a jealous God.’17 The keys of authority are in the heart of your Presence. Whenever you turn to outer accoutrements or manifestations of the psychic plane for any design of your life, at that precise moment you are stopping the perfection of your Presence from coming through. So long as you rely upon these outer conditions, they will continue to act in your world, and they will deny you the full freedom of your own I AM Presence.”18

The man of God who knows that God lives in him need not stoop to any lesser manifestation for consolation. The mind of God is not the medium or the mediator for aught that is less than perfection. By like token, that which is imperfect and incomplete cannot be the mediator or the medium for perfection. To stoop to an inferior means of deliverance is to seal one’s fate in the grips of the fatalists, whereas to place one’s hand in the hand of Christ is to make one’s pact with eternity.


Another means by which people have sought to bypass the Christ as the mediator is by the practice of hypnosis—using the power of the mind (one’s own or another’s) to bring about change in one or more of the four lower bodies. This practice has its origins with the Austrian mystic and physician Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815).

Practicing medicine in Vienna in the eighteenth century, Mesmer was to have a profound effect on the fields of science and medicine of his day and to the present. He taught that man was affected by the planets and stars through the medium of an energy field that acted as a fluid because it flowed in, around and through all of matter. He said that “everything in the universe is contiguous by means of a universal fluid in which all bodies are immersed.”

Mesmer discovered that “all things in nature possess a particular power, which manifests itself by special actions on other bodies.” He found that he could control and direct emanations of energy to his patients, either nearby or at a great distance, and that this action would result in miraculous cures of the diseased.

One of those who took up Mesmer’s work was Phineas Quimby (1802-1866), an American pioneer in the field of mental healing. The experiments of Quimby and Mesmer paved the way for the medical use of hypnosis.

The effectiveness of hypnosis is well documented. However, there is a price that is paid. Hypnosis is dangerous because you do not maintain the use of your own free will; someone else is given authority over your consciousness when hypnosis is administered. When you allow another to enter into your consciousness, this means that whatever they are composed of—good and bad—is imposed upon you. And though you may receive some benefit, you also receive the negative momentums of that individual.

Furthermore, the only way you can return and ascend to God is by the conscious use of your free will. The only identity that should be given control over your consciousness is your God Presence—and the ascended masters who are wholly one with God and therefore cannot pass on to you any influence that is not of the light.

Continued in Part 7, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 20.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

“Psychic Thralldom” is chapter 2 of Paths of Light and Darkness, Book 6 of Climb the Highest Mountain series by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Parts 1-9 of “Psychic Thralldom” are published in 2005 Pearls of Wisdom Nos. 14-22. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to The Summit Lighthouse online store.

1. The first known recorded reference to the term communion of saints appears in the Apostles’ Creed, formulated by the early Church.

2. Matt. 9:17; Mark 2:22; Luke 5:37-38.

3. Rev. 21:2.

4. Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:14.

5. Job 19:26.

6. John 1:14.

7. Heb. 10:7.

8. Mark 1:11.

9. Heb. 7:17.

10. John 10:30.

11. Matt. 6:33.

12. Gal. 6:7.

13. Matt. 5:48.

14. I Pet. 5:8.

15. I Cor. 2:9. Astrea, “Freedom from the Psychic World,” in Keepers of the Flame Lesson 23. (To learn more about the Keepers of the Flame lessons or to become a Keeper of the Flame, please contact 800-245-5445 or visit

16.Since this dictation was given, Mother Mary has released the fundamentals of her teaching on the science of the cosmic clock to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. See Predict Your Future: Understand the Cycles of the Cosmic Clock.

17. Exod. 20:5.

18. Astrea, December 30, 1968.

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