Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 45 No. 44 - Beloved Goddess of Liberty - November 3, 2002


There Is Only One Way to Make Your Ascension:
Accelerate Every Single Day of Your Life

Hail, sons and daughters of Liberty! I stand as the Mother of Liberty before this nation. And I come to this place, beloved, for I am comforted that there is a gathering of souls of light who know the meaning of liberty. In the joy of this paradise where you live, do be seated.

I come, then, to you with a message of love, but I also precede it with the sternness of the white fire of Elohim. Elohim have told you, you have the wherewithal to save the earth, to make your ascension. I trust you will read and reread, listen to and listen again to the dictation of Astrea and Purity<1> that you might never forget that you count. You count as one—the one God who lives in us all.

I stand in New York harbor. Many of you have been by the Statue of Liberty or entered it. This messenger, at the age of nine, climbed the stairs of that statue, and little did she know that I smiled upon her future endeavor. Thus, it was a great rejoicing of my heart.

Now I tell you, beloved, to be worthy of [being] keepers of the flame, to be worthy [to be among] those who will ascend in this life in glory with their stripes, with their golden victorious sense, there is much more that you can and should be doing. And so I speak to you of this. Eliminate from your lives the distractions of the media save those which bring to you necessary information for your calls. The plight of the youth of this nation is tremendous. They are weighed down not only with drugs but with substances of sugar, alcohol, et cetera. There are armies that must be formed and you are counted among those armies. There is no time for indulgence.

The True Teachings of Jesus Christ

Perhaps those of the United States may be called the most indulgent people in the world. Well, beloved, they also are among those who are the greatest in the world in industry, in divine love and in the fervor of religion. But alas, they do not have the true religion of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

But those among you who have tarried till the night have determined that you will get that book of Jesus Christ out that the world might know what is his true teaching, beloved.<2> Jesus Christ has been stuck with the rap* [*rap (informal usage): “accountability,” “undeserved reputation,” “blame”] for a false theology that bears no similitude to the reality of that which he gave forth. And beloved, Origen of Alexandria set forth the true teachings of Jesus Christ, yet these were cast aside. And those who had nary a brain in their head, they are the ones who wrote what is called Christianity today.

Well, beloved, you must understand that unless the Christians understand Christianity, they will not make their ascension. Unless those who lead them will give them the flame of the Holy Spirit as it ought to be given, there will not be those mass ascensions of these Christians. And when they arrive in the next octave and realize that they must return, beloved, I tell you, their zeal increases. Their determination to be part of this community is suddenly something that they are all even fighting for—to get there first in their next incarnation.<3>

Beloved ones, it is a crime of the age of Pisces that must be cor­rected. And this messenger and this staff have determined to serve in harmony for the publishing of that book early this spring. And we are grateful and we say, do not let it linger one moment longer than the hour that you have ­chosen for the completion of this book. And if there are those among you who can join the ranks and assist, we must tell you that unless this teaching go forth, many, many will be lost for this round of incarnation.

I wonder how many here have relatives who are of the Christian faith. Raise your hands, beloved ones. Are you not burdened that in most cases you cannot transfer to them the teachings, the true teachings of Jesus Christ? For in fact, beloved, they have never been correctly written down since the third century a.d.

So, beloved, they have come, Theodora and Justinian.<4> They have come, these fallen ones. And there is the predicament. You know in your families and you know among your friends there are souls of such light as to be a part of this community. Yet they cannot, for they are truly indoctrinated by the sinister force and the fallen angels who have so distorted the true and living presence of Jesus that you can hardly find words written in scripture that were actually spoken by Jesus.

Now, beloved, the doors have opened. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the Nag Hammadi texts—these teachings, beloved, are now being pondered, are now being published. But again, beloved, who will interpret them? You know that your two messengers are the Witnesses.<5> They are the witnesses of this calling and this teaching of Jesus Christ, for both served with him in those days. Know, then, beloved, that the setting forth of the true teaching of Jesus Christ can be the springboard to victory of all souls of light.

Diligently Cut Free Souls of Light

Pray, then. Pray, then, that the false pastors will not lead them astray all over again, that they will not feel an obligation to be tied to this priest or this minister or this church or that church or that particular doctrine. Know, beloved, that the entire doctrine must be purged and the light must come forth and the path of the ascension must be taught. And reincarna­tion and karma, as twin pillars in the temple, must be promoted by every one of you. Blessed ones, I tell you, there is no time to tarry.

I have decided to place in the retreat over New York City<6> a very large space where we may count and see how many of you are diligently cutting free souls of light, how you may bring them to this retreat. We will [keep] score with you. We will determine and we will know how hard you have worked, how many calls you have given, how many Astreas, what you have given up that you might make your ascension in the moment of your transition.

Beloved ones, I am counting on you and I say, You have played your tunes, you have danced. You have done this and that and passed the hours, the lifetimes, the centuries, the millennia. You have passed them with frolicking and no particular purpose but to exist. Now, beloved, I say, go after that solemn purpose. And know and remember that once, before the messenger came to your hometown or before you read the books of the messengers, you did not know the truth of the message of Jesus Christ. You did not understand.

Now you are in the lap of luxury. You have been fed these fruits, the fruits of the Spirit. And so there is a tendency to say, “Well, we know the Truth. We need not go forth, expend ourselves, lay ourselves, our lives down for others. We now know the Truth. We have the Truth. We are comfort­able. We can sit back and play games and do all sorts of things of entertainment.”

Well, beloved, I will be counting, for I must count. And I must send you a report when you are dangerously in a situation where you may lose the opportunity of balancing 51 percent of your karma because you have been lax. And it is that laxitude that I would speak to you about.

It Is a Time for Acceleration. Do Not Wait!

It is a time for acceleration. Blessed ones, these four lower bodies do not have the capacity for acceleration. It is the deathless solar body you are weaving that contains that possibility of acceleration unto immortal life, that possibility of entering into the oneness of your I AM Presence without having to be several hundred years in this or that retreat balancing a karma that you should have already balanced.

O beloved hearts, this is the moment. This is the moment of your liberty—and note the time on your watch.* [*October 13, 1996, 3:55 p.m. (MDT).] For I, Liberty, am standing here for you, with you today and I say, Let us be as one army of light. Let us with K-17 and Lanello and Cyclopea expose, expose and expose the fanatics in this nation who do not under­stand the true meaning of liberty but they have distorted it, beloved, by their own pride and their own hollowness and nothingness.<7>

Do not wait! Do not wait, beloved. Every day souls who have not reached the 51 percent mark, even though they have had the violet flame, pass into the next octaves. Every day people go into other octaves. Some make it into the etheric octave and some who have not truly used the violet flame must stay in the astral plane for a period.

And I tell you, if any of you seated here or on the patch throughout the world think that there is anything funny about going into the astral plane, well, I tell you, beloved, it is a ­horror of death and hell. And you will be jeered. You will be made fun of. You will be laughed at. You will be chased. And you will know and say to me, “Goddess of Liberty, why did you not tell me what a horrendous thing it is to have to go even into the levels of purgatory?”

Yes, beloved, these things will come to pass when you do not take advantage of what we have given our lives for, our causal bodies for.

I am your cosmic Mother of Liberty. I am one with Saint Germain. I was there when he founded this nation, these colonies and placed his mark on what has become the United States of America—the greatest country in the entire world because it has the greatest sponsorship, that of Saint Germain and many other ascended masters. And this is why those of you who have come from other nations have chosen to live here, for you have realized that this is the gate that opens for you into the gate of heaven.

Now, beloved, for a moment of silence, think about your priorities.

[44-second pause]

Contemplate the word acceleration. See the firing of rockets or the space shuttle. What has carried these instruments of science, these inven­tions has been acceleration—acceleration of know-how, acceleration of mind and consciousness, determination that yes, we can build. We can transcend ourselves. We can send probes to Mars.

Yes, beloved, acceleration is the key to your ascension. The brain must accelerate. The thinking mind must accelerate. The heart, the pulsation of the Holy Spirit in your breast, must accelerate. You cannot be as you were in the past. There is only one way to make your ascension and that is to accelerate every single day of your life—to accelerate, to move quickly, to act, to do, to recognize what is important, to leave behind those chatterboxes who continue to chatter and chatter. I must close my ears when you chatter and chatter, for it pains me. And it pains those of us who have lent to you our causal bodies.

You are in the most advantageous position you have ever been—in this organization, in any church in this century and past centuries all the way back through the Piscean age and earlier on Atlantis. You have the greatest opportunity you have known in thousands of years!

Therefore, I say to you, I am your cosmic Mother of Liberty. I must chasten you for your dillydallying. And I must commend you for all the wondrous things you have also done.

I commend those who deserve commendation and I see your Holy Christ Selves draped around you, beloved, and it is something to be­hold. Then I see others with shrouds of darkness, whether their own contempla­tion of negativity or their being a part of this or that film or this or that activity that brings the soul down into the very pits. Luckily, you have a physical body and you can climb out of the pits. Therefore climb out today. There is no time to wait.

Walk as Ascended Masters but Yet Unascended

I say, walk as ascended masters but yet unascended. Walk with Kuthumi. Walk with Jesus. Walk with all those who carry the flame of liberty. Beloved ones, that flame will carry you. Now let that flame in your heart be balanced. Not only let it but see to it that you balance it. Go out and work a work to bring up the weakest plume of the three. Go out and perform that work and service selflessly until you know you are bringing up that flame, that plume of the threefold flame that you have neglected. Do not say to yourself, “What do I like to do and what do I not like to do?” There are many tasks to be done; you simply don't consider whether you like them or not. You do them because the world of ascended masters and cosmic beings is waiting and needs you to do those specific tasks.

So, beloved, I am certain that I love you. And I ask you for that inimitable love to be returned to me from your hearts. I ask you not to shrink from me but understand that I am a cosmic being and I do not turn down my decibels for anyone. For I send forth light! Light goes through you now. It goes through all on the patch and all keepers of the flame and lightbearers, no matter what their religion, who have that spark. I send light from this altar. And this altar of God is your home ultimately.

Yes, beloved, I am the Mother of Exiles. From where have you been exiled? Tell me. Have you been dropped off from some weary planet that was barren, even without vegetation or water or oceans? Who has exiled you and from whence have they done this? Have you accepted your exile in the earth? Or have you said, “I am triumphant in this earth. I am the winner with Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty. I AM the winner! I AM the winner! I win in my Christ Self. I win in my I AM Presence. I win in the Holy Spirit, for I AM THAT I AM!”

This is the way; walk ye in it.<8> Do not sigh. I will give you strength. I will give you momentum from my causal body. I will give you energy. Wake up, then! Wake up, then! Wake up, then, and know, O children of the Sun, sons and daughters of God. Stand upon your feet! Reach for the stars!

You Are at the Crossroads of This Entire Matter Cosmos

Remember that you have come from many stars, from many places, but you are at the place, you are at the place in this entire Matter cosmos where the crossroads are. And at that crossroad—that cross of the living Saviour Jesus Christ—from that point you shall make your ascension or you shall not. It is your choice. It is your determination. It is your free will.

Do not be wandering stars! Do not be those wandering stars who are caught in the mists of the blackness forever, <9> but find the center of that cross of Christ, of Buddha, of Padma Sambhava. Find that cross of Gautama Buddha and Sanat Kumara. Take that cross. Live it. Become it. Become more yang. Become more physically active. Do those exercises and be God-free beings, an example to the planet, the solar system and the cosmos. For Mighty Cosmos embraces you one and all.

I am the Mother of Exiles. And I am grateful that I may send to the Central Sun lifestreams who have made it, who are now the examples for you. Remember the power of the Mother of Exiles. But say the word; I come.

In the joy of your heart flames, in the joy that they shall increase, I take my leave of you. But I am ever watchful, ever watchful, ever watchful. [29-second standing ovation]

This dictation by the Goddess of Liberty was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, October 13, 1996, during the six-day conference A Soul Journey: From Darkness into the Light of the New Day, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Paradise Valley, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to

1. The Elohim Astrea and Purity delivered a dictation preceding this dictation by the Goddess of Liberty. See Mighty Astrea and Purity and the Ascended Lady Master Clara Louise, October 13, 1996, “The Word Must Be Spoken: Make the Call!” in Pearl no. 43, this volume.

2. See Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity, by Elizabeth Clare Prophet with Erin L. Prophet (Summit University Press, 1997).

3. On August 8, 1958, El Morya wrote a letter to “Chelas Mine,” marking the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. In this letter, El Morya spoke of the mass ascensions that would result from the application of the “new teachings that we shall release.” He said: “This new Lighthouse activity shall bring the greatest release of freedom to life since the days of the former golden ages. No longer shall ascensions be solitary releases from earth; for there shall be mass ascensions when life is loved free.” (Morya I [The Summit Lighthouse Library, 2001], Prologue, p. xxvii). In a dictation on July 3, 1969, the Queen of Light prophesied that there would be mass ascensions from the hillsides (unpublished).

4. For elaboration on how early churchmen, aided by the Byzantine emperor Justinian and his consort, Theodora, distorted Jesus' true teachings, see Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity.

5. The messengers Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet received the anointing from Saint Germain to occupy the offices of the Two Witnesses foretold in Dan. 12:5; Rev. 11:3-12.

6. The Temple of the Sun is the retreat of the Goddess of Liberty on the etheric plane over Manhattan, New York.

7. Expose the fanatics who do not understand liberty. In their dictation of October 11, 1996, K-17, Lanello and the Elohim Cyclopea said: “We enlist you, beloved, fervently to see to it that you give your calls to Cyclopea weekly. If you can come together and give one hundred forty-four decrees to Cyclopea [decree 50.05], I say to you, we shall be able to thwart many an attempt at the destruction of all that Liberty holds for this nation. All that Saint Germain has given and all hopes for a world of peace may be dashed if you do not do this, beloved...” (2001 PoW, vol. 44, no. 41, p. 351).

8. Isa. 30:21.

9. Jude 13.

To the Mother of Exiles

O Liberty, bless'd Mother dear
By thy great love, hold me clear
Nearer to thy mighty flame
To serve our blessed Saint Germain.
He is thy son in freedom's birth
Who lifts on high the souls of men
Invoking vict'ry for the earth
The golden age shall come again.

Freedom is Liberty's gift to all
Divine intention manifest
I AM actively making the call
For peace to set men's hearts arest.
The kingdoms of this world are thine
For God is in thee through and through
I AM the guardian of thy shrine
Liberty's law, God's will to do.

O blessed Mother, I AM thine own
Thine eye is focused on my goal
I know that life helps me to atone
And flames of freedom raise my soul.
Let all the earth now listen well
To tones of love now ringing clear
For love divine can break the spell
Exalt God-‑freedom year by year!