Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 1 - Beloved Maha Chohan - January 2, 2005

Conquer Pride and Receive the Gifts
of the Holy Spirit

Part 1

By order of Alpha and Omega, I, the Maha Chohan, have opened a tube of light from this altar to the very presence and heart of your Father-Mother God. This opening has come about by prayers of many years and invocations and by the desire of beloved Alpha and Omega that you might have recourse, direct and immediate, from whatever point on earth you come*—to have that intercession and that presence immediate.

This tube of light passes through all octaves of earth and all others that are less than perfection, beloved. This is the offering of your Father-Mother God, who love you by the cloven tongues of the Holy Spirit which I bear—who have observed, then, your sacrifices and all that you have endured in this life and some of you in many lifetimes.

There are souls of great merit in this community and worldwide Church. These souls shall rise by the sponsorship not only of Saint Germain and Portia but of the Father-Mother God. And you, then, shall have an opening of your inner sight as you yourself contribute to making this possible.

And you shall see the angels ascending and descending the ladder of this tube of light, as you might call it.

And you shall know that by all sponsorships of the Great White Brotherhood in centuries since the hour of the ascension of Jesus Christ, there has come about, then, this particular dispensation, which is profoundly the need of the hour. For we of the Great White Brotherhood need this direct tie and you also need it.

Some of you, beloved, have not recognized the tie of the messenger and how strong it is and how it strengthens you in your ability to establish your tie from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to your Holy Christ Self.1 Some of you have not accomplished this at the levels of your own consciousness and state of self-mastery (or lack of it); but, for you, the tie that the messenger holds has sustained it. Thus, beloved, in this way we take you step by step until the day when your marriage to the Lamb of God shall be for you a great strengthening, a resolution and an empowerment whereby you also may hold this balance for others.

As Saint Germain has told you of the comings and goings of recording angels and others in your midst, so I also tell you, we have noted and the messenger has noted such extremes in states of consciousness among some of you as though you had no mooring. Now, it is entirely possible that your soul is not able to establish her mooring to the Holy Christ Self, but it is for this reason that you have a messenger.

Even as I have said, as Gautama Buddha has said, I am keeping the flame for you until ye are able. The messenger does keep this flame as the Mother of the Flame.2 And therefore, cherish that tie and that contact. Make your peace early with your messenger, for your messenger will not find fault with you but only bring you closer in alignment** as you are willing to accept the realigning of your being.

I say to you, beloved, those of you who note in yourselves these extreme moods and ups and downs, this is the first order of business on the path of your God-mastery. Do not underestimate the influences of the astral sea and the astral tide rising upon your emotional body. You know that this exists; therefore, resist! Resist, beloved, and do not allow it to enter. Do not discount your diet. Do not discount your psychology; and therefore, invite beloved Kuthumi to work with you.3

But recognize that swings of consciousness—doing one thing one day and another on another, not being able to stay tethered one-pointedly to your goal, to that which you are about to accomplish—this is the sign, beloved, of vulnerability. And planet Earth is not the place to be vulnerable in these days, I assure you. This is the day when you must have your armour on, when you must be living in a shaft of light such as the seraphim of God live in.

Therefore, be self-observers! This is the mark of the chela on the Path. Self-observe how you interact with others. What are your thoughts? Are they human? Are they spiritual? Are they carnal? Are they of the Higher Mind or the lower mind? Draw back, then. Step aside. Look at yourself and say:

“I do not like that expression of myself.*** I shall change it with God’s help and with the help of those who are professionals here in the community and the help of the messenger, whose causal body and I AM Presence are always available to me. For I am here in the name of God, and I understand the hierarchical succession from Sanat Kumara to the messenger embodied.”4

So, beloved, always be in control. If you are not in control of yourself, then others will control you, and that is axiomatic. And if you are to become Saint Germain’s adepts, I wish to help you. I have helped many on the Path, and I come with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.5 I come with the flame of the Holy Spirit. These cloven tongues are for your balancing the right side and the left side, the right brain and the left brain, if you choose to so use that vocabulary. Yes, beloved ones, I come to assist you, for I know that you will be able to do many things and to balance many things when you have established that center. And so, you are on a path of karma yoga.6 Sometimes you forget that you work in order to balance karma and that we have instituted work, in the divine sense and the very physical sense of the word, because we desire to see you balance karma, because we and the masters you know and the angels of God are just waiting for the moment when another percentage [of karma] and another percentage has been transmuted and you are gaining mastery all the while.

For as you gain percentages of karma balanced, we can enter in, and we immediately send angels to your side when we see that sacrificial work, that work that is done in the name of love. So many of you have that momentum of so many centuries, beloved, and you build upon it.

Do not weary, then, in the work you do for El Morya, whereby he sponsors you and you sponsor him in the distribution of his teachings. You could do a great deal more, beloved, and I ask you to do so in this hour of troubles in the earth and also of certain serious challenges to the Church, which I trust you shall meet on a worldwide basis.

Blessed ones, I say to you, then, all things await. I could recount for you instances in the life of the messenger during her training under El Morya and others of us who from time to time took up that training for a day, a week or a month at a time through the messenger Mark Prophet.

I could give an accounting**** of experiences, even as the messenger remembers them only too well—those situations of mistakes or not even realizing that in a simple remark she was being disrespectful perhaps to the messenger Mark or perhaps to an ascended master. And by a certain density of consciousness or not being quickened of mind or heart or not being alert, how easy it was to lose the day, to make further karma and not to pass one's test.

I was walking with the messenger this day and communing along those lines and reminding her that the stern rebukes and the serious and challenging training she received is something that few in this community are truly ready for. I do not think that you can possibly understand how easy it is—by your actions, words, deeds—to lose ground, beloved, to lose ground unnecessarily.

Therefore, I caution you concerning the words of the mouth, the meditations of the heart. Let them be acceptable in the sight of God.7 If they are not acceptable, then call upon the law of forgiveness8 and the violet flame and remove them and start again a new page.

It is not as though you can say to your master, the ascended master who guides you: “I made a mistake. Can I have time out? Can you cancel it?” No, beloved, you cannot cancel a line of it. You pay the price each time you are out of alignment. The rules are the same, whether for you or for the messenger, whether for those of spiritual advancement or not.

When you are ready to pass the hurdle,† then I say, pass that hurdle and hold that ground. If you are not ready, then prepare to show yourself approved unto God, rightly dividing his work and the work of the ages,9 which is the perfecting of the soul that she might return to the place from which she descended.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 2.

* I.e., wherever you reside.

** I.e., to your Holy Christ Self and inner blueprint.

*** I.e., the way I have expressed myself.

**** I.e., a recounting, a relating (obsolete).

†I.e., pass the test; surmount the difficulty.

Background on the Maha Chohan, Part 1

Excerpt from The Masters and Their Retreats
by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The Maha Chohan is the representative of the Holy Spirit. The one who holds this office in hierarchy represents the Holy Spirit of the Father-Mother God, of Alpha and Omega, to the evolutions of this planet and to the elemental kingdom. . . .

Maha Chohan means “Great Lord,” and the Maha Chohan is the Great Lord of the seven chohans, the director of the seven chohans of the rays. Among the qualifications for this office in hierarchy is the attainment of adeptship on each of the seven rays, which merge into the pure white light of the Holy Spirit. With the seven chohans, [the Maha Chohan] initiates our souls in preparation to receive the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit. ...

...The retreat of the Maha Chohan, the Temple of Comfort, is located on the etheric plane with a [physical] focus the island of Sri Lanka (formerly known as Ceylon), where the flame of the Holy Spirit and the flame of Comfort are anchored.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 2.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 11, 1993, during the seven-day conference Prayer Vigil to Restore the T’ai Chi of Elemental Life, held October 6 through 11, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. One interpretation of this statement is that through our contact with the messenger and her intercession on our behalf, the messenger reinforces and holds the balance for the individual’s ability to strengthen the tie between the soul and the Holy Christ Self.

2. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet bears the mantle of the office of Mother of the Flame. This mantle was transferred to her on April 9, 1966, from Clara Louise Kieninger. Saint Germain had anointed Clara Louise Kieninger as the first Mother of the Flame in 1961, when the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity was founded. Clara Louise Kieninger became Regent Mother of the Flame, an office which she still holds as the Ascended Lady Master Clara Louise.

3. Kuthumi’s mission to assist chelas in the resolution of their psychology. On January 27, 1985, Kuthumi, the Master Psychologist, announced a dispensation from Lord Maitreya: “This dispensation is my assignment to work with each one of you individually for your physical health and for the healing of your psychology, that we might swiftly get to the very cause and core of physical as well as spiritual and emotional conditions that there be no more setbacks or indulgences and surely not two steps forward and one step back. Thus, from this hour, if you will call to me and make a determination in your heart to transcend the former self, I will tutor you both through your own heart and any messenger I may send your way.” (See Kuthumi, “Remember the Ancient Encounter: On Discipleship under Lord Maitreya,” in 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, Book I, vol. 28, no. 9, March 3, 1985, pp. 82, 83-84, 85-90, 91-92, 97. See also Zarathustra, “The Mission of a Living Flame: The Triumphal Entry of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray,” in 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, Book I, vol. 28, no. 17, April 28, 1985, p. 217, and Kuthumi, “The Vessel of Kindness,” in 1991 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 33, July 1, 1991, pp. 407-9. See also the following classics by the Ascended Master Kuthumi: Corona Class Lessons ...for those who would teach men the Way; Prayer and Meditation; and Understanding Yourself: Opening the Door to the Superconscious Mind, A Study in the Psychology of the Soul by the Masters of the Far East.)

4. Hierarchical succession from Sanat Kumara to the messenger embodied. The order of Gurus in a lineal descent from Sanat Kumara is: Sanat Kumara, Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ, Padma Sambhava. On July 2, 1977, Padma Sambhava bestowed the mantle of Guru upon the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He said: “The ascended masters come as a living witness to proclaim in this hour that the Guru-chela relationship can now be sustained in this octave through the flame of the heart of the Mother.” (See Magda, “Our Mission of Love: Tears of Joy Mingled with Tears of Sorrow,” in 1991 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 1, January 6, 1991, pp. 2-3; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “Lord Maitreya: The Coming Buddha Who Has Come,” in 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, Book I, Introduction; and Lord Maitreya, “Immortality and the Cosmic Sense,” in 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, Book I, vol. 27, no. 8, February 19, 1984, pp. 66-73.)

5. The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, healing, the working of miracles, prophecy, the discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues (I Cor. 12:1, 4-11). (See also Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 2, 1994, “Lesson Four from the Holy Spirit: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit”; “Teachings and Darshan from the Messenger: Lesson Four from the Holy Spirit—The Gifts of the Holy Spirit,”; and Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, Book One, pp. 5-20.)

6. According to the teachings of Hinduism, karma yoga is a path to union with God through nonattached action and selfless service whereby the devotee recognizes that God is the doer of the action. Thus, the devotee aspires to offer every action as a sacrifice to God, free from all attachment to results or rewards. Karma yoga is one of four principal paths to union with God. The other yogas are: bhakti (devotion), jnana (wisdom), and raja (royal or complete). The ascended masters teach that karma yoga is the path of balancing karma through service to God and all life on earth as well as through invocation of the sacred fire in the Science of the Spoken Word and decrees to the violet flame. The invocation of the sacred fire is also the path of raja yoga (the royal road to reintegration) and of agni yoga (the yoga of fire). Ultimately, the path of karma yoga leads to reunion with God, the mighty I AM Presence, in the ritual of the ascension.

7. Ps. 19:14.

8. Call upon the law of forgiveness using “The Law of Forgiveness,” decree 70.16, and “Forgiveness” in “Heart, Head and Hand Decrees by El Morya,” decree 1.30, in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I. The messenger has given the following key to forgiveness: If you find it hard to forgive others for wrongs committed against you, understand that it is the soul you are forgiving, not the dweller-on-the-threshold. You can make fierce calls for the binding and judgment of the dweller—the portion of the self that is evil, that is not of God and that is not to be forgiven. Then turn your attention to the soul. The soul may be impure and have all sorts of imperfections, but it still has the potential to one day realize God. Therefore, no matter how bad a person's deeds are, you can call upon the law of forgiveness for the soul.

You should call to Astrea to encircle the soul and to liberate it from negative momentums of psychology and past records that have caused the soul to sin. Ask for the soul to be cut free by the angels and to be taken into the retreats of the Brotherhood to be tutored. As you give the violet flame, pray for the soul to make a turnaround, to be converted by the Holy Spirit and to come into the service of God. You can give your calls for forgiveness and for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold for a certain period of time, such as fourteen days. Then turn over the soul and the entire matter to Archangel Michael and the will of God. When your inner work is done, you can know with absolute certainty that, in God's own time and way, justice will be meted out and the soul will be assisted and given new opportunity according to God's will.

When you call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of someone who has wronged you but forgive the soul, both divine justice and mercy are satisfied and you yourself can be cut free from any sense of injustice or anger that would tie you to that one.

9. II Tim. 2:15.

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