Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 17 - Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet - April 24, 2005

Psychic Thralldom

Part 4

The master El Morya, who has sponsored a number of messengers, speaks of their service, and also of those who come as usurpers of this office: “Down through the centuries we have appointed our messengers, prophets of the Law, teachers of the way of the Christ consciousness and of the Buddhic light. Others whom we would call unappointed, or self-appointed, messengers have come forth to blatantly usurp their ministry and their office in hierarchy. And so there is abroad in the land an enticing spirit, beguiling as the serpent, that is not the true spirit of prophecy. Nor is it come as the gift of the Holy Spirit;1 it is the voice of rebellion and of witchcraft, of vain talkers and deceivers.2 These are the crystalball gazers, the psychic readers and self-proclaimed messiahs—bewitched and bewitching, coming in the name of the Church yet denying the true Church, coming in the name of the Logos yet their lives a betrayal of true reason and the Law.

“They are the archdeceivers of mankind. They would take over the person and the personality of the ascended masters and the real Gurus. Setting themselves up as gurus, they sit in the lotus posture smoking the peace pipe with the false hierarchy, dispensing drugs along with demons, and even training their disciples in the manipulation of sexual energies for heightened sensual gratification. In their all-consuming lust for power, they teach the way to God through sexual perversion, abuses of the body and the desecration of the Mother. And the light they steal from those they ensnare is used to satisfy their mad cravings and to control vast segments of the population through witchcraft, variance and mortal cursings.

“Others are in the business of training ‘channels’ and psychic healers. They know not the difference between spiritual and psychic energies—the pure and the impure stream. Thus they make the gullible to be channels for the energies of the pit, for the diabolical murmurings of familiar spirits and of ‘wizards that peep and that mutter.’3 The false hierarchies and the fallen ones come in many guises, seeking to impress an infant humanity with their sleight of hand, trance and telepathy, their flying saucers and other trappings.

“I say woe to those who are adept in the mental manipulations of matter and astral energies yet have not the Christ—the snake charmers and charlatans who display a phenomenal control of bodily functions yet have not one iota of soul mastery! As if they had a thing to offer mankind that mankind cannot get directly from their own Christ Self, their own I AM Presence and the living flame that God has anchored within the heart!

“Some of these, deceived and deceiving others, go so far as to say that everyone should be a psychic channel, everyone should develop his psychic powers. Like the magicians in Pharaoh’s court,4 they hold up to our messengers their psychic phenomena and they say, ‘See, we do the same thing!’ Not so! Like the fallen ones who, in their attempt to level hierarchy, would make themselves equal with the sons and daughters of God, these psychic channels would cause our messengers and their work with the living Word to become muddied by the flood of psychic material being released by the false hierarchy. “Let it be so! They have free will. As the grass of the field, they have their day; for the wind passeth over them and they are gone, to be remembered no more.5 But the day of the true messengers of hierarchy shall be as the giant redwood marking the cycles of the spiritual-material evolution of the race and as the snow-covered Himalayas outlining the pinnacles of soul attainment. Thus the prophets have come in every age, and their day is the day of the salvation (self-elevation) of the race of mankind. And the coming of the messenger is always the preparing of the way for the coming of a new level of the Christ consciousness. ‘Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare thy way before thee.’6

“In every century the messengers have proclaimed the living truth that should free mankind from age-worn doctrine and dogma. In this age they have come to prepare the world to receive their own Christ-identity and the I AM Presence ‘coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.’7 Their coming marks the hour when all who have realized the oneness of the I AM Presence through the ritual of the ascension should appear to mankind through the exalted vision of the Christ consciousness. Not only Jesus, but Mary, Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, Confucius and all who have attained oneness with the eternal flame of life through the ritual of the ascension—these shall appear to mankind in the Second Coming once mankind themselves have accepted the law of the I AM Presence and their own identity as Christed ones.

“The true messengers of God receive only the word of the Great White Brotherhood and of the ascended masters. Their communion is not with the dead, nor do they practice necromancy or spiritism or hypnotism or the mesmerism of the mass consciousness. They are forbidden by cosmic law to allow their chakras to be instruments for the fallen ones, to channel the energies of disembodied souls abiding in the astral realm, or to be the mouthpiece of discarnates or any of the rebellious spirits that comprise the false hierarchy.”8

Lord Maitreya also warns of teachers who claim to represent the light but are actually tied to the false hierarchy: “The fallen ones who move among the children of God upon earth have taken their training at inner levels from the archdeceivers of mankind. In the same way as your souls journey to the retreats of the Great White Brotherhood, those who are committed to the path of ambition and pride journey to other retreats on the astral plane.

“Meeting individuals there who pose as the most advanced adepts on the Path, they truly are convinced at inner levels that they are working with the elite of earth’s evolutions who are descended even from Almighty God himself. The false hierarchy has an entire evolution—all the way back to the one who sits on the throne of the impostor of the Almighty One, the counterfeit throne of God.

“So the souls who are duped are souls who have not a sincere and pure desire for reunion with God. Nevertheless, they seem sincere in their activities; and those who train them give them to understand, by a very distorted means, what are the goals of life upon earth and how they [the trainers] are concerned for the greatest good, the greatest happiness and the greatest expansion of earth’s people.

“When you consider this, you must be aware of the fact that among spiritual groups and religious teachings there is a danger for individuals who have not left off or transmuted the desire for ambition (the desire for success through pride) to come into a circle of devotees and by imitation present a counterfeit path, a counterfeit initiation, a counterfeit manifestation of how the soul leaves the body temple and enters into the etheric octave.

Movements have, in actuality, promised soul travel to their devotees. They have invented names of masters and contacts on earth.9 Many books and organizations in North and South America, in Europe and even in Africa have purported to represent the Brotherhood of light. Beloved ones, you can see that the false hierarchy behind them is complete and by their misuse of the energy of the chakras they, too, may create a simulation of vibration and all that which appears to be real and is not.

“Now, when children of the light do not have a direct experience with the Holy Spirit, with the Lord Christ, with their own I AM Presence because they have placed other gods before these, they have not, therefore, reached a level of discrimination. Let them come and sit at the feet of the ascended masters. Let them set aside all goals of self-aggrandizement—the very subtle desires whereby those on the psychic path or the so-called ‘spiritual path’ see themselves as being above others, and therefore able by their so-called powers to command respect. These powers range all the way from phenomena to actual healings to that which even appears to be the raising of the dead. This has been done by the fallen ones by mechanical means and even by the misuse of the energies of the chakras.”10

El Morya points out the danger of involvement with teachers who are tied to the psychic: “Psychic energy is like quicksand. Souls can be sucked into it and actually defend their right to be doing what they are doing because they are so enmeshed in the psychic plane and its psychic inhabitants that they can no longer tell the difference between the spiritual path and the psychic path. This is a tragedy of the age!

“There are millions of souls on earth who are following psychic teachers, and as a result, they are falling by the wayside. Because they are tied to these teachers, they are unaware that their auric sheath (the light that is closest to the body) is being ‘bled’ from them. Unknowingly, they are losing their soul essence.

“It is being taken from them not necessarily by spiritualists or crystal-ball gazers but by everyday people who live in the psychic plane. Therefore know that when you keep company with such people, you make yourself vulnerable to all levels of the astral plane. When you place yourself opposite them as a student, you are even more vulnerable.”11

Life Readings

Messengers do not, as a rule, give what are known as life readings, nor do they engage in dispensing advice to individuals on the personal level. There may be exceptions to this rule; under direction, messengers may serve in any capacity that the masters designate.

Although messengers can read the aura (the thoughts and feelings) of anyone on the planet, theirs is not a psychic power but an activity of the Christ mind. They are able to attune with the discriminating intelligence of an individual’s God consciousness. Then, through his Christ Self, they are able to define the discrepancies between that one’s divine plan and his externalization of that plan at the human level.

This discernment, which proceeds from the mind of God, is the highest “reading” that anyone can give. For it takes into account and evaluates the whole man, whereas psychic readings often present an incomplete picture of human failure and success or a string of past embodiments, without attempting to tether the soul to its divine Reality.

These partial readings, taken from the astral level, are insidious. They detract from rather than enhance individual spiritual attainment, as they present a partial view of the soul pattern. Such life readings can draw the lifestream into downward spirals of negativity that he has already overcome. Or they may activate in his subconscious mind (in this case, his electronic belt) layers of misqualified substance that he is not prepared to confront with any degree of mastery. Or these readings may develop a false sense of confidence based neither on fact nor on actual attainment.

The gift of spiritually reading an individual’s karmic and akashic records comes under the office of the Karmic Board, the Keeper of the Scrolls and the All-Seeing Eye of God. Messengers may use this gift under the proper circumstances to assist dedicated lifestreams in the healing of the four lower bodies and in directing their energies for the most constructive purposes. In all these cases, the examination of the life record is made by the masters on behalf of their disciples in order to lead them in the path of self-mastery—and ultimately to the point of their final initiation in the ritual of the ascension. As the Elohim Astrea says: “God will show you every integrated manifestation of yourself when the time is ripe. He will reveal who you were and what you are when you can safely bear it, but it will be for the fruit of the soul and not for the exaltation of the ego.”12

Continued in Part 5, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 18.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

“Psychic Thralldom” is chapter 2 of Paths of Light and Darkness, Book 6 of Climb the Highest Mountain series by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Parts 1-9 of “Psychic Thralldom” are published in 2005 Pearls of Wisdom Nos. 14-22. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to The Summit Lighthouse online store.

1. I Cor. 12:7-10.

2. Titus 1:10.

3. Isa. 8:19.

4. Exod. 7:8-12.

5. Ps. 103:15, 16.

6. Matt. 11:10.

7. Matt. 24:30.

8. El Morya, The Chela and the Path, pp. 115-18.

9. A similar strategy of the dark forces is to claim that the masters should be invoked by different names than they have given. The Great Divine Director explains that the names of the ascended masters are keys to their electronic pattern, to their consciousness and vibration. As each letter in the alphabet keys to a cosmic frequency and release, the combination of letters in an ascended master’s name constitutes his personal keynote. In the case of well-known masters such as Jesus Christ—whose name has been called upon by devotees for centuries—a great momentum of light has coalesced around the name, adding the devotion of unascended mankind to the momentum of light released by the name “Jesus.” So powerful is this name of the Son of God that it may be used to the present to cast out demons and entities.

Various channels in embodiment have allowed themselves to be duped by ambitious and calculating minds who, speaking from the lower astral planes, have proclaimed that Jesus Christ is no longer to be called Jesus, but another name. Likewise, these forces have announced that the names of the Great Divine Director, Saint Germain, Cyclopea and Lord Maitreya should be changed. The names given in each case were those of impostors who desired to usurp the office of these cosmic beings. Dangerous black magicians are they, who trick innocent victims into calling upon their own names while offering adoration to God in prayer, meditation and decrees. These beings then take the pure energies of the students and use them to perpetuate the black conspiracy upon the planet.

10. Lord Maitreya, July 2, 1978, “Find Your Way Back to Me,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 43, no. 34, August 20, 2000.

11. El Morya, April 16, 1995, “Clean House!” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 26, June 18, 1995.

12. Astrea, “Freedom from the Psychic World,” in Keepers of the Flame Lesson 24, p. 27.

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