Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 46 No. 2 - Beloved Amerissis, Goddess of Light - January 12, 2003

Stop Abortion or Lose the Nation and the Nations

I AM Amerissis, Goddess of Light. If you desire light, call unto me! Create a vacuum of darkness that I might fill it with light. In other words, purge the dark places that I might find empty vessels and quickly fill them with light and then establish my heart tie to your heart through the living Saviour, Jesus Christ, through the beings of light who ensoul light, such as Mighty Cosmos, the Goddess of Purity, the Queen of Light. For many of us, light is everything! Light is the alchemical key, as Saint Germain has told you. Without light, without the candle of the heart, there is no existence.

Now I come, and I use rays of light to expose! fallen angels, aliens, spacecraft, those gathering to move against the Woman clothed with the Sun—yes, beloved, all sorts of plots, and yet they ultimately have but human power.

Satanic power is no power, if you believe it. But you must be strong in all your cells and atoms, in the mind, the heart, the chakras. You must stand upon the Rock of Christ and feel that Rock under your feet and know that by the Rock of Christ and your calls for protection from Archangel Michael and Astrea, you shall defeat! you shall defeat! you shall defeat! these fallen angels who have no right to be on this planet, to be engaged in their human engineering, et cetera, et cetera.

Darkness Must Be Exposed

Blessed ones, you must have a sensitivity, and that sensitivity comes by light. The sensitivity is the intuitive faculty whereby you sense the presence of something that is not of the light. Now, as I would repeat to you, beloved, if you know the light, you call forth the light, you are the light and you are surrounded by the light and you know the difference between light and darkness, then you will always recognize the darkness, for the light will show it up.

Darkness must be exposed! See a beacon of white fire coming forth from your third eye at the brow. See the power of this beacon, more powerful than any man-made beacon. This beacon coming through the third eye can reach the farthest corners of the universe. This is the empowerment that your God has given unto you! Do you already feel a sensation of intensification even as I speak? It is because, beloved, I am clearing, cleansing that third eye. I want you to be aware. But I want you to be sealed, sealed in light where darkness may not enter.

By having that beacon light, beloved, you will work with K-17, with Lanello; you will work in every nation in your finer bodies when the physical body is at sleep. You will come, beloved, and you will locate those points where espionage is being practiced, where K-17 and Lanello expose plots against this nation, plots against other nations and all types of misuses of the light by powers-that-be who yet believe that material power is all power. Well, it is not, beloved.

And when you walk in the Sun of your I AM Presence, you are rising with that Sun, you are rising with that light. Day by day you make your ascension. If you increase even a decibel of light each day, the light that is in you and your Holy Christ Self will multiply it.

Let There Be Light!

Thus, call to God Harmony. Let us sing to him often in this retreat. For when you hold your harmony, I will see it, I will know it, and I will say, “Ah, here is a chela who has determined to hold his harmony. I will give him more light, more light.”

The Electronic Presence of your being, your deathless solar body,<1> the garments of your ascension—what are they composed of? They are composed of light! So you see, beloved, why long ago I selected light to be my focus. Light is what you weave, the garment, the bridal garment, whereby you are ultimately wed to your Holy Christ Self. Light itself is the thread.

So, let us say together now in a rolling momentum, Let there be light!

[Audience joins the Goddess of Light in giving the fiat “Let there be light!”]

Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!
Let there be light! Let there be light! Let there be light!

[Audience continues giving the fiat “Let there be light!” as the Goddess of Light gives the fiat “Light!”]

Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!
Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!
Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!
Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!
Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!
Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light! Light!

So be seated in the light that you have called forth. It is a point of mastery. And as I have said, I have used the third eye. For it is time now that you are no longer blinded by your own dishonesty with self or dishonesty with others or dishonesty with your God. It is true, beloved, that you can make tremendous strides. And where there is darkness you will sow light because you will have that light to spare in your chakras.

So Long as Abortion Continues, Calamities Will Come

Now, I am a mother of light and I am a mother of lifestreams. And I tell you, beloved, on this very subject, that the storms, the weather, the flooding, the fire, the calamities of nature are given to this nation conceived under God to awaken them, to awaken them, to awaken them that they may not abort their children! And so long as they continue to abort their children, these calamities will come!

And the messenger is determined to speak to the nation and the world on this issue. For it is clear, beloved, that this will increase. And this is a major reason why there could be cataclysm in the remainder of this decade and into the next centuries. Because our God has said, “Thus far, no farther! We will not, we will not spare the rod and spoil the children of this nation—the adults who would rather have their pleasure than be inconvenienced by having a wondrous child to care for in their arms and nurture.” What could be a greater gift from God?

Blessed ones, mark my word! The messenger has been given this message day after day after day: Stop abortion or lose the nation and the nations. For this is God's country. This is Saint Germain's country. This is the Goddess of Liberty's country. This is the country of the keepers of the flame. And those who abort life, they shall go down! They shall go down! But this time the nation in its entirety will go down with them until this crime is stopped! [35-second standing ovation]

I thank you for standing for the child, for the mother, for the father. Please be seated.

If You Take Life, So Life Will Be Taken from You

Now, beloved, some from the extreme left and some from the extreme right have had different reasons why they champion or do not champion abortion. Well, I come in the middle of the road, and I tell you what my statement is and what is the statement of the messenger.<2> It is this, beloved, that unless and until the people understand the law of karma and the law of reincarnation, unless they tear from their eyes the scales that do not allow them to see and to see that their religion is at fault, this will continue.

Understand, then, that the greatest challenge that must be proclaimed is this: If you take life, so life will be taken from you. If you abort a child, you may reincarnate to have that child again and pay the price of that karma.<3>

If people really understood—if they are of the light, they will understand—that to compromise life that God has given is against the law of nature. It is against the law of their own souls, if they will tune into those souls. People must be taught, you cannot commit abortion with impunity! You will come back to save that life, else you will spend the rest of your life caring for other children, balancing your karma in that manner.

There are millions of people in the world who believe in reincarnation. Yet they still do not put two and two together that if they abort a life, they will have to give life and they themselves may be aborted by another. So it is the law of the teachings of the ascended masters. The law is unfailing. It will not bend. It will not bend to the selfishness and the sensuality of the people. And therefore you see what has come upon the nation.

Take Up the True Teachings of Jesus and Bring Light to the Nation

Blessed ones, when you see the clergy in this country, Protestant and Catholic, you see the shallowness, you see the emptiness. Why, beloved ones, the messenger observed, during a period of great drought in the Southern states recently, how a pastor and the members of his church gathered in a circle with their Bibles, with their umbrellas to pray for rain. Rain did not come.

Why did it not come, beloved? It did not come because they have not truly bent the knee to the one whom they call Lord and Saviour. They will not take up his true teachings through this activity. They will not say die and confess that what Christianity teaches today is in many parts a total sham, a dead ritual. Blessed ones, they could have invoked that rain by giving the mantra to Helios and Vesta until the rain should come.<4> For Helios and Vesta never fail the heart that calls for rain if rain is necessary. This is the teaching you receive so simply, that your children use as they recite, at the earliest ages, the mantras that bring light—yes, light and more light—to this nation.

God, then, is no respecter of persons. He is no respecter of churches. He is the respecter of the temple built without hands—the temple of the God within you. There is the place of the life everlasting. There is the place of truth and immortality. There is the place of compassion, compassion, compassion. Yes, beloved. Yes, beloved.

Cry Out to God Daily to Save the Children

And it does affect the nation. It does affect the nation as homosexuality and lesbianism are on the rise and are vaunted, flaunted before the children. Yes, you know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and why they went down.<5> So understand, there are deep cleavages in the rocks of this nation and in the earth. And one day they may simply separate. And then you will know what it was like as you remember Atlantis and Lemuria.

I do not come to threaten. I do not come in any way to cause you fear. I come to cause you to respect the law of your being and to be true to your God and to care for innocent life. For once upon a time you were conceived. You were in your mother's womb. You came forth. You grew to be a man, a woman. You found this teaching. You made your way to this tent.<6> And as a result thereof, you may very well make your ascension in this life. I pray you give gratitude to Almighty God.

What is required here are the judgment calls<7> upon those who do late-term abortions, who abort at all, and secondly, beloved, to call for the absolute protection of souls who must be born to fulfill their destiny in this timetable.

Nothing worse has happened on the planet—not nuclear holocaust—to compare with the holocaust of the killing of the unborn. I ask you to be grateful that you have a body and an opportunity to ascend and not let a day go by that you do not cry out to God to save the children in the womb or even those who cannot even get in the womb because their parents practice not having children.<8>

This is my plea, beloved. There is nothing more precious that can come to you than the precious child of God. May you all be mothers and fathers. May you all understand the nurturing of life, that there is a price to be paid for the ascension. It is giving back to God what he gave you—life, birth, education, parents, advancement, having degrees, moving on, becoming lighter and lighter until you will not be able to hold yourself to the ground, such shall be the impetus of the light in your garments.

Blessed ones, I could speak of many social issues. I have chosen to speak of this one, for it shall be the downfall of this and all nations if there is not a turnaround. I ask you to meet between sessions, in the mornings, in the evenings, to come together with your strategy, to get out bumper stickers and to reach people—reach people with the true teaching of why we do not abort.

Cast the Past into the Fire. Let All Things Become New

So, beloved, I seal you in this moment. We of the ascended hosts who are attending this conference by invitation of the Darjeeling Council and even the Solar Logoi greet you in love, seal you in love. And now I part the veil, beloved, that you may see greater reality. I part it, beloved. See greater reality and act upon it.

You need not be ashamed of the past unless you continue it. I say, cast the past into the fire. Let all things become new. Let all things become new, even your Christhood.

I seal you. I bless you. When you call to me or to the Goddess of Purity, when you call to Mighty Cosmos, when you call to the Queen of Light, you have instantaneous light. It is like a precious oil. Treasure it and use it for the healing of the broken hearts of mothers who have aborted their children and regretted it ever since. So, my beloved, my love goes with you to your victory.

Come forth, legions of light!
Come forth, seraphim!
Come forth, Holy Justinius!

For they are ready. And we await your acceleration of consciousness in all in attendance.

I seal you in the everlasting love of God. Amen.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Amerissis, Goddess of Light,was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 27, 1996, during the eleven-day conference A World Convocation of Spiritual Seekers, held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. For book ordering information, go to The Summit Lighthouse online bookstore.

1. The deathless solar body is the wedding garment (referred to in Matt. 22:1-14) that the soul must wear if she is to enter in to (1) the alchemical marriage (the soul's permanent bonding to the Holy Christ Self) and (2) the ritual of the ascension (the Christed one's permanent fusing to the I AM Presence). See “The Great Deathless Solar Body,” in Dossier on the Ascension, pp. 154-59; and 1989 PoW, p. 516 n. 15.

2. The messenger's statement on abortion. On March 30 and April 3, 1991, the messenger conducted a five-part seminar, “Life Begets Life,” on the right to life and the ascended masters' teachings on abortion: Part 1, “Abortion from the Perspective of the Soul”; Part 2, “The Abortion of the Divine Plan of a Soul”; Part 3, “The Stages of Fetal Development”; Part 4, “Methods of Abortion”; and Part 5, “What Does the Child Feel during an Abortion?” The messenger discussed the erroneous beliefs that support abortion and gave key teaching on the soul's integration with the physical body and what the soul experiences in an abortion. She showed video clips of interviews with former abortionists and footage, recorded with ultrasound equipment, of the fetus at various stages of development and during abortion. Available through CD on Demand at See also Dr. Neroli Duffy, Wanting to Be Born: The Cry of the Soul (released in 2002), based on the teachings of Elizabeth Clare Prophet. The fate of the unborn child is one of the most controversial issues of our time. This book takes a new look at the issue, from the perspective of the soul—the soul of the parent and the soul of the child.

3. If you take life, you must pay the price of that karma. See Rev. 13:10; Matt. 26:52; Gal. 6:7. The law of karma states that our thoughts, words and deeds—positive and negative—create a chain of cause and effect, and that we will personally experience the effect of every cause we have set in motion. In Walking with the Master: Answering the Call of Jesus (released in 2002), we read: “If you are a woman who has had an abortion or a man who has encouraged a woman to have an abortion, the messenger assures you that whether or not you knew about the sin of abortion at the time, it is not going to prevent your ascension in this lifetime if you give yourself to God in a service that can balance that karma. Such service would include helping children in some way, working with children, praying and decreeing for the youth or bearing a child if it is God's will” (p. 273; see all of chapter 13, pp. 257-78). The masters and messengers teach that God is the one who metes out his justice and it is our job to forgive. In a dictation given February 27, 1993, the Blessed Mother Mary spoke of abortion and forgiveness: “If abortion has entered your life, I say, call upon the violet flame for the healing of the soul in pain for its mission cut off. Call on the law of forgiveness for yourself. Do not condemn yourself, for I, Mary, do not condemn you, but I urge you to seek early the opportunity of serving life and caring for children that you might learn to love your own inner child and balance the karma of abortion. And pray that in due course you might have a family and bring in the soul or souls whom you aborted through ignorance in an hour when you were perhaps distraught, misled, faced with choices without being given the facts about the life that was aborning in your womb—or perhaps you knew and denied what you knew” (see 1993 PoW, vol. 36, no. 16, pp. 208-10). See also Wanting to Be Born, pp. 78-80.

4. Mantra to Helios and Vesta, “The New Day,” decree 20.21 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees.

5. Sodom and Gomorrah. Gen. 13:13; 18:16-33; 19:1-29.

6. The main events of the conference were held in a 100' x 250' tent in the Heart of the Inner Retreat.

7. Judgment calls. The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has explained that invoking judgment brings blessings to both giver and receiver. She said: “The Call accelerates the cycles of returning karma,...whether of the judgment of the seed of the Wicked One or of the resurrection of the elect....By facing their returning karma head-on, those who have gone astray or asleep can learn quickly from their mistakes, make amends, and return to right mindfulness and right action before the whole mountain of their karma should descend upon them, effectively destroying their opportunity for another chance to 'do it right' in their present embodiment. The judgment call and the dweller decree bless the giver and the receiver, liberating both from layers of unreality—scar tissue of bygone traumas that must be cleared for the soul's resurrection in Christ. In giving these invocations, you must be prepared for whatever you send forth to also activate the light in your own world.

“The judgment of the Son of God is the greatest blessing that anyone who loves the Lord could ever receive. It is like a pre-exam or a midterm before the final that lets us know where we stand vis-á-vis God's laws. When we know where we stand, and what we know and what we don't know, what is pleasing and what is not pleasing to God, we can then study, correct and perfect our understanding and our actions, so that when the final examination comes, we will pass....We know not how God will accomplish his purpose or how the holy angels will implement the judgments of the Son....We are charged to make the call, and the armies of heaven under the archangels are charged to implement the answer, subject to the will of God and the adjudication of the Son, in Jesus and in us” (1983 PoW, vol. 26, no. 38, pp. 447, 448, 450).

In a dictation on April 28, 1991, Gautama Buddha said: “Let God be the judge! Let you supply the call that the judgment (whatever be the will of God) might reach the earth even when you know not right from wrong. May you know the value of your service and know that the call is the means to your victory as you bless all life and in so doing balance karma” (1991 PoW, vol. 34, no. 24, pp. 323-24).

Archangel Zadkiel has advised: “Be free from all feelings of criticism, condemnation or judgment of individuals, whether they are perfect children of the light or whether they are individuals who actually do walk in darkness. You a feeling of criticism, condemnation or judgment of any individual bring one ounce of freedom to that soul or one ounce of freedom to your own. Only by recognition of the God-intent to free the earth can you actually manifest the purity of the divine consciousness that not only sets that blessed one free from those errors which he has made but also goes out and returns full circle into your own world to bring you that blessed feeling of God-freedom and God-happiness which you crave and should have in manifestation” (unpublished dictation of April 5, 1969).

For an extensive listing of teachings on the judgment and on the science of the Judgment Call, see Mysteries of the Holy Grail, Notes, ch. 11, n. 5.

There is forgiveness after abortion. Reread the messenger's and Mother Mary's healing words (note 3 above) and the Goddess of Light's message on casting the past into the fire (p. 18, this Pearl).

8. On October 3, 1965, the Goddess of Liberty stated the position of the Karmic Board on family planning: “You ought not to bring forth more children than you are able to care for and for whom you may adequately express your love.” Those in the pro-choice movement say that a woman should be able to choose whether or not to have a child. As the messenger stated in her “Life Begets Life” seminar, “We all agree, but we also must state that she makes her choice before conception—not after. We have better and better birth-control methods. And the time to decide whether you are going to participate in the creative process is never after conception. Abortion is not a birth-control method.”

O Mighty Light
by the Goddess of Light

I AM light within, without,
Expand, expand, and forever expand!
Field of consciousness within, without,
Absorb God's light and then command
Light of God to forever expand!

Fill the world, the land, the air,
The sea and sky and everywhere
With awareness for I AM there,
Sharing God and joyous prayer—
Beyond the earth in outer space
Expand the power of cosmic grace.
Our God is there and everywhere,
And where I AM, O thou art, too,
To increase awareness of thy truth
And show me in my I AM eye
The holy beauty of the sky.

I see thy light of diamond hue
Sparkling, shining, through and through
The pores of self in body large,
The macrocosmic universe.
I AM with thee, O God, I see
The light expand as path to thee.
The power flows, my being glows,
And Christ within, without me shows

I AM the way to peace and power;
Thy Spirit makes me one this hour.
O God, demand and now command
Thy Presence in our holy band
Of devotees of heaven's grace—
Show me, command me to take my place!
In Freedom's band I'll ever stand,
By Victory's power I wake this hour
To feel, to feel that flow of power.

Blaze right through me, light of God,
Spiral nebulae, suns of light!
Blaze right through me, truth of God—
Fill my mind with great delight!
I AM thy grace, manifest here,
Thy perfect love is shining clear.

Command thy Selfhood to be mine,
Expand, expand in heaven's name!
Command my soul to be thy flame,
Expand, Expand, O Love Divine!