Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 6 - Beloved Djwal Kul - February 6, 2005

Balancing the Four Lower Bodies
in the Mist and the Crystal

Such joy profound o’erwhelms me as I come from the Himalayan fastnesses to be with you here in the abode of the Buddha and the Mother. I come, for you have called, but not all. Yet I come to all in answer to the call of some, for it is the teacher who knows when the student requires teaching, though the student know it not.

Therefore, let us part a veil today that you might come into an awareness, an awareness for which you have longed and yet one which you do not understand. Unless the veil be parted by the friend of light from above, how shall you exceed the present or former self? If you cannot see what you are to become, then how can you refashion yourself in that image?

Such is the plight, as some of our members have discussed it before with you, of those on earth and other systems whose karma denies them the beatific vision of the Holy One of God, the Holy Christ Self or of the angels. And therefore, people mirror what they see in the mirror and in others.

Thus, when some come along and appear with an aura that none can miss or with a love more tender than any have felt, there is a peeping through the veil to higher octaves because one person has entered your life and therefore [where you formerly saw through] a glass darkly, you now see [divine reality] face to face.1

Would you not, beloved ones, desire to be one who, when people meet you, presents to them an image of another way, a higher plane of being? And even your very presence should quicken within them the sense that they have known the etheric cities of light or an inner experience. Perhaps your presence might even be the key to quicken and awaken them to a path of great peace or a path of inner discipline, a path of inner satisfaction in the inner God and the inner Christ. There are many among you and among the lightbearers of the world who have that potential of being signposts.

Perhaps you remember the day when you saw someone for the first time who had the light of an otherworldly nature in their eyes and in their presence. At last you had met someone that was different from the common herd; and by that one glimpse, perhaps in passing by a stranger, your life was changed. And you will always remember the purity of that face or perhaps the look of wisdom, and you have said:

“There is another evolution among us. I must find the Sons and the Daughters of the Solitude. I must find out who are these lonely ones who have come apart and chosen a path that defies all others and goes beyond, veil upon veil.”

Thus, beloved, it gives me great joy today to open to you, through initiation, the path of pranayama. Beloved, some of you may have been taught this exercise by others. It is not a deep, dark secret. Yet I have come, for it is El Morya and the Darjeeling Council and the Four and Twenty Elders who have said, “Pranayama—when administered by an Eastern adept who is ascended and one of our bands, who may sponsor the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood—becomes an extraordinary link of sacred fire between the unascended chela and the ascended master.”

Thus, it is in this vein that I come as the instrument of initiation that is not mine alone to give, but I come as chosen, as the representative of the Great White Brotherhood, that you might have this exercise with a great blessing and the joy of Saint Germain and El Morya and many others who anticipate the increase of light—hence God-awareness, hence joy, hence mastery, hence that presence that some will recognize. And so, beloved, I do initiate a coil of fire. Its point of origin is the Great Central Sun. Indeed it is a foretaste of the blessing of Alpha and Omega to come and a tie to their heart. You can increase that tie and strengthen it until the day of their appearing in the Heart of the Inner Retreat. By strengthening the tie, beloved, you strengthen the community, you strengthen the geometry, even of the entire mandala that remains to be filled in by many lifestreams.

By building strength, by alternating the practice of this breathing technique with your dynamic decrees, you will see a subtle energy gathering in your finer bodies. You will see a different countenance upon yourself as you look in the mirror. Sometimes you may glimpse your Holy Christ Self superimposed over you. In the quietness of this deep meditation upon God and the recognition that this is the preparing of the temple, you will come to have a serenity whereby you walk as pilgrims of peace with the Elohim Peace and Aloha.

Thus, Uriel has come on this ray and I also come, for this is also the day when we release to you the wondrous gift of staff, the wondrous gift of angels on high and of Mother Mary—the wondrous gift of Sanctissima.2 I have the great and great joy to present to you this knowledge of the beautiful recording of songs and hymns to the Divine Mother in Mother Mary. This, then, shall be given by you this evening as a musical mass for world peace, together with the newly rerecorded rosaries. The prayers of Fátima,3 beloved, and the partaking of Holy Communion will complete this sacred ritual.

Thus, you have given the world and yourselves a magnificent crystal chalice of music that comes from the heights of Elohim and shall serve the purposes of Mother Mary and her devotees throughout cosmos. This action, beloved, is a precursor to your own raising of the sacred fire of the Kundalini. And therefore, on the very same day that this is released you have released to you this science of pranayama. See, then, beloved, how the Divine Mother grows in you and how, when you give the bija mantras this evening, you will feel a new enhancement of that process. All things come together.

This is the age of the Divine Mother. Your Divine Mother, beloved, is Omega and your Divine Father is Alpha. Serving under them in the great capacity of your sponsorship on this planet are your Father of lights Sanat Kumara and your Mother of lights Lady Master Venus. Receive them as well as Helios and Vesta and the God and Goddess Meru, for these wondrous beings of light and Manus of the root races bring you daily and hourly the balancing and caressing love, wisdom and power of the T’ai Chi of Alpha and Omega.

When you walk in the love of the Divine Mother, when you are fastened to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, when you bring to that heart of Mary the merciful heart of Kuan Yin, you will know such a deep compassion and patience and such an opening of wisdom that is the Word itself. The Word descending from Brahman is indeed the feminine principle—therefore the Shakti and therefore the light of the Divine Mother in every avatar.

It is this beautiful balance of father and mother in Jesus and in Gautama which you see—the tenderness, the gentleness and the tremendous strength. Both father and mother have these qualities. Therefore, you sense them in the yang vibration and in the yin vibration, each having the essence of the whole.

Now then, the entire world is waiting for the coming of the Divine Mother. And as you carry that fire in your aura, which is the sacred fire breath and the fire of the hymns of Mary and of the bija mantras, and as you remember to pray to the great goddesses of light of India and the great ones of light that have been revealed to you through the Teachings of the Ascended Masters, you will know a new complement to your manifestation of the masculine and the feminine ray.

May this be known as the community of devotees of the Divine Mother. May it be known as the devotees of the Trinity and of the four beings, the great hierarchs of the ruby ray. In the heart of the Divine Mother you can attain all love and all resolution, all mastery and power. For after all, the Divine Mother is the mirror reflection of the Divine Father, but in that reflection there is the yin in polarity with the great yang. This yin is a cosmic yin, beloved, and it is never qualified by the human consciousness of yin, nor is the great yang of the Father qualified by the human consciousness of yang.

And so, beloved, I give to you with great love my rejoicing. I remind you that you may call upon me for the mantle of my momentum in meditation and in the mastery of the chakras and in working for many thousands of years with Sons and Daughters of the Solitude. These are the great adepts of all ages who have come apart in the mystery schools, who have had great attainment.

You should not think that you are not counted among them, for some of you have lived in great ages, golden ages indeed, when you had outpictured in your manifestation far greater mastery than you have today. This does not mean that you now presently have the mastery in your physical body, but it means that you have a record in your etheric body whereby you can bring forth once again, through the practice of these simple systems and disciplines, that which you once knew.

Think of the great golden age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis. Think of yourself as among those who had attained union with the Holy Christ Self and had balanced 51 percent or more of your karma. Many are in the earth today of that caliber and yet they have gone the way of materialism and used the past momentums of light to build themselves empires rather than building the inner temple of man. You, then, have come apart from many who were with you. And some among you, if you are diligent, can bring back that mastery.

Do not measure yourself by your doings in this life or your shortcomings or perhaps your awareness of previous lifetimes that you are not too proud of. Yes, beloved, these are more recent embodiments and represent the decline from that point of the great golden age when those with Jesus who did not ascend made their way in the world.

Know then, beloved, that you have come full circle. Expect much of yourself and your Great God Self will deliver much. Put into practice the simple teachings and the great, the complex and those that can be done regularly with little effort.

But know this, beloved, that when we come on such an occasion to give such a gift with such sponsorship, we trust that it will not be one of those Christmas or birthday gifts that you look at for a day and then stick away in a closet because it was not really meaningful to you. You must try on the gift, beloved. Try it on and try it well; for the restoration of the power, wisdom and love of your being depends on the fanning of the fire of the threefold flame.

Some of your flames are very small and some have grown a bit since you entered the Path. In order to grow, beloved, they need the sacred breath of the Holy Spirit, the breath of the Holy Spirit, beloved. Thus, it is the sacred fire breath—thus, it is the holy breath of God that you would take in. Now then, I give to you the messenger, who will teach you this technique, and I shall continue speaking after she has taught it.

[The Messenger:]

Please take your right hand. Take your index finger and your middle finger and fold them to the base of your thumb in this manner, so that the little finger and the ring finger are left without being folded. Keep your index finger and your middle finger in this position. Now place your thumb on your right nostril. To the count of eight, you will inhale through the left nostril. [Messenger inhales to the count of eight.]

At the count of eight, take the little finger and the ring finger and close the left nostril. When you have both nostrils closed—the right with the right thumb and the left with the ring finger and the little finger—you will have the retaining of the breath to the count of eight. Then you remove the thumb from the right nostril and exhale through the right nostril to the count of eight. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.]

Again, you retain the breath to the count of eight and you are holding. You have closed the right nostril, and you are still having the left nostril closed. Now, this is the stopping of the breath. It is a moment of supreme absorption, and it is a moment of the sacred fire acting within you. This is the first half of one pranayama.

With the ring finger and the little finger closing the left nostril, you draw in the breath through the right to the count of eight: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Close the right nostril and to a count of eight [hold]: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Now you raise the ring finger and the little finger and exhale through the left to the count of eight: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Now you hold for the count of eight again: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. What you are doing—you have completed one pranayama. And then you start again.

Close right nostril with right thumb. Inhale through the left: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale right: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Draw in through the right, the same one you exhaled through, . . . three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale through the left: [6-second pause] seven, eight. Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. That was a second pranayama.

You start again. Draw in. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Drawing in through the left. Close the left. [8-second pause] Retain with the left. [8-second pause] Exhale through the right. [Messenger exhales to a count of eight.] Retain eight: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Draw in through the right. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale through the left. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Draw in through the left. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.]

That drawing in through the left is the beginning of the next pranayama. Close the left nostril, retain and exhale through the right. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Hold. [8-second pause] Draw air through the right. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Exhale through the left. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. And draw in through the left. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Exhale through the right. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain. [8-second pause] Draw in through the right. [Messenger inhales to a count of eight.] Retain. [8-second pause] Exhale through the left. [Messenger exhales to the count of eight.] Retain: [one,] two, three, four [4-second pause]. And relax.

So it is very simple. When you draw in through the left, you exhale through the right. When you exhale through the right, you draw in through the right and then exhale through the left. And then you start again.

These levels of retention are powerful. And the principle here that you do not have in Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise4 is the shutting off of the nostrils. It is the closing of the nostrils and using only the nostrils for inhaling and exhaling. This simple difference makes all the difference in the world. There is more sacred fire, more energy that you absorb, more intensity. Djwal Kul’s breathing exercise is, then, the foundation.

And it is introductory for new students, without any danger. This exercise will continue the balancing process, accelerate the sacred fire and, with the bija mantras, prepare you for future exercises that will be given. [19-second pause]

Djwal Kul:

I, Djwal Kul, come to you and I say to you, then, that when I come again for the next exercise which may be given to you, I will give you a questionnaire and ask you the frequency of your giving the two exercises. Based on that frequency, the life you have lived, the path you live and the disciplines you keep, you will be able to receive that particular exercise and its discipline, or not.

This discipline, beloved, and this exercise given today is for Keepers of the Flame. Those who keep the flame of life can keep the flame of the sacred fire breath and, in so doing, build a solid foundation.

This breath of God, when you think of it, beloved, is the breath of the Holy Spirit. It is one-fourth of the four quadrants of the Father, Son, Mother and Holy Spirit. By developing the breath and knowing that the sacred breath is sacred fire and truly the crystal fire mist descending in you, congealing in you, sealing you in light, you will come to realize that this is the most solid foundation of the base of your pyramid, whereby you will ultimately have perfect God-control of the rising and descending action of the sacred fire of the Divine Mother.

By having that God-control, beloved, you will know the meeting of the Divine Mother in the sacred six-pointed triangle in the center of the heart—the light of the Father descending from above, the light of the Mother ascending from below.

Blessed ones, I need not tell you that your conservation of the sacred fire is a blessed experience whereby you increase in power and in majesty and in radiance and in youth and in regeneration. Therefore, let those who are married pace themselves and understand that they, too, have a place on the path of celibacy as they choose to so consecrate certain weeks or months of the year to that end.

Thus, beloved, those who love and rejoice in the Path shall rejoice to see how the full fire of God bequeathed to them in the very Beginning, when twin flames went forth, might be consecrated today to that full God-mastery whereby you shall once again know yourself as a Christed one in the earth, having attained, reattained that union you once had with your Holy Christ Self, that sacred bonding in the alchemical marriage. And therefore, [you will] be able to be that very special person whereby, when people meet you, they will stop in the way as an ancient memory is parted and they see and know that, in you, they have found the ancient memory of themselves.

I rejoice to see the children of the Sun in the West and the sons and daughters of God, gathering in this place of the Western Shamballa, take up the Eastern path based on the new dispensation of the age of Aquarius given by beloved Saint Germain and Portia. So many who are on the Eastern path today, beloved, and who do these exercises are yet in the intellectual levels of being, are not truly spiritual and are often selfish and self-seeking.

Many who lead those on the path of the ancient teachings of Hinduism do not themselves receive the messenger of the Divine Mother and take the tremendous gift of this new dispensation of opportunity—opportunity to attain reunion with God with the balancing of 51 percent of their karma, opportunity to serve life and to balance much karma beyond their own, even planetary karma, with the multiplication of the violet flame by great beings of light, such as your own beloved Saint Germain and Omri-Tas and all who serve on the seventh ray.

And so, beloved, where there are centers of those who follow strictly the ancient ways of Hinduism, I say the following is the key: Call for them and not only for them but for those who come down the stream of the centuries through all the major dispensations of the world religions and their inner paths of mysticism. Make the call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of the false hierarchies of these religions and the pride of those who have become its priests and priestesses.

Yes, beloved, the way must be cleared for those who are devout and, in their devoutness, consider that their holiness consists of being loyal to the very last detail of the ancient dis- pensations under which they now serve. Let them be liberated through the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of those who have entrenched themselves, who have installed themselves in positions of power and are not willing for the new light to come down into their old bottles, lest the old bottles be broken and their dispensation move forward.

Truly you are a unique and a peculiar people, for you have recognized the foundations of the ancient dispensations of all the Manus and the avatars. And yet you have seen (for Sanat Kumara has given you that vision) the path of the New Age, the path of the violet flame, the path of all that is to be, as the etheric cities of light may be lowered into manifestation on earth.

You have a mighty work to do, beloved, for great darkness must yet come upon the earth. And when that day of darkness come, may you find yourself a light wherever you are, a light that becomes an unfed flame, for it is fed from within by you because you have remembered Djwal Kul and my message and you have said to yourself, “The unfed flame must be fed by the sacred breath, by the breath of the Holy Spirit, which I breathe in, retain and breathe out each day.”

And so as the tracks of the nostrils denote the ascending and the descending currents of light from the heart of the Sun to the base chakra and rising again, so those twin paths will unite twin flames. And the paths along the spine shall be strengthened until they may be opened and until you are ready for further initiation.

Beloved ones, I receive you to my heart. Receive me now to yours. I seal you with the sign of the ancients and the power of the Divine Mother.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Djwal Kul was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Good Friday, April 17, 1992, during the five-day Easter Conclave The Descent of the Crystal Fire Mist held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. I Cor. 13:12.

2. Sanctissima: A Musical Mass for World Peace, performed by the Church Universal and Triumphant Choir conducted by Elizabeth Clare Prophet. A 70-minute album, stereo recording.

3. See “Fátima Prayers,” decree 56.03 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

4. Djwal Kul’s Breathing Exercise is printed in The Maha Chohan, “Love’s Dividing of the Way,” in 1992 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 6.

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