Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 46  No. 40 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - October 5, 2003

Practice Sainthood Daily

Walk in the Footsteps of the Great
Saints of East and West

Ho! Let the angels of light descend!

I make this fiat, for I have allowed world pain to come upon your temple, your four lower bodies, your spirit and your soul. I have come bearing world pain. This is an initiation of the bodhisattvas of East and West. When you are able to bear some element of world pain, beloved, you have entered the path of sainthood. And where you are willing to bear that pain, for others cannot bear it, you acquire stripes of merit.

As I contemplate the holiness of the Path and the various forms East and West that this holiness takes, I must pause to point out that the best of the offerings of the Catholic Church is a pattern of sainthood. Yet this sainthood does not come at the top of the Church. It comes from the rank and file, the lowly, such as Padre Pio and many others. And among you there are counted any number who in past lives have followed the path of sainthood, for it was your deepest love and calling.

Entering into the mystical path of Christianity, you discover souls of light who pant for the living God<1> and to be one with the Lord Jesus Christ. This is their service night and day. They wrestle with demons that are physical, as Padre Pio did. They wrestle with demons of the astral plane and all levels. They wrestle with their own dweller-on-the-threshold and they call for the judgment of all elements of their beings not in keeping with that course [of the mystical path]. Thus, for thousands of years the Church has been sustained by the blood of the saints and yet not by the higher hierarchy itself.

So you come to understand, beloved, what I would speak of to you this day. Many of you were not brought up in the Catholic faith; therefore you do not have the tradition of being close to Mother Mary or Saint Joseph or the Christ Child or the many other saints who are celebrated throughout the world. I must mention to you, beloved, that you cannot pursue a worldly existence, taking exception to the rules of God and his commandments, going this way and that, following any whim that the demons pull you toward, making many mistakes and many wrong turns.

Do Not Take for Granted the Dispensation You Have

I would ask, then, that all ye who carry that single flame of fire that we have for the coming of Sanat Kumara might pattern your life after the lives of the saints and read of the most famous saints in Butler's Lives of the Saints<2> that you might understand that sainthood is within your reach and grasp, that many of you could have had sainthood long ago for the very momentum of decrees that you have given for so many years. And yet, beloved, when you have had the opportunity to pursue that path, building on the foundation of your decrees, you have either not known how or not been taught how to pursue a path of sainthood hour by hour and day by day.

What we see, then, here in this Church is a certain taking for granted that you will have your victorious ascension in the light if you will give the certain amount of decrees in your lifetime that will be necessary for this to be accomplished. Yet, having so done, you are so easily drawn into the activities of the world. And a certain patine of worldliness comes upon you, and the fire and the light of the saint that you are within, yet not without, is not there.

I, then, would point out to you that you have the Science of the Spoken Word and the violet-flame decrees. Whereas there are many saints in the Church who shall not ascend for they do not have that violet flame, yet you do have it. They, then, perform all manner of arduous deeds, of difficult practices, of giving their lives for the saving of souls. This, then, is their so-called violet flame. This is their good karma. This is the means whereby they achieve transmutation.

Transmutation comes to you with the snap of a finger and a pure heart. As you open your decree book and begin to invoke that flame, you are instantaneously and automatically balancing personal and planetary karma.

So, then, shall we say that the children of the Church Universal and Triumphant are somewhat spoiled and know how easily they can so erase the mistakes of yesterday by the violet flame? Do they then indulge themselves in various activities that are of the world out of which they have come? Blessed ones, the stability of life and of the lifestream is all-important. I must remind you, then, to not take for granted that which you have as dispensation but to walk in the footsteps of the great saints of East and West.

Be Saints of the West Who Mirror the Saints of the East

Think, then, of Padma Sambhava. Think of Maitreya and Manjushri. Think of Kuan Yin. Think of the great female saints who surrounded Padma Sambhava. Think of all of this and remember that all of this and more you are capable of, and you are capable of it for the glorious dispensation that you have.

I desire to see deep prayer and meditation and daily going to the altar of your nearest center or the altar in your home. I desire to see you become saints of the West who mirror the saints of the East. I desire that you should understand that the Catholic Church and the Eastern Church have survived because of the individual saints within these Churches. They have kept the Church alive, and so you must keep this Church alive by a sense of holiness and sanctity.

This I must bring to your attention, beloved, for many of you take wrong turns and then are wholly enveloped in your own lust. You go this way. You go that way. You are not steady. You are as though drunk with your own sacred fire that you then misuse, for you seem to have so much of it because you give your decrees. And therefore you draw it forth but then turn around and misuse it.

You are easily led astray, for you have not called for the gift of the discernment of spirits—yes, of the very demons that come to torment you, to twist your mind, to take you in this or that direction which is the “way that seemeth right...but the end thereof are the ways of death.”<3>

When you have been on this path for a year or five or ten, you must guard carefully every word you speak, every action you take. For there will always be the demons attacking you in your four lower bodies and in your soul just as Padre Pio had to deal with those demons night after night after night. These demons have come to you through family members, through parents, through friends, through enemies. But God has given you this opportunity because you have the strength, because you have the knowledge, because you have the light. This is why there are given unto you major challenges. You must not fail these tests!

Build a Citadel of Sacred Fire

I report to you that any number of members of this community have failed major tests up to this hour of the thirty-first of December. What a pity, beloved. It is such a time of testing in the six-week cycle before the end of the year, and that testing does come to all in the world. Why, then, should Keepers of the Flame, who have the highest calling and the greatest understanding, why should they be caught in the mesh of such traps? Why should they, beloved? It is because you are not practicing sainthood daily.

When things go well you do not decree. And things go well for a while, for the demons are sowing a trap for you, they are building a trap. And so you are ensnared. You fall into the trap because you have not sustained a pillar of fire about you at night and a cloud of the witness of your mighty I AM Presence by day.<4>If the great prophet Moses and all the children of Israel could not survive without that pillar of fire and that cloud of witness, do you suppose that you can survive without it?

You are almost playing Russian roulette with the teachings, beloved. It’s as though the teachings were here to serve you rather than you serve the ascended masters and their teachings and thereby acquire a new level on the ladder of initiation.

This Church must be built upon the foundation of souls who know they have been through the darkest, deepest despairs in many lifetimes, who are convinced with an absolute conviction that in this hour they must waste not a moment to build that citadel of sacred fire that no demon may enter to poison the waters, to poison the kidneys or the liver or the brain or the stomach or any part of one’s being.

When you see fellow chelas veering to the right, to the left or sinking below or getting giddy at the heights when they are drunken with the new wine of the Spirit, I ask you to offer counseling, to offer friendship, to offer wisdom and even to shake awake those who are falling into paths of darkness.

Call in Prayer for Intercession at Inner Levels

I think you would consider it amazing to understand and know how much the messenger knows about so many of you at the soul level, how the messenger observes when you take your dips and stray far from the center of being. Yet do you call in prayer for intercession at inner levels from the messengers or the masters? When you are convinced that you are on a course and you do not want a saint or an ascended master to change your mind, you make yourself scarce. You do not come to church, for you are bent upon pursuing this business, this relationship, this scheme, this folly. And so in a matter of weeks or months you have lost much. Losing that sacred fire, beloved, is one thing. But going back to the Karmic Board again and requesting another opportunity—I tell you, each time you do this you have less and less that can be given to you by the Lords of Karma.

So you see, beloved, there is no room for indulgence. When you appreciate the holiness of your Holy Christ Self, the holiness of God, and count your blessings that you have such a wondrous understanding of true spirituality—when you have all of this, beloved, then come to the altar, not in pride or rancor or with anger toward your fellow chelas, but come to the altar in profound and abject humility for the opportunity to be a survivor, a survivor unto the fullness of your ascension. This is what we offer you.

You Have Come to the West to Conquer Materialism

We are based in the West, for this has been the sponsorship and the dispensation of Saint Germain and Sanat Kumara. Yet you must shun the materialism, the idolatry, the indulgence in the misuses of the sacred fire and the placing of these pictures and motion pictures saturating the youth with the indulgence of the sacred fire in the chakras. When you see all of this, you must remember that there is a great trap in the West, and in the West is the trap of materialism, of sensuality. Therefore you have come to the West to conquer that materialism, that materialistic consciousness, that sensuality in all of the five senses and all of the chakras that takes you thither and yon and beyond the center of being. One and all, you are here because you have karma of this type of having indulged in a material civilization to the point of even losing your soul.

Why have we called for soul retrieval? It is because of the fragments that have tossed and tumbled in the waves of materialism, causing the soul to sink. Thus, if you are born in the West, you must expect that as a spiritual traveler you must beware constantly of the temptations to enjoy the fruits of this materiality.

I tell you, beloved, if you were in a monastery in the East where there are holy women and other monasteries for holy initiates, you would not have these temptations. You would not even be near them. You would be cloistered on a path. And yet if you could see these monks and nuns throughout the earth today, especially in the East, you would realize that the dispensation of Saint Germain for the Aquarian age has not reached them. They are still in the old dispensation of Buddhism, Hinduism and the world's major religions.

What a pity! Yet they strive so hard and they have so little—not a drop of the violet flame to transmute a day’s transgressions. This is an hour for you to count your blessings and to move forward into the new year with a profound humility and a sense of sorrow that you have in any way violated the laws of your own being, of your Christhood or of your I AM Presence.

We who are the bodhisattvas of the world and beyond worlds, I who hold the office of Lord of the World, one and all, we who have come up the ladders of the Eastern tradition, as many of you have, speak to you and we say, do not allow this period of decadence, of the dark night of the Kali Yuga<5> descending into this entire hemisphere to take from you your absolute victory.

I Give You a Sense of Co-Measurement

The messenger can tell you much about yourselves, yet you must ponder yourselves and go to the altar. And by and by, if you have not resolved, write a letter and know it is answered at the soul level. The commission of the messenger is not to go after you but to wait for you to come to the altar. Though the messenger may know many things that ought not to be, if you are not prepared to confess them, if you are not prepared to make things right, the messenger remains somewhat in my Electronic Presence, the presence of the Buddha, aware, constantly praying for you, constantly calling for you and every lightbearer in the earth to be cut free, yet the messenger will not cross the line and invade your privacy unless you are determined to put that old man into the sacred fire and to step out of the fire fully clothed in the garments of your Christhood.

Therefore I give you, in this talk that we are having, a sense of co-measurement—co-measurement, beloved, measuring your Self in its highest manifestation of Christhood against the measurement of the man, the woman, the child that you are today. What is the co-measurement of that being that you shall become but of that being that you are not anywhere near becoming in many cases? That is the co-measurement you must look at—not that you are doing a great job, but what is the job that you must do and how much have you accomplished and how will you attain to the fullness of the stature of your Christhood. How will you do it day by day, willing to know pain each time you go to Mass to bear the cross of Jesus, to bear his wounds, to bear his body, to bear his world pain? This is the meaning of entering into the citadel of Sanat Kumara, of Shamballa, in the etheric octave.<6>

Let Those Who Take and Do Not Give Move On

I would see a revolution in consciousness in all Keepers of the Flame. I would see in your eyes a holiness that will be observed by anyone who sees you near or far, on a plane, traveling, walking down a dusty road. Those who meet you will not miss your aura or the fire of the eyes or the expansion of the heart—that is, beloved, if you truly follow the calling of Kuthumi, of Jesus, of the saints of old and the saints in your very midst.

I have spoken thusly, beloved, for if you do not have that fire of the eye, that magnanimity of heart, that openness of giving and serving and helping and of having the quality of mercy, then those who have that fire and are the true seekers will not only pass you by but they will pass by the Church or the teaching center, for they will say: “This people has a great calling and a great teaching, but where is the light of their chakras? Where is the light of the heart? Where do they lay down their life for humanity? Where are these pilgrims that we are looking for? We do not find them in this Church or in this teaching center, for too many are caught up with self-serving projects or money schemes or diversions this way and that as though they would live to be a thousand years old.”

Thus the true seekers that come out of the East and out of the Churches of the West, beloved, they will enter, they will look at you and they will say: “We thought this was the right place but we see by the actions and the vibrations of these supposed keepers of the flame that we are not in the right place. We are in the wrong place. We must look elsewhere for the highest path and the highest teaching on earth.”

It has been said to you before and has been on the heart of El Morya that he will invite any number of those who are tied to our centers who only take, as moths about a flame, and yet do not give—so the master has said: “Let these move on. Let them find their comfortable niche. For while they are buzzing about the flame, they cover over the beauty of the fire of the hearts of the true devotees.”

If you are not a representative of Saint Francis, of Saint Clare, of your own sainthood of centuries past, if you do not bring that representation to the fore in your Church, this Church, if you do not bring it to others, then, I tell you, they shall not remain. It requires the magnet of all hearts and the hearts of love, such a profound compassion and kindness and concern for any one you may meet along the road of life. That quality of heart makes you a part of the Great Central Sun Magnet. And those of you who have not developed the heart chakra, you cannot attract the Great Central Sun Magnet. You have no spiritual magnetism to draw your soul into the glory of God and other souls to the path of this high calling.

And what about the empty ones and the vague ones who have condemned the messengers and who have left in high dudgeon? So, let them go their way. These are the moths that spin around the flame, or the great “light bulb,” but they accomplish nothing but to weigh down those who truly keep the flame of life.

Make a 180-Degree Turnaround

Blessed hearts, I ask you to look into your libraries and to find books about saints—saints that go back two thousand years, saints of the East, and saints of today who are in your very midst, yet living, having not yet ascended. Study the paths of those who have found the ultimate joy of giving service to life. Then you will have the key. Then the doors will open. Then the masses will enter in. Then there shall be glory. Then there shall be victory. Then there shall be healing. Then there shall be true wholeness and not so much attention to the self almost to the point of being narcissistic. Blessed ones, forget the self. For the only self that is true is the Self that is your God Self, your Holy Christ Self.

I am calling for a 180-degree turnaround of all chelas—chelas of the West who have the violet flame and you who call me Gautama, Gautama Buddha, your friend and your teacher. I ask you to take that 180-degree turn and think of the seriousness that Mother Mary has brought to you of the loss of souls every day for want of saviours.<7> I say you have been with this path long enough. You must decide that you will become a world saviour, and you can begin with yourself.

I, Gautama Buddha, ask you to ponder these things. For the example you set will be what draws to this organization [the equivalent of] that particular example. The higher the example—the pride that is conquered, the absence of it and all anger—this will bring to you higher and higher souls. You cannot magnetize what you are not. And I have spoken to you in this hour of what you are not.

Now study the lives of the saints and become one. For you may accomplish many things of service, but, I tell you, sainthood is a part of your calling if you would insure with a divine insurance that you shall make your ascension in this life.

I seal you on the mystical path of Christianity that all the true saints have known, and I send you the love of the cosmos.

Vajra! Vajra! Vajra! Vajra!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddhawas delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, December 31, 1995, during the five-day New Year’s conference The Convening of the Stars,held December 28, 1995, through January 1, 1996, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Before Gautama Buddha’s dictation, the messenger delivered a biographical sketch of Padre Pio. Following the dictation, Sanat Kumara gave a dictation. See Sanat Kumara, December 31, 1995, “Purge the Earth of Pride,” in 1999 PoW, vol. 42, no. 11. Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to

1. “As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God” (Ps. 42:1).

2. Butler's Lives of the Saints, four-volume complete ed., Herbert Thurston, S.J., and Donald Attwater, eds. (Christian Classics, 1956), contains biographical accounts of 2,565 saints.

3. Prov. 14:12; 16:25.

4. Pillar of fire and cloud of witness. Exod. 13:21, 22; 14:19, 20, 24; Num. 14:14; Neh. 9:12, 19.

5. Kali Yuga: Sanskrit term in Hindu philosophy for the "age of darkness." It is the last and worst of the four yugas, or world ages, comprising a cosmic cycle. It is characterized by strife, discord and moral deterioration. See 1992 PoW, p. 578 n. 1.

6. See glossary The Alchemy of the Word, in Saint Germain On Alchemy, s.vv. “Sanat Kumara” and “Shamballa.”

7. Souls about to be lost. See Pearl no. 32, p. 302 n. 6, this volume.