Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 47 No. 38 - Beloved K-17 - September 19, 2004

“The Only Way to Go Is Up!”

Part 1

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Good evening, Keepers of the Flame, chelas of the will of God. I AM K-17 and I am grateful that the Lords of Karma have given me the opportunity to speak to you this evening.

It has been noted that I am among the ascended masters, as is Lanello, who are closest to the physical octave. I have not ceased to appear to heads of state, to commanders in battle regarding matters of intelligence of absolute necessity to their awareness and to their victory.1 Now I tell you that there are members of my legions, highly advanced souls near the level of the ascension—some in embodiment, some not in embodiment—who also are given the dispensation to move in the earth with physical bodies. This service has been rendered to the planet for many centuries and in many past ages unrecorded. Thus, it continues to this day.

I have asked for and received reinforcements, and therefore our numbers have increased over the past decade. Some of this has been made possible by your own calls to the All-Seeing Eye of God, to Cyclopea.2 For those in our service, in the Cosmic Secret Service, do come under the jurisdiction of Cyclopea and many adepts of the fifth ray.3

Therefore, there are positioned in the earth in the United States, in the former Soviet Union and in other so-called hot spots today angels as well as sons and daughters of God, whether in embodiment or in other octaves, who are working very hard, fiercely and fearlessly. They are indeed reinforced by the legions of Ray-O-Light, angels of fearlessness flame.4

Thus, I come to you with a report at this juncture of the decade and the twelve-year cycle that is upon you, and I tell you that these events which have of recent date taken place in Moscow are the tip of the iceberg of that which is, to put it in your terms, a mess.5 The mess of this country and of people not tethered to the intelligence of the mind of God has resulted in a society totally unpredictable, a society that can be at once and suddenly ruled by very dark forces and, then, put on the semblance of order. The extremes that you have seen, as well as the fighting, the dissonance and the low levels of consciousness and low vibrations due to the oppression upon this people now seventy years, have brought about a situation which cannot be trusted.6 Therefore remember, beloved ones, the quiet before the storm.

I do not say that you should not pursue your calling, your livelihood and those various enterprises that you may be engaged in. But you must be like the angel of Revelation, one foot upon the sea, one foot upon the land.7 Therefore, you have the stability of being grounded in community, and you may [also] go out from community and return—community being your focuses and centers throughout the world and this center here.

One of our concerns is that in many cases Keepers of the Flame have not realistically considered the warnings of many among our bands concerning the densification that takes place in your consciousness, in your four lower bodies when you are not diligent in invoking the violet flame to transmute both the descending karma of the Dark Cycle and the rising tide of the astral sea. Thus, beloved, the subtleties of deceleration are not observed by those who give way to their karma instead of moving against the tide of that karma, moving uphill when the tide is moving downhill.

Thus I caution you, as others have. There is only so much intercession that the hosts of the LORD can provide you. And unless you do and give your part, that alchemy of the age, which Saint Germain is counting on, will not come about. Thus, beloved, remember the quick call, remember the thrust of the mind, sending the sword of blue flame into the cause and core of many conditions.

There have been those who have been exposed to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters who have never internalized them, though they may have been students of long standing. Thus, they have wearied in well doing and no longer desire to be counted as world servers, to do battle with* the legions of Archangel Michael, the legions of K-17 and the many armies of the LORD and the Faithful and True.

Thus, attention to self and self alone, whether in a materialistic or a spiritualistic way, cuts off from the devotee the great opportunity of karma yoga. Balancing karma in this age, both personal and planetary, is your ticket to immortal life. Let me tell you, beloved, there is such an urgent need for world transmutation that those who engage in it are truly putting on violet-flame garments, which they shall wear until the angel of the LORD puts upon them the white robe of the ascension and their seamless garment is whole.

These may be days of great trial and hardship, but they are days of immense opportunity. There has not been another time in the history of the earth, save in the past golden ages, when the ascension was such a present possibility. Because the legions of the light are, so to speak, desperate for the assistance of their counterparts in the earth, they are willing to go to any lengths that the Law will possibly allow to assist souls to come into that point of such a realization of the inner fire—when that fire ignites in one’s being and there is the whoosh of the flame and then the power is present.

And then from that moment on there is the fire infolding itself as you draw and pull down and pull down the fire of your mighty I AM Presence, increasing and increasing and increasing. And there comes a point of critical mass when you know that you have a counterbalance of light and you are determined that you will not be moved this way or that but you will stand and still stand as that Christ in the earth, wearing the armour of God—and that whole armour of God—and prepared, then, to stand against the wiles of the Devil and to make them shrivel by a touch of the sword of flame that is now yours.

Many of you are reaching that point of the inner fire being more than just a tiny prick, a flame in the secret chamber of the heart. Move for it! Go for it! We have given you that example. Now you can become it.

Thus, beloved, nothing can be said to be a shoo-in, can be said to be permanent. There is no situation in the earth about which we can speak this evening and say, “We are confident all will be well,” whether it is the Middle East or Somalia or your own White House or what was the White House in Moscow.8 As events move on and as the signs of prophecy written in the heavens are read, you will see that fewer and fewer people will find themselves able to deal with the solar-plexus vibrations that are sweeping the earth from this group and that group, from this catastrophe and the next catastrophe. The upheaval, beloved, is not over with. Therefore, make your peace with God.

You can have all the things of this world you want, but why forsake God in the process? Why forsake your path? These parallel paths are possible. There is a way that is made plain.9 It is the Middle Way.10 The Middle Way is the right way, the way whereby the foot in the earth and the foot in the sea become a portion of oneself in the etheric octave and in the levels of the Christ consciousness.

*Denoting association, combination or union.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 47, no. 39.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by K-17 was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, October 6, 1993, during the seven-day conference “Prayer Vigil to Restore the T’ai Chi of Elemental Life,” held October 6 through 11, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. K-17 appears to heads of state regarding matters of intelligence. K-17, often referred to as “Friend,” heads the Cosmic Secret Service. His flame is teal green and white. Mark and Elizabeth Prophet have taught: “Because of the nature of their service, K-17 and his co-workers ... often appear in physical form as the guardians of right action midst chaos and crisis as they assist members of the various security agencies of the nations of the world. Sometimes they actually work undercover, assuming the appearance of those whose ranks and organizations they would penetrate.” K-17 explains that his legions “have dedicated themselves to be those members of hierarchy who are the closest to the physical octave and its physical vibration.... It has been said of me that I make more physical appearances in the halls of governments and among the leaders of nations than any other ascended master. This is because of the dispensation of the legions in the Cosmic Secret Service to work so close to mankind that they actually feel tangibly our presence, and thus in times of danger their fears are allayed because they feel the presence of that heavenly help that is always forthcoming when there is dedication to the honor flame.” Thus, “K-17 frequently visits the executive offices of the United States government in a physical body and works closely with members of the FBI. He is equally familiar with the Kremlin, although they are not aware of his true identity.” “Both K-17 and his sister were able to maintain life in their physical bodies for over three hundred years prior to their ascensions in the 1930s. Continuing their evolution and service to embodied mankind, they now maintain a villa in Paris and focuses in other parts of the world for the training of unascended chelas” (Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 163, 161; “Agents for the Cosmic Christ,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 17, nos. 11 and 12, March 12 and 24, 1974). For additional background on K-17, see Pearl of Wisdom no. 12, footnote 5, this volume.

2. Calls to the All-Seeing Eye of God. See “Beloved Cyclopea, Beholder of Perfection,” decree 50.05 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

3. The members of the Cosmic Secret Service, “devotees of the All-Seeing Eye of God,” are “guardians of the destiny of liberty in America and in every nation on earth.” Mark and Elizabeth Prophet have taught that the Cosmic Secret Service uses “God-vision to warn the citizens of cosmos of threats to the security of the individualization of the God flame—threats to life and liberty, threats to the governments of the world and to the family as the basic unit of the Aquarian society.” In 1973, K-17 described the work of the Cosmic Secret Service and how we can help: “My legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ, and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and the unfolding Buddhic consciousness in mankind.” K-17 added: “We do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the All-Seeing Eye of God with the help of Cyclopea, in calling to the attention of hierarchy the persons and conditions, the organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are... a threat to the advancement of the light upon the planet. You know that God is omniscient. But God’s omniscience is manifest through his awareness of himself in man. God uses your hands and feet. He also uses your eyes. And thus, it is not out of order for those in embodiment to call to the attention of hierarchy conditions that are in the making and on the drawing boards that require the seal of white fire—the ring-pass-not.” Thus, “many in embodiment ... serve with the Cosmic Secret Service... because many ascended masters who serve on the councils of the Great White Brotherhood have not been embodied recently. Once they ascend, they are no longer in touch with the world situation and contemporary society in the same measure that they were when they were embodied on earth. While they possess the power of tuning in to mankind, they don’t spend any more of their energy than necessary to accomplish their service.” K-17 also revealed: “My legions have computers recording all types of information on all types of people; for we must be ready, as we serve with the Keeper of the Scrolls, to provide any ascended master at any time with what you would call a dossier on a lifestream.” This information is used by the ascended masters to determine a person’s aptitude for a specific job they would assign him. K-17 further explained, “The unascended branch of the Cosmic Secret Service assembles information on specific cases, writes reports on world situations and offers opinions as to what should be done about certain matters. The reports of the various agents are put together and examined. The masters compare their own views with the suggestions of the unascended agents. In most cases, they pass on the results in concise form to the Karmic Board. The final actions of the Brotherhood are based, then, to some degree, on the intelligence gathered by those in embodiment” (Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 160-61, 160, 161-62). For more about the Cosmic Secret Service see Pearl of Wisdom no. 12, footnote 5, this volume.

4. Ray-O-Light, angels of fearlessness flame. See Pearl of Wisdom no. 14, p. 156, this volume.

5. Recent events in Moscow. See Pearl of Wisdom no. 36, footnote 2, this volume.

6. Seventy years’ oppression of the Russian people. The Bolshevik Revolution (1917-1918) overthrew the czar and brought to power a Communist party led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. In 1922, Russia merged with the Ukrainian, Belorussian and Transcaucasian republics to form the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Following Lenin’s death in 1924, Joseph Stalin brutally ruled the Soviet Union until his own death in the early 1950s. After a series of dictators, Boris Yeltsin, in 1990, became the first popularly elected president in Russia. The Soviet Union was formally dissolved in 1991.

7. Angel of Revelation. Rev. 10: 1, 2. “And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth.” According to Mark and Elizabeth Prophet’s The Masters and Their Retreats, “This angel appeared to John the Revelator. The rainbow and the cloud are the causal body and the light of the I AM Presence. The little book is the concentrated energy of the Word of the masters spoken to the prophets.” On November 6, 1981, Elizabeth Clare Prophet described this angel as “the archetype of each one’s own Mighty I AM Presence. You might call it the angel of the LORD, the angel of Yahweh, the angel of the I AM THAT I AM.” In an August 12, 1979 Pearl of Wisdom, Sanat Kumara said: “This angel, by name Adoremus, had a face which appeared as the sun and feet as pillars of fire. With the full dominion of the Godhead whose messenger he is, he set his right foot upon the sea, showing the omnipotence of God over the subconscious mind and all it contains; and he set his left foot upon the earth, showing the omniscience of God to subdue the conscious mind and all that it contains. (The right foot and the left foot of the mighty angel, which are as pillars of fire, symbolize the dominion of his cosmic consciousness over the sea and over the earth, the third and fourth quadrants of the Matter spheres. The feet are the symbol of understanding, and they represent and are symbolical of the initiations of the hierarchy of Pisces which the Lord Jesus Christ came to demonstrate.)” The Mighty Angel Clothed with a Cloud and a Rainbow Upon His Head delivered one dictation through the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet. He said: “I bear witness unto the light descending as the Word of the sons and daughters of God. I come from the fount of living flame. I have stood in the presence of Alpha and Omega. I am the angel which stands in the presence of the LORD God with seraphim and cherubim, and unto me is given the office of the transfer of the light of prophecy unto the prophets of the ages. And thus, the writing in the book is the writing in cipher of those energies that are uncoded cyclically each thousand cycles of the turning of God’s consciousness within the worlds upon worlds. Within my heart I know billions of lifewaves. I know, for I am known of God. And as I gaze upon the consciousness that he has shared with his sons and daughters, I behold an infinite creativity on the part of those who have exalted free will within his will. And I behold also the infamy of those who have enshrined the darkness of nonexistence. And I stand to sound forth the clarion call of an age, for I am the herald of the ascended masters, and the little book is the concentrated energy of their Word spoken unto the prophets, spoken unto the prophets for their children evolving into the oneness of that flame. I can be seen standing in the cities, standing in the temples, standing in the midst of the people. And those who desire truth are bidden to the initiation of that mighty angel that also appeared unto John. And with me is the sound of the Elohim. The thundering and the sounding of that voice is the tuning of a cosmos and of millions of souls” (Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 27-28; Summit University, level II lecture on revelation and prophecy; The Opening of the Seventh Seal: Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray, pp. 151-52).

8. Somalia and the White House in Moscow. See Pearl of Wisdom no. 36, footnote 2, this volume.

9. Way made plain. “Every valley shall be exalted, and every mountain and hill shall be made low: and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough places plain.” Isa. 40:4. “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth.” Luke 3:5.

10. Middle Way. In Gautama Buddha’s first sermon following his enlightenment, he outlined the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. He explained that by following this path and avoiding the extremes of self-indulgence and self-mortification, one gains knowledge of the Middle Way. The Four Noble Truths state that (1) life is dukkha, “suffering,” (2) the cause of suffering is inordinate desire, (3) freedom from suffering is in the attainment of nirvana, and (4) the way to this liberation is through the Eightfold Path. The Eightfold Path gives eight precepts for right living: (1) Right Understanding (or Right Views), (2) Right Aspiration (or Right Thought), (3) Right Speech, (4) Right Action, (5) Right Livelihood, (6) Right Effort, (7) Right Mindfulness, and (8) Right Concentration (or Right Absorption of God).

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