Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 46  No. 7 - Beloved El Morya - February 16, 2003

It Is Time for the Victory

We Have Assignments for Every One of You

Etherealization of Consciousness Is the Order of the Day

Part 1

Hail, keepers of the flame! I rejoice in your joy. And may the joy of your Lord be filled—filled with untold grace. I greet you, beloved, in this turning of the year and I come for the acceleration of cycles.

Won't you be seated, then.

I place my love mantle upon you. And I come in the configuration of the Holy Spirit. I come, for the Darjeeling Council<1> asks for helpers, recruits. Come, therefore, to Darjeeling.<2> Make it your target call each night. See that you retire early and therefore come and be seated at our table, deliberate with us and reason together with us. Bring to us what you know of this world, that we might put all things together in the computer of the mind of God.

[There is] much to be accomplished, beloved. There are thousands upon thousands of saints in heaven but there are not millions and millions of saints in heaven. Thus, you see, we work with those who have their causal bodies ready and prepared. Some of you have built your causal bodies for many, many centuries; thus your offering is great. And we need that offering.

We have assignments for every one of you. We will send you here and there according to your expertise, your familiarity with the nations where we send you, the areas in the world and in the United States. We will send you to the ghettos. We will send you to the places of those of means. We will send you, beloved, until you have come to the realization as to what is the cause and core of the acceleration of ignorance in the world.

You know that ignorance itself is that which is anti the living Buddha. So the Five Dhyani Buddhas come.<3> So ignorance must be banished. How can you banish it except you fill the light of the mind in glory, the glory of the crown chakra, the glory of the sun of Helios and Vesta.

Blessed ones, it is time for the victory. We have labored thousands of years for this victory. We count on you. We will train you at inner levels. You will come back in the morning<*>—eventually with remembering or having internalized many ways of accomplishing the goal and accelerating that goal.

The Teaching We Give Relates to the Issues in the Streets

Blessed ones, it is important to meet on what the hierarchy does deliver to you through the messenger in each quarterly conference. If you do not take time to do this and to examine these dictations quickly, as soon as they are transcribed,<4> you may not have an understanding of what is the thrust in your service. What we give to you in teaching is not an ethereal, spiritual, apart teaching. It relates to the very issues that are in the streets.

You know that the issues of drugs abound. You know that young people are using guns. You know that there is a gross distortion of life and that the public schools in this nation are simply not up to par with the schools of the rest of the world. You understand that the media is filling the minds of the children, the youth and the adults. You understand that many do not even understand how the government of the United States of America is run. What does the Senate do, beloved? What does the Senate do? What does each portion of government do for America? How can you vote? There are many in this country who do not know how to vote or whom to vote for, for they do not follow the politics of the country. How can a country remain free and independent if all of its citizens do not follow the actions that should be taken?

So I ask you, beloved, not only to mark those issues that are specific to a quarterly conference but to meet and say, “How can we act on behalf of the Great Divine Director? How can we act on behalf of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray?” We come for a reason and it is not alone to give you information. It is to transfer the white fire and the blue lightning of the mind of God. It is to make you practical in resolving issues in this country that none others have been able to tackle, such as the drug problem.

Serious Issues Are at Hand—Consider What You Can Do

The drug problem is enough to destroy a nation, to destroy generations of children and young people, and yet it is not under control. So in those areas, beloved, where action must be taking place, you must consider what you can do, starting with your decrees but finishing with probing, probing the situations and saying, “We can take action in this arena. We can take action in that arena.” And you can also report back to the Darjeeling Council.

We need K-17 and Lanello and you need them also, that you might know when there is that portent and that possibility of this or that building being blown up by fanatics.<**> You find therefore, beloved, that in the Middle East there is almost an eruption and it may come quickly, and that eruption being that there will never be a turning back to peace in the Middle East. This is imminent, and the very imminence of it requires you to focus on this in your [prayer and decree] work.

Look, then, to the nations. Look to the [former] Soviet Union—amply prepared for nuclear war, not too prepared in their armies but nevertheless having tremendous potential to destroy this nation. As you know, many missiles have been removed in this country and therefore America the vulnerable is still America the vulnerable. Thus, Gene Vosseler and others have gone forth and will continue to go forth to make the statement that America is not protected.

Blessed ones, serious issues are at hand. Children of the light who must come into embodiment are being aborted and aborted at term.

Blessed ones, these are the crises of the times. You must not be engulfed by them or overwhelmed by them. You must make the call in fervor with a deep determination. You must feel the fire of your being going back to the heart of your I AM Presence. And you must know with conviction that the fiat you make in each of these issues will work and what you have called for will come to pass.

See to it, beloved. Do not be burdened by the sense, “Oh, we have so many decrees to do we don't know what to do.” Beloved, it is the single fiat with the power of one's entire fiery being that you have culled through the ages that can neutralize and turn around these negative situations. Do not be overwhelmed. Your mighty I AM Presence is able. Your Holy Christ Self is able. Speak the word, speak it succinctly, and Mercurian messengers take that word and the momentum behind it to turn around situations that seem hopeless.

I Assign to You Angels Proficient in the Work You Do

Now let us get off the sense that we simply cannot do all that we have to do. This is a myth. I assign to you now angels who are proficient in the type of work that each of you is doing. Call upon those angels. Give them assignments. And be thrilled at what they will bring back to you and what will fall in place, what will be on your desks, what you will be able to accomplish.

This is the missing link. You cannot have a restructuring process<5> without the thread of spirituality running through everything that you do. If you don't make spiritual contact with your mighty I AM Presence, then you work at the human level. You might as well be a this or a that who [does not have the teachings and the Science of the Spoken Word that you have and therefore] is not giving to the LORD God the best of himself, which is making the call, drawing forth the action, contributing to the action, and watching how the world changes.

Let the violet flame be your assistant. Let violet flame angels in numberless numbers stand by you. Call to them! Send them on a mission! Tell them what you want cleaned up in your teaching centers, in your study groups and in the larger arena of terrorism itself. Realize, beloved, there is much to do, but do not be frantic.

This is my message to you. You can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth you<6> as long as you remember that you are not the doer. When you become the doer, you will become so overwhelmed that you cannot even begin to figure out what you should tackle next. And therefore it becomes a self-defeating cycle wherein the decrees no longer work because “there are too many of them” and therefore we wind up going back and relying on the human self to accomplish what must be accomplished.

to be continued

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

*from the etheric retreats

**K-17 is the code name for the ascended master who heads the Cosmic Secret Service. Lanello works closely with him. Call to Lanello and to K-17 and the legions in his command to expose, by the power of the All-Seeing Eye of God, all forces and plots that would undermine the sovereignty, security and stability of the nation. See K-17 and Lanello, June 29, 1996, “Threats to the Security of the Nations,” in Pearls 4 and 5, this volume.

This dictation by El Morya was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 14, 1996, during the six-day conference A Soul Journey: From Darkness into the Light of the New Day, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Part 2 of El Morya's dictation is printed in Pearl no. 8. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to

1. The Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood consists of ascended masters and unascended chelas. El Morya is its chief. The council's objective is to train souls for world service in God-government, the economy, international relations, and the realization of the inner Christ in all. The Darjeeling Council is headquartered at El Morya's retreat, the Temple of Good Will, in the etheric plane over the city of Darjeeling, India, in the foothills of the Himalayas. On October 8, 1994, El Morya announced a nine-month program at Darjeeling for members-in-training under the Darjeeling Council. See 1994 PoW, vol. 37, no. 40, pp. 474-75.

2. You can make the call each night to go to El Morya's retreat over Darjeeling by soul travel in the etheric body during the hours of sleep. The master has suggested that those who wish to attune with the vibration of his retreat concentrate upon a photograph of Darjeeling and listen to the keynote music of the retreat, which was set down in part by Sir Edward Elgar in his “Pomp and Circumstance” (see “Pomp and Circumstance,” opus 39, Military March no. 1 in D Major). On March 30, 1991, Elizabeth Clare Prophet said: “While your physical body is in the sleep state, you have the opportunity to travel in your finer bodies to the etheric plane to receive nightly lessons from...the ascended masters. You may not necessarily remember these experiences during your waking hours but they are real nonetheless. Some people have glimpses of their experiences at inner levels through their soul memory or their dreams, as the door to realms of light—our real and eternal home—opens just a crack.”

3. According to the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism, there are “five poisons” that are of ultimate danger to the soul's spiritual progress. These are counteracted by the wisdoms of the Five Dhyani Buddhas, who provide the antidote for each poison. See Elizabeth Clare Prophet, July 3, 1989, “Teachings of the Buddha: The Five Dhyani Buddhas and the Five Poisons,” on 90-min. audiocassette B89096); and “Introduction to the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Their Mandala,” in 1994 PoW, pp. 13-26. See also Vajrasattva, June 28, 1993, “Becoming the Gentle Ones: Vials of Antidotes for the Five Poisons,” in 1993 PoW, pp. 555-57.

4. “Meet on what the hierarchy does deliver to you....Examine the dictations.” The messenger's longstanding policy for swiftly disseminating key information from current dictations—dispensations, instructions for spiritual work, timely messages—is this: Once dictations were transcribed, a member of the Office of Ministry would examine them carefully and compile the main points into a document which was then distributed to teaching centers and study groups to share with members. This procedure allowed the organization's membership to move forward in a timely manner in applying the teachings and responding to the masters' requests. Audio (and sometimes video) tapes of the dictations were also made available for purchase. At the conclusion of the October 14, 1996 dictations, the messenger confirmed this procedure, saying: “We'll get back to you the most salient points of these dictations. ...And so you will have that as well as our [audiotapes and] videos in your teaching centers.”

It has long been the messenger's policy that dictations, lectures and other deliveries not be released in audio, video or print form until after they have been edited for that form. On March 19, 1997, she said: “I think we have a misunderstanding in the field...[with] the requests you have made for receiving the Pearls of Wisdom immediately...that happen to be from our quarterly conferences or other events. The process of the Pearls coming into print is not a simple or an easy one....I put a tremendous amount of work into the Pearls of Wisdom....Sometimes it may take me an entire week to complete a Pearl....We have Lanello's Library of Listening Grace....You and your friends can go together and get one set of tapes and you can hear the entire conference as soon as it has been edited [for audio or video] and is ready for distribution....So the original Pearl is the dictation and then the master working with me is the completion of it in a form that now becomes literary....You can understand the Pearls because they are in written English.”

The vast body of teachings released through the messengers constitutes the sacred scripture for the Aquarian age. The messenger's unwavering goal has been to present the teachings with the highest integrity and accuracy. On August 13, 1988, at a “Prayer Vigil for El Morya,” she spoke of the complexity of editing the dictations for print. In concluding her comments, she remarked: “I consider, therefore, the preparation of the Pearls of Wisdom the most holy and primary function of my service next to the taking of the dictations. And the preparation of these for print takes much, much more time than the giving of the dictation, but my preparation for the dictation is my whole life and my lifestyle and therefore I am in continual preparation to receive whatever dictations the masters may give. I would like you, then, to understand that our highest communion is the dictations.”

A note about the editing process: Now that the messenger is no longer actively editing the dictations for the Pearls of Wisdom, some have wondered whether editing them is still necessary or even possible. It is both possible and essential that we edit as we have been trained to do by the messenger. On August 10, 1983, the messenger said: “People wonder what we mean when we say 'to edit.' To edit does not mean to change; it means to set forth in type what is spoken. I think some people think that dictations arrive all punctuated and paragraphed in midair. And I think they probably are in midair paragraphed and punctuated, which is all the more reason why we must have a high attunement to put them on paper to be sure that what is on paper reflects the way they are said and the way they are written at inner levels. And, of course, the title is there but it must be found.”

In the Summit University Press “Training Guidelines for Editing Dictations,” which documents the messenger's standards for preparing dictations for print, we read: “We have been taught by the messenger that the editor's job is to edit dictations to reflect the words and the spirit of the master who is dictating. We seek to convey the master's rhythm, cadence, emphasis, etc., through paragraphing, punctuation and accuracy of the words. This takes not only skill, but it also takes attunement with the master, the messengers, and the Holy Spirit. We consider our work of preparing dictations for publication to be the consecrated and sacred labor of preserving the scriptures for the Aquarian age. We recognize that in editing dictations it is not our job to 'fix' the masters' original delivery so that it reads 'better.' It is also not our job to change words to clarify their original meaning. Our assignment is to represent the spoken word as accurately as possible. The published dictations are the foundation upon which others will teach, comment or expound for centuries to come.”

5. Refers to the restructuring of the organization that was taking place at the time.

6. Phil. 4:13.