Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 47 No. 5 - Beloved Babaji - February 01, 2004
On Behalf of the Unascended Masters

It Is Time to Put Full Attention
upon the Physical Body

I AM Babaji. I speak to you on behalf of the unascended members of the Great White Brotherhood.

[23-second standing ovation]

I AM Babaji! And I speak to you on behalf of the unascended members of the Great White Brotherhood.1 (And I ask you to be seated.)

I am evermore grateful to Mataji for showing me that it is important to retain the physical body.2 Inasmuch as I have retained that physical body, so I admonish you to give great care to the body, for it is the vessel whereby you teach face to face, heart to heart, and eye to eye.

It is time to put full attention upon the physical body. Some have played Russian roulette with their bodies and they have thought, “Well, I will eat this way for ten, twenty, thirty, forty years and then I will change my ways.” I tell you, it is too late.

To learn to be an unascended adept and in good form, obey the rules of the body. Each body is unique. Each body is unique and yet all bodies are the same. They are unique only insofar as you have allowed them to come out of the way of true alignment.

When the physical body is out of alignment, then the emotional body is out of alignment. When the emotional body is out of alignment, then the mental body is out of alignment. And when the mental body is out of alignment, then all three are out of sync with the etheric blueprint and the etheric blueprint begins to take on that pattern that is now corrupted in the three lower bodies, whereas the etheric blueprint should be a blueprint that reflects the image of the Christ, the image of the Adam Kadmon.3

When the etheric blueprint is out of kilter, then the three lesser bodies will only reflect that which is there. In the highest level of the etheric body there is retained the image of your Christhood. But if you have so surfeited that etheric body with all of the noise, the television, the bombardment of energies, you may not even have a tiny space left for the original blueprint that God gave you.

The tending of the four lower bodies is like the tending of planet Earth. The tending of planet Earth, beloved, is just as important. As you know, the earth body consists of spheres within spheres, the four major lower bodies of the planet. The sickness of the planet is reflected in the sickness of the people.

A Totally Healthy Body Is the Greatest Prize You Can Have

You have heard any number of experts on the subject of diet. But I would tell you that there is no greater rejoicing that you could have than to have the knowledge of physical maintenance of the body to establish perfect health, balance in the emotions because of it, the healing of the organs so that you are free—free, then, to be the instrument of the unascended and ascended masters, free to be the ones who no longer are burdened in the body and therefore can look forward to longevity, can look forward to great service, can look forward to having clusters of disciples here and there, to assist and to teach the sixth root race and the seventh root race, and to go after the fourth and the fifth. Blessed ones, a totally healthy body is the greatest prize that you can have, and only you can see to it that you have it.

What if I had compromised my physical body long before I became an adept? Well, beloved, I might never have become an adept. And that is exactly where you stand today. You may never become an adept in this body if you do not swiftly realize that you must eat only to live and not live to eat. I ask you, then, to give the mantras to the Dhyani Buddhas so that you can consume the five poisons and the sixth poison, that of Vajrasattva’s transmutation.4

So know, then, beloved, that I encourage you to follow, in a certain way, my own path. For then, you see, I will not be alone but there will be many who, as bodhisattvas, may desire to tarry and not take the ascension.5 For by their very presence in the earth they can be seen more clearly than people can see the ascended masters. [People] can see the unascended adepts and they can follow them. They would follow you, beloved, so let them.

I ask you to liberate yourself. This is the time of the celebration of liberty. Let us know that liberty is a gift; it gives you the freedom to make choices and ultimate choices of what you shall do with the gift of life, of the Atman6 within the breast and of the path of service.

Liberty is not, as you know, to do this and that without care, throwing caution to the winds. Liberty is to expand the threefold flame of liberty that is the Holy Christ Flame in the heart. Liberty itself, beloved—the free will God gave for you to determine who you shall be, what you shall do, how you shall support children and then the millions in the earth.

Before India and the United States Can Come Together, the
Fallen Angels Must Be Exorcised from Both Continents

I, then, address you now on the subject of the Black Brotherhood of India7 and of those who go way, way back to the time when Jesus and his disciples left Atlantis and went to the subcontinent of India.8 I call to mind, beloved, that there are many on that continent today that are of the false hierarchy that have been of the false hierarchy for thousands of years.

I call to your attention, beloved, that India and the United States share a destiny, and yet the sharing of that destiny has not been seen in any major statement. And it is because before these peoples may come together to work their service for God on this planet, there must be exorcised from both continents fallen angels who disrupt and distort religion, politics, government and every aspect of life. This is a great burden to El Morya and to the Darjeeling Council as well as to myself.

In these times you will find very few in India as well as in the United States who are truly unascended masters. It is high time that you elected yourselves to this goal, for the people in these two nations need leadership. They need to know that by a certain path, by mantra, by service, by the spoken Word they can lead their people away from the fallen angels and allow the people to see that they [the fallen angels] are not true gurus. It is because people are idolatrous and of an idolatrous generation that they immediately fall for those who are self-styled gurus who never quite teach them to go within and find the Guru. And therefore many, many are led astray.

The calls that you have, which are the judgment calls and the calls to [cast out] the dweller9 as well as labors that you can set yourselves to for the binding of these false hierarchs, will accomplish much for the enlightenment of the entire world.

The Himalayas have been the seat, and in the Himalayas you find archives transported there before the sinking of Atlantis, ancient texts of religion, ancient teachings. So the repository is there. So Mount Himalaya has been the gathering place of adepts, and it is there to which they found recourse in the earth movements and in the sinking of continents.

In order for the seventh root race to succeed, this must be accomplished: the false guru must be exposed, beginning with the dweller-on-the-threshold of your own being. To cast out that idol is your first task. And when you do, you shall never again have idols, for you shall know that the living God lives in your temple and that he is sufficient unto you in all things.

[13-second applause]

Many Souls in India Are Waiting for the Teachings

Many souls are waiting—waiting for your coming with the teachings. (I speak still of India.) When they receive it, they shall reject those who have led them astray. They will come into conformity with the inner Atman.

Yet I tell you, that which you must do is to go after the streak of extreme materialism and selfishness that you find in India, contrasted by the magnificent Manus, the Buddhas, the bodhisattvas, the lineage of Sanat Kumara that are also anchored there and in the Far East. So, beloved, it is very difficult to find there those who are truly spiritual.

Thus, I know and I see that with the teachings published, the students trained, the ways being made open by the dynamic decree, putting together all that you have as resource, you can overcome these conditions in the earth. I tell you, beloved, if you were to make a commitment, one and all, to meet this challenge of the false hierarchs of India, the entire Great White Brotherhood and the Darjeeling Council would stand behind you to the finish!

[23-second standing ovation]

Remember that it is recorded that the tribes of Israel and Judah once lived on that subcontinent.10 It is also recorded that Jesus retired there after his thirty-three-year mission in Palestine. Thus, he spent the rest of his life there to the age of eighty-one,11 was married, had children and now has descendants who will claim that they are the descendants— and they truly are—of Jesus. Thus, you have a profile of a Guru and you understand that marriage and child-bearing are part of that path. So you may understand this and see how valuable it is, even to the Lord Jesus Christ and to many other masters that have come out of the East, to have the East restored to its reason for being.

Remember Shamballa. Remember the image of Shamballa being drawn into the etheric octave. This is a teaching the messenger has given at Summit University. In one moment Shamballa was there, and there were those fallen ones who did ridicule and put down the servants of God. In the next moment Shamballa was rolled up, as it were, as a scroll. And those who had denied it and mocked it were left on the desert sands to wonder what happened.12

So the karma descends. So the karma must be balanced. And so the golden ages will come again.

I AM Babaji. I have chosen to remain in the United States to serve her children until they come to the heart of the living God.

[31-second standing ovation]

Background on Babaji

From a lecture by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet
delivered on June 30, 1995, in the Heart of the Inner Retreat

Babaji is an unascended master who has chosen to remain unascended and to retain a physical body. He is a part of the Great White Brotherhood in the lineage of the unascended brotherhood of the Himalayas. His name means “Revered Father.”

Only a small circle of disciples knew of this master until 1946, when Paramahansa Yogananda published his Autobiography of a Yogi [Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship]. In this book he revealed Babaji’s existence to the public and related certain experiences of Babaji’s disciples.

According to Yogananda, Babaji has never disclosed his family origin, birthplace or birth date. He speaks generally in Hindi but also converses easily in any language. Yogananda says of Babaji: “The deathless guru bears no mark of age on his body; he appears to be a youth of not more than twenty-five. Fair-skinned, of medium build and height, Babaji’s beautiful, strong body radiates a perceptible glow. His eyes are dark, calm, and tender; his long, lustrous hair is copper-colored” (p.348). He has lived for many centuries amid the Himalayan snows.

Yogananda’s Sanskrit tutor was a disciple of Babaji who had spent time with the master in the Himalayas. In Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda relates that this disciple said of Babaji: “The peerless master moves with his group from place to place in the mountains.... After Babaji has been in one locality for some time, he says: ... ‘Let us lift our camp and staff.’ He carries a... bamboo staff. His words are the signal for moving with his group instantaneously to another place.... [S]ometimes he goes on foot from peak to peak.

“Babaji can be seen or recognized by others only when he so desires. He is known to have appeared in many slightly different forms to various devotees—sometimes with beard and moustache and sometimes without them. His undecayable body requires no food; the master, therefore, seldom eats” (p. 348).

Also related in Autobiography of a Yogi is the explanation given by another of Babaji’s disciples as to why Babaji has kept a physical body for so long: One night when some disciples and Babaji’s sister, Mataji, were kneeling at the great Guru’s feet, Babaji said, “Blessed sister, I am intending to shed my form and plunge into the Infinite Current.” Mataji asked, “Why should you leave your body?” and Babaji replied, “What is the difference if I wear a visible or an invisible wave on the ocean of my Spirit?” When Mataji commented, “Deathless Guru, if it makes no difference, then please do not ever relinquish your form,” Babaji replied solemnly, “Be it so. I shall never leave my physical body. It will always remain visible to at least a small number of people on this earth” (p. 352).

Yogananda says that Mataji has also lived through the centuries and is almost as far advanced spiritually as Babaji. Her name means “Holy Mother.”

The Withdrawal of Shamballa into the Etheric Octave

Excerpt from “The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis”
A Lecture Given by Elizabeth Clare Prophet
on April 28, 1991, in San Francisco, California

This is a teaching that was given at Summit University during winter quarter this year....

Shamballa is the great city of light that was built for Sanat Kumara when he came with his legions of light from Venus and offered himself to be the sponsor, the Guru, of planet Earth in one of Earth’s darkest hours, when all the people had lost their light, their threefold flame, and had descended not only to levels of barbarism but almost to the animal state.

The city of Shamballa was intact in the physical octave in the island in the Gobi Sea about 9400 B.C. We visit at the moment that the scene is shown to us. A ceremony is being performed. Sanat Kumara and his consort, Lady Master Venus, are officiating.

The ceremony takes place at a great pyramid-shaped temple of white marble. A staircase extends from the top to the bottom of the pyramid. In two lines from bottom to top of the stairs are ascended lord and lady masters in Venusian garb. They wear helmets with wings on either side—the kinds of helmets that we might associate with God Mercury. They are dressed in mother-of-pearl-colored robes and have long blond hair.

Sanat Kumara is leading a holy chant in an unknown tongue. Suddenly the atmosphere is broken by raucous cries and derisive laughter. They belong to a group who call themselves the “Realists.” They no longer remember their home on Venus. They prefer to call it a religious myth. They make up 50 percent of Shamballa’s population. Shamballa is a city as well as a temple of light. Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus, as well as the true Venusians, have hidden the sacred mysteries from these Realists.

Suddenly there is a rumbling sound. The city, the temple and all of the participants in this ceremony disappear from view. The Realists, including the group which had disturbed the ceremony, find themselves standing in the middle of a desert. The beautiful gardens and vegetation that surrounded the city have also disappeared. They live out the rest of their days as nomads. This is another example of those of the light bowing to the will of the inhabitants, the occupants of the area....

So the point I am making here between the golden age of the Sahara being withdrawn, the Hierarchs being withdrawn, and the entire city of Shamballa being withdrawn is that the golden age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis 35,000 years ago is not the first time that representatives of the Great White Brotherhood have withdrawn when the people’s consciousness no longer merited their presence.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Babaji was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, June 30, 1995, during the 11-day conference, FREEDOM 1995: “Soul Evolution—A Fusion of Mind and Spirit,, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Babaji has given one other dictation, on June 17, 1979, through Elizabeth Clare Prophet at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California. It is printed as a “Radiant Word” in the November 20, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30, no. 51.

1. Mighty Victory described the service of the unascended masters in a dictation he gave on December 31, 1976: “Unascended souls of magnificent countenance have stood with the evolutions of earth. They have stood as sages. They have stood to retain the flame at the etheric level to give comfort to life. They are the consciousness of the ascension, yet unascended. You might say they have reached the plane of samadhi, of eternal communion with the Mother light, and from that communion they have drawn forth even the light of nirvanic planes, anchoring that light here below. They are the perpetuation of the Word. They stand to ennoble the race.”

2. For the story relating Babaji’s decision to retain the physical body, see “Background on Babaji,” above.

3. Adam Kadmon. See Pearl no. 2, footnote 8, this volume.

4. The Five Dhyani Buddhas and Vajrasattva counteract the five poisons and the sixth. Tibetan Buddhists believe that the Adi-Buddha, the primordial and highest being, created, by his meditative powers, the Five Dhyani Buddhas: Vairochana, Akshobhya, Ratnasambhava, Amitabha and Amoghasiddhi. They are celestial Buddhas whom we visualize during meditation. The Dhyani Buddhas are not historical figures but transcendent beings who symbolize universal divine principles or forces. They represent various aspects of the enlightened consciousness and are great healers of the mind and soul. They are our guides to spiritual transformation. Vajrasattva [Sanskrit, lit. “Diamond Being”] embodies the five secret rays, the five elements, and the five personalities of the Five Dhyani Buddhas. He is the synthesis of the five and has the attainment of the five. According to the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, there are “five poisons” that are of ultimate danger to the soul’s spiritual progress. These are counteracted by the wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, who provide the antidote for each poison: Ignorance, antidoted by Vairochana’s All-Pervading Wisdom of the Dharmakaya. Anger, hate and hate creation, antidoted by Akshobhya’s Mirrorlike Wisdom. Spiritual, intellectual and human pride, antidoted by Ratnasambhava’s Wisdom of Equality. The passions—all cravings, covetousness, greed and lust—antidoted by Amitabha’s Discriminating Wisdom. Envy and jealousy, antidoted by Amoghasiddhi’s All-Accomplishing Wisdom, the Wisdom of Perfected Action. A sixth poison, Non-Will and non-Being—fear, doubt and nonbelief in God, the Great Guru—is antidoted by Vajrasattva’s Wisdom of the Diamond Will of God. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 3, 1989, “Teachings of the Buddha: The Five Dhyani Buddhas and the Five Poisons,” and “Introduction to the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Their Mandala,”

In a dictation given on June 28, 1993, Vajrasattva, as spokesman for the Five Dhyani Buddhas, explained: “It is our office to come in this hour, for you have pulled and pulled and tugged and tugged. And each time you have recited our bija mantras, you have pulled us to the very levels of the earth, you have pulled us to the very levels of the astral plane, you have pulled us to the lowest levels of incarnation of all souls who are karmically tied to you” (“Becoming the Gentle Ones: Vials of Antidotes for the Five Poisons,” in 1993 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 36, no. 40, pp. 555-57).

The bijas (seed syllables) and bija mantras of these Buddhas are:



Om Vairochana Om



Om Akshobhya Hum



Om Ratnasambhava Tram



Om Amitabha Hrih



Om Amoghasiddhi Ah



Om Vajrasattva Hum

5. The bodhisattva pledges to forgo the attainment of nirvana as long as there remains a single being on earth who has not been liberated. One who is eligible to take the ascension may choose the path of the bodhisattva and tarry with mankind as an unascended master or, like the Bodhisattva Kuan Yin, serve mankind as an ascended master. The masters have cautioned that by postponing the ascension, there is a risk of making more karma because the challenges faced after balancing 51 percent of our karma are greater. Furthermore, the masters have most recently advised us, due to the instability of current world conditions, to choose to take our ascension.

6. Atman [Sanskrit, breath, self, soul, Universal Self, supreme Spirit]: in Hinduism, the inner essence of each individual, the immortal self, the indwelling God, the supreme universal Self, absolute consciousness identical with Brahman.

7. For teaching on the Black Brotherhood of India, see El Morya, July 5, 1985, “The Mission of Twin Flames Today: How to Join Forces with Your Twin Flame for Freedom,” in 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 33, under the subheading “Burdens of India and America: False Gurus.”

8. In her October 13, 1991 lecture, “A Profile of Ernon, Rai of Suern,” Elizabeth Clare Prophet reviewed the details of Jesus’ journey from Atlantis to Suern (modernday India). She said: “Jesus was the emperor of a golden age on Atlantis 35,000 years ago. He stepped down as monarch of Atlantis because 80 percent of the people demanded it. The 20 percent who supported Jesus left Atlantis with him and traveled to Suern. This was about two million people. One million of them made their ascension from the land of Suern. The other million continued to embody. Most of them went astray and lost the tie to their Holy Christ Self.

“These million souls continued to reincarnate on Suern and Atlantis. Through the centuries they gave birth to many of the souls who had turned against Jesus during the golden age on Atlantis. So,... former Atlanteans from that golden age were embodied on Suern. These Suernis continued to reincarnate and continued the stiff-necked and stubborn behavior they had exhibited on Atlantis and in Suern.

“The Suernis were then given the opportunity to embody as the seed of Abraham to atone for the karma they had made, some of them by betraying Jesus during his golden age on Atlantis and others by descending into a downward spiral of evolution on Suern. It was for these karmas that the children of Israel were put into captivity in Egypt. The children of Israel have continued to reincarnate to the present day. The one million who had been with Jesus on Atlantis reincarnated in the tribe of Joseph through his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, whom Jacob blessed as his own. The tribe of Joseph was one of the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Today, these one million are reincarnated principally among the peoples of the British Isles, the United States and Canada.

“The Suernis reincarnated in the remaining nine of the ten tribes of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and in the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Today, those nine tribes of the Northern Kingdom are generally reincarnated among the European nations as Christians, whereas the two tribes of the Southern Kingdom (Judah and Benjamin) and some Levites are generally reincarnated among the modern-day Jews. For reasons of karma, the seed of Abraham have also reincarnated in every nation.”

See also the Ascended Master Ernon, Rai of Suern, October 13, 1991, “Lessons Learned: The Remnant of the House of Israel; Adeptship by Free Will,” in 1991 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 34, no. 61; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 28, 1991, “The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis,” on, item A91074 (163 min.).

9.Judgment calls and dweller calls. See Pearl no. 3, p. 38 n. 3, this volume.

10. The tribes of Israel and Judah in India. See note 8 above.

11. After his resurrection, Jesus Christ journeyed to Kashmir in India, where he lived until his passing at the age of 81. He took his ascension from the etheric retreat of Shamballa. See 1984 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, Book I, Introduction, p. 11; and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 28, 1991, “The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis” (see n. 8 above for ordering information).

12. For the story of the withdrawal of Shamballa into the etheric octave, see the excerpt from the messenger’s lecture “The Golden Age of Jesus Christ on Atlantis” following these notes. Archangel Zadkiel, in a dictation given on March 2, 1996, commented on the withdrawal of Shamballa: “In one day, Shamballa was transported to the etheric octave. And where there had once been a magnificent city, suddenly there was only desert. Those who stood by and beheld Shamballa literally rise into the heavens and disappear beyond the clouds were left standing on the desert floor, gaping in wonderment. The story of Shamballa is the story of a dispensation lost for the failure on the part of many to receive a great hierarch of light. The people’s karma descended in a day because they neither revered nor obeyed the Lord Sanat Kumara. It is another episode in the archives of a planet in which a dispensation was lost because of the sin of ingratitude” (1996 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 39, no. 10).

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