Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 47 No. 8 - Beloved God Surya - February 22, 2004

For Integration We Have Come

Rods of Blue Fire and Rods of White Fire
Planted for the Balancing of Earth

From the Central Sun I observe the goings and comings of mortals throughout the entire universe. I send piercing rays of white fire and blue. I also send blue lightning and yellow lightning. I am ever seeking to pierce the gloom, the doom, the ignorance, the out-of-alignment state of so many evolutions.

I am gratified that you have comprehended what a science is the Science of the Spoken Word. I am gratified, beloved, that I might be in the heart of every living soul, stimulating the action of the yellow fire of the mind of all Buddhas and bodhisattvas.

The councils of the God Star meet.1 And we deliberate as to how we can accelerate those who are willing to be accelerated in all fields of endeavor, first and foremost that of bringing forth the spiritual equation that does ignite all else that must be accomplished in the development of the mind.

We go, then, to the heart and the heart of hearts. We go to the Holy Christ Self, where there are those who have a Holy Christ Self, and we go to the threefold flame in those who have retained it. These have the God-potential. All others must yet earn that God-potential, many who have never had it and others who have lost it through the abuse of the flame and the Christ Presence.

We Come to Convey Empowerment

Therefore, we come to convey empowerment, chiefly on the first and the fourth rays. We come to do this, beloved, for there is an infinity of wisdom that can be chaliced in the heart and mind.

Let us begin, then, at the beginning. Let us know that though you have much advanced teaching, it is the putting into practice that teaching in-depth, with profound understanding of what is your course, what is your life.

Some consider that they have taken up a means of earning a living and that that will fulfill the path and the role of chelaship and the ascension. It is well to earn one’s livelihood. It is not well to turn one’s back on a civilization to which one is indebted, to turn one’s back and say, “I will go here. I will go there. I will engage in this or that venture. It doesn’t really matter what I do as long as I earn a living.” This particular state of mind begets failure. For all have the dharma.2 All have the calling. And all who know the mantle and have the fire of heart must be on the front lines of the dissemination, by example, of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters.

When you call to me, and the legions of angels that form the Mighty Blue Eagle thoughtform3 descend to earth, who do they work through? They work through those who are prepared, who are ready, who are waiting, waiting for the coming of that Mighty Blue Eagle so that millions might be delivered and other millions and billions of souls.

The Darjeeling Council is assembled even during this dictation. They face many burdens, beloved, and they require many to work with them. El Morya has spoken to you of this most recently. I come also, for there must be a multiplication of the loaves and fishes if there is to be that victory.

The Spiritualization of Consciousness

Thus, my point here, well taken, which I am reminded by other cosmic councils to present to you, is that the most important work of the day is the spiritualization of consciousness. This has been called the etherealization of consciousness and of civilization,4 where civilization rises to a higher level. Well, beloved, this is not automatic. It cannot be automatic. All that happens anywhere in the universe is through the heart flame of the one and the millions.

It would be well if those of you of similar background, education, profession and training should meet when you come to these conclaves of the summer and at the conferences in the rest of the year that you might work together and consider pooling your knowledge, pooling the science that you embody, planning as to how you can attract others to the spiritual path who also have their degrees in areas that can make the world go forward through many aspects and opportunities.

[9-second pause]

I have come today principally to radiate the light rays of the Sun into your crown chakra and into your heart, that heart and head and hand might be a trinity and that you might see that every effort taken must be taken with the immediate and long-range goal at hand of accelerating consciousness, spiritual consciousness. For when each individual has that spiritual consciousness, he can easily internalize the material consciousness.

Foundations can be laid for the development, early and late development, of children and adults. But if these foundations are not laid upon a spiritual premise, a spiritual internalization of God, a spiritual fanning of the flame of God, then that which is built in Matter will crumble away, as it has always crumbled away. And those who have been tutored and trained in this life, though they may have that learning in their causal bodies, may return again to a civilization that is far more backward than this one and not retain what they have gained.

For a continuity of life, reincarnation upon reincarnation, there must be the spiritualization of chakras, of raised sacred fire, that the imprint by fire upon the soul and mind shall bring to the fore of that one’s consciousness, even when the child is in the womb, the former things that he has learned.

Accelerated Learning and the Quickening of the Spiritual Consciousness

Thus, while you consider a stimulus to quicken the mind and its development and to quicken the children who come into your world, so remember the quickening of the spiritual consciousness is that which will cause the foundations laid to endure.

I trust you will understand this, beloved. For there is such a mad race for children to succeed, for children to go beyond their peers, especially in such countries where if they do not pass certain tests by the age of four or five, they are not even considered for the professional path for the rest of their lives. Think of this, beloved! And think of it being placed as such a burden upon children without the corresponding balance of spiritualization of consciousness.

Thus, it is easy to see that some of the very best fruits from the tree of life who are being born today are being denied at a very young age the opportunities that they must take advantage of in order to fulfill their highest reason for being, and that being the bringing-in of the golden age so that that which is taking place in the etheric cities and universities of the Spirit in the heaven-world might one day, and one day very soon, be happening, be putting into place in this octave. Now, beloved, there is the question of accelerated learning5 and there is the question of spiritualization.

You Have Not Seen the End of War

I turn now, therefore, to the subject of war in the earth and the engines of war and the fallen angels, who are remnants, such as relics of dinosaurs, come again to destroy and murder innocent people—all for territory, all for a clump of earth.

The situation in Bosnia has become enmired simply because you have lacked the leadership in this nation. Other nations have lacked the leadership. They have blamed it on NATO. They have worked through the United Nations instead of using the ages-old means of planning a battle, planning a conquest, going for it and having done with it in the very early stages of the battle, before there is proliferation, before there is demoralization, entrenchment, the violation of women and children, the violation of people themselves (who are not given the means wherewith to defend themselves) by some insane logic of those members of governments who are not fit to represent the people of their nations because they have allowed this holocaust to continue and to continue and to continue.

The factor of war in the earth is rearing its head. And you will see that head rearing more boldly as the decade turns and the next century comes in. There are many planning wars against nations in the earth and there are many who are jealous of these United States who would just as soon destroy the entire nation.

They are building their armaments. And their fanaticism, for religious reasons and other reasons, is spilling over into many nations. When you see the fanaticism of these laggards, you understand why the edict has gone forth that many of them must be taken to other planes and other planets6 that they might not be the ones who will trigger some kind of a world war or an interplanetary war or an intergalactic war.

You have not seen the end of war, beloved. And from my vantage in the God Star and as I walk up and down the earth, I see the crazed minds of millions—millions of individuals who would rather have a war than have peace. They are the disenfranchised. They are the ones who are non-forgiving. They are the ones with whom death moves, for they are dead themselves. Do not underestimate these individuals.

You Are in a Full-Scale War for the Minds and Hearts of the People Who Have Imbibed Drugs

There are other thousands of individuals who are moving with the cocaine traffic, the marijuana and all types of drugs, heroin, et cetera, and these being filtered into the nations of the West. This results, beloved, in the decay of the mind, in the debilitation of the children. Where shall the next generation appear?

You will see, therefore, that you are in a full-scale war in this hemisphere for the minds and hearts of the people who have imbibed these drugs. And you have seen that those who ought to defend you and your children have turned their heads aside and would rather not look, rather not think about it, [but would rather] count the decades they have remaining in embodiment and leave it to the next generation to solve these problems.

These are the types of individuals you see in embodiment day after day upon this planet. They do not care! They have squandered their life force in riotous living. They have misused the light of their chakras. They do not have the energy, the love, the mind, the verve, the will to tackle these matters. And therefore these matters grow as a cancer.

I say to one and all, look around you! Look at the five-year-olds and the six-year-olds and the ten-year-olds. What shall they do with a civilization that you bequeath to them if you do not fight the battles of your own time and decade but keep on turning them back to others who may come afterward?

You Must Not Close Your Eyes to These Problems

This world is a very sorry place today, a very sorry place. And, I repeat, there are many who are determined to have war and to have war on a global scale. They have not surrendered internally. They have carried that in mind for so long that they can see no other goal than to destroy the United States of America.

I bring these subjects to your attention because I work with the four and twenty elders, I work with the councils who govern the destiny of this nation. And I tell you, there is much to be done. You hardly know where to turn to cover all of the problems that are set before you. You must not close your eyes to them. You must not depart from knowing the news of the day and the situations that are going on here and there and everywhere to the destruction of morality, the destruction of the family, the destruction of nations and integrity and honor and, finally, the destruction of true love itself one to another within families, within all peoples.

Blessed ones, many exciting things are happening in the field of education and you have heard speakers talk about these things. But I tell you, while you are excited about this and those whom you can reach with these teaching methods, remember that there are millions upon millions upon millions of children who will be brought up without education, without proper nourishment, without even the strength to think, to write, to learn.

These are, again, the disenfranchised. And they will be there and they will demand your care. And ultimately they may well rise up against all those who have denied them the opportunities that are for all under the master Saint Germain.

With Rods of Fire, We Are Adding Strength to the Planet

I, Surya, speak to you, then, of empowerment by the first ray. I speak to you of that empowerment, for, I say, day by day as you guard the use of the throat chakra, as you keep that throat chakra steady, as you keep that blue-flame ray steady, you are pouring into the earth, as it were, rods of blue power.

And all of us who have accelerated on the fourth ray and on the first ray, we have sent not simply rays of light but rods of blue fire, rods of white fire.7 And we are planting these in the earth for the balancing of earth in all of the conditions I have already named to you. By putting rods in the earth, we are adding strength, as you would add strength to the building of a skyscraper, having it with reinforced steel or other metals.

And so we must do this with the planet because the people are so weak. Their minds are weak. Their bodies are weak. So from what should they derive their strength if they cannot call to Almighty God and receive that strength, which many cannot and do not do because they do not see the exercise of the power of the spoken Word as the means of their liberation.

So, beloved, during this conference from the beginning to the end, my legions of light of the God Star and the Great Teams of Conquerors, legions of light that are fierce and powerful, they have come. And you would mistake them for the hard hats* in the cities. You would think that they are just like others until you approach and you begin to see the aura and the glistening white of the type of armour that they wear.

They wear this armour that makes them impervious. And they have been given a very complex formula by my councils whereby the crisscrossing of these rods through the earth, through the very center to the other side, in all angles will be the factor that will hold—hold the earth for the evolutions to come, for the root races to come, for those of you who will move into the next century and educate your children and raise them up.

The earth is being reinforced, beloved, because it is the only way that we see to establish these deep foundations whereby it will simply not come crumbling apart, as it otherwise would. The earth is, as it has been for aeons, in a state of change—earth changes, volcanic eruptions, rising and sinking of land masses, changes in the temperatures of the poles, the melting of the ice caps, and so forth. Blessed ones, these changes show you that earth has by no means finished its complexity of development, of change, of settling, and so forth. Thus, regularly, individuals, countries, cities are hit with earthquakes and buried entirely, as in the days of Pompeii. These things will continue.

But the rods, beloved, visualize the rods. You as children have played pickup sticks. And you note how, when they fall, they fall against each other, they fall in irregular ways. We have established irregular yet very scientific, mathematical patterns for the placement of the rods for the guarding of the nucleus, for the holding together of this planet.

There Is Nothing More Important . . .

This we announce to you so that you can give your calls to the blue-ray masters and give the blue-ray decrees,8thereby reinforcing in the physical these rods. On the outer surface of the earth they cannot be seen, but in the interior of the earth they are physical, beloved, because it is the physical earth that requires it.

Thus, with long contemplation and consideration of many councils, we have determined that this is the very best offering of all of the blue-ray masters. And when we had concluded that this would be our offering, then we did also conclude that this summer conference and Summit University must be emphasized by all of the blue-ray masters coming together.9

We ask you to join us as our chelas. We ask you to call to us that you might be made our chelas. We will accept you, one and all, at a certain level as you rise to the level where you can be a Chela with a capital C.10

We ask you to continue this for the rest of your lives. There is nothing more important than the guarding of the white fire and the white-fire core of the earth, the white-fire core of the very atoms of your beings and the rings, electronic blue rings of light, surrounding that white-fire core.

Nothing is more important, beloved, because civilization is disintegrating, society is disintegrating, the school systems are disintegrating, the family is disintegrating and the minds of the youth are disintegrating.

Thus, for integration we have come, beloved! For integration we have come. For integration we have come.

[29-second standing ovation]

*construction workers

Background on Surya

From a lecture by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
delivered on July 1, 1995, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat

I am going to give you a thumbnail sketch of God Surya so you can visualize him as he is speaking today.

Surya appears in the mythology and religion of India as both the sun and the sun god. The Sanskrit word surya comes from the root sur, meaning ‘to shine’.

During the medieval period in India, worshipers of Surya formed one of the five principal sects. Worship of Surya ranked with the worship of Shiva, Shakti, Vishnu and Ganesha. The importance of the sun-god Surya is evident in Vedic hymns and Hindu mythology. The Gayatri hymn from the Rig-Veda identifies Surya with the Hindu Trinity. The hymn is addressed to the sun and associates Brahma with the sun in the morning, Shiva with the sun at mid-day, and Vishnu with the sun in the evening. That’s very logical when you consider: Brahma, the first ray of the Father, when we need our best energy to do our morning’s work; Shiva, the intense fiery heat of the sun; and Vishnu for contemplation in the evening on the yellow ray.

The worship of Surya is mentioned repeatedly in the Ramayana, the oldest epic in Sanskrit literature. After offering a prayer to Surya, Rama overcomes his enemy with ease....

Surya is traditionally depicted seated on a lotus in a chariot of gold drawn by seven horses or by a single horse with seven heads.... He crosses the sky observing the good and bad deeds of both mortals and immortals. Surya’s chariot is usually depicted with only one wheel. The one wheel is seen as symbolic of the straight path of justice he maintains. The charioteer is the deity of the dawn, who rides in front of Surya, using his body to shelter the world from Surya’s brilliant rays.

One Hindu myth relates that the sun-god Surya married the daughter of the celestial architect of the gods. She found Surya’s radiance too strong to bear and ran away. Surya pursued his wife and after a long search found her.

Once they were reunited, the architect of the gods refashioned Surya so that his wife would be able to remain with him. While singing praises to the sun god, the architect cut away his excessive radiance, keeping intact just a fraction of his original glory in spherical shape. Out of the excess radiance, he created weapons for various gods, including Shiva’s trident. Surya remained resplendent in spite of his alteration. He and his wife had many sons. The eldest was Vaivasvata Manu, who in Hindu tradition is the progenitor of the human race.

One of the most famous temples dedicated to Surya is the colossal thirteenth-century Sun Temple near Puri, India. This 100-foot-high temple and its hall are designed in the shape of a giant chariot borne on twelve carved stone wheels and drawn by seven stone horses. Today the worship of Surya as the supreme deity is limited to one small sect, but an image of Surya is in every Hindu temple.

The ascended masters teach that God Surya is the hierarch of the God Star, Sirius. Sirius is the brightest star in the heavens and it is the seat of God-government for this sector of the galaxy.

In a dictation given on July 2, 1994, Surya said: “Any number of you hail from the God Star and count it as your home base, as you have volunteered to serve with angels from Sirius and to enter these octaves of maya” (1994 PoW, vol. 37, no. 36, p. 415).

Sanat Kumara spoke of the God Star in a 1979 Pearl of Wisdom. He said: “When we speak of the God Star, we speak of a plane of consciousness where life has accelerated to etheric perfection and to the octaves of light beyond the highest frequencies yet within the range of what is called Matter. The planes of heaven beyond the planes of time and space are exalted in the God Star through the God consciousness of the vast being known as Surya” (vol. 22, no. 41, p. 262).

From the God Star, Surya holds the balance for natural forces in the earth. He is assisted by his Chela, the ascended master Cuzco, whose retreat is at Viti Levu in the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific. On April 10, 1982, Surya said in a dictation: “Within my orbit is the ascended master Cuzco. And our light rays, as the light of Alpha and Omega, ... converge in the earth” (1982 Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 25, no. 26, p. 264).

NOTE: See also Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats (2003), s.v. “Surya, Hierarch of the God Star” (pp. 354-57).

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by God Surya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 01, 1995, during the 11-day conference, FREEDOM 1995: “Soul Evolution—A Fusion of Mind and Spirit,, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. The God Star, Sirius, is the seat of God-government for this sector of the galaxy and focus of the Great Central Sun.

2. dharma: [Sanskrit, literally ‘carrying’, ‘holding’, ‘that which holds one’s true nature’]: In Hinduism, dharma is seen as the way of life to be followed according to one’s nature and station in life; conformity to one’s duty and nature. The ascended masters teach that one’s dharma is one’s duty to fulfill one’s reason for being. It is the divine plan, which runs as a thread through all lifetimes, culminating in the mission fulfilled and the soul’s liberation from the round of rebirth.

3. The Mighty Blue Eagle is a configuration of blue-lightning angels, legions of the God Star Sirius who serve under God Surya.

4. The etherealization of consciousness and of civilization. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Abdication of America’s Destiny,” Part 1, in 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 111-14; and “Fourth of July Address, Part 3: ‘Sign That Document!’... for the Spiritual and Physical Defense of America,” in 1989 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 27, pp. 331-33.

5. Accelerated learning. See God and Goddess Meru, June 30, 1995, “The Hour and the Time When the Old Dispensations Must Give Way to the New: Now Is the Acceptable Time for You to Accelerate,” in Pearl no. 3, this volume, footnote 5.

6. The edict that many laggards be removed from this planet and taken to others. See Lord Himalaya, June 29, 1995, “The Heavy, Heavy Weight of Earth Must Be Lifted: A Dispensation Whereby Certain Laggard Evolutions Can and Must Be Removed from the Earth,” in Pearl no. 1, this volume.

7. Rods of blue fire, rods of white fire. In a dictation on June 30, 1995, Hercules and Amazonia announced a dispensation for using their decree in multiples of nine (decree 10.05, “O Hercules, Thou Elohim”) “to focus in the earth the ribbons of blue fire and white lightning, the ribbons of the action whereby there is a literal disintegration of substance—substance misqualified” (“We Have Come to Turn Things Around: A Special Dispensation—Give the Call to Hercules in Multiples of Nine and You Shall Have the Multiplication Thereof That You Have Not Seen Since My Original Physical Presence in the Earth,” in Pearl no. 2, this volume).

8. Give calls to the blue-ray masters using the blue-ray decrees in the blue section (decrees numbered 10.00-15.01) of Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

9. Summit University Summer Session 1995 (Levels 1, 2 and 3), sponsored by Lanello and the Masters and Manus of the first ray, was held July 11 - August 24, 1995, at the Royal Teton Ranch.

10.Chela with a Capital C. The term chela (from Sanskrit ceta, literally, “slave,” “servant”): a disciple of a religious teacher or guru. When spelled with a capital C, it indicates that the Chela is sharing a relationship of coequality with the Guru, wherein the Guru represents the Alpha polarity and the Chela represents the Omega polarity. Such a Chela is capable of holding the balance for the Guru in the earth. The Chela who has earned a capital C holds a high office opposite the Guru.

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