Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 46  No. 21 - The Beloved Maha Chohan - May 25, 2003

Seek in This Hour to Go to the Heart of God

Keep the Flame of the Fire of the Heart

Vessels are ye all. I would inhabit them but I cannot. Clean the vessels and remember the labors, labors of Hercules in which you participated with great diligence.<1>

I would ignite you with the fire of the Holy Spirit but I cannot. Let there then be the purging of self at unconscious and subconscious levels of all that bespeaks of the pride of the ego. Cast this into the living fire of God ere the very structure of life be consumed by the fires of anger, the fires of hell.

I AM the Lord the Maha Chohan. I rejoice in this day and in your oneness and in the glory of God that you perceive. May you come to a humility that is a field of daisies, a humility that extends forever, that internalizes the Word, creates the chalice, becomes the Word.

As there is an acceleration of darkness in the earth, so there must be a greater acceleration—an acceleration of love and light, of mindfulness and surely of an understanding that you have yet to see how dark the dark cycles of the turning of this century can be or how light are the light cycles that you may experience within your own temples and chakras.

This is indeed a time of trouble, and yet the people do not identify the trouble. Do they guess that the upheavals of flood, of fire, of tornado, of calamities that have happened in the nature kingdom here and abroad—do they even guess, beloved, that the judgment that is delivered from the heart of the God Star is the judgment of abortion, of taking life instead of giving life?

Thus the judgment descends swiftly, else it should pile up and continue to pile up and then how could the world be retrieved? You see, beloved, the sleepfulness, the density, the insensitivity to life—this is what causes the upheavals. You are subject to them. You are subject to the hardness of heart that has grown.

Guard the Threefold Flame and Increase It

Whichever way I look, I return to the center of the threefold flame. Many have lost that flame and so at the end of an age they have nothing to show for their labors. For a labor that is a labor of the pride of self and the pride of the handiwork of oneself is not an acceptable labor. The only acceptable labor is that which you lay on the altar of God to his glory and seek none of your own. You have heard these things before; I put them together.

Beloved, be humble before your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Be profoundly humble. For if you would be his chela you must have, then, in all internal integrity and integration of the soul with God, that point of realization. And the realization is the path. The realization is that without the threefold flame man is become as beast.

So, beloved, guard the threefold flame and increase it. Balance its plumes and remember that anger will snuff it out. There are only so many times over many, many lifetimes of an individual that that one can send forth anger and still retain that flame. Beware of this, beloved. Anger and pride go hand in hand: it is the pride of the fallen angels. They seek to draw you into that pride. What do they know about eternal life? Nothing, absolutely nothing.

Before Closing Your Eyes at Night, Commune with Me

I would suggest, if you ask me, that you spend even five or ten minutes, before closing your eyes at night, of communion with me that I might teach you, that I might give you increments of sacred fire of God as you prove to me that nothing shall move you in the way of the sin of anger but that you shall know a oneness that you will guard with seraphim, a oneness of a guardian action of protection—protection of the heart, protection of the chakras, protection of the four lower bodies and your very living soul.

Seek now in this hour, beloved. Seek now in this hour to go to the heart of God, who lives within you yet, that you might know a fire that flows for the enveloping of the soul that the soul might become nearer and nearer to full bonding with the threefold flame and the Holy Christ Self. There are some of all ages in this community who carry that light. Those of you who do not carry it may not recognize it when it is present in a loved one or someone you scarcely know.

The keeping of the flame of the fire of the heart—this is the calling of each Keeper of the Flame of Saint Germain's fraternity.<2> Remember this, beloved. Remember that without a threefold flame there is not, as has been said, civility, kindness, the kind word. Truly, millions have been stripped of contact with God through television, through motion pictures, through idleness, through forgetfulness. Let it not be said of you that you lost your race for want of the flame of the Holy Spirit.

As you look at the four quadrants of your cosmic clock you see north, south, east and west. You see the power of the Father above, the Mother below, the Son to the right and the Holy Spirit on the nine o'clock line—the nine o'clock line that includes deception of all kinds.<3> And so it can become a great burden, for in order to enter the citadel of my retreat and my heart you surely must clear this path, the path that goes from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the rejoicing of the Holy Spirit.

As you know, many of your Christian friends and great hearts of light do seek that flame. Oh, how they need the violet flame to sustain the energies of the Holy Spirit! How they need the LORDAstrea<4> and Archangel Michael to bind all demons and fallen angels who lead them in paths of unrighteousness!

Seek and find eternal life in the threefold flame in your heart. Seek and find there the Atman<5> and the very God of gods. This is what is permanent about your reality. The flesh and the three lower bodies shall pass away when you have your victory, but now they are all you have. These must be chalices for a tremendous, tremendous outpouring of light.

Darkness Must Come that the Light Might Consume It

Do not be afraid when I tell you that darkness must come that the light might ignite it and consume it. Darkness must come to have a golden age. The darkness must be outplayed, beloved, and you have not yet seen the dark, dark night that can come upon the earth.

How long do you suppose that the LORDGod shall sustain nations who allow the killing of children? Whatever it may cost you, beloved, in reputation, I say to you, defend life. For one day you shall look for a defender and you may not find one, for you have not been the defender of life. I tell you, beloved, it is inevitable that darkness increase. Darkness must increase that light can consume and consume and consume.

Let this community, then, number in the thousands, the hundreds of thousands and the millions. What will it take, beloved? The slaying of pride and arrogance, coming into alignment with the laws of God, expanding a heart of love, taking wise dominion over one's entire state of mind and consciousness. It will take this, beloved.

Notice, then, how the acceleration of Jesus Christ was able to bring in the multitudes, thousands upon thousands. You will know the thousands and the millions when you personally and individually find this unconditional love.

Strive to Embody the Virtues of God

Recall, then, that God does repay, God does judge, God does give mercy, God does give love. Therefore you can afford, you can afford to increase in the tremendous power of the Holy Spirit. As you look upon those who are personifications of God in various lines and levels of Hinduism, you come to realize that there are many great beings of light who embody the virtues of God. Strive to become such a being.

As you have looked at Hanuman,<6> have you perhaps said to yourself, “Now, if I had such powers, see how I would change the world”? Well, beloved, you can call to your mighty I AM Presence and have those powers. And your mighty I AM Presence will tell you what violet-flame decrees you must give to overcome, consume, literally transmute by the energies of the Violet Planet all that is within you that would cause you to be limited and mortal and incapable of wielding the power of the gods. Who are the gods but yourselves—yourselves in the making.

Your Godhood is your I AM Presence. As you draw nigh to that God Presence and become one with that Presence, you feel the mounting strength. You feel the fearlessness. You know the sense and the power of Elohim and archangels. You are one with them.

This is the meaning of Pentecost. This day and date as it is celebrated is a moment in time and space when the Holy Spirit descended. And that Holy Spirit took the apostles, and where the apostles went, Christianity spread. And though it has been compromised and almost defeated, and though Jesus' image [as the world knows him] is nothing compared to the reality of the image you know, yet, beloved, in this hour I say: You can have that victory. You could have and can have that limitless sense of the empowerment of God. Yes, “Tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high.”<7> God has promised this to each and every one of his sons and daughters.

First and Foremost, Balance the Threefold Flame

First and foremost, beloved, balance the threefold flame. Do Saint Germain's Heart Meditations.<8> See how the heart will grow and how you will understand that in your lifetime, even as in the messenger's lifetimes, there has been step-by-step growth. Hold on to the light. Intensify and increase the size of your threefold flame. All of this is within your power, your reach, your grasp. You have the Law. You know the Law. Why do you doubt? Why do you doubt when you are told that the brethren have seen the risen Christ? Yet they denied it. What is this doubt and fear? What is this darkness that lurks?

I say to you, beloved, let the momentum of seraphim lead you into a higher consciousness. One and all of you are ready for this. Take stock. Determine even this night as you kneel at this altar or in your rooms—ask yourself, “What is the one thing I would give up today that is the block to my spiritual path?” Then this very night cast it into the sacred fire and go after it day after day after day until its momentum no longer has a stranglehold on you.

You can have the Holy Spirit and you can have it mightily, for you are protected by archangels. You are protected by God. And you know the way and you know how to bind those who are demons. You know how to pray the Ritual of Exorcism<9> for those who are infested. You know so much, beloved.

Get On with the Enfiring of Self

What is the grayness? What is the grayness that is an overlay that somehow makes you not know that ye are gods? Ye are gods in manifestation, just as Hanuman or Brahma or Vishnu or Shiva, Sarasvati, and so forth, are. Ye are gods. It is written in the Old Testament and it is written in the New, “Ye are gods; and all of you are sons of the most High.”<10>

Prove this, beloved. Get on with the enfiring of self. Get on with the enfiring of self. Pull down the fire, beloved, and see how millions will be attracted to you and this community. It is the missing ingredient.

Some of you in small ways and others in very large ways have allowed anger and pride to stand between you and the very empowerment that you seek, which ought to be yours legitimately. See this, beloved. See and know that you can have all that I AM, all that the ascended masters have. The question is, when will you simply claim it? When will you claim it and simply know that we have empowered each and every one of you to accomplish what you must accomplish for this Church and for your ascension?

We have in our calendars the day and date of your ascension. And even if you have not yet balanced 51 percent of your karma, we have your names. We have written on them “candidate for the ascension,” because we know and believe that you can attain to this glory. Now, beloved, it is up to you.

In the glory of the risen Christ and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, I seal you in this hour. Let my love and the white fire of my being purge you of anti-love, purge you of anti-light. Move on, beloved. This is the hour of your victory.

I bless you now and I send you to the very heart of hearts of my causal body. I invite you to my retreat<11> and I will tutor you. I will show you why you have held back. And I will take your hand and I will bring you to those levels where you shall see that the world can change because you are a part of it.

I seal you now. And I commend you to deep prayer and for a great understanding of your victorious God Presence.

[The sacred breath sounds three times.]

So I breathe upon you, beloved. Receive the breath of the Holy Spirit and multiply it with gladness.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Maha Chohan was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Pentecost Sunday, May 26, 1996, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to

1. The labors of Hercules. In August 1989 the messenger requested decree assignments from El Morya to accomplish “meritorious deeds” that would help the Great White Brotherhood, El Morya, the Church and the lightbearers of the world. During the 1989 fall conference, The 12 Labors of Hercules, Archangel Michael announced that Hercules and the Seven Elohim had come to give us spiritual labors. He said: “They come to give you those assignments whereby this world may be delivered of certain increments of karma and certain manifestations of the fallen ones whose time is up.” During the conference the messenger and chelas worked on 12 spiritual labors corresponding to the 12 labors of Hercules in Greek mythology. Beloved Hercules and El Morya have periodically given us labors for the binding of astral forces and fallen angels attacking the lightbearers. These decree assignments, as the messenger has explained, are also for penance, initiation and the balancing of karma.

2. The Keepers of the Flame Fraternity welcomes all who desire to make a commitment to preserve and uphold the sacredness of life. For more information about the fraternity, contact The Summit Lighthouse, PO Box 5000, Corwin Springs, MT 59030-5000 USA. Telephone: 1-800-245-5445 or 1-406-848-9500.  E-mail: Web page:

3. The science of the cosmic clock, taught to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet by Mother Mary, provides the means of understanding and charting the cycles of personal and planetary psychology and karma that return to us daily as the tests and trials of life and the path of initiation. On the cosmic clock, God-reality is charted on the 9 o'clock line under the solar hierarchy of Libra. The perversions of God-reality include dishonesty, intrigue, treachery and deception. For further study of the cosmic clock, see “The Cosmic Clock: Psychology for the Aquarian Man and Woman,” in The Great White Brotherhood in the Culture, History and Religion of America, pp. 173–206; and Seminar on the Cosmic Clock: Charting the Cycles of Your Karma, Psychology and Spiritual Powers on the Cosmic Clock, 2-audiocassette album.

4. The LORD Astrea. In the Bible, Elohim, as the manifestation of God, are referred to as LORD God (Jehovah Elohim). Mighty Astrea is the feminine Elohim of the fourth ray.

5. Atman [Sanskrit, breath, self, soul, Universal Self, supreme Spirit]: in Hinduism, the inner essence of each individual, the immortal self, the indwelling God, the supreme universal Self, absolute consciousness identical with Brahman.

6. Hanuman, son of a god in the form of a monkey, figures prominently in the Hindu epic the Ramayana. Hanuman has supernatural powers and performs great heroic deeds. He is rewarded with immortality and eternal youth.

7. Luke 24:49.

8. Saint Germain's Heart Meditations I and II, delivered by the messenger at Saint Germain's request, are for the clearing, strengthening and initiation of the heart chakra and the balancing of the threefold flame. They include devotional prayers, decrees, mantras, hymns, meditations and visualizations as well as instruction and invocations by the messenger and the opportunity for participants to offer personal prayers. Saint Germain's Heart Meditation I, given May 3, 1987, on 93-min. audiocassette, A87027. Saint Germain's Heart Meditation II, given July 10, 1988, at the Heart of the Inner Retreat, includes a dictation by Saint Germain not published anywhere else. For Keepers of the Flame only, 3 audiocassettes, 3 hr. 49 min., S89055.

9. “The LORD's Ritual of Exorcism,” in “Invocations to the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet,” Section 80.00 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness. The messenger has given the following instruction for giving “The LORD's Ritual of Exorcism”: Give the entire decree (Step One and Step Two) one time through. Then repeat another 32 times the section titled “Invocation of the Presence of the Hierarchy of the Ruby Ray and the Great White Throne Judgment of the Ancient of Days.”

10. Ps. 82:6; John 10:34, 35.

11. The retreat of the Maha Chohan, the Temple of Comfort, is located on the etheric plane with a focus in the physical at the island of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Here the flame of the Holy Spirit and the flame of comfort are anchored.

Introit to the Holy Christ Self

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested within the threefold flame of love, wisdom and power burning within my heart, I decree:

1. Holy Christ Self above me,
Thou balance of my soul,
Let thy blessed radiance
Descend and make me whole.

Refrain: Thy flame within me ever blazes,
Thy peace about me ever raises,
Thy love protects and holds me,
Thy dazzling light enfolds me.
I AM thy threefold radiance,
I AM thy living Presence

Expanding, expanding, expanding now.

2. Holy Christ Flame within me,
Come, expand thy triune light;
Flood my being with the essence
Of the pink, blue, gold and white.

3. Holy lifeline to my Presence,
Friend and brother ever dear,
Let me keep thy holy vigil,
Be thyself in action here.

And in full faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the light and free! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!