Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 47 No. 48 - Beloved Jesus Christ - November 28, 2004

Cover the Earth with My Teachings
Lest They Be Lost

Part 2

Let those who thought they were of the light but whose actions are not of the light be also with those who, in a moment of spiritual blindness and being blinded by their own karma, are as Judas was, ambitious that I might be crowned king in the physical sense of the word and summon my armies to take over the Holy City. Well, beloved ones, that was not the divine plan. And thus Judas, who in that hour betrayed me, did reincarnate and come to the place, by much sorrowing, where he could fulfill the role of apostle and make his ascension.

Thus, I come to you and I say, the separating out of the leaves, beloved, is for a cosmic purpose. Let the nucleus of lightbearers, then, determine—determine at all costs to see to it that there is no further delay in the promulgation of the teachings and in the commitment of each and every one of you who can bear that commitment by your own heart’s free will. Come into communion. Become a communicant.1 Be part of my Body as the living manifestation of this Church, and recognize the law of the tithe and practice it.

This is needful, beloved. For I tell you the great teaching. There is no acceleration or advancement on any path, worldly or spiritual, without sacrifice. If the sacrifice is not forthcoming, then the alchemy does not work. Therefore, all of you who are successful in every level of life know what is the hardship and the sacrifice of giving birth to your dream, to your visualization, to that thing which you recognize as your calling.

So let it be. Let it be, beloved, that there should come and descend upon you now—with joy and with friendship, yet with the great sternness of God—my archangel, the beloved Uriel, who comes to strip you, who comes to bind the resistance to your entering into this Church, which I have now long established for you. It is a special Church, a Church that has the standards of Maitreya’s Mystery School, that has the standards of the ancient adepts and that can provide you with the sure path of your soul’s union with God.

I ask you to consider, as Archangel Uriel does come to you each one, consider, then, from this moment to the fulfillment of this lifetime—consider the goal of the ascension, of the resurrection, of the transfiguration. Consider the goal of balancing all karmas.

Know, then, beloved, that it is through the Mystery School that you can attain to the glory of God. I am here in this Mystery School, and my brooding presence is within each and every one of you wherever you take up your life on this earth on any continent. I am there with you. I am determined that those who were in the original Mystery School of Lord Maitreya shall have ultimate and satisfactory opportunity to regain that position, to regain that point in the hierarchy of the Great White Brotherhood which you had when you were in that Mystery School and before you decided to depart from it.2

We must restore the Mystery School not only by the establishment of the land but by the establishment of hearts—hearts, lifestreams who incarnate the Word of the Divine Mother. Mothers are ye all, male and female. And in that Mother Flame you find courage for the ascension, courage for the victory and courage for all the tasks in between.

I have noted in some an accumulation of density which the messenger has called “ignorant animal magnetism.” These are terms used by others, but they are fitting. There is also malicious animal magnetism, sympathetic animal magnetism and what has been called “delicious animal magnetism,” the appetites of the senses.3

Take care that by being in the world you do not accumulate more of this substance, by the very static of the world, and then find yourselves, as Peter did, so densified that he could indeed say to me, “Be it far from thee, Lord.” And he spake of the crucifixion and told me I did not need to be crucified. And so I said to him, “Get thee behind me, Satan!”4 And I shall say that to any one of you who does deny your own crucifixion. For you only postpone the day and the hour of the absolute God-victory.

Fear not, beloved. Some fear minor pain in the body and shudder as they contemplate the day and the hour when they must suffer that pain for some minor ailment or surgery. Blessed hearts, the crucifixion is a spiritual initiation and a physical initiation simply because you are in physical embodiment. But it does not endure for a million years except, of course, if for a million years you sit on the fence and do not surrender to your own reason for being, your own inner reason for being.

Thus, surrendering unto your destiny that God has ordained and not that Satan has ordained for you is the wisest action you can take. And for the protection of that destiny, your commitment, the wisest, should be to sign on that dotted line that you count yourself a communicant of the Church of Jesus and Gautama that has the canopy over this place for the protection of those who would be initiates, those who are becoming initiates, those who are faithful, stalwart, truthful and seeing the line that is drawn by the mighty sword where there is the dividing of the way and where there is no time and space, but the soul passes through as the initiate.

I say to you, beloved, the world must know, ere further darkness come upon it, that there is a Mystery School, there is a path, there is a way that I have made plain which all can enter who delight in me. And if they delight not in me, beloved, I will woo them, I will go after them. And you will celebrate the Twin Hearts5 and give your calls for the binding of that very evil band of fallen ones who are anti-Christ, who are the impostors of your Christhood and who go about slaying those who are about to realize that Christhood yet have not yet tied themselves, in the outer, to this community of tremendous protection and sponsorship.

Blessed ones, you may think that all things in the heaven are infinite, and so it is in a sense of the word. But there is an economy of cosmos, just as there is an economy of supply in your own lives. And that economy states for planet Earth: This is the place we have designated. This is the school we have opened. This is where we initiate chelas. And when there shall be tens of thousands and millions of souls who become the Christs once again, we shall see what our God and what our Lord Sanat Kumara shall do about a golden age and about other mystery schools. But for this to take place, beloved ones, this one must succeed.

When you are twelve years old and ready to recite your catechism and the laws of scripture, you know that you must pass that test and move on. You cannot remain twelve years old for the rest of your life. Thus, the Mystery School cannot remain at this level. Now is the hour of great growth. We shall all do our parts to bring this about. But I tell you, this is your hour, this is your hour, and it is the power of light not darkness, though darkness lurk in the shadows of the not-self. Therefore, control it and bind it. Capture the vision from me in this moment and move on to that victory of light.

I am Jesus, your brother. You now are the Christed ones in the earth. Let us see this victory through, beloved, and let us let go of fears and anxieties.

I am ever in your heart when your heart is one with me, and I seal you this day in the promise of the Lords of Karma and of the great seat of the God Star, Sirius.6 I seal you in the heart of Lord Krishna and in the heart of my own Father Maitreya.

May you make your way, find it and fulfill it. I am with you always even unto the end of the world of illusion and the parting of the veil of the Holy City.

[42-second standing ovation]

[The messenger: Beloved ones, let us be seated as we sing “The Holy City.” We will have our love offering followed by Holy Communion. You can all sing.]

[Hymn 118, “The Holy City,” sung by Jessye Norman, played during love offering.]

I, Jesus, bless you, one and all, and I bless the offering of your heart and soul and mind. I bless your commitment to the Holy Spirit and to your own reason for being.

I am Jesus, your brother. I am Jesus, your Guru. I am the open door which no man can shut. I bid you enter my heart, even as I enter your heart this day.

Peace be with you unto the fulfillment of noble purpose. Amen.

[The messenger: Communion servers, please come to the altar. You will sing hymns to the blessed Mother of our Lord as we partake of Communion.]

Blessing of Holy Communion by Jesus Christ:

I have said, “Take, eat; this is my body which is broken for you. This is the wine of the new testament and the new covenant.”7 Therefore, I bless this bread and this wine. I also bless your hearts.

Receive me in this bread, this wine, and look to the day when you drink it new with me in my Father’s kingdom.8 By this Communion we are one, and I sustain you through your own beloved Holy Christ Presence.

Take, eat, and drink ye all of it.

[Hymns 550, 292, 107, 41; Ritual of Holy Communion.]

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 10, 1993, during the seven-day conference Prayer Vigil to Restore the T’ai Chi of Elemental Life, held October 6 through 11, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. Becoming a communicant of Church Universal and Triumphant. The Church is sponsored by the ascended masters Jesus Christ and Gautama Buddha. The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, records that on February 10, 1974, the ascended master Johannes (Pope John XXIII) “announced the formal inauguration of Church Universal and Triumphant and dedicated it to be the open door of the Divine Mother to receive individuals from every walk of life.” On January 25, 1987, Johannes “explained the purpose of the Church in this way: ‘Blessed ones, some of you know that the name Church Universal and Triumphant has long been accepted as the name of the Lord’s Church in heaven. Thus, you see, the founding purpose of this Church is to bring that kingdom of our Lord, his heaven and his Church, into universal manifestation on earth.’ The Church comes forth so that the Mother flame can be enshrined upon the altar; and with the Mother flame enshrined upon the altar, the Church is the magnet that draws the children of God back to the ritual of ordered service and worship whereby they pass through the gate of the victory of the ascension” (pp. 145-46).

On December 29, 1991, Elizabeth Clare Prophet issued the following invitation: “Each one of us is the living Church, and as we make that commitment and that affiliation and we share in this sacrament of Communion, we are daily assimilating the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. So I invite you, one and all, Keepers of the Flame, to start the new year by becoming communicants of Church Universal and Triumphant and knowing yourself as the white stone and even the pillar in the temple. This is our great strength—the Communion and the becoming of the body of God.”

After studying the wisdom of the ascended masters in the Keepers of the Flame Lessons, the Pearls of Wisdom and the books of the masters’ teachings, you may feel the inner calling to make a deeper commitment to the Brotherhood. When you become a communicant, Jesus and Gautama—the spiritual heads of Church Universal and Triumphant—will sponsor and initiate you as you pursue the path of Christhood.

Before applying to become a communicant, you must be a Keeper of the Flame on lesson 8 or above and subscribe to the Pearls of Wisdom. To learn more about the requirements for becoming a communicant, you are invited to attend an in-depth class at a quarterly conference sponsored by The Summit Lighthouse or at a teaching center or study group in your area. After studying the tenets of the Church and learning about the standards for Church members, you may then apply to be initiated as a communicant. For more information, please call 1-800-245-5445 or 406-848-9500, go to or send an e-mail to

2. Maitreya’s Mystery School. (See Pearls of Wisdom no. 9, p. 116 n. 4; no. 35, p. 328 n. 3; and no. 40, pp. 366-67 n. 3, this volume.)

3. Animal magnetism is a term used by the ascended masters to describe the density of the human consciousness not tethered to spirit. The masters have named four types of animal magnetism which correspond to the four lower bodies of man. They are: malicious animal magnetism, the etheric body; ignorant animal magnetism, the mental body; sympathetic animal magnetism, the emotional body; delicious animal magnetism, the physical body.

4. Jesus once said to Peter: “Get thee behind me, Satan! Thou art an offense unto me, for thou savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men.” (See Matt. 16:21-23; Mark 8:31-33.)

5. Twin Hearts. The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are sometimes referred to as the Twin Hearts. Some Catholics use this term specifically in connection with parallel devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary given on First Fridays and First Saturdays of the month. The tradition of veneration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary has come down to us through many saints of the Church, including Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, Saint Gertrude the Great, Saint Mechtilde, Saint John Eudes, Saint Margaret Mary—and through the messages of Mary to the children of Fátima.

6. The God Star, Sirius, is the seat of God-government for this sector of the galaxy and focus of the Great Central Sun.

7. Matt. 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19, 20; I Cor. 11:24-25.

8. Matt. 26:28, 29; Mark 14:25.

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